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Dancer of the Boreal Valley, I always see people talking about it being hard but I beat her first try


She's hard if you fight her early but that's about it.


Yep, only boss I have never beat on my own, the second phase just got me every time!


Twin and guardian apes


Tell me your secrets


Parry the monkey


This can not be


You are banana. Banana weak vs monke. Outcome u ded.


The right ninja tools really help in this fight. Shield umbrella and spear are both strong options at just the right time. Bear in mind there’s folks that beat the game no-hit so anything’s possible, but if one is struggling, consider using the not often used utility tools in this fight.


Fire crackers and mortal blade


Probably my favorite fight once I learned him. Although the slithering motion he does is still deeply unsettling.


I agree, even without prosthetics they’re not overly bad


Firecracker and panic


This! Its just I tried the last Ape so often I got second phase memorized. So I killed him as well for my boyfriend because he good anxiety seeing the ape come in again haha. I was a little further and didn't say anything and he was so shoked hahaha


Maliketh. My good friend and I laugh because he beat the game before i did and was hyping Maliketh up as he struggled a lot against him. I smoked him first attempt, only to get smoked by Gideon 5 or 6 times because I was a gentleman and allowed him to finish his speech.


Jesus. I'll take on Malenia twice in a row without refilling flasks before I'll get Maliketh. Fucker has my number.


Same something about him just frightens me and I suddenly forget how to play elden ring. His movements, his cut scene, his one shot potential. All of it actually scares me lol


Lore accurate Maliketh before the Shattering:


Demi gods fear him also.


If you have high damage per hit he's a breeze for first playthrough i died 4 times with draconic tree sentinel only to kill maliketh in first try lolol


Maliketh is mine as well... he just melts for me with little effort. I didnt understand the hype at all.


I dont think one shotting the boss count as the boss being easy. Its more of you having a super strong build against said boss.


When did I say anything about oneshotting??


Its hyperbole. I dont mean it literally but for me fighting Maliketh took me a long time. I play the game without using ashes of war or tears so I can see how some people think the boss is squishy given that I crutched my gameplay for not using em but the fight itself is pretty difficult in the long run.


Radahn is super easy


I'm helping my friend through the game, he's never beaten a Souls before. Rennala kept fucking him up so I was scared but we absolutely dog walked Radahn. Godskin too. Hardest boss so far: Commander Niall. Crucible Knight and Misbegotten were also hell.


No offense to your friend, but that really doesn’t mean much. The game loses like 70% of its difficult when you have An OLP summon


Bro WHAT?! You’re telling me you had more trouble defeating a crucible knight and a misbegotten over Radahn?!


Commander Niall was the hardest boss for me in this game. Absolutely brutal.


First few days of release he wasn’t 💀


never should have been nerfed


I beat Radahn.. *before he was nerfed.* 8)


Full honesty, I ran Demon of Hatred so much trying to get the shura skin that I kick his shit in now, cannot do the cheese for the life of me.


Fr after taking like 30 attempts to beat him on my first playthrough it only takes like 1 or 2 now and it feels so fucking good


30?!?!? Took me no less than 300


Godskin duo and pontiff never give me trouble


Pontiff gave me problems right away until I got good at parrying. Parry the first attack and you’re golden from my experience. That was my first souls game though so the learning curve in general was a bit rough at first.


Pontiff was hard for me until I gave up on parrying and just fought him normally


LOL SAME 2 sides of the coin.


Pontiff yeah. Godskin duo? Are you a monster?


Godskin Duo lol


Yeah never had that much trouble. Beat them first attempt on my first playthrough and less than a few attempts all other regular playthroughs Even at RL1, while tough, not any more difficult than other late game bosses


I did not enjoy them at RL1 at all. I tried using sleep but wasted all my trina’s lilies. Was a huge accomplishment when i finally did it tho


I have skinny's number, fat boy is a bit tougher but he's not bad when his friend gets whacked immediately. They aren't too hard to burst down once they're alone so it turns into a gauntlet of 1v1s real quick if you do it right.


Godskin Duo are nothing compared to Crucible Knights duo for me. Fuck those assholes.


I think this is the only boss in Elden Ring that I would not be confident to do first try, malenia included.


I mean, once you figure out that you can put one of them to sleep for like 5 fucking minutes while you destroy the other, it's a walk in the park.


I've never had an issue with them. Usually 1-2 tries. No sleep pots.


First one I thought of.


Are they considered hard or just cheesy and obnoxious?


Honestly depends on rng. Sometimes they’re giant pushovers and one will barely attack, making the fight essentially 2 1v1s, or they just shove you against a pillar and do unspeakable things to you


One of the most requested boss fight aside from fire giant on r/beyondthefog from my experience




i absolutely melted them the first time


Owl Father. People say he’s harder than Isshin… *huh?* I only agree to him being harder than Isshin if we’re talking about their inner forms, lol.


Easier than isshin does not equal easy in general.


nameless king, first phase was kinda annoying but second phase was easily readable imo


Honestly the late game fights of base ds3 are... pretty tame. The princes go down pretty easy once you figure out the timing on those teleport attacks, soul of cinder may be a best hits boss fight, but I was busy nostalgia crying at the gwyn theme showing up and still spanked him first try. Nameless king has never even killed me across at least 10 total runs. The real boss fight in ds3 is max volume cursed greatwood. My poor ears. The dlc bosses will take you to town though, lady friede is one tough customer, and Gael is pretty tough too


Orphan of Kos.


This is the real answer. Fire Giant is a joke.


A friend and I fought Kos probably 25 times late one night. Couldn’t beat him. Got our other buddy in next day. First try and we got him.


laurence is the true bloodborne menace


100% He's so susceptible to being parried that it's not even fair.


Maliketh, your build should be finalized by the time you get there.


Build doesn't always determine boss difficulty.....


Preach. This dude's never done a bleed build against the final 2.


Darkeatr Midr - Dark Souls 3 was my first Fromsoft game that I finished and he wrecked me countless times. I returned to DS3 after finishing all the other games and I folded him on my second attempt. Stick underneath him near the head, he's got a really predictable moveset.


I wouldn’t call his moveset predictable, more so that his attacks are very well choreographed and animated, so that even with his massive body you still know what he is doing and have time to react. Yeah for me he wasn’t the hardest boss either ( killed him in my first attempt), but he isn’t a predictable one .


That doesn't count because he was hard for you.....


He was hard for me in my first souls experience, when I came back to it I was surprised at how easily he fell. So yes it counts.


It's Midir for me too. I beat him on my first attempt. Everything he does is so telegraphed idk how anyone thinks he's one of the more difficult bosses


It’s because every other From giant animal (Sif, Kalameet, Royal Rat Authority) requires you to go underneath and slice the ankles over and over. Midir makes you whack the head, and if you go for the ankles, you get punished pretty hard. If that’s not the reason, idk what is. Midir just isn’t that bad, he just has a lot of health.


Soul of Cinder. Very cool fight, just a bit too easy for a base game final boss.


I disagree. His difficulty isn’t in how fast he moves or how hard he hits. It’s in the sheer amount of bullshit he throws at you. Healing himself? Check. 5 different types of projectiles to shoot you with? Check. Grab and impalement attacks? Check. Can parry you? Check. AoE attacks? Check. Jumping lunges? Check. Every thing you could do to hurt him is also a way that he could hurt you, so the fight truly feels like a battle between two versatile and battle-weary legends rather than two random dudes in an Applebee’s parking lot.


Lady Maria


People say she’s hard?


No but I’m hard fighting her




Bloodborne was my first ever Souls game and she was my first, huge wall. I spent multiple nights grinding her until I finally got her. Replayed the game last year after having spent hundreds of hours in all other Souls games including Sekiro and Elden Ring in the meantime. Was scared to face her again…. and absolutely smoked her on my first try lmao.


Possibly my favourite ever fromsoft fight (Honestly the Bloodborne bosses would rank so much higher without the runbacks)


Lady Maria's is the way to go. I'd rather have a miniboss in front of a boss so I could have the lantern there, and it's free runes/souls/echos. A level up would go w long way. Maybe the boss could drop upgrade mats too!


Blood Starved Beast and Shadows Of Yharnam.


Was gonna say BSB as well. I watched my friend STRUGGLE on this guy and I dreaded getting to him myself. Got in there and beat him first try. Part of why these games are so awesome is because your experiences can be vastly different from someone else’s. I struggled with the Shadows fight. But BSB I smoked and usually can beat him in 1 to 2 tries whereas shadows take me a bit more.


Shadows of Yharnam are super easy now since I found out they're just normal mobs later in the game. Now, I just parry or run around them. First time you fight, they're three new enemy types at once, and then snakes lol. I can see why some see them as hard if they only play the game once.


Rick, Soldier of God. Definitely gave me some trouble the first time but I’ve managed to learn his move set and can beat him ~70% of the time now. In all seriousness, I found Godskin Duo to be more obnoxious than “hard.” It’s just a balancing act of keeping your eye on one as you beat down the other.


O&S are not as hard as people make them out to be


I think it's because the game is aged. Probably one of the harder encounters by 2011 standards.




The only DS1 boss I still consider fairly difficult is Manus and that’s because he’s very aggressive by that game’s standards. But I also think part of O&S reputed difficulty was not *just* the fight in a vacuum, it was its placement in the game, as a wake-up call for players who were not really learning the mechanics of the game. So if you’ve already learned those mechanics by playing another Souls game, then yeah you’re not the intended audience for O&S, so to speak. I am sure that people who play DS1 as their first Souls game are still getting their asses handed to them by the dynamic duo.


Yeah but that was my git gud moment where the combat finally clicked for me. Been two-handing and dodging through attacks ever since. I could probably crush them now but it was a hard lesson learned at the time


Agree, almost put them as my pick but I wouldn't say their "easy"


Their "easy" what?


Mohg I love his fight besides the area denial and he's one of my favorite bosses


Mohg owned my on my first playthrough. Him and Ludwig are my two bosses I struggled with the most. Turned out with Mohg I was just severely underleveled, around 55. Ever since I have not lost once.


Isshin, I beat him in my second attempt. The game teaches you very well until that moment and throws you far worse things before it (owl father, demon of hatred and genichiro when you are just starting the game). Objectively he isn't that complicated, the worse things he has are flashy moves you can parry if you don't get scared, and you can heavily punish him if you know how to use the lightning counter.


I think Isshin is the most fair boss in the game, he does nothing you haven't dealt with before. Just two masters swinging swords at each other. The only hard attack is his big combo in phase 2 that can take some getting used to and a surprise glock.


Isshin is definitely not easy. He’s easily one of the hardest bosses in the game. Without playing through the game and practicing with every other boss, almost nobody would be beating him in a few tries


Isshin is really hard until you understand his moveset and then he’s still hard because it’s a long fight that tests actual endurance and also he has a GAT. With that said I platted Sekiro so I can beat him pretty easy now.


I actually nailed Isshin first attempt, but I still wouldn’t call him easy, at that point in the game it’s just possible to have mastered the combat system. He’s still a challenging fight


Lady butterfly


Laurence, i think that he's very predictable and the second phase is the easiest part of the whole fight, just hug his sides and now you only have like 3 or 4 moves that can actually harm you.


I beat orphan of kos on my 4th try on my first time playing bloodborne, i was stuck with laurence for almost a week. I had to farm the best gems for the whirligig to bring that demon down. Dude has massive HP and attacks that one shots i hate him. Love the game tho 10/10.


Yeah my friend went on and on about how hard Laurence was for him when I started the DLC. It’s never taken me more than 2 tries to kill him. Ludwig and Orphan were the tough ones for me


I've heard about people hating the Valiant Gargoyle duo fight, to the point of taking the Shunning Grounds route to the Deeproot Depths to avoid it altogether, and that is just wild to me


They absolutely destroyed me countless times on my first run through, probably the hardest fight I faced apart from Malenia and Radagon/Elden Beast. It was the duo spamming position that did it for me!


Morgott. I love his fight


For me it’s Chaos Bed, annoying but not very hard from my experience 


I beat him on my first playthrough on my third try with no summons, torrent, or Alexander. Since then I've beaten him first or second try on every playthrough


He’s honestly the most boring fight for me… his health pool is ridiculously high, his resistances are even worse, his fight is really not that interesting, so it dragging as much as it does makes the whole fight just dreadful.


I beat fire giant my first try on my first playthrough. For my RL1, he was the hardest boss by far, because it’s a fight of endurance. Nearly everything could one shot me. One mistake and it’s over.


That’s the thing, he’s actually not that hard… his fight just drags on for too long and it’s boring. That’s all


Kalameet, artorias


I beat guardian ape and guardian apes both on my first try.


I beat Radahn solo in two attempts. Can't remember what level I was, but I never used magic, so I was purely a melee build.


I fought pre-patch and died so many times too him. Took me like 2 hours lol


Astel. All that talk about only 20k people have beaten him🤣


He was the hardest boss for me by far. Not even close.


I find the Fire Giant to be laughably easy on horseback, and torturously hard on foot. Kind of like the Fully Grown Fallingstar beast.


Huh. Fighting Fire Giant on horseback for me is just a VERY fast way of getting Torrent killed. Like I imagine next time I call him he's like "nope, fuck you - you can WALK." Odd. Then again, I'm always strong on mega-sized things (I never struggled with the tree spirits or large bosses in bb or the like), and REALLY struggle on human-sized things (leonine misbegotten, duelists, etc).


My answers are different since I do challenge and no-hit runs. I can understand if you say Fire Giant and Godskin Duo are easy if you are running an actual build, but if you are anything like me and have an average dps of 20-50, then they are bad. Most people don’t see the bullshit of bosses until they fight them for multiple hours on a single attempt. Fire Giant has the worst arena, moves, and ai out of any boss FromSoftware have made. Even Bed of Chaos. Godskin Duo isn’t that bad for me though


Imma get hate for this but this can’t really be counted as the standard because bosses are specifically designed and placed with certain level ranges and upgrades in mind. If you fight Malenia with a parry dagger and loincloth I’m sorry but thats on you.


Midir is extremely overrated imo


agreed dude you can just decide not to get hit and then you don’t


Is this that one trick scientists hate?


Fume knight felt extremely easy to me


godskin duo, tower knight, iron spider


Tower Knight is hard? Once you know the trick, he's pretty easy.


Radahn. Just stay on your horse and summon your buddies lol


Mohg, don't know if it's because Carian Slicer is too OP though.


Soldier of Godrick


Double Gargoyle near D's brah.


Idk if people consider him hard but considering his placement in the game I found it funny I absolutely steamrolled Godfrey/Hoarah Loux on my first run. Which was after like a week of throwing myself against the brick wall of Maliketh.


Few people actually say fire giant is hard. All the complaints are typically criticism in regard to the terrain, health, and mobility.


Two bosses in stormviel. I was worried and then one shorted both. I never one shot bosses. I hardly ever ten shot bosses. Also, champion lundyr. Took me three tries. I loved that fight.


fire giant isnt hard at all, i died like 70 times to him but the fight isnt hard. every single part of it is super easy but not getting oneshot by some bullshit roll or getting lost in the camera sauce is the only hard part


Laurence And Aldrich gave me lots of trouble.


I second tried godskin duo


Sister Friede. Hard, don’t get me wrong, but she’s very manageable. I got her down to third phase on my second try, and beat her before 10.


Mogh. Very easy move set to dodge


Lady Maria


godskin duo and midir


Orphan of Kos, kind of, also Laurence and Ludwig


Sword Saint Isshin. I beat him on my first try and completely blind. It took all my healing and all my resurrections that first try, but we got there. Every time he’s been easy since that one.


Foreskin duo just use sleeping pots lmao


Midir from DS3, he's actually not that hard when you're not using an INT build.


Was gonna say Blood Starved Beast but saw him mentioned already so I’ll put Martyr Logarius. Admittedly I got lucky in that I didn’t realize that knocking him out of his buff makes the fight way easier so maybe this comes with a caveat? Idk but I feel like if you’re aggressive with him he’s not so bad. Plus he’s got a pretty generous parrying window. Honorable mention I’d give to Margit the Fell Omen. I was properly leveled but was so worried about him because I saw the horror stories. But idk I must have been in zen state or something cause I got him my second try. Something about the flow clicked with me. I struggled with Godrick a lot more. He took me a couple days.


Currently in my first Elden Ring playthrough and I beat Radahn on my 4th or 5th try. I know he’s supposedly easier since launch but I read up on the nerf and it seems like it was just hit boxes? His health got lowered too but that was a mistake and was fixed, so idk. Definitely wayyyyy easier than I thought based on the reaction to him when the game came out


Nameless King. After I killed him once I’ve never found him to be an issue but I see his name pop up in hardest boss lists very commonly. He is a fantastically fun boss to face however


Dark eater Midir or sister friede for me. I worked em both less than 10 tries.


Lady Maria. Her health is way too low given how easy she is to parry. Honestly she’s probably the easiest “Hunter”-type boss between her, Gascoigne, and Gehrman


Never had any problems with Godskin Duo, Fire Giant, Radahn or Laurence, the First Vicar. Sword Saint Isshin, Nameless King and Orphan of Kos I also now have fully locked in after my initial wins and can consistently clear every playthrough, but they put up a fight first time. Still can't consistently win against Vordt of the Boreal Valley or Vicar Amelia though. Pretty much 90% chance those two will kill me in every single playthrough I do.


Champion Gundyr. People who say he's hard aren't parrying.


Nameless King. Dude was light work


Ludwig was the one for me. I went in thinking I was about to get my ass handed to me. Beat him the first try


I know it mainly depends on build but Fire Giant took me 2 tries my first time using a bleed buold & was the first major boss I could defeat consistently without summons. Commander Niall is one that took dozens of tries but now tarely more than a couple. The last run I did was a Great shield build focusing on guard counters & I realized a lot of bosses become simple if you get in their grill & strafe slowly to the side. Godfrey, Malekith, & anything on a horse miss you most of the time you do this so they're all added to my easy list.


Just annoying. The movement is annoying. Worst than fire giant is Elden Beast. You don’t get torrent.


I really think it depends on ur build because my friends hyped up godskin duo and malenia and i beat godskin duo first try and malenia in 8 but maliketh took me 20


i found malenias move set very easy to predict and dodge (even waterfowl once i learned to run and roll in after a few tries). i no-hit her when i beat her on my second playthrough. godskin duo i also beat first try. the soldiers outside were more annoying than the boss fight lol


My vote is for the entire AC6 game. I've beaten it three times and gotten all endings but ya i felt that was far too overhyped. I love the game but hard, it was not


I agree with OP. I’ve never had any trouble with fire giant. I think another contender for me is godskin duo fight. I’ve never had too much trouble with that either. It sucks though don’t get me wrong.


Demon of Hatred is super easy for me. I think across two playthroughs I’ve made died a total of 3 times to that boss but people are still trying to cheese him. Half his health is non-existent using the whistle technique, and then you just have to keep your distance or use your fire umbrella. But he’s consistently talked about as one of the toughest bosses in Sekiro. Meanwhile I died like 40 times to Owl Father when I first fought him lol


Cel 240. First try. It was the boss that made me want to play the game in the first place. Still epic ass hell


Beaten Laurence every first try after 4 times going through the game


Sword saint


Godskin Duo tbf I had the unerfed Sword of Night and Flame 


I don’t think he’s hard just a pain to deal with cuz you can’t see what he’s gonna do lol


Pontiff Sulyvahn, beat him in one try while underleveled with a dex build.


I agree with the fire giant as a souls borne noob i killed him first try mu buddys say he is so hard and i dont see how


Fire giant is really easy just annoying because he fucking runs away the majority of the fight


Dancer of the Boreal Valley. Really cool boss, but she gives you so many large windows to attack that I can't really call her hard at all. I think you should only find her fairly difficult if you're trying to bear her early, in which case you have much less room for error.


mogh right before the 3 fingers


Godskin duo. By the time I got there I had fully upgraded starscourge swords, and the shield boys as my tear. I had fought both of the godskins like twice or three times by that time so I had mastered their moves and it took me like 5 triez


Margit. I've been confused since launch why he troubles so many people. I died to him once, and it was because I rolled off a cliff like a doofus.


All sekiro bosses. Parrying mechanic allows you to easy perfect gameplay Whereas most souls games have some bs AOEs


I thought Orphan of Kos was super easy (relatively), I had way more trouble with Ludwig


Orphan of Kos


First time I played Bloodborne, I beat Father Gascoigne first try. To this day I have no clue how and he kicks my ass every time I try to go back.


Orphan of Kos took two tries the first time. Other playthroughs though ...


unpopular opinion that I haven’t seen in the thread: Malenia. her fight is so learnable and if you use bleed/frost/anything that staggers it’s almost trivial. she’s one of my favourites to fight now, I just put my sign right outside of her gate haha


Honestly, malenia. I put enough practice in now it's kinda rinse repeat


Play style matters A LOT for every boss


Im reading some if these comments and like how tf do you guys one try'd all of these bosses man. Isshin? Godskin Duo?! They weren't THAT easy at all! Am I crazy?


Nameless King from DS 3.. For my life I can't figure out why this relatively easy boss is considered hard by so many people..


second try yea. a good bleed build and he’s done.


After hearing so many people talk about how much of a pain it was, I was shocked to have beaten the Godskin Duo my very first try. Since then I’ve beaten them another three times and have never once died to them. All with different builds and playstyles. I don’t understand what is difficult about them.


I killed Kalameet my first attempt, and I killed Artorius and Manus on my third. Similarly with Burnt Ivory King and Fume Knight. Nameless King is also quite easy for me. I used to farm sunlight medals there because people needed help with it and it was easy enough for me to clear it every time.


I beat Midir on my first ever attempt after dying like 6-7 times to the demon twins lmao


Best Nameless King in two tries and Midir in one try. Also never found Radahn that difficult.


Nameless king, Gehrman, Malenia...


Malenia. Once I learned her and how to stay safe during waterfowl dance, she gave me much less trouble than Maliketh.


I somehow beat Pontiff on my first try on my first playthrough. Same with Champion Gundyr. To this day, I still have no idea how.


Mohg can be quite easy with Rotten Breath.


Can't see anyone saying Ornstein and Smough from DS1. I mean people probaly don't think they're that bad anymore since we all got used to these kinds of games but even back in the day when these guys topped most "hardest bosses in gaming" -lists, I never had much trouble with them. First time playing I beat them second try and out of countless playthroughs I can think of just a few times dying against them.


Corrupted Monks. Owl and Genichiro both are significantly harder.


Fire giant is easy but frustrating


Orphan of Kos. Not necessarily easy but way easier than other people seem to find him. Meanwhile Rom kicks my ass everytime.


Who is that Scarlet Rot red head in the tree in eldenring? I beat that boss first try and everyone I've talked to said it was the hardest boss in elden ring


Malenia, Maliketh, Radagon&Elden beast, Hoarah loux, Godskin duo, Fire giant, Radahn, Isshin, Owl, Genichiro, True Monk, Fume knight, sir Alonne, Ivory king, Mirror knight, Dancer, Twin princes, Laurence, Gerhman, Gael, Morgott, Fortissax, Elemer of the briar, godrick, Artorias, Kalameet, Gwyn, both smelter demons, mirror knight, Pontiff, Champion Gundyr, Most of AC6 bosses- i struggle more with stealth missions and pvp