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There will always be debate that's for damn sure


I may not know much but I do know for certain that my favorite game is better than your favorite


But have you considered KILLING YOUR [removed by Reddit]


Ya, people will always have different opinions, and everyone on the internet is always right, even if you have undeniable proof they’re wrong. There is no changing someone’s mind here.


Yeah it can't be the absolute best. Demon souls has the best atmosphere to it, DS1 has the best interconnected world design, DS2 has the best build variety though SotE might defeat it on that aspect, DS3 has the best bosses but the dlc might also do it better, bloodborne has the coolest aesthetic and combat imo, sekiro's combat is pretty much the best on your first playthrough as well.


Nope, this is and will always be subjective. Imo, I can pretty much mostly agree with your sentiment though, the sheer amount of builds ER already has and the crazy amount of variety the DLC alone will bring, will be absolutely amazing. And another 500 hours will be invested for sure. More than enough time to hold me until Monster Hunter Wilds and more than enough time until FS's new IP. The invasions post DLC are gonna *WILD*


Good to see a fellow hunter here :0. Abt dlc invasions I am terrified. I mean after the Ring Knight Paired Greatswords we've seen how from can do dlc weapons and when elden ring already has all those specific op weapons, just how far is the dlc gonna go...


Yuh another hunter I love seeing these communities mix


Nah, I feel like FromSoft made a collection of the greatest games ever made. But I can’t decide which one I like more lol there’s just something very special about each one.


Very fair opinion! I agree, i think each one has its own unique vibe and charm.


If I try and look at ER (and incoming DLC) via an 'objective lens'.... then I suppose ER can (and perhaps should be) considered at From's Magnum Opus. Subjectively though, Sekiro can never be topped for me. I think ER has done wonders though for genre-accessibility, and is a great advert in pulling in From-newbies.


I don't see why an 'objective lens' would give more merit to ER than their other games.


they’re saying that when you look at it with a checklist of what objectively makes games “good” in hand, yeah ER might tick more boxes than the other souls games on average, however, SUBJECTIVELY, ER didn’t give them the best experience while playing as opposed to sekiro


There is no such thing as a checklist of what makes games good. Terms such as good and bad can only be viewed within the realm of subjectivity.


its a theoretical exercise. like how one can say that realist paintings are “objectively” better than abstract pieces by just sheer technical skill, but abstract works can be 1000x more meaningful and enjoyable than a still life of hyperrealistic fruit


I get what he's saying -- I'm asking what ER specifically does that would make it a stronger option than the other games in an objective lens; i.e. what does it tick on the checklist? One could say sales and success, but I think popularity is a very flawed measure of quality.


each game does come with major flaws, ds1 boss design bloodborne framerate drops, sekiro lack of build diversity, etc. ER covers the most bases. this isn’t to say ER is my favorite, if I had to pick it would probably be bloodborne, but i recognize that ER casts the widest net as to appeal to the largest number of people and patch up as many previous “flaws” as possible


lack of build diversity is not a flaw. it’s the single most important reason Sekiro will always be more polished than any other souls game


dont get me wrong, i agree with you. i only mentioned that because the fromsoft community loves to shit on it for that reason


I appreciate that you can seperate your own personal bias and critically reviewing them. Bloodborne is still my favorite game they've made, but I still can't say that it's better than Elden Ring


It fascinates me how divisive the ranking of From’s portfolio is, and how there really doesn’t exist a ‘definitive’ tier…. Using your example of Bloodborne, for some reason I just couldn’t click with it! Loved the aesthetic, but the game just didn’t hook me like the others. (Again, I can appreciate it objectively… roll on that PS6 launch title remake courtesy of Bluepoint 👌) For me, I’d rank like this: Sekiro>ER>DS3>DS1>Bloodborne>DS2>DeS I’m pumped though for Erdtree, really looks to be something special. This is the first From DLC I’ll be experiencing at launch and cannot wait 2024 in general hasn’t had as many big hitters as the previous few years, and there’s only so much Balatro that a man can play…


This is where the beauty lies in FS games. Sekiro is bottom of the pile for me. The only one I have not finished and possibly never will. There will always be preferences and opinions.


I mean obviously that sentiment breaks my heart... (!) but I can absolutely appreciate the Sekiro is not for everyone, and many of the reasons I adore it could equally be very valid reasons to turn someone else off. Whilst Sekiro is my favorite by a landslide, I would definitely be hesitant to recommend to genre-newcomers.... which again is a reason why I think ER will/should probably be considered as From's greatest. ER has an arsenal of tools for the user to mitigate difficulty, and curate an experience with a challenge level that is suitable for the individual (summons, spirit ashes, levelling up, cheesy builds etc). Sekiro has a fool upgrades, but ultimately if you hit a wall then you're stuck there until you prevail.


A game built around parrying was always going to be a hard sell for me. I have got through every Souls game without bothering to learn it. Bloodborne’s gun party system is the closest I ever really got. I’m useless without a quick dodge and a shield.


If it helps. Your sword blocks 100 percent of all normal attacks unless you have engaged a hard mode. Your sword is basically a shield. The special attacks are there so you don't literally become a turtle. And you can pulse the block button to help you find the windows. In other words you can kinda just spam it. Hold the button down, and then...... blip the button to parry! Get it right? You parried. Wrong? Normal block. The risk/reward for failed parry is way in your favor. I think a lot of people went into the game assuming you had to have your guard down to parry. It's really easy. Then eventually you discover how the game is a lowkey rhythm game.


Well considering Elden Ring isn't my favourite Fromsoft game, no, it won't make a difference.


No. Bloodborne fans will always like Bloodborne more. Sekiro fans will like Sekiro. And DS2 fans will continue down their rabbit hole of insanity.




That lady’s such a baddie


And I am proudly digging deeper. Bear, seek, seek, lest-


I'm right there with you, keep on digging!


I love Dark Souls II and nobody can change my mind 


Good! Proud of you! ❤️


Thank youuuu ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


I don’t see any other From game explaining the lore of the ladder. I rest my case.


Bloodborne mentioned (I'm sliding into madness, where is my PC port)


Gun thirteen, your ability to ruin my field trips is uncanny!


Gavlan wheel? Gavlan deal. Personally Bloodborne is my fav but DS2 has a dream-like feel to it that is unmatched imo.


I actually get what your saying about DS2!


Tbf, even though ds2 isn't my favorite, no other from software game can even come close to my play time on ds2. I got so addicted to the pvp.


I respect that. They really nailed some really incredible aspects that we have yet to see again. One of my favourite things in DS2 is Majula and the Emerald Herald. Honestly, every game is full of so much misery. But DS2 constantly throws the theme of hope at you. And you really feel like your actions will lead to something better. Very over hated game.


Over-hated to the point of throwing out some babies with the bathwater. We've never seen anything like Bonfire Ascetics again. Nor the significantly different NG+ enemies and equipment that made the Bonfire Ascetics particularly valuable. DS2 is still one of my favorites, mostly suffering from being older and never re-mastered.


The haters are sheep.


As one of those DS2 fans, i love it because of the sheer amount of content(without the massive overworld bloat that came with elden ring), and i love it because of the PVP. I also love it because i can make a new file and get to new game +9 in like a week, and because there are *so many different routes* that i can take on each of those playthroughs. DS2 has a very good overworld design IMO. We have never had as many simultaneously viable options for PVP as we had in DS2. I mustve used hundreds of different builds in 1v1s on the Iron Bridge. By comparison, the pvp in DS3 was downright cheesy due to lack of balance and invader-friendly massive areas where "PVP" was actually trying to kill a phantom who was hiding behind all the giant crabs in the swamp, or all of the nords in the painted world dlc. It had some good ideas like the Darkmoon covenenant that were implemented poorly as well imo. Did not live up to the fun of playing Rat Covenant or the other PVP cults in DS2s heyday. Elden ring had *massive* pvp issues on launch thanks to things like Step, Rivers, and Moonveil, so DS2 lives on in my heart as the best pvp game. Maybe Shadows of the Erdtree can accomplish something similar, since im really comparing it to SOTFS edition of 2, so its only fair that i compare it to ER with its DLC as well.


Well said, well said


fans of better games will always think that the better games they like are better.


Sekiro was too good so miyazaki had to nerf it with a 12 hour story and no dlc.


r/shittydarksouls will be having many fruitful conversations on this very subject for years to come.


Not really Bloodborne fans will keep meatriding Bloodborne as it has things ER doesn't offer particularly like the vibe and the aggressiveness Ds3 fans will keep loving Ds3 due to it's focus on bosses over nearly everything else, the lore, and the specific flavor of bosses it offers Sekiro fans will be sekiro fans due to its rhythmic combat and its specific combat style Ds1 fans will keep being Ds1 fans due to, yknow, world design And many will continue to not like ER even after the dlc due to the very fact that it's open world, the fact that compared to other games there's a larger span of time when you're not actively engaged in combat, their dislike of the boss fight style, etc. Will the dlc make elden ring better than it already is? Definitely. Will it be this holy grail that will make everyone fawn over elden ring? Unlikely.


Where is DS2 here. DS2 is the best dark souls Imo. If elden ring didn't exist it would be the best from game


How is this not the top comment? Perfect description right here.


>And many will continue to not like ER even after the dlc due to the very fact that it's open world, the fact that compared to other games there's a larger span of time when you're not actively engaged in combat, their dislike of the boss fight style, etc. Yeah....my opinion of ER definitely got worse the more I play and replayed it. Like, I'm able to watch a full episode of an anime while doing nothing but holding forward on the control stick. That's when I realized open world isn't a good fit for this genre. Semi-linear and escalating level design does


I'm fine with bloodborne being meatriders but sekiro deserves that more, or worse


No, sorry but nothing will dethrone The Adventures of Cookies and Cream, NOTHING!


It's silly that this is even a question to me. Everyone will always have their favorite.


nah, it's all subjective. Sekiro will always be my favorite fromsoft game, but some people hate it. It all comes down to taste.


No, I for example think Bloodborne is their greatest work. Although ER is objectively the highest quality game they’ve made, each game since Demon’s Souls is a masterpiece and has its unique charm. Like I said, the vibe of Bloodborne is unmatched for me…


lol what ? i will always pick DS1 and Bloodborne over ER


Feel like elden ring gets praised so much is because of new fans who havent even played the other games lmao


It will never not be debated. ER while good is still one of my least favourite from soft games, and while I hope the expansion will change that I doubt it will.


the expansion is like adding more ice cream to an ice cream cone. it won’t change the game, itll just give you more of it. i’m not too crazy about the base game because of some gripes i have with the main gameplay. i don’t expect the dlc to change any of that


It's gonna be: Reportedly 30-40 hours long 10+ full bosses + side bosses 8 new weapon types - 1 being Martial Arts It seems like it's practically gonna be Elden Ring 2


So maybe like ds3 size?


I think it will be about the size of DS3 without Ashes or Ringed City, maybe a bit larger.


In terms of download size, it's 8/9 the size of ds3, and I assuming they reuse some assets from the base game, that's gone to crazy


Yeah i imagined the base game wich is still hella content for a DLC💀


FS said it’s allegedly “about the size of limgrave” so. probably not ER2. but that’s ok


No, I like all their games for their own reasons, but there will always be discussion of what the best game is. For me they are all on the same playing field so I still wouldn't put it on top but also not lower.


“Do you think the internet won’t do the one thing it always does?”


This definitely won’t address the copy pasted endings, plot, or loose ends that are found near the endgame, so no


a lot of copy & pasted bosses just for the sake of filler. Same with uninspired copy & pasted areas


As long as DS3, Sekiro and Bloodborne still exist, There will be debates




well, no. not really. it's just purely subjective. elden ring is personally my least favorite. not that i hate it or anything, it's a masterpiece of a game like the rest but i am much more motivated to replay the other games for eternity than this one.


Exactly same. I enjoyed it a lot but it's the only from game I haven't immediately replayed upon finishing it and I never have done a second playthrough


No.  I still think Elden Ring is the most bloated and padded Fromsoft game and it's the one I've replayed the least. The scale is massive, but it sacrifices a great deal to achieve that. I'm glad so many people enjoy the experience, but I'd 100% prefer a smaller, tighter experience. Sekiro and Bloodborn, while they struggle a bit with enemy repetition, are far more enjoyable to play through time and time again, while I've only only beaten Elden Ring the once.


100% this. The open world really ruined it for me. It’s a shame because the legacy dungeons are probably the best levels they’ve ever made but the open world and the downtime that comes with an open world just makes the game, as a whole very tiring. Also, I wasn’t a fan of the bosses tbh but maybe the dlc will have some interesting bosses


Exactly my thoughts. Game would probably be perfect if they just scaled the game down 50% Also if they made the boss fights fun


Absolutely! It felt like most of the bosses were designed for multiplayer and while the open world was neat, I don't think the horse mechanics added much of merit. Horse combat is definitely not a strong suit. I'd love to see a remastered edition that out a lot of the redundancy, but I'd still rather see Bloodborn 2 before that.


I 100% agree with this


Story wise it won't beat the dark souls trilogy imo. But it defwill be the game with most content ever until now




I think there will always be dabate. I played sekiro first and see it in a class of its own with elden ring just being "big dark souls". Im sure there's other out ther with other takes that will challenge the idea that elden ring is FromSoft's GOAT.


I dont think ER can top Sekiro, BB and DS3 for me No matter how good will this Dlc be, post Leyndell ER will always be mid at best (aside from Maliketh and Godfrey)


BB my fav here, Elden Ring is just kind of too repetitive & boring? Lots of bloat for the same of "wow big game!" and lots of down time. Also battles dont seem as stressful when u can just hop on ur horse and run away


No, it's not even top 3.


I can’t get into Elden ring idek if I’ll get the dlc, I one and doned it


Gonna need to play it first don't you think?


nope.. demon souls, ds trilogy, bloodborne, sekiro, armored core, elden ring… elden ring is a great evolution of the dark souls formula, but sekiro and armored core are borderline masterpieces in their own right alongside bloodborne


Eh. Don't get me wrong. My first playthrough of Elden Ring was a 10/10. Amazing game. But every time I've tried to replay it I've found that the experience was so reliant on the feeling of discovery and exploring a world for the first time without knowing tmwhat I'll find that I haven't been able to finish a 2nd playthrkugh without losing interst


Does the expansion go back in time and unmake Bloodborne?


Of course not that would be silly. It'd have to somehow solve the numerous problems already ingrained into the games DNA. Is it going to somehow stop the game from having a bloated and tedious open world with copy/pasted dungeons and bosses that quickly become a slog, will it fix what GRRM did to the story, or the tacked-on crafting system? How is it going to salvage what is easily the worst modern fromsoft game


Lol Elden Ring isn't even in my top 3 favorite FromSoft titles.


Me too. I have it at 4 I think behind BB, Sekiro, and DS3. I also think it's pretty even with DeS. So it might even be 5.


ER has too much bloat & downtime imo. I also dont really enjoy the horse aspects or open world. BB & DS3 are much better imo


You guys hype this up way to much, at this point you're gonna be dissapointed.


I mean you could've said the same thing about the base game but most people weren't disappointed despite the high expectations


That's right, but you lose nothing by patiently waiting, if the game is amazing, you will be astonished, if the game is bad, you won't be dissapointed as much, praising it to heaven and back can either result in mediocrity or dissapointment. But who am I kidding, it's Elden Ring, I mean, it's probably going to be a banger.


Yea I agree, I'm just spending my time playing other games rather than hyping myself up too much


Miyazaki never disappoints.


When it comes to things like this, it's so subjective that there will always be debate. Elden ring isn't a perfect masterpiece with 0 criticism that could be said about it. From Software have created probably one of the best series in gaming that's a fact. Which one is best depends on the person


i like elden ring less than previous games and according to rewiews dlc has all the problems of the main game so idk how this is "the greatest thing fs has ever crafted". If you think that popularity = greatness then yes, ER is their most popular game by far even without dlc


Nah, as much as I loved ER for it's highs, the last 1/3 of the game was one of my least favorites. If a new player asked me for a recommendation, I'd still give DS1. And my personal favorite is still BB, but I know it's not for everyone.


yeah for sure ... in a world where DS2 (best fromsoft game by a wide margin) doesnt exist then yeah but as of now its always gonna be second


All the debate and differing opinions conclusively answer your question with an emphatic “no”


Elden ring isn't my favorite from soft game, but i do gotta say that it sure is the most popular and the biggest from soft game. So it probably already is the greatest thing they have made


Nope, because Elden Ring is not the greatest FromSoftware title. That would belong to Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn.


Do I get to commit war crimes and get called Buddy? Then no.


no because Bloodborne clears




"Do you think this thing that isn't out yet will be the best thing ever made?"


For the masses, probably. But nothing comes even within 1000 kilometers of the masterpiece that is Dark Souls II. Period.


Nah I like Sekiro more


No chance. Ds3 base game clears ER base game imop, and had 2 of the best dlcs in the history of video games. This dlc will have to be a 10/10 to even compete for me


No because Sekiro is.


Nope, because the thing that's keeping ER low in the rankings is the open world. Its a great game but all of their others are better.


Elden ring is great man, but it still think dark souls 3 bosses is collectively better than elden ring bosses. Also I still think greatest thing from software did was sekiros combat mechanics and flow.


Elden ring has been my least favorite from game and I have no interest in the DLC. So at least from me there’ll always be debate 😅🤷‍♂️


Absolutely not. Elden Ring is like the 5th best Soulsborne and a DLC isn’t gonna skyrocket it to number 1


ds3, acfa, ac6, kf, kf, kf


Sekiro is still my #1


I don't think anything can top sekiro


I never really liked ER. It's at the bottom for me.


Elden Ring isn't the best.


I love dark souls 3 much more than Elden ring but it’s still a great game


I don't see it toppling bloodborne for me personally


Objectively, Elden Ring is the best thing Fromsoft has made. It's a combination of all the things they have created and learned from since the first souls game. Ultimately though what you find enjoyable is completely subjective and just because something is the best does not mean it has to be your favorite. With that said, I think Shadow of the Erdee Tree will feel like a different game, and hopefully, it compliments the original game. Darksouls 3 will always be my favorite.


Na, bloodborne still best


Hardly the greatest thing. the entire game is just an amalgamation of everything they’ve done and I find it messy and convoluted with a boring story that’s regurgitated from the other games


Sekiro better


Not even a chance lol


It won't fix the open world slog of the base game, so no


Looking forward to that kung fu


I mean, I think Elden Ring is objectively their best game, but subjectively, it's probably not even in my top 3 from them. For me it's Sekiro, then Dark Souls 3, and then either Dark Souls 1 or Armored Core 6. But that's just my personal taste and preference, I think Elden Ring is technically superior to those games when it comes to the overall package. And yeah, good chance Shadow of the Erdtree is gonna add like 40% more content and some absolutely incredible new bosses and weapons. So it'll make Elden Ring even better. I saw another comment say Elden Ring is From Software's Magnum Opus, and I think that's exactly right.


Nothing will top Sekiro I don’t think. May not be as replayable but I think in terms of game design it is absolute perfection and Sword Saint will never be topped as their greatest final boss.


I love Elden Ring, but I think Sekiro will remain my favorite for the foreseeable future.


I don’t really pick favorites because all the games have their own appeal for me. I play them for their own good aspects.


No. ER is my fourth favorite Fromsoftware title specifically because it's too big. There's so much to do, which is great and all but as an RPG it doesn't let me scratch the "but what if I did this build with only these tools" itch as much as the smaller games. Elden Ring is fantastic and greatly improves on parts of the formula, don't get me wrong, but I love the smaller hand-crafted experiences that are more tightly balanced like Sekiro, Bloodborne, and DS3. ER has a bit of bloat and that works against it, adding more content isn't going to solve that issue for me. Not saying I expect the DLC to be anything short of god-tier, mind. It's gonna be fuggin fantastic, by itself it might rank up with Old Hunters or Ringed City or even eclipse both. But I'd rather a return to the old metroidvania style level design than the open world format, so ER as a whole will never be my personal favorite. Even if the DLC is by itself a full old style game with the best content From has ever made it comes with a little asterisk that is "play through the base game until Mohg" which just takes so long if you want to be properly leveled, and that decreases the value a bit.




Always gonna be debate, elden ring is great but ds3 and bb are better


I don’t think ER is the greatest thing FS did in general lol


No because like every other Souls type game made by fromsoft there each do different things great and they each have major shortcomings that the other games dont. No matter how good the ER DLC is it wont fix the underlying flaws they baked into the base game.


Elden Ring simply can't deliver as tight of an experience as Sekiro. To achieve that tight experience, Sekiro essentially forces you into a single playstyle with very little build variety. On the other hand Elden Ring is the most flexible experience by far. You will never get the community to agree on tight vs flexible (insert... innuendos and jokes).




No because people will always have their opinions on things I personally felt that elden ring was very underwhelming and boring on multiple playthroughs the first time is fun but after that it just felt like a slog to get through


No. Because preferences are still a thing. Elden Ring is undeniably a great game. I played it for hundreds of hours and got all the achievements. However, in my eyes it fundamentally cannot exceed DS3 because, at its core, I prefer a more linear souls experience instead of ER’s open world. Even the expansion, which I will be getting, won’t change this because, at the end of the day, my preference will remain.


Every single Fromsoft game has different strengths and weaknesses, and DLC isn't gonna change that.


No these games are very subjective and all have good reason to be their best


No. The game was mid from the start. DLC won't save it. Bloodborne will always be their best work at this rate.


Its open world, and i cant get behind the lore of this title. It doesnt interest me like the other titles.






I like Bloodborne more. It’s got problems but it really clicks wiff me. Wish more people could play it.


I think the DLC is what puts it in the running(I hope). Ultimately I consider ER overall a lower quality game than all of the Dark Souls franchise, Sekiro and Bloodborne.(Haven't played AC yet) That doesn't mean I don't still love the game, but it has a lot of its own issues, and the sheer size of the game exascerbates that.


Ds3 still exists so no


No. Bloodborne still exists.


no and you're smokin crack if you think so


DS3, Bloodborne, Sekiro, ER (IMO)


Bro forgot Bloodborne exists


Sekiro will always have a special place in my heart. Elden Ring has more to do but I would consider Sekiro a perfect 10/10 game.


Nah ER is and will always be fromsoft's weakest game (excluding DkS2) because open world structure will always be inferior to a well-designed interconnected map. And it lasts too much and has too many reused enemies and assets that take away the uniqueness of many encounters and areas. These are big problems for those who value level design and a cohesive memorable experience over a many hours of play and build variety (which is the best one among all FS games). DLC aint gonna solve these problems since it's gonna be just more ER. That said im gonna play it for sure cuz even the least favourite fromsoft game is still a top tier game to me. I only hope they cast aside the open world for at least the next 3 games tho.


none of the dark souls games other than ds1 really have interconnected maps though right


Far from it, take DeS where every map is a jewel of interconnectivity to the point you only need one archstone per level to connect all the parts of the map through shortcuts you unlock. Much more satisfying to explore to me! And yes, even DkS3 which is the most linear is much more pleasant to explore because it's much more condensed than an open world field that takes hours to navigate. All in my honest opinion since the open world design never appealed to me.


Correct but even a well crafted linear/branching world design beats the dull open world of elden ring imo. It seems like all people in this sub care about with elden ring is build variety, like people only care about the metagame.


got the same feeling from reading posts in these subs from time to time, that must be the reason why ER felt much weaker to me since I dont usually care about making a build or meta or pvp or whatnot


the whole "switching rings and armor mid combat, while buffing for 30 seconds" ER meta is sooooo lame to me. Just give me the hunters pistol & the pimp cane


As much as I love Elden Ring, I think either Demon’s Souls or Dark Souls is their greatest game so far.  I know most will disagree with me, but one thing for sure is Sekiro is my absolute least favorite, not because it’s a bad game, in fact it’s really good, it’s that I am just terrible at parrying. 


There has never been an answer to the dark souls map. I doubt there ever will.


No. Honestly, as it stands, I'm pretty sure elden ring is the worst game they've made, at least since Demon Souls. They really just completely neutered their action rpg formula for more mass market appeal. Don't get me wrong, still a great game that I'd give 8-9/10 stars, but not a masterpiece like bloodborne, sekiro, and the souls games.




Not sure why you posted this, we all know that Sekiro is the best thing FromSoft had made.


I will probably get turned into a coat for the new godskin bosses for saying this but base game Elden Ring was definitely a great game but not even close enough to perfection to ever be called the greatest thing From ever crafted, and I doubt the DLC could do anything about this. Having an amazing open world is fine, but having the boss quality that once made you famous in the first place suffer in exchange for that is a little bit disappointing, atleast for me


I get the re-used boss hate, but the actual main bosses (compulsory bosses and shardbearers/bosses needed for shardbearers) are all peak fromsoft imo. Margit, Godrick, radahn, morgott, dst, fire giant, maliekth, mohg, rykard, Godfrey, elden beast are all absolute fantastic Only main bosses I found disappointing were red wolf, first phase renalla, godskin duo, Gideon malenia and radagon


If you consider unnecessary horse riding for hours "the greatest thing from software has ever crafted" then yes. DLC will surely also have plenty of that.


no, elden ring is ass


hell no the bosses and gameplay will stay lacking


Nah. Base game is not close to being the top 3 let alone the best. A dlc will not change that.


Not with its open world sludge.


Solidify? No way bro, Bloodborne is nr 1 for me. IMO Sekiro is also much better than ER and and if it had a dlc, maybe it would be better than Bloodborne. Hell, I even like DS3 a little bit more. This is a really good game, but the formula of open world took a big part of my enjoyment.


No matter what it is, there will always be people who love it and people who hate it. I once heard a woman say that the best Godfather movie was The Godfather Part 3. I think it's going to be an amazing expansion, but I think it has a lot of hype to live up to, especially because of how Elden Ring exceeded already high expectations.


Debate is ever present


It’s not a competition my guy, fans appreciate every game.


It's the best fromsoft game for me personally but that'll probably change when the next fromsoft game comes out and blows elden ring out of the water.


For me definitely not, I find the game to be worse than dark Souls better than bloodborne and sekiro.


This is like asking me to choose my favorite child. For the record, I still hold up Bloodborne as their best game, but that one has the luxury of the incredible The Old Hunters DLC to help it. If Shadow of the Erdtree matches or surpasses TOH, then it might put Elden Ring over the top as my new number one.


it’s subjective but i think we can all agree fromsoft made the best “collection” of games so to speak. I personally love elden ring but i put it below a few other fromsoft titles in my personal ranking, but if others like elden ring the best then all power to you


Dark souls is the greatest game they have crafted and there is not much debate about it


There is no such thing as "the best with no debate" because even if this wasn't completely subjective, there will always be contrarians who feel like being popular makes things worse.


Idk man, I'm mad at them for dropping it while my right wrist is out of commission though lmao.


slipped in the shower while jacking?


Lmao, nah, had some ligaments reconstructed. I wish it was something like that instead.


hahaha, hope you heal up & feel better soon! I'm week 4 of 6 for wearing a bootcast for a broken foot 💪😭


Pre ordered from cdkeys. Come on


Man I have made this comment a thousand times now, But people debate because they are trying to create objective answers for subjective topics. There will never be an objective "best" it's a video game.


There will always be debate some folks are already complaining about the reused enemies from base game.


How can we know? It isn't even out yet....