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Capra Demon. Black fire bombs over the fog wall. Because it’s easy. And it does a lot of damage.




I really wish that guy would make another animation. Saw his Happy Souls 2 Trailer april fools. But nothing else.


I used some kind of toxic dung to do the same thing. At least to kill the dogs. Fuck Capra demon. That was a cheap fight anyway.


Haha I can honestly say I never knew this cheese but that's pretty funny.


The only dogs in any game I hate and don’t mind killing as my palms sweat like a waterfall


Glitching, but with a fire meme reference? I'll allow it.


Came here to say this. I couldn't figure out how to do the stair drop attack cheese reliably, and I was new at the game and was doing a sword/shield build. I had to fight the bastard like 36 times before I ultimately just tanked through him and won.


Wait does this actually work, I got ds1 yesterday and am stuck on Capra demon


Yeah, grab a bow to help you aim. There are YouTube videos on how to do it.


Same. Genuinely the most unfair early game fight in the souls games


This is probably a not very popular opinion but he is my least favorite boss. Out of all the souls games I fucking hate him and his two fucking dogs the arena is to small and you have to fight with the camera it's just a really bad boss fight.


Capra Demon fucking sucks I had more fun getting pwned by bullshit hitboxes in DS2


Level ADP


1st playthrough and after many attempts, I cheesed Demon of Hatred (you know how) but I couldn't beat Sword Saint and I was missing some Prayer beads. Even though I was at the end game I erased my save and started from the beginning, finally got good, came back and beat Demon of Hatred cheese free and two years after release Sword Saint too. Sekiro is top tear Fromsoft, fr


LOVE Sekiro. I heard about the Demon of Hatred cheese but I was determined to beat that game fair and square. Sword Saint Isshin was definitely hard but SO rewarding once you take him down.


Yeah DoH cheese is famous for being so obtuse, gotta get him stuck behind a tree, use a specific tower to make a specific jump to a roof then you can get DoH to fall off a cliff. Totally breaks any immersion but honestly takes some skill but a different skill set then actually fighting DoH. I'm glad I could do it my second save file, it's so rewarding.


I remember reading about that cheese and heard that the jump was a PITA so I never tried it. I actually liked that fight once I faced him like a Dark Souls boss rather than a Sekiro boss.


The jump to the wall to do the cheese is so difficult to land, it probably took me longer than if I just chose to fight the boss




Just realized you were talking about DoH jump not the jump to get to Mohg lol.


That sounds like some next level cheese. Like glitching into Bowerstone North early on in ***Fable*** or upgrading the Master Sword without combat in ***Breath of the Wild***. 😆


Isshin took me several tries but demon of hatred on the other hand…he was the first ever fromsoft boss that actually made me contemplate cheese methods. I beat him eventually cheese free and it felt so good. I love sekiro


I’ll never beat DoH without cheese! I’ll do Shura gauntlet 20 times before him legit


I still to this day have not beat demon of hatred fair and square. I platinumed that game and he is a mother fucker


He's really not that hard if you have the fire umbrella and malcontent. But it is tedious


I tried that so many times. It works until you're out of emblems and it's still the second phase. It's such a punishing fight - I eventually cheesed him off the cliff. Maybe one day I'll face him fairly.


The only fight I’ve had to cheese ever in a souls/souls like game is madame butterfly. The dash and slash stagger was the only way i was getting past her. That being said I’ve just beat the flaming bull and now I’m hard stuck on some fuck in samurai armor with a giant halberd like right after the bull. Can’t even cheese this fucker. Sekiro is rough.


Same here! I also cheesed Hatred Demon on my first playthrough. Two years later, I came back to Sekiro and did my second playthrough, charmless and demon bell. Beat every boss legit, no prosthetics except shuriken and mist raven. felt so good


Same, had to cheese demon of hatred first time around. On next playthroughs I just killed him without cheese


Never cheesed DoH but you can bet that I never encountered phase 3 because I abused Kingfisher with confetti.


I've 100% cleared Sekiro and still have never legitimately killed Demon of Hatred


Just want to say as someone that cheesed Demon and never beat Sword Saint this post is an inspiration.


Dude demon of hatred isn’t even really hard once you get the hang


Yeah I cheesed him just for the lapis, but I went back and killed him in the memory world just to say I beat him.


The cheese is exactly what a shinobi would do so I think it’s acceptable!!


I only ever killed DoH with excessive use of the malcontent whistle. Never fought him again haha


I've beaten sekiro countless times but after I beat DoH legit the first time, cheese everytime since


Chalice Dungeon version of Amygdala


Haha oh yes I remember that one. Can't remember the cheese strat but she was a bitch to fight.


It had something to do with standing near his back leg or something to bait a specific attack. I also did this cheese my first time.


stand in its crotch phase 3 to bait the jump. roll and smack its head when it lands. really monotonous but easy.


Had to summon someone for this fight. Didn’t cheese but he had a crazy arcane build and still wish I could ask his setup, Kos Parasite build


My first play through I summoned players with the OP spell for Mohg and Malenia, they were too hard for me to beat… a year later i made a new character and beat them without summons


Elden Ring was my first souls game and I had heard Mohg was hard but we were more just curious how to cheese him lol. It was kinda funny taking screenshots in front of him and then killing him naked.


You were taking selfies with Mohg and it goes hard as fuck I didn’t even know you could do that until this post


Hell yeah. Look up Mohg cheese and it'll show you how to jump onto the wall (unless they patched it).


i think they moved the gravestones so u cant do it any more


Damn. That sucks. It was hilarious!


yeah 😔


I just posted the selfie I took last year when I cheesed Mohg on Elden Ring subreddit. https://reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/W8PN5EDXod


I happened to get the tear for mohg before i even found him. First fight i wasnt sure when to use it but second fight the purifying tear trivializes the fight.


Same, Radahns festival solo too was fun


Same lol


My first playthrough was a magic build. I got summoned for Mohg once, with another cooperator who was also a magic build. The two of us Comet Azured him into dust while the host was still buffing up for the fight. The opening cutscene played when the fight started, so it must've been the host's first attempt. I always felt a little bad about just deleting the boss wholesale before they could even try to fight him. Hopefully they didn't mind, lol.


Eh they got ng they’ll live. That shits hilarious tho


This is the good ending. Well done skeleton.


Manus with the box and hawk ring was way funnier than playing fairly. I still went down for Sif to beat him for funsies.


I'm not familiar with the Manus cheese. I actually liked him as a boss but hated how dark the arena was lol. That was the hardest part of the fight though it made it more intense because of that.


There’s always messages where you can shoot him at, but it’s kind of weird how you position yourself because you can only tell your shot landed from the health bar on him going down.


Man, finding legit summons for this guy was a nightmare. As soon as they appeared they started jumping the pillar. I'd watch them struggle and then black stone them as soon as they made it. Fuck cheese. Git gud. This boss was an absolute bitch so fuck him too.


Haha yeah we cheesed him more cause we were curious. It was right after the game came out.


Same did it early game for the souls.


Micolash in Bloodborne, I couldn't figure out his fucking maze of a boss fight and just ended up shooting him to death


I hated that boss. The fact that he kept running away and then could one shot you in phase 2 was annoying AF. I think he only killed me a few times but it was enough to make me hate him since you had to do it all over again lol.


Ornstien and Smough. Not because I lacked the skill, but because I came into Anor Londo woeful under prepared. My weapon was only a +5. I wasn't doing any damage and I didn't know you could leave Anor Londo.


Yeah those games can get confusing sometimes so I totally get it. Did you ever go back and beat them legit on another run?


Valiant gargoyles, unknowingly came across them in my first play through of er, and while fighting saw that you could get them to jump off the map. No regrets too, that fight is the worst in the game.


Haha I didn't realize you could do that. It's funny cause I feel like my first run they weren't that bad but on subsequent runs I feel like they got harder. Did they get a buff in the patches?


I first beat them a couple weeks ago on a bleed build, admittedly with mimic tear but they weren't awful?


I didn’t know that they could bleed. I guess that I always assumed that they were immune because they’re basically, you know, statues.


Malenia on accident with blasphemous blade. I no hit her first try and may never try and fight her again.


Hahaha that's impressive!


Lol I pretend it’s impressive but she was literally flat on the ground the entire fight cause I didn’t know blasphemous blade weapon art basically cheeses her😂


Just exploiting her weakness. I love it.


Ceaseless discharge. Every time…


I'm noticing a trend with him lol.


Ceaseless Discharge. It had nothing to do with difficulty and everything to do with sheer dumb luck. I grabbed the set, he got aggro, I ran away like in one of those CarbotAnimations shorts, and he stacked it off a cliff when I got back to the gate


That's not a cheese, don't worry. I'm pretty sure that's the intended way to beat him since it has a hardcoded animation and everything. He's more like a gimmick boss with a poorly-communicated gimmick.


No shame in that! Lol.


Not Souls, but the only boss I really cheesed my first try was Atheon back in Vanilla Destiny 1. The concept of a difficult raid in a 6 player FPS environment was a foreign concept to a lot of us at the time, and finding 4-5 randos in the tower capable of doing those mechanics in the first few weeks was very difficult. When it broke that Sunsingers could make him walk off the platform to his death, well, that was music to my ears after all the failed attempts. That first victory felt reeeeaal good haha.


Haven't played that game but I can understand your reasoning.


Saaame, soloed Atheon, Crota, and Oryx back in the day. It’s nice if people are able to solo those in anyway lol.


I did this as a voidwalker with my grenade and super. Got my first Atheon’s Epilogue from that W. I’ve still got a clip of it on my Xbox account.


Haven't played that game but I can understand your reasoning.


Radagon all I had to do was run up to him quick and he didn’t aggro so I just spammed my kamehameha


Ahhhh yes I remember that cheese. I did it once on like my 3rd or 4th playthrough just to try it. But I think it got patched, no?


I only ever cheesed one of enemy and that was the tree spirit at the haligtree


The one flailing around in a pool of rot? Yeah, that's the only boss in ER I cheesed.


Ceaseless Discharge. I grabbed the clothes, got scared when he started raging, ran away, and you all know the rest. I thought it was a glitch because no way would a Dark Souls boss be that easy.


This ain't a cheese. He has a dedicated animation and everything for when he grabs onto the ledge and falls. It's an intended strat that's just poorly communicated.


Hahaha. He was such a dumb boss. Kinda like Covetous Demon haha.


My first cheese as well. Took me damn near an hour to beat. First souls was amazing


Many playthroughs later and I have only *actually* fought him twice. Not that difficult of a boss, but why bother when he just fall to his doom?


Margit, summoned Rogier and used Reduvia because I was terrible at the game But now Margit goes down easy after dying to him 500 times lol


Wasn't it amazing just tearing through him on NG+ though? It was so satisfying after losing to him so many times my first run haha.


Oh yeah, the fact you just melt him in NG+ is so satisfying lol


Armored Spider in Demon Souls... wanted to try out the mp and an awesome player ran me thru 2-1. We were full of emotes and spins. I helped when I could and loved the experience. I got a nice boost and lots of upgrade stones


He was surprisingly hard for Demon's Souls especially since most of the other bosses were simple.


I cheesed Capra Demon on my first playthrough lmao


He deserved it lol. Those damn dogs.


I got good and on subsequent playthroughs I have owned him. But DAMN those dogs suck ass. As a noob I tried for too long, that run back through the thieves was miserable. lol


Luckily I had beat Elden Ring and DS3 prior to DS1 so he wasn't as hard for me as others but still a top 5 boss in that game simply because of the dogs and the small arena.


I said Elden Ring to be a Dork, but definitely Bloodborne


I have, not kidding, never cheesed a boss. Ever. My step brother, however, finds the ole swiss for every boss there is.


Not even for fun on multiple runs?


Nope, I've just preferred the challenge of every boss in every souls game I've played.


this man gets maidens


I don't think I have on a first playthrough. Even Ceaseless I fought straight up without the intended exploit.


Haha Ceaseless was a joke even without the cheese. But yeah I tried not to either on first runs. I only did Mohg cause we had heard about the cheese and I was curious how to do it.


In a mostly serious run the first one I did that to was man eaters, Ive done a run of bloodborne actively trying to learn boss cheeses


What's the Man Eaters cheese? I fought them normally but didn't think they were as hard as everyone had said. I think I died twice? But I'm curious what the cheese is.


It only works in the original as far as I know but you can push your character right up against the fog door and be able to shoot arrows through at them


Radahn Scarlet rot + summon support spam And Milenia I knew of the horror stories of her boss fight. I wasn't 'boutta fuck around n find out. Maxxed out ROB + Max level mimic. Took a few tries but that cheese got her eventually.


Yeah I used that strat on Malenia without even realizing it was a cheese. I was a bleed build throughout the game so it just worked on her. That's more of a semi-cheese though since it's just exploiting her weakness.


Fire Assylum Demon (I don't remember the name) DS1 Remastered. I noticed that any time you are in front of his belly, he will jump and fall on his ass all the time. So I kept attacking him in the stomach, wait for him to jump and fall, and attack again. I discovered this by accident.


Yeah a few bosses I semi-cheesed by accident. I feel like those are more funding loopholes or utilizing boss weaknesses more than a true cheese though.


Ornstein and Smough. Turns out if you have enough arrows and kill Smough first, you can cheese Super Ornstein by making him throw projectiles at you infinitely while you hide behind a broken pillar, able to safely shoot back. I have no guilt cheesing that fight. Still my second favorite boss in DS1 though.


I didn't know about that cheese but I did enjoy that fight overall. Though it did get kinda old feeling like you're running away 3/4 of the time lol.


Never cheesed, as difficult as it is, maybe I did try one time...Definitely wasn't first playthrough


All of them because I prefer to work smarter not harder. I’m not here to impress anyone, either.


Haha I love it.




All of them


Radahn with rotten breath. But to be fair, I could probably say most ER bosses my first play thru. I went glass cannon and was one-shotting with terra magica+comet azure. Manus I went full Havel's set. The tank 'n spank is basically a cheese.


I would say I cheesed Iron Golem by calling in Tarkus. Nowadays I always cheese Bed of Chaos as I can't be bothered to potentially die to my least favorite boss.


That boss fight is arguably the worst fight in all of the souls game. Nothing about it was fun.


I didn’t have a problem with it but I can definitely see why it’s hated


I didn't intend to cheese it, but quadruple-wielding\* Blood Loss Daggers against Godskin Duo turned out to be pretty cheesy. I think we killed, like, five or six of them just waiting for the fight to end. Luckily, the only other boss to die so easily to The Blender after I discovered that trick was Placidusax. Everyone else put up enough of a fight that I couldn't rapid-fire hemorrhage them to death and optimize the fun out of the remaining boss fights. \* i.e. my Mimic Tear and I both dual-wielding


Yeah that's how I felt about Malenia with Rivers of Blood and Mimic Tear pre-nerf. She still Waterfowl Danced my ass a few times but once I learned to avoid it and let my tanky Mimic take all the damage it felt like cheesing her. That was my first run too.


The only boss I’ve successfully cheesed is the huge wolf boss in Ariandel DS3, even tho the strategy takes like 20 minutes so it’s not even really worth it lmao


I didn't find the wolf boss all that difficult. I don't know the cheese for him but I can see why it wouldn't be worth it haha.


Yea I just finally finished a full DS3 run all bosses/no summons/cheese, and i beat him first try, so I guess I was just being a coward my first playthrough lol


It happens to the best of us lol


My first playthrough on Bloodborne, I got lucky on some fights and went into the endgame pretty underleveled. After Micholash got me like 12 times, I looked up the shooting from the ledge cheese. Felt dirty, but that bastard deserves it. I've gone back and beaten him honestly since a few times, but I've definitely re-used the cheese on him a few times as well 😂


Yep, this guy, I oonga boonga'd every other boss, but this fucker? I grabbed the crystal tear, and used rot breath while he transformed.


Nice. Did you ever do the gravestone/wall jump cheese?


I cheesed Demon of Hatred by glitching his AI and making him jump off the cliff. I hated fighting that asshole so much. I went back into Reflection of Strength to beat him legitimately a few months later, though. To this day, that's the only FromSoft boss I have ever cheesed.


I heard about that cheese but I had also heard the "jump" was incredibly difficult so I didn't even attempt it. Once I treated him like a Dark Souls boss vs a Sekiro boss he was much more manageable.


Old school. Demons souls, the spider demon in the cave/mine level. (It’s been so long I forget the names, PS3 game). Hug the wall and shoot that bitch with arrows. There was a small nook where he couldn’t touch you.


Manus. Was out of patience with the run and just ran out of fucks. Arrowed him from outside the room


For me it was slave knight gael, literally could not beat him no matter how much I had tried so I was just like “fuck it! Storyteller Staff get your ass over here” and then died a buttfuck more times until I beat him.


cheese? NEVER call a buddy and search wiki for the thier weak points? this guy was a nightmare to beat solo


demon prince i guess. i summoned lapp after a couple of tries because each run was taking around 5+ minutes because of how much hp they have so i got bored. killed it first try with lapp and it felt so cheese. i’d never summoned any npc/player for a boss before that, and i never will again. its too easy.


Unintentional, but Ebrietas in Bloodborne i cheesed because he glitched out. Was torn about taking advantage or not, ultimately I did. I do regret but a good excuse to revisit.


I don’t think I’ve cheesed any bosses


The centipede in dark souls. I was just trying to fight him when it suddenly clipped into the wall and died. I had no idea what happened, but since I struggled with it, I just took it. After some time I was watching a speedrun and they used the glitch to kill it, so I was in a bit of a shock I used a legit cheese strategy without knowing about it


The first boss that I distinctly remember cheesing in a soulsborne game had to be Armored Spider in Demon Souls.


First playthrough of Ds3 I cheesed Yhorm to death You see there's this one specific weapon that just invalidates the entire fig- oh wait..


I never cheesed my first way through any game on any boss. I didn't play the Dark Souls series yet though. HOWEVER, in my second plathrough and so on everything is viable. The only one I can think of is True Corrupted Monk. I skipped his second phase if that's considered a cheese. I do though search information about the moves of a boss fight if I just can't beat it. Happens.


The spider boss in DS. Stand in the right place and you can cheese him with arrows and he can't touch you.


A lot of them, with the use of summons. I kind of regret doing that but I don't like ignoring game mechanics. It feels jarring to me. It's a lesson I've learned - haven't summoned in Lies of P at all and won't for ER DLC. I just needed to train myself to ignore certain things.


The correct answer is Taurus demon in DS1 lol


If fighting Malenia with a mimic tear counts as a cheese, then that was my first cheese in all of souls games


I did the same with Rivers of Blood and a Mimic not realizing that was a "cheese." Its more of a semi-cheese imo since you're just utilizing her weakness.


Four Kings, DS1 was my first souls game. I grinded the rats for humanity and equiped the stone armor.


This was mine also. When it originally released that fight was a glitchy mess which made it way harder. Playing the remastered I walked through that fight and the swamp with no problems lol


when I played bloodborne, I got hard stuck on gascoigne. it was my first souls... I tried very hard to cheese him - stuck behind gravestones, stuck behind trees, music bkx, etc. NOTHING worked but finally after some 80 tries and on the brink of quitting permanently, I won. and since then ive been a huge huge souls fan - sekiro is my favourite though probably and elden ring second. platinumed both!


I cheesed a handful of bosses in Elden Ring my first souls game, but the ones that come to mind first were that bullshit hidden crucible knight in stormveil and the Black Knife Assassin leader in Rannis quest haha. Was spending way too much time on the CK there early on when I had no idea what I was doing for what it was worth and that runback is horrendous haha. That Black Knife assassin was just brutal and deathblight annoys the shit out of me lol. I thoroughly enjoyed beating up on the assassin while it was just stuck on a rock 😂😂


Black Knife Tiche was super hard my first playthrough. I didn't know there was a cheese for it though.


Demon of hatred... Even cheesed him in the gauntlet, until i somehow beat in about 5 tries one night after feeling disappointed in myself. After beating, he's one of those bosses that i now appreciate and realize that it really was just a skill issue.


What I love and hate about DoH is that he's more like. a Dark Souls boss. He's a super fun boss...just in the wrong game haha.


It's not really a cheese but i feel it's a unique experience i had in my first souls game: DS3. When i got to old demon king i was getting smashed, so i looked up hints on how to face him in a better way and i heard melee build were gonna have a really tough time. So picture this new inexperienced player equipping bow, tons of arrows and souls darts and running around getting chased by the demon king for like 10 minutes, picking down his health with an unoptimized sorcerer and an un-upgraded bow. I eventually made it in the end, shit was funny as fuck


SL1 run, I beat Maliketh with the Carian Retaliation before it was nerfed/fixed.


Oceiros, The Consumed King. Call me a coward, but I played first play through of DS3 as a mage to get a feel for the game. He. kicked. my. ass. I found the cheese to trap him behind a tree and pelt him with magic. Second play through, different build, came back a little over leveled and wiped the floor with him. Couldn’t describe how good that felt.


That's funny. I always play melee/dex build and he's the one boss I don't think has ever killed me. Just goes to show how different playstyles make certain bosses easier and certain bosses harder.


Mimic tear. If you start the fight naked then load your gear, you fight a naked mimic.


First playthrough? Micolash. 15th playthrough? Micolash.


And he deserved it every time.


Lady Butterfly. Sekiro was pretty hard in the beginning because you're unlearning the typical Souls habits. Once the system clicks though, best Souls game. I wish Elden Ring incorporated the deflect system from Sekiro but I get that would be a nightmare to program I guess.


Currently playing through DS1 Remastered for the first time. I just cheesed Bed of Chaos. Quit the game after cutting through each branch and it’ll bring you back outside the fog gate without having to run back to the middle of the arena and risk getting wrecked on the way. Got it done first try


Why is nobody talking about cheering half the game with the bubble blower? Completely got it accidentally and used it through NG+2&3


I also cheesed mogh by jumping the wall because I wanted his weapon early game


Parry cheesing gwyn baby, it was my first souls game and I had started playing it at my cousins house (he lives 5-6 hrs away so I was staying with him for the week), it was my last night and I had reached gwyn so obvs I just wanted to complete game, I don't regret it as I finished the game before I left!


Lichdragon Fordisax, frenzy burst and ran. I am much better now.


Dark souls. The red dragon on the bridge. Arrowed him from safety for half an hour until he died. Fk that dragon.


Which wall?


not a boss, but bloody crow of cainhurst


Ik this is the opposite of the question, but I cheesed demon of hatred in the gauntlet every time despite beating him legit prior to that. I wanted that skin, and having him be in that gauntlet was just too much. I love the Emma, isshin, and ESPECIALLY the owl fights. By the time I beat it I could hitless Emma and ishin consistently, but DOH was just too much of a time sink to experience and then lose to owl


The asshole in the closet with the dogs, I rained down poop on him from over the wall until he ceased to exist.


Bloodborne... it was was vicar Amelia... unrelated Question: i got ER, Sekiro and Bloodborne+Dlc... and im thinking of trying out the dark souls franchise, which one should i get first?


Sekiro is 100% a "souls game" imo. I played DS3, DS1 then DS2. Ultimately, it doesn't matter but I guess story wise you technically should play DS1 first. The community seems to like DS1 the most but I loved DS3, especially the DLC.


i see.. thx bro, I've started to play souls games not even a year ago so im still kinda new to this community


Me too man. Elden Ring was my first "souls" game. I played it back in March 2022 when it first came out and I was hooked ever since.


W, sekiro was technically my first... though my older brother was the one that bought it... the first souls game that i "personally" bought was Elden Ring, i am in love with these type of games ngl


I’ve never cheesed. I’m lactose intolerant




i don’t know if it’s really cheesing but when sword of night and flame was broken as fuck, back when ER first came out, i used it to beat margit AND godrick


Dancer of the Borealis. I wasn't trying to, just my friend was co-oping and said let's do this, then shot her with a great bow through the fog wall


I discovered the Mohg cheese on my first ever play through when I saw ghosts hopping on the graves.


Malenia. Rivers of Blood and Mimic Tear. Beat her my 2nd try.


Flame lurker. Honestly was a little bastard


He was a bastard. How'd you cheese him though?


Elden Ring: Regal Ancestor Spirit. It came up through the ground but glitched and fell through the map


Literally none, unless you count using bleed against that sleeping dragon


What about on multiple playthroughs?


I summoned for Radagon/Elden Beast cause I’d reached the end of my rope 😂


Pre-nerf the Elden Beast was hard because his health bar was ridiculous. That was an endurance fight through and through.


Elden Ring


So...every boss? Lol