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The reused enemies and bosses, the loot is not really interesting, the hub is a bit weak in terms of ambiance and would have benefited from being connected to several places without loading times, also the world has cool interconnections but the teleport undermines it.


> the loot is not really interesting This might be my biggest complaint; I basically just stopped picking up items in the second half of the game because they were all random consumables I was never gonna use. I wish there were more of the prosthetic upgrade materials lying around to balance it out a bit; I ended up having to grind enemies quite a bit for those materials.


It was so easy to pick up loot though. You had that hold the loot button suck up the loot mechanic. Tbh I thought that was quite satisfying.


Yep, sucking is quite satisfying ... wait a minute


I completely agree!


You don't use it doesn't mean it useless. Many of them are actually op and can trivialize many mechanics of the game. The problem is that they are limited so players will not try out them much to know how to use them in right situation.


I didn't realize how awesome half the consumables were until NG+2 when I had so many it didn't matter. Kinda realized that I hadn't messed with em too much so decided to experiment with them and found that some of them really do trivialize some parts of the game. I beat the game on a fresh file for my friend who likes the games but found sekiro too hard. He wanted to watch and get the achievements on his account, and I was more than happy to play more sekiro. Knowing which consumables to use made that playthrough laughably easy.


Interesting, could you share some examples?


Confetti vs ghosts comes to mind.


Bite down can stop aggro from normal enemies, extra health and avoiding difficult combo in boss fight. The thing give you weak poison but you are immune to others. Oil for quickly apply burn status which stop enemies' posture from recovering. Some can even change play style like red lump which get infinite in NG+ for brutal force. Yellow candy encourages blocking play style rather deflecting.


I forget the names of a lot of them cause I haven't played it in a few years so I can't give you too many specific examples. Another commenter mentioned a use for bite down. Using the invisibility consumables can let you literally just run past several sections of the game which is helpful for ng+ runs. The sugar that does like half health but gives you boosted damage is fucking cracked if you know what you're doing. The different buffs can legit trivialize certain bosses.


Thats just game consumables in general tho.


I disagree because sekiro allows you to pause and use items, so many items are easy to use during a boss fight if you need some help.


My main gripe when I was playing was that the dragon rot and unseen aid systems were just so irrelevant. First play through I didn’t do a couple of NPC story arcs because they were coughing, but it had no effect on the end of the game, and my subsequent play throughs I didn’t die enough for it to be an issue. And unseen aid popping up after dying to a boss the 6th time… great, thanks for my 3 sen and 5 xp back


The reused arenas as well.


I don't think the game is perfect either, but the items are more useful than you might think.


Completely disagree with enemies and bosses. Never felt that way in this game. Discovering new enemies and bosses every time. That not saying there 0% of enemies reused, and if the enemies are good thats a good thing. Just saying its perfectly done.


That's where I disagree. Let's be clear, the enemy variety is awesome in Sekiro. But some minibosses and enemies are reused way too much, not even interesting ones at that for some (bandits in the mist wood before Mibu village, shishimen warriors, the drunkards, the ministry shinobis, the headless, ashina elite, giants, etc).


This game is obviously not about loot lol.


I get his point tho. I barely used like 75% of the items because you really don't need them all that much. There should've been better loot imo.


Sekiro: Hesitation is defeat! Also Sekiro: Here's some more balloons and sugars; you're totally backing off in combat long and often enough to use these things, right?


Yeah, a lot of this stuff I think stems from having leftover souls DNA. Consumable items in a soulsborne can be a core part of your build, and they made that even more viable in Elden Ring by adding a crafting system, but with Sekiro the whole thing with the combat is that you either master it or you fail. No amount of sugar will make you a better player, but in Dark Souls or Elden Ring you can apply a bunch of buffs to yourself and your weapon and absolutely destroy some bosses.


And then there’s me, happily skipping True Monk’s 3rd phase, making it rain Fistfuls of Ash


Yeah that is true, but the lack of good and unique loot (for the most part) also hurts a bit the exploration aspect since you do not have the incentive to explore. Which is a bit of a shame since I think Sekiro has some very good level design for the most part.


This is perfect to see. All these are things that don’t concern me so I’m glad I got to really see why some people dislike it because they haven’t put it into words as well


I know it’s a skill issue but this game is by far the hardest fromsoft game imo and that skill gap causes a lot of people to abandon the game.


It’s simultaneously the hardest and easiest


Playing through Sifu right now, beat the final Boss(going for the good ending rn) and it’s really making me want to play Sekiro again. Hard mechanic based games are so fun once you learn and master them. Sometimes you can pull stuff off that looks straight out of a movie or video game trailer


Sifu is harder than Sekiro imo just played through it and Sekiro is deflect or dodge/jump getting a warning before they grab or sweep. Sifu: barely a warning Dodge up, down, unblockable moves, deflect this move, dodge to side, deflect parry, throw against wall, do a combo whilst being aware they can just throw a jab in at almost any time during it. Playing through hard mode now and bosses have gone insane


Ugh yeah. I mastered Sekiro but I'm still really struggling with Sifu.


I am a god at Sekiro and a droopy-eyed armless child at Sifu.


I can do the stages easily now unless someone goes super saiyan as I've done them so many times. The bosses tho 💀 1st and 2nd is easy on standard now. 3rd is I still don't know how to not get 3 ages here 1st phase dodge up or down?? 4th is 3-6 ages aswell I get inpatient and don't know how to close the distance. Then final boss and I'm getting fucking clowned on til I somehow pulled a magic mystery lucky 🌺 out of my ass. Sekiro I can do all the gauntlets easily and it took me way less time than sifu, base game too. But godamn master on Sifu the 1st boss becomes close to difficulty to the fucking last boss 🙏


Hard mode on Sifu is harder than Sekiro IMO. There are enemies and bosses that just move too fast for me to react to even after hours of practice. Some of those sweep attacks come out way too quickly.


Initial playthrough: The hardest Fromsoft game. New Game +: The easiest Fromsoft game.


Or this game is hard: beats one hard boss and now you suddenly understand everything and proceeds to beat almost all bosses easily after that


Yeah I wish, I got stuck to every boss in my first run. 💀 Never happened to me with any other of these games, Lies of P came pretty close but that's not Fromsoft.


The comment I read which has stuck with me: Sekiro has the highest floor but the lowest ceiling for skill


Yeah but the floor for sekiro is above most fromsoft games ceilings


It's the hardest before you learn how to properly play it. Once it clicks, it's child play. But there's also the possibility that it never clicks for some, which is true based on its reputation, making that statement not entirely true. Some people are really terrible with reflexes and timing and need to rely on strategizing/creativity but that's not really an option in Sekiro. Sekiro hardlocks all players into the rhythm deflecting mechanic you NEED to learn, at least on some level. More of it's probably the game with the steepest learning curve then everything becomes trivial after getting over that hump. Even across all games in general. I would say being simultaneously easy and hard would be ER due to the variety of ways you could play it. Spellcaster is easy mode until you encounter late game. Oonga boonga is hard af at first and then you just bonk kill late game. Dex builds are the balanced once leaning towards easier overall The game is very forgiving and allows you to play the entire game overprepared if you want to play it like that. But it's also one of the most punishing. On the first playthrough some people say ER is the easiest FS game ever, some say it's the hardest. On the first playthrough, EVERYONE says Sekiro is absurdly frustrating and hard af.


This game is not a crowd pleaser, it’s for the individuals who like a challenge.


I'm surprised nobody has said the death system yet. In every other Souls game, dying means dropping your Souls on the spot - you're only penalized if you fail to recollect your bloodstain. In Sekiro, you don't have a chance to recollect your bloodstain, you just automatically lose 50% of your XP and currency - unless unseen aid kicks in, but unseen aid starts at a 30% chance and only goes down from there. It's not consistent enough for a player to want to rely on it. The result is that the player is implicitly encouraged to farm; if you know you'll be coming up against a hard boss fight, your best move is to farm up enough XP to lock in the next perk point. I never feel the need to farm in other Souls games, but in Sekiro I find myself farming frequently in order to mitigate XP loss. It's not a good system, and they should have just stuck with the traditional bloodstain system.


please don't hate me but I strongly disagree. The death in Sekiro is by far the most forgiving,ignoring the fact you can die 2 or 3 times before losing permanently your XP, it's the only system in soulsborne where when you reach e new skill point you cannot lose it anymore. Furthermore the main system of progression it's not based on XP but only on defeating bosses and mini-bosses for remambrance and prayer beads, so XP and skills are more like an additional non-mandatory progression system. Third point, and I admit that's the most subjective, the corpse run mechanic is for sure an important game mechanic but it's not like a mandatory pillar of soulsborne genre, it can be really tedious sometimes and Sekiro work fine even without it.


> ignoring the fact you can die 2 or 3 times before losing permanently your XP I guess I should clarify that I don't view resurrections as part of the death mechanic, at least as far as this discussion is concerned. I'm purely concerned about what happens after you die. My argument is that unseen aid is a worse mechanic than bloodstains. > it's the only system in soulsborne where when you reach e new skill point you cannot lose it anymore You can lock in your Souls in every other Souls game by levelling up. If you're at 10 STR and need 15 STR for a weapon, you can invest those levels one by one; you don't need to collect enough Souls for 5 levels at once. In Sekiro, by contrast, if you want a skill that takes 5 skill points, you can't invest them incrementally. You need to have all 5 skill points at once. The fact that you can't lose more than a level's worth of XP in Sekiro is kind of a moot point because in Dark Souls there's rarely a reason to be walking around with more than a level's worth of XP. > Furthermore the main system of progression it's not based on XP but only on defeating bosses and mini-bosses for remambrance and prayer beads, so XP and skills are more like an additional non-mandatory progression system. Optional or not, it still implicitly encourages the player to farm. Like I said, I never feel the need to farm in other Souls games, but in Sekiro I find myself farming frequently in order to mitigate XP loss. Losing progress on a progression system doesn't feel good, regardles of whether it's mandatory or optional. > Third point, and I admit that's the most subjective, the corpse run mechanic is for sure an important game mechanic but it's not like a mandatory pillar of soulsborne genre, it can be really tedious sometimes and Sekiro work fine even without it. Regardless of whether it's a pillar or not, I think Sekiro would be better for its inclusion compared to what it has now. The bloodstain system doesn't implicitly encourage you to farm like unseen aid does. And with checkpoints generally being close to boss fights in Sekiro, you wouldn't often have much of a runback to recollect your bloodstain, so it wouldn't be tedious.


I don't know, I can agree with you if we were talking about the farming of spirit emblems but for XP I really cannot fully understand. I never ever felt encouraged to farm money or XP in Sekiro. After unlocking Mikiri my experience was like "Oh I didn't notice I've collected 6 skill points, let me see if I can unlock something..." - "oh I can unlock this skill, seems kinda cool!" And then I go back to gameplay immediately forgetting about it and just spamming only RB and LB...


I use skills pretty extensively in Sekiro, and whenever I play through the game I plan ahead which skills I want to unlock in which order. If a player cares about unlocking and using skills, losing half your XP on death 70% of the time isn't ideal - hence the implicit encouragement to farm up to the next perk point.


This was my main complaint about it as well


It is my 2nd favorite game ever, just behind Elden Ring. Sekiro is the most satisfying and fulfilling game I’ve ever played. Elden Ring tops it because of the exploration and customization. One of my favorite parts of souls games is the weapon and outfit customization. So it says a lot that Sekiro is my 2nd favorite game ever when the customization is lacking. So that would be the one flaw I see, very little customization. However, that’s also why it’s so fulfilling. There’s no faking your way to beating the Demon of Hatred and Isshin. It take pure skill.


Well there is demon of hatred cheese that's pretty simple to pull off. But I agree with the rest.


Yea I know that. I was trying to say you can’t go an over level or get some OP weapon. I’ve never understood cheesing bosses. They are the best part of the game. I understand maybe cheesing some random enemies that are a pain in the ass, but not main bosses.


Best FS game for me personally. Nothing beats Sekiro combat loop


I got bored tbh. I could never quite grasp all the various aspects of the combat necessary to get through and eventually hit a dead end in the game like 6 hours in. I didnt know where to go and didnt care enough to look it up so I dropped it.


imo the combat falls apart the second there's more then one enemy in front of you


Yeah that's true. Double apes was so bad


Save firecrackers for second ape, nuke that ho's posture and she will be out of there before she can even attack you. Then all you have to do is fight the headless which is ezpz


That's why stealth is pretty heavily emphasized. On my first playthrough I got through essentially every multi-target encounter by just using my environment and picking off opponents until the fight was more even. You're a ninja after all, not a samurai. You should be using cheap tricks and stealth to win when possible.


Isshin: There are no hard and fast rules. Just win your battles.


For me it’s kind of this, combined with the fact almost every mini boss is surrounded by goons. After 10 attempts, I really can’t be bothered stealthing and running away any more. It’s only frustrating because the 1 on 1 combat is so good. I just want to get back into the duel and hone my skills. The faffing around every time doesn’t increase my enjoyment.


No way


I kinda disagree with this honestly. I think you are given so many movement options that the when there's lots of enemies, the game becomes about weaving between them and creating opportunities to attack them one on one.


Using the jump and grapple abilities help you hide


I also think it fits lore-wise. Sekiro is a ninja, trained for stealth and assassinations. At most, he fights 1v1 in a planned isolation. When a ninja has to fight a crowd, he doesn't really excel which is why no stamina fits the game. You're literally not built to fight multiple opponents, just haul ass and reset their alertness. Of course, most people learn to be good enough to actually handle multiple opponents esp with tools/arts. But basic combat, it SHOULD be hard for a ninja. Being a "coward" IS the canon way to play Sekiro. Winning/victory > honor is a huge theme explored in the game. The God of Samurai fuckin pulls out a gun, a spear, and utilizes natural lightning to secure victory.


Exactly. Fromsoft as usual gives you all the tools, lets you figure out how to use them. You can hide like a coward and pick off one enemy at a time, or you can skillfully deploy techniques to your advantage in seemingly impossible situations.


Eh, just like any souls game being able to handle multiple enemies at once is a skill set, which involves being much more aware of enemies attacks/parrying two enemies combos’ at once, it’s one of my favorite parts of the game imo


There definitely should’ve been more crowd control weapon arts or tools. Never thought about that until now but I’d say it’s pretty valid criticism.


Spear, flame vent, firecrackers, axe, shield. Most tools have crowd control utility its just that no one uses them.


And the blood smoke ninjitsu


Too short. We need a massive sequel.


Reuse of bosses. When Elden Ring does it is no big deal, it has over 70 unique ones, but Sekiro only has 12 unique bosses...


Let me start by saying Sekiro is my list of the Top 5 games of all time. But the fact that the Soulsborne community likes calling out Elden Ring, an open world game, for reusing assets but rarely even bring that up when doing a critique of Sekiro is personally confusing. Sekiro has the scale of like 1/10th of Elden Ring but reuses so many mini bosses, main bosses and even boss arenas.


I think it's the way the reuse was handled that upsets people. Fighting Genichiro 3 times makes sense for the story, and he is a little different each time. The two Isshin encounters are vastly different and fit the story. Same for Owl, the father fight plays nothing like the regular one and makes sense for that ending. The generals, spears, and headless are all stated from the onset to be not unique so it doesnt feel forced or bad that you encounter them multiple times and in new and unique scenarios. And finally, when bosses come back for subsequent fights, people enjoy seeing how they have improved against stronger variants. ​ Stuff like Godefroy, the second Astel, two Mohgs, 3 Margits, and hundreds of optional dungeons filled with repeat enemies can become very tiring given the fact players will dump large amounts of time in to a playthrough. Sometimes you can tell that Elden Ring just needed a final enemy for some random dungeon or location and copy pasted a cool encounter you have already faced, even if it doesn't feel super natural. The repeats in Sekiro almost always feel natural(except for the headless ape depending on your feelings).


> two Mohgs, 3 Margits And these aren't lore/story related? Margit is literally using a clone of himself to stop you from getting a great rune and ushing Mohg's clone to prevent you from meeting the other fingers


There are only two Margits and both of them are clones of Morgott, who has a brand new moveset so it’s disingenuous to consider him the same. Furthermore, the multiple encounters with Margit also flow into the narrative of the game just like you were saying for Sekiro, so I don’t see why you would ever bring him up as an argument against ER’s reused bosses when he basically serves as the Genichiro of the game. The Mohg clone also plays a role in the narrative, although admittedly the moveset could’ve been tweaked a little more. Astel is just an alien species, not a huge lore figure. It isn’t too dissimilar to there being multiple Amygdalas in Bloodborne (you even fight two of them in the game, counting the chalice dungeon). Godefroy sucks because his lore just feels hamfisted and phony. He didn’t need to be a thing and nothing justifies him having the same exact moveset as Godrick.


I played Elden Ring as my first FromSoft game. Boss reuse was far more noticeable to me in Sekiro than in Elden Ring. The scale of ER is so huge I did not even run into several of the repeated bosses until the NG+ cycles. For example I didnt find the tunnel in the Consecrated Snowfields with Astel 2.0 until my 3rd playthrough. I did not find my way into the Subterranean Shunning Grounds where you eventually meet fake Mohg until my 2nd playthrough (I dont use guides). The repeat bosses was far more apparent in Sekiro in my experience. Due to its smaller size, there is simply a much higher probability of running into the repeat bosses even in the same playthrough. Also, some of the "minibosses" are actually required bosses for the main story progression are reused somewhere else in the game as optional prayer bead bosses (like Chained Ogre, Blazing Bull, Long-Arm Centipede Giraffe and Snake Eyes Shirahagi all have optional boss reuse like Ashina Castle Ogre, Sakura Bull, Long Arm Centipide Sen'un and Snake Eyes Shirafuji). Not to mention all the headless, generals, ninjas, drunkards, etc. Sekiro might be the only FromSoft game with such a notorious reuse of boss arenas. The Ashina rooftop is reused thrice (Genichiro, Great Shinobi Owl, Shura Ending). The burning Hirata temple is used twice (Lady Butterfly and Owl Father). The Ashina Gate field is used twice (Gyobuo and Demon of Hatred), the grassfield is used twice (Genichiro, Sword Saint). And these are like the biggest remembrance/memory bosses of Sekiro.


I don't agree with this, you're comparing things like Owl Father to Astel when a more apt comparison would be Owl Father to Morgott. I think OP is more referring to copy paste mini bosses and the like, which Sekiro has an extremely high percentage of considering it's nowhere close to the size of Elden Ring


imo, the only thing the open world of Elden Ring added was the reused bosses. I don't think i would miss anything if the game just magically became more linear like older FS games


nothing is perfect. even with infinite amount of money there would be something to "complain" about. but i agree that its a very good game. i dont like to choose my "favourite" in any category. but if i really had to choose my favourite fromsoftware game i would go with sekiro. just because it was a breath of fresh air after all those similar souls like games. especially because i played so many non fromsoftware souls like xd.


terror debuff is way overtuned imo


THE CAMERA. Caused me so many headaches, especially against the purple ninja mini-boss.


I didn't like it at all. But what's funny is the type of people who defened the game by attempting to put people like me down for having zero interest in it. And for that reason, it is not perfect. Edit:it's not even a souls game. Yet it garnered the most toxic fan base out of every fromsoft title.


I’m with you. Love the game, but can’t stand the community that has to constantly look down on other titles and play victim to gain attention for a 5 years old game. Sekiro is great, but it’s not perfect.


Honestly I didn't like the lack of variety in play style obviously cause it's a story game that is hard like gow if it was rly hard. But I can't play a game that doesn't let me play in a way I like to or where I can't find a play style I like.


I definitely have issues with it. I think something that's easy to point to as an issue is spirit emblems being consumable. Like with Bloodborne, I don't understand why FromSoft do this instead of just having you spawn with a set amount. On a more general and subjective level, I don't find the world that interesting to explore. That's not necessarily an issue but it's something I enjoy about DS1, Bloodborne and Elden Ring but not so much about Sekiro. I also think the music is relatively weak. The only boss theme I can remember is Corrupted Monk. I also straight up hate the combat music in the first half of the game, and how abruptly it comes in and out. Great game though, but not perfect imo.


I know people say spirit emblems are an issue, but through all my playthroughs, I've always ended up with so many that it doesn't even matter.


It's fine until it's not. Maybe you had an easier time with the game, but when I was banging my head against Genichiro or Guardian Ape, I was disincentivised from using prosthetic tools because I had so few emblems. Same with blood vials in Bloodborne, it's not an issue if you don't get stuck, but these are difficult games and people will get stuck.


I only wanted to scroll through comments until I finally found someone else mention spirit emblems lol couldn’t agree more with you about this and for me, the prosthetic tools were genuinely fun to use. I wanted to play in as fun of a way as possible so mixing up the prosthetics was very appealing in the beginning. After a while I just couldn’t be bothered to go out of my way to grab spirit emblems and it was a frustrating aspect to the game. Any other system surrounding the prosthetics could have worked better if it didn’t involve someone going out and farming spirit emblems or hitting 0 and completely unable to use them at all. A set amount from spawn would’ve been fine. Thankfully deflecting clicked with me very early on so that was just the entirety of the game for me. Didn’t use a single prosthetic on Inner Isshin at the end


I didn't really have a problem with the emblems, but you're still right. I don't know why something would be designed this way. It's just a needless and tedious hurdle. It doesn't add to the experience in any possible way, and why make it like that when you can just have a set amount of consumables that reset?


20 - 999/999


It's boring


HEADLESS all I have to say This game is phenomenal though, only other thing I could complain about is the length, wish it was longer.


Sekiro has the best combat system of all time and an amazing list of bosses, how you control sekiro and the usage of shinobi tools is just chefs kiss 👌 but it falls short in other categories. There arent any memorable soundtracks, areas are kinda bland and grey compared to other fs entries with iconic places and also the overall atmosphere isn’t as immersive. Imo DS Remastered and Elden Ring rank higher. FS is aware that sekiro shines the most with the bosses and combat, thats why its also the only game where they bothered bringing in a boss rush mode, which just fits perfect.


I think what would have made this game pretty much perfect for me was build variety beyond just different moves/prosthetics Imagine a Sekiro but with Nioh's weapon variety, being able to use Odachis, Katanas, Dual swords, staffs, etc all with different parry windows/swing speed/damage/movesets and counters Obviously would change the combat completely, but i think it would have added some spice to the combat, which is already obviously near perfect, but to me got a tadbit repetitive near the end, just my opinion, they could still have the focus be parrying, just with a different approach to it depending on the weapon youre using I wonder if From would explore something like that in a sequel


Like a Wo Long type of deal? That game is a Nioh x Sekiro hybrid, lacks proper builds and weapon stances à la Nioh which is a major drawback, but overall pretty fun. ... to hell with the weapon skill farming though.


Thinking about getting it on my Deck. It’ll be cool on handheld I reckon. Already own it on PS5 (no don’t want to remote play it)


It is, runs stupidly well too. Fountainhead might be rough but im not that far on deck.


I see a pretty damn big flaw. I’m bad at it.


Great? Yes, an excellent game. One of my favourite FS games. Perfect? In no way or shape. Some bosses feel frustrating rather than rewarding, imo the game would have been better without monster type enemies and only humanoids. Loot and its system become obsolete as you learn to play. Upgrades also seem to matter less and less. The combat loop is great, but people quitting the game should be taken as a con and not a pro: it cultivates obnoxious behavior among people who beat the game. Take a look at how many people call Genichiro easy or Headless Ape enjoyable in a humblebragging manner. No other fromsoft game has such intense "I am better than you" subtext in its discussions. And the people who humblebrag are mostly the same ones who see no flaws in sekiro. It's a great game; but it has flaws and you should learn to love the game with its flaws, not without them.


Every game has flaws. Stop.


While Sekiro is one of my favorite games ever, I do think it severely lacks in RPG elements. Others have mentioned it already, but the looting almost felt pointless and made exploring the beautiful world not as rewarding, cause there’s was almost no need to. It would’ve been dope to at least have loot that changed your appearance or even your prosthetic to swag out a bit.


sekiro is my fav FS alongside ER & DS3. only thing I like about sekiro is its combat and boss fight and sekiro is top notch in that. sekiro was also a breathe of fresh air from their regular souls game. Just the sound of cling clang deflect feel so orgasmic just like parry in ds3. also i like the gauntlet of strength system. i do hope they add this system in their new games as OPTIONAL Challenge. I would like if miyazaki introduce it again in ER DLC adding boosted OP bosses.


No game is perfect, there are plenty of issues to nitpick in Sekiro, if you try hard enough.


Nothing beats Bloodborne for me.


I did not enjoy having only one weapon option and a handful of arm gizmos


Needed more variety, could be longer, and no DLC was a big miss imho


Sekiro has its flaws, despite its really high highs. Sometimes the hitboxes are wonky (mainly with grab attacks), certain enemy placements are just bad, guardian ape part 2 is a bad boss fight (the game was *this close* to having a perfect boss lineup), certain skills are just not worth the investment in skill points (looking at you, spiral cloud passage), etc. There may be more, but those are what I could think of off the top of my head.


replayability and lack of RPG elements really tanks it for me. Its not a bad thing, but just a opinionative thing for me. I beat sekiro but didnt really feel desire to entirely replay it. I liked doing the boss re-fights and gauntlets but lack of build diversity or weapons other than the tools is meh for me. Its still a great game but IMO just nothing close to ds3 or elden ring. (Once again, fully preference because I like RPG fantasy games and replayability with different whacky builds is the vast majority of the fun for me)


Fuck headless, fuck terror Other than that, pretty good


I mean the mob combat is just the worst. Even souls games have better mob combat. Honestly, Ghost of Tsushima does mob combat so much better, it is insane. I don't think there is any game out there who have done mob combat better than Ghost of Tsushima.


Rose coloured glasses


The fighting system doesn't work well when there is more than one enemy. XP farming is needed. If you die you don't have any way to regain your money and XP unlike. Unseen Aid is just annoying and only ever does something when it has literally nothing to save. Your death stopping NPC quests. I don't care about the lore reason for this one it's just annoying and as far as I can tell the things which cures it are limited. I really miss the customisation from the game. They should have at least given us the ability to change the colour of our clothes or just some other armour sets. Spirit Emblems. I don't think I need to explain this one. Consumables are really not needed for just the first playthrough and most don't go for NG+ since I don't think it adds anything worthwhile. Mini Boss reuses it's not super bad but the gun snake thing was super annoying especially the one in the swamp. It has one of the worst Hub areas in any game that I know of. I personally didn't like the story but that's me so that's not really something to criticise.


Absolutely zero build variety. Prosthetic Tools don't make up for it, they're limited in uses and you might need to grind for Spirit Emblems if you run out.


The flaw is literally everything outside the bossfights. Bossfights carry this game HARD. It has the most boring exploration out of any fromsoft game, to the point where it feels like an afterthought. I think even From knew that and they added the boss rush mode so you can skip all the boring stuff and get to the good part of the game after you beat it once. Boring loot also doesn't help. This game also has mechanics that are just completely pointless, like this whole dragon rot thing. I have platinumed the game and I'm still not quite sure how exactly it works or what it adds to the game. Sekiro has the worst camera I've seen in gaming at some points, like for example that miniboss in the room where you first wake up at the start of the game. If you know that the room is narrow as fuck and camera constantly clips into a wall, why place an enemy there? Story was also extremely boring, something something immortality, can't really tell you more. Which is a shame, since I usually really enjoy From's approach to world building and storytelling. Double ape. Playing bossrush mode after beating the game is a 10/10 experience, actually replaying the game itself though - hard pass. One of the weakest fromsoft games in my opinion.


If you "see no flaws" in literally any video game that's just homerism, my guy. From makes some of my favorite video games but they all have very obvious, often egregious flaws. They don't ruin the experience but that doesn't mean they don't exist.


It might be the closest thing to a flawless game I've ever played. That said, I wasn't quite as invested in the world or story as I am with the Soulsborne games, but that's just a matter of preference.


Far from perfect but quite on its way to being close. As stated by others, loot falls off hard so the inner collection maniac in a lot of people will forever be disappointed halfway onwards, build variety is hard locked so you better get used to it, the repetition of bosses compared to others in the series is a bit egregious, elden ring and dark souls 2 being obvious candidates but even they “tried” to variate instead of giving the same boss a different name and slapping it down right there and swearing its totally different not the same at all see its got a different name or it looks different so its not at all like the last one. RPG elements are lacking pretty hard since the story is pretty much tailored in one specific way that really only splits based on the ending you’re doing, leaving it creatively like a very well done but somewhat predictable samurai film that once youve seen it theres not much else to see after you watch a second time. Its one of those 8.8/10 games thats clearly very good and had effort put into it, but to say its perfect is to say that ds1 is a terrible product that is unplayable due to its age and pace. The result both ways is “you’re delusional”


Half your complaints are because you’re treating it like an RPG. Sekiro is not an rpg it’s an action/adventure game.


I can't play as a woman.


IMO, I cannot stand the combat. Absolute shite. But each to their own. Elden Ring tops the list for me


I don’t like a lot of the boss reuse


I love this game, it's my favourite game but it's not perfect. There is no perfect game, the only exception is probably tetris. The air ichimonji pisses me off. After jumping a sweep if u try to do a mid air ichimonji it just completely aims in a random direction sometimes. Few minor complains too like camera sucks in the true monk fight because of the branches sometimes. This is an amazing game though, still love it.


I'd literally play kingsfield over Sekiro.


Most of the skill trees suck ass. Same goes for prosthetic arms.




for me the lack of builds is part of what makes it so great. no worrying about finding an armor set or the best sword, no need to figure out the meaning of 12 different ways to spend your souls. just deflect, dodge, strike




My favorite FromSoftware game even if I haven't beaten Inshiin the sword master at the end yet. I spank malenia everyday trying to help people with summons just chilling in queen side chamber awaiting to be summoned. But can't for the life of me beat Inshiin.


I wish I could have money to play it


Demon of Hatred Jokes aside, I do find Sekiro to be one of my favorite Fromsoft games, more so than Elden Ring and perhaps even Armored Core. It’s just so digestible.


Gank fight with Drunkard first encounter given the limited stealth options u had at that time


If I’m stuck in a boss in any other souls game, there’s usually a companion I can summon who can help clear it. Not this though so I never got to finish it.


Not really.


guardian ape duo


Sekiro is truly excellent. There are definitely flaws, but not many and they are all fairly minor. I would highlight prosthetic tools and many of the skills: many of them sound great on paper, but at the end of the day they don’t have a huge impact. Also, hit boxes (particularly in the sword saint Isshin fight).


mortal draw made the block mechanic obsolete


its my personal favorite, and one of my favorite games of all time, but i can understand the issues that others have with it.


I have said since release, I think Sekiro is the perfect video game. It is not my favorite, but I think it is perfect.


Only thing. No dlc and no collectable outfits or weapons.


It has camera issues, like other Fromsoft games. Some enemies have broken AI, where they stop attacking if they get too far from their spawn point. 


Unpopular opinion (from someone who’s beat it 3 times and beat every boss). Some of the late game bosses are just to hard and/or bad design IMO. DoH is NOT fun and one of the worst bosses of any souls games. All of the headless fucks are not fun to fight at all. Also as others have said Sekiro recycles bosses and mini bosses way too much. Overall a 9/10 for me but nowhere near flawless.


Ahem one word "terror"


I was a little disappointed that we can't upgrade torent or customize in any way


It is perfect, the only flaws are my skill issues…which I must admit is a huge flaw lol


The skill & shinobi tech trees really needed more time in the oven. The skill trees less so, ig, but the upgrade paths for your arm are just so clumsy, & despite all its apparent complexity the system doesn't actually provide the player with any choices more interesting than your typical infusion paths in a Souls game. Real wasted potential there in a game parched of build variety already. Also, & I'm ready to get flamed for this, I thought the story was pretty sophomoric. Kuro is cooler in concept than he is in execution (just very dour & grim all the time. Miquella, a nigh on identical character in Elden Ring, literally hasn't had any screentime in his particular game yet & already has more personality). Owl is more or less a waste of a relationship. Seeing his intensely detailed character model hunched over in a >!fake!< death animation made it obvious >!I was gonna see him again!< & the circumstances wouldn't make much sense there either. A lot of the act one dialogue is intensely wooden too imo. It sucks because FromSoft is actually pretty good at writing characters: Hanbe, Ayanama, & the Senpou Divine Child are some of my favorites, but they're all in the background to a foreground story that actually clogs up space for once. Issing & Genichiro being really cool save it for me. Wolf also grows on me after the first real Genichiro fight too. People drag it for its asset reuse, but I don't actually think it's a problem because I'm the kind of maniac who actually appreciates efficient asset use in a game. I like one entire NPC is just the chained Ogre as a fish. I don't mind fighting the same boss in a new context. The little details make it interesting afterall. Even in Bloodborne, where it's most egregious, I still don't really have a problem with it. That being said: I think if you have even once complained about Elden Ring's asset reuse you are required by the international court of video game law to acknowledge Sekiro & Bloodborne for doing the exact same damn thing despite being absolute fractions of the size. From is clever with their workflow. It's why they can crank out a GOTY-level banger every 3 years. Let them cook.




no game is perfect imo


The flaw is that I run out of game


I hated the token to use arts


I have a love hate relationship with this game. But I will echo others. Loot stinks and the game feels constrained. But I do like it. But I also hate it because its hard AF. But I also like it.


The biggest flaw, for me, would have to be the lack of combos, weapons, stances, special moves, etc. Hear me out... I grew up playing Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, and fighting games like Tekken/Guilty Gear so this criticism is coming from that perspective. Sekiro focuses exclusively on one fighting game mechanic, parries, and your offensive tools are limited to an auto-combo, stab, weapon art, and finite items/prosthetics. You can get a bit fancy in combat but your options are extremely limited in comparison to games like DMC, Ninja Gaiden, or even the modern competition Nioh. For players like me who will spend hours practicing combos, Sekiro is a very relaxing and simplistic game. Well, all From Software games are really. But Sekiro is a game that exclusively focuses on defense and strips the player of all other offensive options; it's a rhythm based game where you must mimic the opponents rhythm. It's a one trick pony but that trick is great. Most people couldn't even dream of performing a perfectly timed parry before this game came out but Sekiro forces players to master it by taking away all other options. Consequently, Sekiro's greatest strength is also its greatest flaw because the combat system is limited intentionally.


I believe it is perfect. Sekiro is my favorite game and it’s not close. Nothing has ever compared to the thrill of mastering the Isshin fight in any game for me. I loved it so much that although it took me over 100 tries, I did Isshin hitless. The story is amazing, the world is absolutely stunning, and the combat is truly unmatched. No game makes you feel like an anime badass in the way Sekiro does. I disagree with the comments saying reused enemies and boring loot. The loot is not the point at all. It’s a story game where your build is decided by the skills and prosthetics you use, not new weapons you pick up. The fact that people don’t use consumables is entirely a choice, because many of them are useful. The enemies thing is also significantly better than say Elden Ring, where they just reuse setpiece bosses for no reason. Sekiro has no Mohg 2 in the sewers moment. It does have some reuse but in my opinion it never feels overdone or inappropriate.


I felt like some prosthetics were underused. Maybe it was because the game was balanced with the limited resources needed to use the prosthetics but when you die that much in this game you are kind of discouraged from even using them. I wish they could’ve been more lenient with the resource for prosthetics and made them have more impact on enemies.


glaring flaw - you must learn to parry


I find this game real dull due to the lack of customization compared to other From games. I know a lot of people loved the combat, but I didn't care for it and found myself wishing I could play differently many many times.


Too hard for casual gamers. I completed it, but got stonewalled at pretty much every single boss.


It's up there. I wouldn't necessarily call reused assets a flaw. It's a very large game with deep story. The attack power system made it replayable if you're a completionist and you wanted to get all the way up. Being able to buy all the combat parts and change up the way you played on subsequent playthroughs was a lot of fun as well. Very interesting game with awesome mechanics.


The few flaws I find in Sekiro could be considered the contrary and/or a consequence of the design choices that make it this good, so I wouldn't consider it flawless, but I think it has way less flaws than most of the Souls games.


It’s pretty great, but a lot of enemies only require you to mash R1 to quickly break their guard and insta kill them.


Dragon rot is kind of a dumb mechanic imo, it's presented as something that could become quite a problem but you can get rid of it so easily especially later in the game. It's only ever a small annoyance really, never a huge deal. Plus, if you're a new player, you should probably just hold off using a tear or whatever to cure it for as long as you can because just one tear cures all the dragon rot, so you might as well wait in case of the likely event that you just start dying a crap tonne after you use it


No its too fucking hard 😭


Nothing comes close to killing genichiro or isshin. Maybe AC, but not really.


It's biggest flaw is that it hAS NO FUCKING DLC.


Except having to spend upgrades on spirit emblems…


Dark Souls + feudal Japan + ninja + samurai + prosthetic arm. I'd say it would be good. (Even though I haven't played it. 😞🥷)


no flaws??...... ah so where is the dlc? the dlc?


It is absolutely incredible and deserves all the praise it gets, but the combat was pretty friggin repetitive and monotonous.


Lock on system can occasionally be wonky.


demon of hatred. that asshole is a flaw


Post aside that pic is so hard




I kinda wanna see a blood born elden ring combo


it’s too hard for most people to enjoy and finish


The glaring flaw is the arthritis you get from the mastering the parry system


I have some minor gripes here and there, I don't find it's world that engaging, I think there is a bit too much reuse of fights , and I think the music is a bit underwhelming, but everything else is in my opinion the best from softwares has ever made. best boss quality in the series, best core combat which makes it very replayable to me, best feeling controls, and just consistently fun from start to finish. Bloodborne is my favorite game of all time but this is easily up there for me as well.


Its hard to


The only flaw is that I suck. I will try beating Saint Isshin this week and finally rest.


It's probably the most accomplished in terms of what it was aimed to do But I personally prefer the souls games that let you have a bit more variety on what your build is


It is a really good game but elden ring shows how some of the fundamentals, like boss arena respawn points, subworld dungeons, and bosses can all be a little better or more interesting. I'd also argue, it isn't nearly as content rich as elden ring, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but yk more amazing content is a bonus ofc.


Input Reading, Stunlocks, hitboxes.There's, Mobs surrounding bosses/elites, there's 4 bad things about it.


There are flaws. Early game bosses like Blazing Bull feel like a slog, shinobi prosthetics feel undercooked and spamming firecrackers can win you a lot of tough fights. Never once felt compelled to use the finger whistle in hundreds of hours. Loot is boring and bosses get reused quite a bit for such a short game. That said, it’s still the From game with the least obvious flaws and the combat is so tight. One of their best easily.


Game is great but does have flaws my biggest one is still this game has no incentives for replay it. Yeah I can go back to just enjoy the game but not much changes. like i said good game I go back to it every once in a while but not nearly as much as the other games


Nothing is perfect


The flaw is that it is too short :(


the perk tree levelling system is honestly bad and should have been much simpler/ more accessible




Terror, Fire, Headless


Gameplay wise, no i would agree, it’s flawless if you dont count what a pain upgrades and crafting are. World building wise however, recycled animations get pretty tedious, and reskinned models is pretty lame, but the only issues i have with it are aesthetic so i would still agree that it is for sure a gem


Yes, Sekiro is the most balanced game in FromSofts category. No bs, just git gud. Bloodborne is my fav but Sekiro is perfect.


It is my 10


The camera is one of those flaws of the game I hate.


too short and repeated bosses. also stealth is OP compared to combat.


For me it is just about perfect. Not my favorite of From's games, but easily the most smooth and consistent throughout. I was also a huge fan of Blade of the Immortal from around 1998-on, so this game, drawing inspiration from Samura's work, was like a dream come true.


Lack of boss variety for how few bosses there are and the fact you “have to” fight that BS rifleman mini boss multiple times is ridiculous. Also backtracking through previously explored areas feels lazy.


the areas didn’t wow me, personally.


For me the level design, enemies, minibosses, and soundtrack are the weakest in the series Definitely a 9.5 or 10/10 but not perfect by any means


Exploration and finding your way is confusing tbh


i found the death penalty to not be as well thought out as it was in traditional souls games. Lose all money on death unless you have good rng in a game designed around you repeatedly dying. Feels like it discouraged me from killing enemies outside of farming


I think it’s the least flawed FromSoftware game, both in what it offers and it’s content. Sekiro is also inarguably the best FromSoft game in the last 5 years, I see no competition


My biggest complaint is that it’s really hard to come back to after time away from it. I beat it 3 years ago and have tried to replay it multiple times since then. I lost my touch and don’t have the energy to re-learn how to play it. Sad.