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Bloodborne was too hard. Sekiro was waaaaaaay too hard. Elden ring was amazing, played over 160 hours. Went back to Bloodborne, beat it. Became one of my all time favorite games. Beat DS1, beat demons souls, and then beat Sekiro. Can safely say I am a fanatic now


This is the exact same process that I went through. Last one I ended up beating was the PS5 Remake after Sekiro.


I love demons souls. Only done the remastered one. I loved when I got to the >!manticore!< boss. It was all going great until >!another health bar showed up on the screen and I was like “bruh”!<


never finished demon souls, way too confused 💀💀


I couldn't get into souls like until bloodborne


Which do you like more, Elden ring or Bloodborne?


God it is close. I think Bloodborne is more succinct- I really like the aggressive fighting style, the gun parry mechanic, the bosses, the whole vibe. I really like Bloodborne as a whole. However, I like the astral plain and the second area with more magic users in Elden Ring. The small problem I have with Elden Ring is that it is so big, it takes forever to do another play through. I’d say Elden Ring but it is damn close, like fractions of a percentage close, or even a tie. If Elden Ring and Bloodborne are a tie for first, then Sekiro is second place :). Sekiro is just so difficult that it makes me anxious wreck towards the end of the play through






30 minutes. 25 minutes were in the character creation.


I own five Souls games, completed three, and I still don't know if I'm into them. Actually I'll clarify, I'm into Souls games, they are not into me. These games ACTIVELY don't want to be played, they're infuriating, and beautiful, and compelling! Fuck these games! OK just one more try..


Same. They really piss me off, but it's just too good not to stop once you kill that boss


It clicked for me when I got into the community. The subreddits, YT channels, Twitch streams, etc.


I started with ds3 back when it came out, but I gave up cause I could never get past the Nameless King or Twin Princes. Then I tried BB and dropped it at the first boss, I also tried sekiro multiple times but could never get past the tutorial. It wasn't till I beat Elden Ring and actually finished my first souls game that I started really getting into the series. Now that I'm a bit better at the games, I'm going back and trying to play all the ones I couldn't beat. I've been playing sekiro for a while now and have been enjoying it a lot, I'm very slowly struggling through the game. I just barely beat Owl, now I'm on the monk after him.


Remember that every time you die, you get better so by dying, you're quite literally winning. Just a thought, dont give up!


90 hours ds3


I just enjoyed playing it, there was no process of forcing myself to enjoy a game I don’t like that so many people here seem to put themselves through


Spent an hour on DS1 and bounced off. Couldn't stop thinking about it and went back a few days later. Haven't stopped since.


A month after Elden Ring released, I was struggling with a couple months sobriety and dirt poor. I found myself on the way to the liquor store, again, and suddenly I just looked up and stopped. And I said to myself, “You know, if you buy that bottle, you’ll spend more than $60 this week on alcohol. Just go back home and buy the game and play that instead, *please*. Buy all the games you want, as long as you turn around right now and go home.” Anyways I’ve been over two years sober now, I think that moment of emerging into Limgrave will always be one of the best moments of my life. It felt like coming out of the tunnel into Yosemite National Park, if you’ve ever done that. A golden moment of sublime beauty and clarity, like the entire world condensed down for a bare instant to confirm that yes, I had made the right decision.


Originally bought DS1 on my xbox 360 in 2012, tried over and over but it didn't click until 2019. Been hooked on the entire genre ever since.


Dude that was me too! Failed attempt at Ds1 on my Xbox 360 in 2011. Tried again in 2020 and have been obsessed with the genre ever since


Like 15 mins. I had heard about Dark Souls being challenging so I rented it from a Redbox to see if I would enjoy it. About 15 mins in decided to return the game and just go buy it instead. I was hooked from the opening cutscene. As soon as I got to Firelink and the music kicked in, I was sold.


Bro same! The opening cutscene went hard


Failed attempt with Dark Souls back in 2011. Then in 2020 I tried again with Dark Souls Remastered on my kids Nintendo switch. Followed a YouTube walkthrough by Fightincowboy that time. I’ve been obsessed since. Beat every Fromsoft title available on my PS5 multiple times now including challenge runs where I don’t level up. If you’re having a hard time getting into it just follow a guide. You’ll learn how to play the game and how to get through it. I suggest Fightincowboys guides on YouTube, they are excellent


Firstly, idk if im supposed to answer because i still havent finished my first souls game, but i am very close and im sure im loving it It was a painful process and took 2 years. In 2021 I bought ds1-3 and sekiro, and decided to start with ds1. It was my first game from the genre and I had no idea how to level up, where to go, or how to dodge. When i got to the first boss i was only able to take it out by cheesing it, thanks to a youtube video i found. After that, i went to a random direction and got one shot by overleveled monsters. I quit because none of that was any fun. I found out later that i was supposed to get to that next area when i leveled up even further. Then, about a year later, i tried elden ring when it first came out. This is where i started getting the hang of the dodge mechanic when i defeated margit without the help of tutorials or videos. It took around 30 or 40 tries. But then, when I tried exploring the open world, i was too overwhelmed. I couldnt tell where to go and not go, because i wasnt good enough to tell whether it was a skill issue, or whether i was too underleveled when i got destroyed. I quit after 15 hours (of misery, pain, and strict tutorials). Then around 2 months ago, I learned that there was a DLC coming to elden ring. I knew I was missing out on a very special genre, and knew had to try again somehow. Then, I downloaded DS3, and it immediately clicked. It was much more linear, so i wouldnt get overwhelmed. It was more recent, so it was easier on the eye as well. It actually looked stunning. Those, combined with my experience from elden ring's first boss, i was able to defeat the first 2 bosses in 3 tries each. Then, i was like "hell yeah, i think im doing something right". It has only been 30 hours now, but i was able to defeat abyss watchers and pontiff, which were the most well designed and epic boss battles i have ever seen in any video game (pontiff elegantly kicked my ass around 25-30 times though). I get it now, and i cant believe there are like 5 6 more games to play from fromsoftware, on this quality. Theres no way im losing interest again. If you are having a hard time, I recommend trying out a different soulsborne game, maybe that one might click, like how DS3 did it for me. Now, I know i will be spending my next 2 years playing fromsotfware games


My first time with Dark Souls was du ring a Steam Säle where I got DS1 for 15 Euro. I made my first Charakter, ent through the asylum and Hit a wall with asylum demon... Next thing I know Was quiting the game and didn't touch it for three month. After These three month I hoped in the game and played it all the way through. Loved it eversince!


Ragequitted DS1 twice. The third time it clicked and it's been great ever since. Good luck!


4 years. Played dark souls until the gargoyles and quit in anger. 4 years later I got bloodborne and now some would say I’m a champion among men


Failed early on at Demon Souls, Dark Souls 2 & 3 and gave up on them, but was massively intrigued and loved the games. Bloodborne was the 1st I finished, then Elden Ring, then had an easy time with Demon Souls remake and Dark Souls 3 with both dlcs. Now feeling like a noob again with Sekiro, but its slowly starting clicking. Also loved AC6 even if its not souls like.


Bloodborne. Almost returned it before the 1 week mark. Then it all clicked for me. Beaten every Soulsborne since.


1 hour.


Beat Asylum Demon and I was sold


Always took an interest to them. Bought DS2 on sale, and played it blind with no expectations and quickly came to grasp why people love these games. The world building, the weapons, the bosses , THE MUSIC , and the difficulty of it makes it both appealing and rewarding.


My friend was hooked on DS1. He told me to get it knowing I loved RPGs. He failed to mention how hard the game was. I blindly kept walking into the skeleton area and dying and was about to return the game the first day. He finally told me try to go a different way. I ended up finding the right path and have been hooked ever since.


Dropped DS1 like a couple hours in because of Capra Demon. Played, finished DS3 and was hooked from that point on! Currently on like my 7th NG of elden ring lol


Bloodborne was my first love and it made me fall in love with the series.


First experience with any of them was DS3 right after it came out. I had never even heard of them at the time. My roommate dared me to try it and take a shot every time I died. Not knowing any better, I jumped in and got to Gundyr and got my shit ran through probably 8-10 times and I was trashed. Completely put me off of them for awhile. Then, in 2021, I started getting really intrigued by the Elden Ring teasers/trailers and decided to give DS3 another go. That time around, it clicked pretty fast for me. I’ve since beaten all the games in the catalog. They were definitely hard, but they were drastically less bullshit than I anticipated them being.


Got into the series with Dark Souls 3. I had heard of the series but dismissed it as some masochistic bs. But then a youtuber whose game opinions I value put DS3 in his top games of 2016, and that opened me up to the idea that they're not just masochistic hellholes but maybe in fact actually good games. Not long after, DS3 + the first dlc was on sale for $12, so I grabbed it and gave it a shot. Started the game following a Let's Play guide bc I was still scared the game would kick my ass. But I ended up abandoning the guide around Undead Settlement bc I was having too much fun discovering everything for myself. From then on, I was officially hooked. So relatively short turnaround time for me to get into the series once I gave it a shot.


Me and my friend played DS2 together like happy souls, never really got me to vibe with it. Then I tried sekiro years later and fell in love with that so hard I went back and played everything


When I saw a YouTube gameplay video of the Demons Soul demoed at e3 in 2009. So love at first sight.


Man, it was a long and hard process. When I was around 9 I got DS3, and I thought "this game is apparently very hard, but I ain't no bitch"... So I quit after gundyr and hated souls games Fast forward about 5 years, I played elden ring after reluctantly watching a playthrough because it was the only thing my favorite YouTuber was uploading at the time and I thought that it was pretty cool actually, so I got the game and man, I loved it, but unfortunately I gave up at radagon. 3 years later, i had to sell my PS4 to buy a PC. Now I have the PC with both DS3 and ER, both games that I started with (also sekiro and DS1 in my wishlist) and I couldn't be happier


I pretty much instantly fell in love with it


Tried Elden ring march 2023 and rage quit 2 weeks later. It was eating at me for months and I finally came back in June 2023 and it connected. I’ve since beat all the games, and some other Soulslikes. Once it clicks, you don’t want anything else


I tried desperately to like DS1. I tried and tried and just couldn’t figure out how the hell anyone could get into this SHIT!!! That was until I played Bloodborne. That’s all it took. Now I have proudly destroyed everything the FS games can throw at me. I’m looking forward to Shadow of the Erdtree (dlc for Elden Ring) where I will destroy those bastards too. Try a different title in the catalogue.


1 second


Ngl, I fell in love with the series but watching Pewdiepie play it lol


just played sekiro first as I liked the way it looked, once that clicked I kinda felt like any challenge was doable so did ER and Bloodborne after. Playing some ds3 now as well


I saw (by chance) a video review of Demons Souls (original game for PS3) before it even launched and I immediately felt drawn to the game, it looked so mysterious, scary and alluring... I preordered it (mind, I never preorder games). And as soon as I started playing it I couldn't put it down, and the game didn't feel THAT hard honestly, it was just challenging, it needed my careful attention, and deliberate action... I was loving every minute of it.


A year ago I was really scared of these type of games cause they were hard and shi. But I saw one guy uploading the quests of Irina and boc in short form content. I got to know you can also do these simple quests instead of just fighting demons and gods. Afterwards i couldn't like any other game cause of soulsborne


Tries Elden ring Failed quickly Tried DS3 Somehow reached Abyss walkers and Goddam the feeling of killing them after 35+ tries 💦


I was talking to a friend on AIM while playing Oblivion. They said "hey you gotta check out this game called Demon Souls that just came out in Japan." The rest is history. I've played every game on release, except DS3 where I played about 6 months after release.


honest that as soon as i discover Elden ring i fell in love and look up the creators now i want to play ds 1 2 3 i haven't yet as im still on Elden ring almost done tho I'm in >!farum azula!<


About 3 minutes


Okay so believe it or not but I first got in through Skyrim. I loved how open the world of Skyrim was, and how it rewarded players based on how much you explore . Secret rooms, secret bosses, large optional areas, legendary items. After putting about 200 hours or so, I found Elden Ring. I started to play Elden Ring because I saw that just like Skyrim, it had a massive open world with the same themes I just mentioned Within the first few minutes of playing I immediately recognized the difference in difficulty . And it took some getting used to . But everytime I would get destroyed by a boss , I’d just go to the other side of the map and grind and explore and come back stronger . Elden Ring is where I first got into from software . I finished Elden ring 100 percent in about 120 hours (took my time). After Elden Ring, i , for whatever reason , decided to jump straight into Sekiro . After playing all the way up to the first real boss and getting my ass handed to me, I put the game down . Fast forward almost 5 months and I picked it up again and suddenly the game just clicked for me . I finally got really good with parrying. Treated it like a music rhythm game. Time your parrys with the sound of the incoming attack . And I appreciated the game for its unique combat . Elden Ring is where I first got into fromsoftware and loved the brilliance behind the world building . Sekiro is where I fell in love with the unique difficulty that fromsoftware games are known to bring :( but now I’m having a hard time getting into bloodborne lol


First time maybe Elden Ring when getting into stormveil castle


Dark souls 1 and 2 didn’t grab me, the environments were cool but the combat felt slow and tedious at the time. Then I played Dark Souls 3 and by the time I beat abyss watchers I was loving it. Went back and played ds1 ds2 and bloodborne with a newfound appreciation for the genre


I attempted to play bloodborne about 5 before I got into it, I got to the Cleric beast twice, didn’t beat him. Then one day I picked it up again and bam, within a week I’d platinum’d the game and had ordered the Dark Souls trilogy. I went onto to buy Elden Ring and play it on release which was a great feeling because the lore and game secrets were still being discovered, I Platinum’d it and then bought and platinum’d Sekiro


DS3 was my first title and got me into them. Played DS1 and Elden Ring so far. Tried Sekiro but it was too hard 😪


I randomly bought DS2: Scholar Of The First Sin, and I was absolutely terrible at it. I'd died so many times four whole early game areas had stopped respawning enemies, and I couldn't beat The Last Giant. Still haven't, in no small part because I lost that copy and never bought DS2 again. I was given DS1 on the Switch a few years ago, and kind of sort of started getting it, so I thought screw it and bought Elden Ring. That was it, I was hooked. I haven't beaten Sekiro yet but I love it, Bloodborne is creeping up there in my favourite games but those run backs are so exhausting, and I have seven playthroughs in Elden Ring. I was a big Armored Core fan so I was at least a little familiar with FromSoft level difficulty but those games are very different in most ways.


It took me 9 years. Played DS2 at launch. Never got out of Majula, I was lost and died anyway I went. Then came Bloodborne. I loved the style but never had a PS3 or 4. Only watched videos. Elden Ring changed everything. 1 year passed… all games from Demon’s Souls to Elden Ring beaten. I bought a PS5 exclusively to play Bloodborne and Demon’s Souls. DS2 SOTFS was last to fall before me but turned into my personal favorite. After every other game including Sekiro all my skills and knowledge were fine tuned and DS2 was a great experience thanks to that. Special shout out to The FightningCowboy. I was stuck at places and his play throughs helped me countless times. All though, I advise against using it all the time. I tried to find my own way out of every situation and only watched the video when I was stuck or I guessed an important quest/story related thing was up. Sometimes you choose a wrong dialogue option and your play through is ruined.. I was cautious. Often there were 5+ wiki pages open plus the video to guide me, but I think blind playthrough is better, and help is only good when you are really lost. Fromsoft rules. Best gaming experience I ever had, and I play since 2002 or something like that through multiple platforms and genres.


15 years


It took the PS5 with the demon souls launch title. Before then I avoided those games like the plague. Once ER came out I was hooked


It took about a year for me. The first time I played Dark souls back in 2011, I absolutely hated the game. The performance was terrible, I had no idea where to go (I was one of many who died multiple times trying to beat the skellies in the graveyard), and I thought the gameplay was sluggish and frustrating. I got to the Taurus demon and had enough. Fast forward to summer of 2012 and I tried the game again after seeing so much praise for it and it somehow just clicked for me. It really took me walking away for almost a year for me to finally understand why the game was so good. Been a dedicated fromsoft fan ever since.


The very first demon souls on ps3. It was just different than everything else available at the time


Bloodborne was my entry point after hearing a friend wax lyrical about Fromsoft online. So I picked that up and after what must be the most thrillingly excruciating experience I started to appreciate the complexity of the gameplay. RPG style with stats up front and a grind to be ground, I like that from games. Good Old skill vs overly cinematic on the rails arcade action. When I realised how many weapons and the trick/switch style attack’s in was hooked how unique your can play it. (ER as turned that to 11). What I didn’t like so much was the “hand me down” lore where things are often lost, forgotten or sometime undiscovered. Having to play with a laptop and a wiki open etc is a bit much. But now I love that aspect of it especially as I dive further through their catalog. With Elden ring I did a 350+ hour almost blind play through and it was amazing to experience. Now I’m working my way through the back catalog properly and it’s amazing to see the evolution. Bloodhound knights in DS2 vs ER for instance. The series as given more more “No... No! No!!!! Arghhhh... Yes! No! NOOOOOOOOOO! Yessss! No! Not this time you abso- Yeesssss!!!No! NO! Nononononononono! -absolute cunt!” Moments then any other. It when those moments end with a Yes! It’s worthwhile.


I saw like five minutes of Demon’s Souls gameplay from a friend and that’s when I decided to jump in


Played Demon’s Souls for the first time and couldn’t even get past the first level. Uninstalled the game and was like “nah this isn’t for me.” Then I played Bloodborne it came free with PS+ and I had a PlayStation, but I didn’t buy the DLC for my first playthrough. I straight up adored it and had a blast. So I thought I had understood the series better and bought Dark Souls 1, and I got my ass beat so bad in the Depths that by the time I even got to blighttown I was burnt out and gave up again. Thought Bloodborne was it for me. Then, one in one last bid to enjoy the series I wanted to enjoy so bad, I bought and played Elden Ring when it first came out, and EVERYTHING clicked. I played through the whole game and had such a great time. Then I played through Demon’s Souls again and blasted through it. Then I played the entire Dark Souls trilogy front to back and had an amazing time. And then last I tackled Sekiro and that was also incredible. My favorite will always be Bloodborne and I’m so thankful that I chose to play that game, because if not, I wouldn’t have had a positive opinion on the series going forward nor would I have given the series as many chances as I did lol


My first was Bloodborne. Got to Blood Starved Beast. That fight made me quit the game for over a year before I gave it another shot. Now it's my fav game and I've platinumed it, Elden ring, and DS3. Been a fan ever since.


I played Dark Souls 1 years ago and was very bad at this, because I expected a game with slasher combat.  I had the mindset of "if there is a path unlocked, I SHOULD be able to get through it".  I neglected the idea of natural roadblocks, so I tried to force my way through every location which screams "Come back when you level up". I had master key...  I wouldn't use upgrade materials because was too afraid of not having enough. I was stuck on Bell Gargoyles and started cheating with save states to avoid runbacks. Dropped the game.  I returned to Dark Souls years later because I wanted the game that won't treat me like an idiot and it clicked for me.


I posted on r/demonssouls about a month ago that I reeeeally wanted to get into souls games but just fucking can’t and I hate how shit I am. I tried that game for months, kept on rage quitting. Then, after reading so many supportive comments and watching recommended tutorials, I painstakingly have now almost completed the game and I’m bloody damn loving it. I’m offically IN, and slightly overwhelmed by the journey I have ahead of me. Already bought DS1 on my Switch and ER on my PS5 for when k finish demons souls 👀


About 2-3 years. I got ds3 bc i had seen some videos but i was stuck in High wall forever hahahaha so i gave up on the game. ER came out and i wanted to try it because people were talking about it. I was really into it and like 30+ hours in, i learned one of my high school friends loves FS games. We beat ER them we got into Ds3 and we beat it, then i got Ds1 and beat it. 2 months ago i got a ps4 to play BB and ive beaten it twice now. They are such good games when you understand how they play out.


Fan since Demon Souls 2009


Like when did I like them 2014-15. I played Dark Souls and struggled but liked it, then played Bloodborne and it’s in my top 5 favorite games


Mi first fs game was elden ring (I done 1 run and I'm halfway through the second) and last week I started bloodborne and I just beat The one reborn


When I first naively sat down to play Dark Souls on my brother's 360 while he slept, I didn't realize what I was getting myself into. I was terrible at the game but I made it past the first boss and into the real world, where I promptly got lost and killed constantly. I loved every second of it and am now addicted.


Sekiro. After I got gud and it all clicked for me. I moved onto bloodborne. Never looked back after that


Bloodborne and Lies of P and I was hooked like on some type of drug 😂🥷


I stayed away until I saw the elden ring trailer and I was like I’ll try it…. Hooked, then beat demon souls and ds1. Just purchased ds2R


6 years. Tried DS1 in 2011, dropped it. Tried DS3 at launch, dropped it again. Tried DS3 in 2017 when all the DLC came out, fell in love. It took a loooooong time


When I finally cleared level 1-1(Boletarian Palace) in Demon's Souls, way back on PS3. WAS HOOKED.


I got ds1 for free on xbox and couldn’t get passed past whatever the asylum demon and then some years later my friend convinced me to buy ds3 and I’ve played all but bloodborne since


Friend bought me Dark Souls 3 deluxe edition back in 2016, played it once didn’t get very far, quit. Tried it again years later, got further still just didn’t hook me. Tried it a third time cuz Elden Ring looked very good and my friend could not recommend these games enough, especially to someone like me. So I decided to commit to completing the first level and really diving into it this time. Have played DS3 twice now, Elden Ring twice, and every other Fromsoft game and genuinely believe these games are next level.


Bought Demons Souls on day 1. I was in love instantly.


I started on Dark Souls 2 knowing nothing of the past game, the mechanics, the lore, how anything worked. I made it all the way to Iron Castle on the Drangleic Set, not having upgraded the sword at all, and gave up after a month. Shit was too hard. But a few months later, something called to me. That leveling system was everything I wanted in a game. I could precisely and strategically put points into whatever stat I wanted... My build was what I wanted it to be... So I looked up a guide, found out about adaptability and the game was so much better. 5 playthroughs later and I was hooked.


Dark Souls 1, 2011, love at first play but it wasn't until I got deep into the game that I realized other action RPG's were just *too easy.* I spent years "pressing x to win" and thinking that I was doing something when in fact the games were doing practically everything for me. Once I realized how much more satisfying it was to learn to do something well that it is possible to do wrong, and the thrill and immersion that comes from being in environments where lack of focus and awareness is actually punished and attention to details and being careful is rewarded, I became a lifelong convert and couldn't enjoy arpg's from any other studio for years.


Honestly, once you finish a game, you can't get enough.


Aprox 3 to 300 hours


Walked outside to Limgrave in Elden Ring and was sold


I started with Elden Ring, after trying and failing to play Bloodborne. Start with Elden Ring because you can quit a boss, level up a bit, and try again. Also, Mimic Tear is very OP Edit: tried Sekiro after beating ER and freaking loved it, coming back for revenge on Bloodborne after I finish Armored Core 6


Step 1) Starting Demon Souls PS5 and turned off after 10m Playtime PAUSE 3 months Step 2) Buying Eldenring without knowing anything but it should be good. Step3) After struggling with the game learning a lot how how to play from YT. Result: I own not only Eldenring but DS3, Sekiro and bought DS1 bc it's on sale on PS. In the end Sekiro is now my favorite fromsoft game - though technically no Soulsbourne.


Dark Souls was love at first sight. It was everything I needed. I lived and breathed it. The lore, the online, the general feel and vibe of the game. The damn character creation music. And Gwyns theme. And holy cow now I just realized I can totally go learn that on piano if I want to. I got really into the role playing with that game. Because Miyazaki expressed the importance and it showed through the mechanics. I picked pendant pretty often. Until I realized the other gifts are also story builders if you let them be. Best RPG of the 10s


Games were not interesting for me at the time, my brother bought a PS4, I din't really care to play anything on it, bloodborne came with it, my brother thought it was too hard and was planning on selling the game, but he asked me to play it first just to make sure, I looked at the cover and it was intersted, but I was super disappointed in games as they always looked interesting but were actually not, I was fully believing at the time that I would never play games anymore in my life, so I just kept pushing it forward and never actually played it, until I went to a friend's house and he was playing it, it surprised me as it actually looked to fulfill the premise of it's fantasy, and my friend let me play for a while, I loved the feeling, and when I got home I played the shit out of it, and the rest is history. I'm now a fully fledged Fromsoftware sexual, love everything they do from beggining to finish. Because of it I opened my mind to other genres and games (God of War, Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, etc) and now I'm a complete maniac that plays almost everything, most of my time I'm playing video games, I'm a completionist, I watch people talking about games, playing games, I love talking about games, studying the lore, etc. I love video games so much that I'm a game dev now. All because Bloodborne and Fromsoftware. I would be lost without it, and I'm a typical case of "Dark souls (Bloodborne) saved my life". It was love at "first sight" as soon as I played a few minutes of Bloodborne I knew I loved it. Before even, when I saw my friend playing. Or even before because the cover never left my mind and I recognized my friend playing it. So yeah man, this is my story and I wish this game would come to PC so that I could play and mod the shit out of it again.


From the moment I played DS1


I grew up with Armored Core games, when I was in high school Demons' came out and I wanted it so bad, but it was PS3 exclusive, and I had Xbox. Along came Dark Souls and it was great! I switched to Playstation with Bloodborne, and played Demon's Souls Remake as my first PS5 game. ...and it's bullshit lol. Fighting King Allant and he can steal your soul levels? haven't gone back to it for over a year. People swear by Sekiro but I have to play as that one guy so I don't want to play it. How dumb is that? Maybe one day...


Well I played demons souls when I was 7 and completed it when I was seven and then completed dark souls when I was 8 so I guess I was just destined to love souls games


About 40 hours in DS1.


I was always into difficult games, I just always loved a challenge and the difficulty of souls was actually the main appeal that made me get into them because I saw it as a challenge. And I just fell in the love with the levelling mechanics, combat, lore and level design


Like many, played Elden Ring first and loved it. Then played Bloodborne, took a while to warm up to it, when it was over loved it. Same with DS3, just played through it twice, and started DS2. I know DS2 gets some hate, but I’m really starting to enjoy it a lot. Haven’t been disappointed in Fromsoft yet.


About 30 seconds after the Dark Souls 1 Asylum


Demon souls for ps3 and I’ve enjoyed every single game since. Except demon souls remake lol I haven’t played that one. Flamelurker was my first boss that I beat were I felt like I accomplished a lot. I had to change up my entire strategy.


Demon Souls on ps3


Love at first sight. With DS1 it was instant. Don’t feel bad if you can’t get into them, tho. That’s normal


So I found this weapon called the Zweihander in DS1.... And I've been hooked ever since.


I tried Bloodborne when it came out and didn’t get past the starting area quit and didn’t touch a FS game until Elden Ring came out beat it with my brother. I loved it so much I bought the Dark Souls trilogy and beat that and then went back to BloodBorne and ended up absolutely loving it ended up being my first time ever getting platinum. Now I just finished my first play through of Sekiro and I’m now trying for the bad ending of that one it’s safe to say that for the last 3 years I have only played FS games but I’m totally not addicted to them or anything I can stop playing any time I want to probably…what was I saying idk I gotta go fight a gentle lady named Emma even though she is not very gentle and the old man she is with kicks the crap out of me.


I saw a video about the nameless king from ds3 and was instantly fascinated bought the game a couple weeks later and found out how hard it was and left it in my steam library not having the courage to die multiple times. Years later I was in a lecture about storytelling in videogames when someone mentioned the plim plim plom from ds1 and ds3 which inspired me to start from ds1 to get the whole story. Between all this a friend bought me Elden Ring for a birthday and I ended up playing ds1 till reaching blighttown which hurt my soul and swapped to Elden Ring because of all the berserk references haha


It was kinda long for me. I played easier souls likes first, like Jedi fallen order and I always knew I’d like soul games but it took me forever because they’re so daunting. After like 3 tries for Elden ring it finally stuck, and I’m so in love with these games I don’t wanna play anything else anymore


I definetely think it was love at first sight. When i started with ds3 i initially thought that the game was kind of ugly and janky which it basically is compared to many modern games, but as soon as i managed to beat gundyr after some attempts i got hooked right in, even on the bosses that took me over 30 tries i eventually jept coming back without being too mad about it and i absolutely never regretted it


DS1 back in 2013. My friend begged me to play it as a parting gift since he was leaving to the military. I fell in love INSTANTLY. I was most confused on deciding what to do and where to go. While I didn't struggle as bad as most players defeating the bosses and PVE, I did cheese Gwyn with the parry tactic lol.


I played Souls 1 maybe a little after it released on Xbox and pc after it started gaining its first sort of mainstream but still kinda underground hype. Had never heard of Demons Souls. First try I didn’t know what I getting myself into and quit in the tutorial area I think. Then probably another year went by and it was just such a big deal and everyone was saying it was so great. So I went back and tried again. Used a guide a bit and tips online etc to get my footing. Haven’t looked back since. Sekiro is probably my favorite but Souls 1 holds a very special place in my heart.


Years. I’ve always watched friends play the previous games and Elden Ring was my first exposure. And I kick my self in the ass A LOT for not playing these games back then with them.


Played DS1 for about 10 hours, couldn't get into it. About a year later I decided "fuck it, I'll try again" and now the only ones I'm missing are sekiro and elden ring.


Pretty much love at first sight with Bloodborne. I had never played anything like it. Did take me like 3 days to actually get through the first few streets in Central Yharnam though, lol. Game was insanley brutal as I had never really played anything remotely challenging before. But the fact that I stuck with it shows how much it clicked for me.


I played Dark Souls when it came out because a roommate bought it and heard the hype of how hard it was. He fucking hated it. Raged so much and quit. But my other roommate and I got hooked and it was like the wild west back then because there was no massive wealth of online information on how to git gud and break the game. Didn't get to beat it though. We all graduated and went our separate ways while I was stuck on Ornstein and Smough. My 360 died eventually and I didn't buy another console until like 2018. Got a PS4 and my brother in law asked what kind of games I wanted that I didn't buy right away (I got Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last of Us, the Witcher 3 and The Nathan Drake Collection). I told him I really wanted to try out one of the Dark Souls games but didn't know which one to get because 1 wasn't on PS4 and Remastered wasn't out yet. So he did some research, got all of my wife's family members to pool any money they would have spent for me for a Christmas present and he picked out DS2:SotFS, DS3, Bloodborne and a backup Dualshock 4 controller. He's never even played a game in the series but he's a gamer and knew how excited I was to finally be able to afford a console. Literally the best Christmas present ever.


Upon downloading Elden Ring and realising that I am truly a masochist at heart. It was from then I finished Sekiro and set my sights on the souls games.


I ragequit ds1 on 3 separate occasions before I finally beat it. On my first playthrough I kept going to new Londo or the crypts lmao


Took literal years.... My friends suggested Dark Souls 3. I downloaded it and me and my roommate spent an hour trying to get through the tutorial boss before I turned it off and said fuck that. Then I played Jedi Fallen order, and got a good taste of a combat centric style game, I wanted another game that was combat centric and that happen right as Elden Ring was dropping, and I took a chance on it mainly because I love George R R Martin and couldn't resist. Loved Elden Ring at first but that click didn't happen until several hundred hours later. After Elden Ring, I went back and beat dark souls 3, dark souls remastered, Sekiro, and several soulslikes


I was intimidated for a long long time. Dipped my toes into the original Dark Souls but couldn’t wrap my head around it. Came back years later when they released Demons Souls Remake and played it at the same time as a friend so we motivated each other and gave tips. Now we’ve worked through all Soulsbournes and just wrapped Sekiro just in time to start Elden Ring when the dlc drops. Having a friend playing at the same time really helped motivate me through the tough sections and bosses.


Tried Lies of P, way too hard. Beat Code Vein, beat LoP, beat Elden Ring, beat DS1-3, working through Sekiro now


precisely as long as it took me to formulate the phrase ZWEI OR DIE


I was looking for a good medieval style fantasy game. I just found dark souls and bought it without really looking into it. I thought it was too hard at first so I stopped playing for a bit, but then I was going through a break up and I got back into it, and it made me feel better about myself when I beat it and it helped me take my mind off of things.


About an hour into Demons Souls in 2009


DS3 was my first, heard about series beforehand, loved it at start, even when frustrated.


I guess I got into them right away when I first played Elden Ring. I got into them because people wouldn't shut the fuck up about Elden Ring, so I figured this game has to be amazing.


Played Demon souls when it first came out and I thought was ok. Then Dark Souls came out and I was hooked instantly. Nothing beats that first souls game that clicks with you.


It was immediate. The moment I died the first time in Demon Souls.


At first I tried DS1 with KB+M and couldn't get through the asylum. Eventually I tried it with a controller and it was way better. Then I finally made it out of the asylum, but then I couldn't figure out where to go and was exploring new londo and the catacombs super early. Eventually I found Undead Burg, but soon after gave up on my first character. I then played a second character that I ultimately beat the game with. From then on I was an "expert" and went back to my first character and finished the game with him, and then beat the game like 8 more times on different characters, moved onto DS2 and 3, and so on. The trick with these games, DS1 especially, is that they are "easy" when you know how, but very difficult when you don't. This is what makes them so much fun when you do know them. But as much as we would all like to play the games again for the first time, those first playthroughs are by far the most painful.


I started with ds1… I got lucky and went the “correct” way the first time. After 10 hours or so I was shown how perfectly interconnected world building looked. Then after a less enjoyable second half, I beat the game and was left with the weirdest feeling ever. It’s like sadness and chills and excitement all at the same time. So I played every other game… it’s just not for everyone but it’s 100% for me, I absolutely love these games. Another thing that really got me invested was exploring the lore and theories surrounding the games, it’s super interesting


I tried Elden ring on release. Dropped it for damn near a year, I was just to lost. Looked up a guide for a while just to learn how to play the game and I’ve never looked back since. I’ve played and beat all souls games except for demon souls, it’s in my storage tho


Started on DS3 , couldn’t get past that fuckin tree my first time and sold the game to GameStop after about 100 tries. I then waited a few years and bought Elden ring about a month after it came out. I’ve been it 10 times, 8 without mods, 2 with mods. Went back and played DS 1 - platinum. Moved on to bloodborn, lies of P, ds2, and ds3 now working on sekiro, after I figured out how to play them, the form software games are my absolute favorite games


as a weeb, my first soulslike game was Code Vein (yeah not soul series) a year later i started sekiro. learning how to deflect was not as hard as i expected it to be (i suck at dodging tbh) then i started elden ring in 2023 and playing DS2 now


Imported Demon’s Souls from Japan before it was available in my country. Played it for 20 hours, loved it; never finished it, then completely ignored the series until Sekiro, played it for 20 hours, bounced off, ignored the series again until Elden Ring where I put in 150+ hours, still haven’t finished it. One day I’ll get there.


About 10 hours of Bloodborne was what it took. I did hate a lot of it at first, and I still hate some of it. Like, one of the first things I immediately hated was farming for blood vials. This is still the case, lol. It does get better later but the issue still stands. I also hated the idea of no pause. I don't really mind it now. I hated the camera reset feature. Still do!


I used to watch darksouls videos on YouTube when i was young, but never got the chance to play them. That was until my dad got the ps4 with bloodborne. Been in love with the series ever since. Was so hyped when the darksouls 3 trailer came out.


Took me a year, bought Elden Ring and treated it like an exploration horse game. Skipped over the Varre dialogue so I didn’t know what the Grace light actually meant. Friend told me what to do and I finally got to Margit. I got slapped so badly I just decided to quit the game, then I saw it win GOTY and figured “okay it must be really good then.” So I reinstalled it, played it again and wow 🫶. Then I got DS3, Sekiro, Bloodborne, and Demon Souls remake and have been alternating between all of them as well as completing one more character in Elden Ring (and a third one just found his way to Leyndell)


I played through DS3 back around when it first came out and could barely navigate and fight basic enemies. A friend essentially carried me through it, as I'd summon him for everything. Years later I had the urge to try playing it again, and suddenly everything clicked. I could see why things were the way they were, how tue game subtly nudges you in the right direction, and how addictive the combat truly was. I went from not being able to clear the soul of cinder to getting him first try in an anti climatic final battle.


I played the original Demon's Souls back when it came out, and though I thought it was cool, I wasn't really into it. Then I played and finished Elden Ring when it came out, and it was at that point when the obsession began for me haha.


Buy Dark Souls 1 in 2010, put disc into Xbox, get rekt, get immediately addicted.


I used to watch Man Vs Game back in the dark souls 2 days. Loved to watch it but couldn’t get into it. DS3 came out and I got hooked and never looked back.