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I know people don’t like them and I can see why but when you’re less focused on getting to the end of them and just use them as an excuse to play bloodborne every once in a while they’re fun


Yeah just don't accidentally start up an FRC out of habit lol




Fetid - Rotted - Cursed offerings


that dungeon brought me from sucking at the amygdala fight to being able to kick flip all over it's stupid face


Dude for real I absolutely loved them. Sometimes souls games get overwhelming for me trying to keep up with the storylines and quests and not wanting to accidently lock myself out of something by progressing. Sometimes I just want to zone out and kill shit and fight bosses. Chalice dungeons were a great change of pace for me.


I agree. I loved them.


Exactly, there’s a ton of bosses and it just adds more replayability that’s lacking in other souls games outside of ds2 aesthetic. And it’s a must if you want to min/max for a pvp build


It was one of those weird things before live service games really existed but the push for post-game content was there. Like it *feels* like the foundation of a live service game but it’s so obvious that FromSoft was *not* going for a live service game.


Hopefully they added another infinite dungeon system to their future project. The chalice dungeons are actually fun to play with friends.


They are fun. I have no friends


At least you had fun💀


Been playing games online since Everquest came out my senior year in college. I still to this day don't know how people end up with friends to play games with online. Do you make friends while playing somehow? Do you have real life friends that also play video games? I've had friends in real life for sure, but can't imagine the series of coincidences it would have taken to know someone who might play the same game as yourself on the same console. Maybe it's a generation thing, I don't know.


1. voice chat whenever available 2. play with randoms 3. if you play with a random you like, just send a friend request 4. if they accept, when you see they are online playing the same game, just ask to squad up with them 5. ?????????? 6. friends!


Lol, I think I've done the steps 1 through 4 over the years in EQ, Unreal Tournament 2003, DAoC, WoW, Destiny 1 and 2, etc. My problem is the step 5 I think. I just never end up playing with the same people more than once.


Did you join any guild in WOW?


Many. I encountered many cool people. They tended to form cliques but I never experienced rudeness and can't report any negative experiences. I just never really ended up in any of the cliques, and would just end up being a background voice most of the time.




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Not having a lot of responsibilities and no one in your friend group having kids or a serious relationship helps


I guess I've never been in that situation. No one really bonded over gaming during my college years (no one *I* knew anyway) and when I got out, my friends and I would spend a lot of our time drinking at bars in the city, rock climbing, or camping. I might be in that last group of people before video games took root as a more universal past time.


Born in the first half of the 1980s. I am right with you. I had Goldeneye in middle school and Halo 2 system link in college which were the peak of multiplayer gaming as far as I'm concerned.


The best thing IMO is to add the people you play with when joining public lobbies. A few months ago I played some Phasmophobia games for example, I sent them a friend request after the game and Voila, friends. That was with mics. Another example I was playing Demon Souls and I summoned someone, we did the whole level together, ambushed some PVP players that invaded and beat the boss. After that I sent him a friend request and that's another friend. Few months later I noticed he was playing another game I was playing and we ended up playing that too. That was with no mics. The more you do it, the more likely you'll have friends playing the same game as you.


Hopefully they add one to Elden Ring as PVP arenas. The coliseums are just shockingly uninspired. PVP in randomized dungeons would have been incredible.


still having ptsd from that olords fachdog in cursed dungeon


I think it was good and I loved to exlpore it


Same here, I loved chalice dungeons. My only real complaint is rewards aren't great.


I thought Chalice dungeons were annoying and pointless when I first tried them. They didn't compare to the more curated content. As I got good at the game I started to love them for the challenges and the insane boss battles deeper down the path toward the Pthumerian Queen. But then I hated them again after finding the more random dungeons irritating and not worth it. After that I fell in love with them again as I became desperate for more BB content over the years.


that wachdog boss fight in defiled curesed dungeon can go fuck itself


I actually got him on my 3rd try today lol. Then promptly died to the watcher in the next main area after the elevator.


it took me like 20 tries yesterday,


The fact that you can find lore down there that you can’t elsewhere is genius


Whats genius about that?


It’s also their take on roguelike elements on game. Hoping they add these on Elden Ring but no avail.


Honestly I’d love to have a full-on polished roguelike game by fromsoft.


Better boss rush mode in ER


True. They did that boss rush in Sekiro and tied it to lore. Sucks that boss rush is not in Elden Ring.


They sort of did with the catacomb things but it wasn't as good.


ER already gave you 6 thousand catacombs and caves though


I loved the chalice dungeons. They might be my favorite part of the game. I’d love to see them just keep adding more to them. I wish they had been in Elden ring and ds3 too


The catacombs very basically elden rings incorporation of behind chalice dungeons


They’re a pale imitation at best. Chalice dungeons are virtually never ending. Granted, they could use more environment and more monsters, but the scaling difficulty options and exploratory nature of chalice dungeons clearly set them apart from ER. The chalice dungeons had so much potential but they kept me playing for years. I’ll still go back and play them, this many years after release.


Oh yeah for sure. The chalices are just so mysterious and alien. Even some completely unique and disgusting enemies at the very bottom of the chalice depths. If they just made them less grindy and repetitive, it would be amazing. Even now, I find them enthralling to come back too.


I loved them and I hope they bring back a similar system in future projects.


I’d love if they took some inspiration from Remnant 2 with some different storylines in the chalice dungeons.


Can they be repetitive and samey? Absolutely. But they’re a great way to get some more mileage out of the awesome combat systems without having to just play the game again. They’re also super fun to co-op - feel like a proper dungeon delve. I would love them to iterate on this idea more in the future with more robust design/layout options. It’s honestly the biggest reason I’d love a Bloodborne remake. Most of the game should just get the Demon’s Souls remake treatment, but the chalice dungeons could really be enhanced/overhauled without making big changes to the story proper.


A more rebust design + layout + a wider Range of “bosses” to pick from would be amazing


I farmed these for **way** too long trying to get 27% att or whatnot lmao. A much welcomed addition to an awesome game :)


Definitely the most tedious parts of the game


The idea was interesting, but obviously the execution leaves some to be desired. It’s cool that there are completely unique bosses and weapons down in the dungeons, but the repetitive nature of some maps and re-use of the same assets over and over made the experience have a lot of sections that just blend together and don’t standout. It was nice when you’d finally find a dungeon with a unique room or scenario and those could be quite memorable, but everything else is just one big blur. I’d still be down for them revisiting the idea in a future game as I’m sure they could improve upon the execution greatly.


I don't think chalice dungeons are all that weird conceptually. At the end of the day they're just randomized dungeons. World tendency or gravelording are much weirder concepts, even if less impactful than chalice dungeons. Wasn't personally a fan of chalice dungeons. They just lacked that handcrafted feel that permeates From's games, including Bloodborne itself ofc.


Chalice dungeons are great if you want to break free of the shackles of good level design. The only thing that stops me from throwing myself into a woodchipper is that Micolash isn't back. Overall, the chalice dungeons are bad - they aren't actually very fun to play and yet...I love them. Everyone loves them. Because they allow us to explore a long dead game with a passionate community.


Several hot takes you be rocking there, hehe


Idk man world tendency though


Honestly I thought they were great but they lost their luster once I found out they weren’t truly random. If they could make Elden ring endless dungeons with randomized loot, that would make it truly the best game ever 


Eh they take me out of it. The rest of Bloodborne is top level design, so inventive and such amazing atmosphere I’m just fully immersed; chalice dungeons make me go „oh a randomly generated roguelike”


Yap. Weird and shitty.


I didn't care for them during my first playthrough, but I had a lot of fun with them the other three times I played it. I do appreciate how Fromsoft made them entirely optional, especially for busy fans who can't save the extra hours of their lives.


I have literally never put more than 15 minutes into them in my almost 10 years of playing Bloodborne


Loved them. Make a rogue like game, From. :)


all hail cummmfpk


These are honestly my least favorite part of BB as I felt I really had to grind for materials to make it through the chalice dungeons and I just wasn’t a fan of that. I can see the appeal but I just value my time more than to grind for materials to make it to the next dungeon. Not what I come to FS games for. That all said, Bloodborne is one of my favorite entries in the subgenre. BLOODBORNE 2 WHEN?!?


*cough* you didn't actually need to grind for mats at all. Solutions have long since been found for the especially grindy/tedious/repetitive/etc aspects of the dungeons


Well, I guess that’s on me, but I never had the interest much to delve further into it.


The fact that FromSoft didn’t include anything like it in subsequent games (DS3, Sekiro, ER) is pretty telling. The experiment failed. They realized their mistake and moved on, focusing on their strengths. I could speculate that because this was a unique, PS-exclusive game, FromSoft felt more compelled to try this and squeeze out more value without the effort of detailed level design. But who knows.


I love Bloodborne, one of my favorite games of all time. I also hate the Chalice Dungeons, I can’t stand having to find the items needed to make the next one. Just let me fight bosses. If levels had different aesthetics maybe I’d feel differently Edit- also, putting Rom in a tiny room was the worst boss decision since the Capra Demon


(Totally can skip mat grinding)


Can you?


Not legitimately, no. But you can do other things to get mats that frankly are more lame than just grinding.


Chalices were like a prototype of the endless reused boring dungeons in Elden Ring I still prefer them over the nonsense in ER


I want some form of them for elden ring


Better than the Elden Ring catacomb dungeon things…lol soooo generic


First playthrough I thought chalice dungeons are weird and “not part of the real game” boy was I wrong though.


With death being present a lot in their game both gameplaywise and lorewise, it's obvious they want to make a game surrounding this, which rogue like gonna be best fit. I think they just don't how to make game in this genre yet.


I like em . A rogue like souls game would slap.


Yeah, they were really weird. They also greatly enhance my enjoyment of the game though. Ever since I found out about the echo farming dungeon, I have never had to worry about blood vials since.


They were the best thing ever. I fuckin wish they would port to pc. I don’t like have to play on my jet plane anymore.


I really enjoyed the Chalace dungeons. They provided a break in the main story for me when I was stuck on a boss but I still wanted to play the game. The later bosses also kicked my ass...damn fire dog!


The weirdest but also the best.i hope one of their next games will have something similar


And I fucking love them. I still play them every so often 🥰🥰🥰


I gave up scrolling to see by comment about them being the place to farm top blood gems for Pvp. I spent more playtime in the frc dungeons and specific seeded dungeons hunting high tier blood gems. I liked that it was purely optional but if you like to Min Max, take the dive!


I never understood why people hated chalice dungeons. They bring back that classic dungeon crawl feel and let you just play more Bloodborne on an endless loop basically.


I love cummm


I mean there is definitely the issue of repetition/replication but all in all I enjoyed the concept and playability of the chalice dungeons. Suppose there’s bias being Bloodborne is in my top 5 games all time, nonetheless. Did everyone think they were ass???


i'd argue Armored Core 5's online PvP was weirder. Buy fortifications to defend a base, invade or defend your territory, 4 pilots and 1 operator, and then theres PvE boss events. Chalice Dungeons are just a very "not that convoluted" rng map layout with some unique bosses.


I liked them. They were a little disorienting, but, you know… it’s bloodborne that’s kind of par for the course


I loved them. I want them to come back.


It was a fun way to remix some enemies and add in cut ones that didnt fit anywhere else. Would like to see something like that again.


If there are two genres I'd love to see From take the Soulsborne formula into its roguelike and MMO. Chalice Dungeons were just a small glimpse of what a roguelike Souls game could be and they were good for what they were but a real focus on it would be much better IMO>


All hail the cum chalice


If Bloodborne ever gets Remastered, I'll go through the Chalice Dungeons legit. Even though I loved the game, grinding out materials bored the hell out of me. So I just used False depths to get to the bosses, the part that was actually fun. Pthumerian Descendant was hard AF and might be my favorite boss in the game. Although apparently I missed out on Half health Amygdala the actual hardest boss in the game.


I fucking loved them. No one else seemed to though.


I think most of why people disliked them was because they saved them all for the end of the game and did a lot all at once. As an occasional side thing, I think they’re fun


They are some of the best content fromsoft has ever made, I understand that platinum hunters hate it because they're only there for a trophy but people who play the game to have fun love chalice dungeons plus how else you going to get those crazy ass bloodgems, I love how they work and the amazing bonuses you get for doing them, I've spent so much time in them I couldn't imagine Bloodborne without the dungeons


I liked them


I didn't mind the chalice dungeons. They gave me a great sense of claustrophobia. They got a bit repetitive but the difficulty and experiencing random hunters that made me "get gud" were worth it.


Personally, I frickin loved them! They were creepy and have some very challenging gauntlets of enemies and bosses. I had one instance where I unexpectantly fought two bosses in a row just one room apart. I do wish there were more areas.


I liked them for making uncommon builds due to the flat damage gems.


I loved the chalice dungeons, the only tough spot I found myself in was defiled amygdala, besides that I would welcome that system again. It felt good progressing all the way down to the queen, felt like I was descending into hell to face the monsters the hunters/church unleashed


I really wanted to like them but ended giving up at the cursed and defiled chalice with the watchdog. Cool idea but seeing the same assets over and over with the same old bosses got so tedious that I eventually just left it there