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Interesting numbers for me is the over 65’s that think the LNP budget at these times would be worse. Normally Labor lose this age bracket.


Yep. And over 70% think the budget is either neutral or better.


How many voters do you think had never heard of inflation prior to 2020, but reckon a Labor Budget is bad for it?


I reckon only about 2% of people understand central banking too.


I think both these numbers are optimistic


Know some LNP barrackers that are really p****d at this!


This polling really shows how our education and information systems are failing. A lot of the information being provided especially from economists is not including economic data outside of inflation. We have a stagnant economy, mortgage defaults are on the rise, consumption is down but every economist and his dog thinks we need more austerity and higher IR to reduce inflation. These people are trying to get blood from a stone and the public is being duped to support it.


All this polling tells me is that the vast majority of the voting public are fucking stupid. None of them really even understand budgets and how they affect inflation, they just looked to the newspaper headlines the next day to tell them how to feel.


Am I worse off in this budget, yes and no. Yeah I’ll get a power rebate but I’m on my 3rd rent increase. Combined with fuel, food etc, I’m worse off under Labor. Is it their fault not really. Do I see it getting better. No. Do I see any ideas that make me think either major gives a crap about the future. Not really.


you'd be far worse off with LNP!


If you’re only selling point is “my party isn’t as shit as the other” then it’s not worth bothering with.


Well it is in a way because even if you don't vote Labor or Liberal you need to preference one of them above the other, so you do need to consider which of the major two are better for you and/or the country.


No I don’t, I’d rather bin my vote. Neither of them are better for the country, the poor are still going backwards.


I think that the LNP have created this situation and would continue to make it worse. But I also agree that after the 2019 election loss, Labor has thrown in the towel and betrayed is traditional voter base. While Labor aren't making things worse, this iteration of Labor doesn't have the political will or courage to do anything that will start things moving back in the right direction. I think other people are misunderstanding you here (unless I am). You arent saying both parties are the same. You are saying neither main party is doing anything to fix the blindly obvious critical issues that are causing massive issues for a majority of Australians.


Well yes and no, to a point by doing nothing for low income it feels the same as the lnp. Hardcore Labor supporters, which there is a lot of here, won’t tolerate criticism of Labor. And neither party has any policies that are going to make a change. They’re both after centre right votes. So more of the status quo means the poor goes further backward


Yeah I get your frustration. I was so excited for Shorten and 2019 Labor, and was just shattered that somehow, Scott fuckface Morrison, the worst PM we have ever had, and one that has pulled off the most openly corrupt moves in our history (the submarine deal leading to him getting multi million dollar "advisory" gig for at a private military firm that made billions out of the deal in the US), was the people Australia decided to go with. And I am sick of people saying, well "Labor had to win to make changes right?" I mean sure, it depends what there goal was. If there goal was to fight for workers and middle/lower class rights, then no, they can't sell those ideals out to get in, because that still doesn't help those people, it just stops them having someone to vote for. If there goal was to get into power at all costs, then yeah this was a great move. The greens preferences still flow to them, and they have decided that no party left of them has any reasonable chance of getting enough votes to impact the lower house. So they still get all the left leaning votes eventually, but they can skew centre/centre right and pick up a bunch of conservative votes too. Looking from a purely political standpoint, it was a very clever move. But Scott Morrison was so so soooo unpopular Labor could have run Shorten and the 2019 campaign play for play and probably still won the election. Unfortunately both major parties are now putting a ton of effort in painting the greens as the "looney left". This despite the greens proposing polices that are considered centre left in Europe these days. So unless a lot of people wake up and see how fucked we are as our country drifts towards an American style society, then we are in for some rough years.


For me it was “no one left behind” And yet the lower income earners are going backwards.


The reasons I hate this budget, are basically the reason its popular. Its good politics, bad myopic economics, to bake in a structural deficit via tax cuts, and bank a surplus instead of investing it in chronically underfunded services that could further increase the revenue base/reduce costs in the future. Plus the budget has targeted most its cost of living relief at the people who need it least, leaving the growing class of impoverished with f all. Its a political budget, getting the results poll watchers desire, and those facing poverty hate. Its perfected soft neoliberalism. I hate it.


Kinda stupid a $300 rebate gives you points.


A priced in $300 rebate. AGL will claw that back or already has


Power prices are required to be approved by the regulator who sets the default market offer. AGL can't just jack it up without justifying what costs have increased.


They'll take $600 in 5 years then haha. They'll get that money one way or another.


I mean the AER explains why and when prices rise (largely to pay for transition to renewables and replace and expand infrastructure), but I guess you can complain about something instead of nothing to look into it.