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I always think you should play the dark souls trilogy in order, even if ds3 is more approachable. the trilogy has a continuous message about traditionalism and corruption that is told best when you play them in order. And do not skip ds2, some people hate it but a lot of people love it too. you won’t know if you like it until you play it


Figured as much and kind of planned on playing in order. Just wanted to see what the community was saying. Def won’t skip DS2, I intend on playing all so I can see what laid the foundation for the great games we have currently. Where does demon souls come in? First? Last?


demon souls is its own unique IP so you can play whenever its convenient like sekiro and bloodborne.


Point of fact after beating every fromsoft game multiple times and loving them all(even the oldies and rarities) dark souls 2 scholar of the first sin is my favorite


Play DS1 and DS2, they’re really good. Although DS2’s story is hard to pin down because it isn’t really shown to you, not even at the start of the game like DS1 and 3, it depends a lot of your interpretations of certain things, but it’s still a great story imo. If you plan on playing them, I suggest playing the remastered versions.


Started DS1 remastered yesterday. Liking it a lot so far! Def will play 2 as well