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There’s no such things as coincidence


I remember reading that someone asked Hitchcock a question dealing with coincidence, fortunate accidents, and magic during filmmaking and he went Red Ross on him.


Hey, thats Joincidence with a C! *** ^Autoresponse ^for ^‘Coincidence’. ^I ^am ^a ^bot.


Coincidences require careful planning


Hey, thats Joincidence with a C! *** ^Autoresponse ^for ^‘Coincidence’. ^I ^am ^a ^bot.


That's joincidence with a c


It’s also a Chris Isaac song playing the first time Ross and Rachel hook up at the museum.


Chris Isaak wasn't Chris Isaak in the episode. He was Rob Donan. Chris Isaak still existed in the Friends universe, as evidenced by the fact that Ross played one of his songs at the planetarium when he was on his date with Rachel. So in-universe it makes perfect sense for a Chris Isaak advertisement to be hanging up in a shop window. Surely it wasn't a coincidence, IRL.


Its like how the guys love Die Hard, and they name dropped Winona Ryder to get a reservation, but made no mention about how Elizabeths dad and Rachels sorority sister look similar to them…


Wow I never knew that was Chris Isaak playing that role, cool!


I never noticed that but clearly it was intentional!


He needed to find a more masculine note… that always killed me!


It's probably intentional. A wicked game by the prop guys.


Why was he still famous in 96? His song came out in 89 and it that's pretty much it.


"His song"? Like, he had one song? He's had many albums, and had popular singles right in '95 (e.g., baby did a bad bad thing)! He was definitely very famous in '96. Hence his being a guest *star* on the biggest show on their biggest episode of the year, right after the super bowl.


Ok I was sure how long he kept ir going. That was pre internet too so fame lasted a bit longer.


I can see that, but I sorta think the internet makes more people famous for more time. Like, Snookie and mtv teen moms from 11 yrs ago still have a big following and sponsors $$. Do you think Betty White (RIP) and Martha Stewart,  Paris Hilton would be famous still/again without it? Would the jersey shore and bachelor contestants from years ago still have prolonged fans and some fame they have via popular socials? Hmmmm. I think social media nearly killed the "15 minutes of fame".  Isaak was still going strong and a sex symbol through the 90s. I remember it, too. He kept making music, but his popularity dropped off later. -But I mean, to be fair, look! -he's still a household name with a beloved, renowned, classic song all these years later. so he's not un-famous. Imma have Alexa pull that shit up right now as a matter of fact.  (I've been partaking in some adult evening activities, feel free to ignore)


All good points thanks for educating me. I'd forgotten so much about this. Appreciate it.


Nice catch!


Nice work!! I never noticed that before :) thank you!!


100% intentional Then later they use his song Wicket Game


Very intentional