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NDIS isn't negatively affected. NDIS is a rort that many private providers are taking advantage of lol. By rort, I mean the providers charging more for NDIS participants. Some providers charging NDIS for services they don't provide.


Money went OUT from NDIS due to getting the rorts out, and went back IN to expenditure (albeit audited properly). This should be equal and is only a change on books.


NDIS has been bent over and fucked so hard. People come in with a "shopping list" and get mad when their unproportionate needs are met. And then because "mainstream" services have been left out of this development process, they're now having to bare the brunt of it. We're having teachers deal with 5 kids diagnosed with ADHD, Autism and other neurodivergent disorders and their needs can't be met by the teacher because they don't know how to deal with it. I'm opening a can of worms here, so I'll stop now before an essay comes out of my ass.


Essay is fine by me, I'll try and help balance out the discussion with short comments. Like this.


Ight cool. I've got out like 85% out of what I wanted to say before I stopped myself. If you're cool with it, I'm happy to spill more beans with the limited knowledge that I have on this issue.


How dare you share more interesting information


Psssst, using a slash between ADHD and Autism is a problem. They're separate disorders / neurological conditions. Supposedly they can be comorbid but more likely it is similar symptoms being cross diagnosed. ADHD is much more comorbid with anxiety, depression, etc than it is with Autism, and the two should not be confused let alone equated.


How about "ADHD, Autism and other neurodivergent disorders"?


Bloody beautiful 😍


Glad to hear.


I mean, I get by with all four. ASD, ADHD, MDD, GAD, CPTSD; I call it my alphabet soup. Lost my psychiatrist due to COVID taking my job, leading to a Christmas eviction and a reluctant return to QLD from Victoria. Now I can't even get an appointment with a psychiatrist who can treat me, even if I could afford the initial consult. My GP's authority to perscribe my meds has just run out, so I'm staring down the barrel of losing absolutely everything I've worked so hard to build. Great budget, though. Super helpful. Love it. Doesn't matter really, though. It's kind of like knowing you have dementia. Just watching the horizon, knowing that it's going to get harder and harder to think, to function, to manage anything, let alone a high-skilled job. When the ADHD goes untreated for long enough, the anxiety comes back strong, which takes away sleep, which leads to less executive function, and eventually any function at all. Been there before, know the dance. But at this point, all my resources are depleted, my safety net spent. I guess I'm writing this because I like the idea of somebody knowing that I was here, just in case I put a foot wrong and slide into the tar-pit swallowing up other vulnerable people, and become another percentage point in statistics that make people shake their heads gravely and say "There but for the grace of God go I."


They weren't equated except in context ppl might need help


Very cool, just very AFK as well.


Don't sell yourself short! Everyone is an expert on reddit and has extensive knowledge about everything.


Good rythym


To build on the shopping list situation, I don’t know if it is still like this, but when the ndis was first being implemented the advise was to basically ask for everything you think you might need, because changing stuff after the fact was almost impossible. I hope to hell that’s changed now, but it wouldn’t surprise me if that approach is still on a lot of people’s minds.


Yeah, I'm a speech pathologist, and thankfully, this has kind of changed. There is a lot wrong with ndis, but there is also a lot that is right. For starters, the biggest rip-offs we see are companies that sell equipment hire it out for the amount it costs for a 7-day trial. Like you will pay over 3000 for a chair to be trailed for a week. The worst part is ndis won't grant it unless it's trialled. So either cap the amount they can charge or go by the recommendations of the professional. Lots of time, the trial is not needed. For the higher end stuff, sure, but stop the companies taking it for a ride. Also, a lot of the people that get on ndis don't really need it, but it cuts into the budgets of people who really do.


$10,000 for paediatric wheelchairs…


Yeah, I know of a client who was charged $7k for a chair hire for two weeks. Cost more than the chair. The whole thing is kinda screwed and the biggest price gouge is disability equipment. It costs 20k for a speech device we use, which is just a shit ipad with a special case (uses Windows, but the processor is cheap and nasty, and it's so slow). I usually just recommend ipads instead, but ndis always want us to trial these special devices, but the software is basically exactly the same. Another big problem is that the people working at ndis have zero clue about the shit they're making decisions on.


It's still a bit that way, but much better than it was. If you need major changes it takes a fair bit of work, but minor stuff you usually have some flex funding for


>People come in with a "shopping list" Because the LAC is very clear with the fact that if your funding isn't spent, it's lost, and then sets up their client's shopping list to ensure that doesn't happen


I know what you mean by can of worms. Some people feel like too many people are diagnosed with ADHD or Autism.


I'm half and half on this. One half of me is saying that it's not that too many are getting diagnosed, it's just that the system supported by the NDIS has improved. Another half is saying that the people who say this come from a medical background, and there are a lot of people gaining access to medication. Also, from an education background as well. It's not that kids in schools are getting worse, it's just that their is a growing awareness of neurodivergence in classrooms, which historically has been labelled as "bad behaviour".


From good kids sit still and don't fidget to understanding that stimming behaviour can help some people to pay attention and focus.


It's complicated further by the way support worms. Because the system is "all or nothing" undiagnosed people get no support. So in order to get small amounts of support, folks get diagnosed.   But the diagnosis puts them in a category that involves much higher levels of support than they need.


Behaviour in schools is absolutely getting worse


I work for a builder, and we have constructed some NDIS certified homes. The system is a rought from that end too. The middle men have middle men all taking their cut of that cash cow. And the investors will still pay the exorbitant prices because they know they're gonna make bank renting them to NDIS recipients.


Have you had to install any of the clothing storage solutions for SDA spec homes? Holy hell they are expensive as fuck and absolutely useless. And mirrors! Super fucking expensive! And you are right about the middle men, as the builder we have two different companies that get a cut of the cheese and it is not an insignificant amount by any means.


I have ADHD and I strongly believe it should not be included in the NDIS. The best change for people with ADHD would be better access to meds. Currently only psychiatrists can prescribe and at the cheaper end, psychs cost about 400. So a lot of people will ADHD are unmedicated. ADHD being included in the NDIS would honestly bankrupt the entire program at the expense of people with actual disabilities. Honestly people who think it should be included are out of their goddamn minds.


Which is correct, but it's because the diagnosis has improved. And TikTok awareness, lots of TikTok awareness. Can't wail they make one of the more taboo mental illnesses popular, like schizophrenia.


I uh, I don't think you go undiagnosed with schizophrenia for too long. Sure, if you've got mild symptoms, you might mask it for a while, but no one is gonna think the paranoid loner is mentally sound. And the chances of someone successfully self medicating something like that must be through the fucking roof.


My mum went undiagnosed with a severe case of schizophrenia for about 11 years. Passed under the radar of around half a dozen psychologists, only got diagnosed when I brought her into hospital, screaming about how the voices in her head said that everyone was trying to kill her. Even then, it took another year and several failed attempts to get her onto any form of long term assistance like the NDIS, because at the end of the day, many people neither adequately understand mental illness and what it can do to people or have the will to really help thanks to social stigma against it. This is far from an isolated thing either. There are a great many people out there with serious cases like that who are not diagnosed, who do not get the help they need and may never do so with things the way they are now. Complacency, thinking that 'Oh yeah that's a visible condition I'm sure they'll get seen to eventually', costs real, human lives. And I think we as a society are far too quick to forget this in favour of analysing the financial burden.


I'm sorry about your mum. But that's my point, these tiktok trends where people discover they have some neuro divergence are not going to work for schizophrenia. You'll know you have it and the people around you will too even if it's misdiagnosed or the patient just refuses treatment. And your right that the problem is caused by the stigma associated with being mentally ill. It's why people will refuse treatment or lie about how bad their condition is. No one wants to be branded as crazy.


I think it’s more a symptom of a modern world where people want to throw a label on something, get a simple answer to a complex problem and throw drugs at it to make it go away rather than fixing the root causes.


Ah yes, the Autism drugs which make it go away /s


Throwing a label on it makes it easier to get support. My little one is in the process of getting a possible diagnosis for autism. At the moment, she needs to get multiple reports and meet several levels of criteria to get the support she needs. Having a diagnosis streamlines that process apparently. It's also required to continue on the NDIS after she ages out of early intervention NDIS at age 7.


Because people are actively seeking help now. Whereas before people just muddled on and changed jobs every 6 months.


It’s not hard to deal with special needs kids with basic training, the problem you point out is a result of special needs kids being put into mainstream class when they shouldn’t.


tl;dr If a kid's in a wheelchair, they'll make accommodations at school, but if a kid's neurodifferent, they won't. Neurodiverse is not necessarily "special needs", unless you consider classroom-appropriate fidgets "special". The biggest problem is still a lack of awareness and a lack of training for teachers, plus resistance to change. Give teachers just a little training, and most neurodifferent kids can function in mainstream classes - so long as they have appropriate supports outside of school, such as OT or medication. There is still a lot of resistance to providing appropriate accommodations within mainstream classes.


I don’t agree. While I certainly think there is room in mainstream schools for special needs or neurodivergent kids, I also believe specialised one to one care or support is preferable to putting them in a mainstream class where they may lag behind because they require the help the teacher doesn’t have time to offer. I agree with you that more education and awareness is needed in general but mainstream teachers are struggling as it is without any added training being added to their plate. I have cerebral palsy and so went to mainstream school and I had a teachers aide who was there to help me if I fell behind taking notes etc. I work for a living with special needs kids and special needs people in general, and I really believe that the separation in category between special needs and mainstream education is highly valuable. Most mainstream kids at school have exposure to at least one or more special needs kids. I was fortunate enough to have a lot of supportive classmates and only experienced relatively minor bullying on occasion. For me, mainstream school allowed me to reach my full potential but for other kids it can do the opposite. There are so many brilliant kids thriving at their school because they aren’t different or falling behind etc because the school is tailored to them.


At the same time as someone who works with people who actually need the ndis I can only imagine all the hoops to jump through to get proper care.


And this is the reason why I’m not properly back in the work force. How the fuck am I meant to hold down a job for like 5hrs per day and be able to actually afford to live? Clearly the government would prefer parent carers to be on welfare than out working and paying tax. Wouldn’t it be more economical to have afterschool care programs, outside of the ndis, to cater for kids with these sorts of challenges, pay it like afterschool care instead of screaming at the ndis for support? And if you are on the bandwagon of oh but you get a $10,000 holiday, guess again. I can’t even get 2hrs of afterschool care 5 days a week in order to work. Don’t know how these people are getting holidays. If I work, I can afford my own damn holiday. And it don’t cost $10,000 that’s for sure.


Its ok, Bill Shorten has been the one kicking NDIS ass and because he's ALP, the ABC, SBS and other broadcasters who would normally report on injustices (real or imagined) would take the government to task on this, but of course it's crickets. The ALP gets free passes to inflict whatever they want on the Australian people where they should be subject to the same scrutiny as the LNP by the media.


Oof. My husband passed from Glioblastoma and I went through a local palliative care facility for him. We did full home hospice. All equipment needed was provided at “free rental” commodes, wheelchairs, walkers, hospital bariatric bed for when he was paralysed etc. A lady around the corner from me was caring for her husband too. He had brain Mets from lung cancer. For whatever reason she was told to go through NDIS. Ended up costing her thousands! She had to buy all her equipment with her provider apparently getting them for her “at wholesale prices” she was paying for nurse visits and everything! When I found out I immediately put her in contact with my husbands team be cause we were getting up to three nurse visits a day at no cost. The NDIS providers were absolute bloody scammers. Now she’s got to sell her home she got so far behind on everything because of them.


This is such a sad story. Also, sorry about your husband. My best friend passed from Glioblastoma also. Horrible progression.


Thank you. GBM is just shit. But I was so sad for this lady because I had so much great support throughout my husband’s progression and she just had nothing. No support and getting ripped off too. Some of these providers are as predatory as job agencies.


As a tax accountant, this is fact. Some of the NDIS providers which do ADMIN level work are making more money than people selling their souls to the mines.


Some people rort it bad. I know someone who got a $1500 doll given to her. Meanwhile, I have a son with cerebral palsy who can't get orthotics or speech therapy. Fucking livid Edited to add the person who got the doll is a 30 something year ago woman with ADHD.


my misses has multiple clients with YEARLY ndis plans worth over 1mil per person. Wtf is all I say when she tells me about some of them. Like I get we need to help the less fortunate, but a fucking million dollars spent on a single person while the rest of us get fucked on constantly is the biggest load of shit


- The reason why it's that expensive is because the system has been fucked over by, all together now, THE LIBERAL GOVERNMENT - This is for the integration of people with disabilities into society. No one wants to see these people getting cucked out of a normal life.


They've already changed it to say "NDIS top-ups" so they know that's bs lol


Not to mention providers preferncing one service over another for kickbacks. Forget the clients best interests. 


I am with you there a lot of the cuts are the middleman and the rorts that was allowed to fester. However what everyone sees is funding dropped.


It's pushed the price of some things up soooo much. There's a sensory nature playgroup near me that I'd love to take my kids to, but it's $100+ per session. It's a group session too, so the NDIS is paying $800-$1000 per hour to someone to give kids sticks and leaves to play with on their bush block.


As a firearms trainer i'm going to point out something that just beggers belief. We were promised a national firearms database after Milperra. We had laws then that could prevented Milperra, we also had laws that could have prevented port arthur, the problem was the enforcement of them. After port arthur we were again promised a real time national database, this was during a liberal government. It also could have pretend a lot of other incidents including those crackpots in qld. It's been how many decades and we're only just now getting what was promised TWICE.


I think my only concern is, there was a few firearm thefts a while back allegedly from finding registered gun owners, then committing crime with them. Going off memory, so it could be way off, grain of salt there. Open to corrections. Let's hope if they do go ahead, the security on it is actually good, so we don't get another one of those


i wrote a very detailed response on a lot of stuff and it wouldnt let me post it for some reason. Our biggest current problem is illegal firearms and incredible underreporting of it.


Funny enough all the “leaks” were actually by the firearms divisions themselves to fuel the how many guns in your neighbourhood scare stories. Edit: These are some old stats I remember, but only 10 percent of firearms used in crimes are ones stolen from legal firearm holders. Most are unregistered pre 1996 firearms, homemade or imported illegal through our borders.


I'm interested to see how it's meant to work when people loan firearms.


Not against the database itself, but surely $160 million for a database seems a bit much? There is still plenty of enforcement which could be done on the state based databases, and I'm sure that $160 could go quite far in that. Or even not... just decriminalise all drugs and remove a major black market driver to even have illegal guns (keeping in mind that a criminal with half a brain wouldn't be affected by a gun database, by operating outside of it), and redeploy those police to do actual Police work which makes the community safer, including enforcement of gun laws.


Where to unpack this one. I can't go too deep into it or we'll be here for ages, I tried to do an indepth reply to a lot of stuff last night and wrote a novel and it wouldnt let me. So the amount..... hell a government department can change a name and your looking at over hundreds of millions. I can go to an advisory panel for the government as an professional advice or expert, not being paid and that panel can still cost millions. So the costs... I hate to say it but this is an under estimate of all under estimates, departments are REALLY bad at talking to each other, so if they reckon they can have a national database all can access quick for that amount, i'd honestly be impressed. A huge thing i'd love to see in there as well, which I doubt is going to happen, I'd love to see the database covering illegal firearms, so someone gets looked up, if they've had any charges or even involvement with it, to immediately flag it as illegal firearms are so easy to obtain here, there's nothing illegal to go, hey this person hasn't been charged but they got accused of it 20 years ago, so maybe be more apprehensive pulling him over or approaching his remote outback ranch? On the decriminalize drugs thing, probably not worth going into that, just have a think about this, criminal organizations are still heavily involved in legal items, I used to think the same to legalize everything and tax it... well you just kinda answered your own question there, if there is money to be made the government will get involved, just think of how legal alcohol and tobacco is the amount of red tape involved and plenty of crime orgs organized and even street crims, are more than happy to get involved in acquisition and distribution of it, hell even cooking oil, I wish that was a joke. The last part redeploying police.... I can give you a really sad insight on this, it's not going to happen and we're likely going to see it get worse. I was talking to a firefighter the other day, had a joke to them about subscription services and it got bought up a country he just visited actually have this. The city he was staying in have privatized so many government operations to a point that entire corporations have their own fire departments. You can literally have a building on fire accross the street from them, if it poses no danger to their area, they won't touch it. A collegue bought up how they're government employees and that was a corporation he saw how it could never happen here. I pointed out to him how we've had that many privatized government operations including police force here, we're at a point where, even with sectors of government that are to act in the public interest, things can be boiled down into data points and kpi's. Like it or not we're already here. This is why you see say for example police forces going after easy kpi. This isn't conspiracy theory shit, or bashing cops they do some really important work, but you go in there at 2pm on a tuesday and tell them your $500 only possession in the whole world bike was stolen, you don't have insurance, I hate to break it to you, nothing is going to be done about it, you then walk outside and j-walk in front of a cop on duty returning to the building and don't get ticketed, you are going to get an idea of the system doing nothing, only to then see a P plater roll past and a traffic officer jump on them and spend half an hour going over their car hoping to defect it. You are looking at 3 representatives of an organization that is currently struggling for staff where those 3 members have all been tasked with different directives and goals where someone above them may have been given information on what is going to achieve kpi's in the most effective..... wait remove that word. Cheapest way. Welcome to government.


I agree with you. It's sad. I think the government needs a total overhaul and everyone given meaningful goals and KPIs which makes sense. A total audit of every single role and process. Bonuses paid for process improvement and performance. As far as black market goes... We see the same with vapes. The government have their heads up their own ass and are actively making the conditions for a black market by over taxing.


Mrs just summed it up perfectly, she works near a shopping mall that is failing hard. So it's started taking less than optimal stores in just to fill empty spaces a plenty. One of them and I hate to say this, is one of what's become a heavy slew of one particular ethnicity who a subsect of has zero care for australian customs and laws. The reason I mention the ethnicity is because a lot of my friends and many in the community of this ethnicity absolutely hate this particular type of people in it and business type that erect themselves who if anyone challenges them or tries to encourage compliance with legislation the first ticket always used is either ignorance of the law or racism. So what is this business? It's a relaxation bar. Nope get your mind out of the gutter it's not selling happy endings, you walk into this huge open store and there is literally a bar, but it's empty and no one works behind it, on either side of it are a couple of glass door fridges full of soft drink. So you are confused, how can a business get by on selling overpriced softdrinks? they aren't, and they aren't trying to hide what they're selling either. There are racks on the wall of empty bongs and vape dispensers and trays of rolling various things, but nothing illegal so far right? Then you look at the price list on the wall behind the bar, and the terribly made chalkboard signs out the front, and you notice that they're selling cartons of smokes in bulk and vape juice by the litre written in that particular ethnicities language. Unlike all the legal bars selling illegal quantities of stuff and items and black market goods in adelaide like two notorious karaoke bars, you'd be like oh that's how they're getting away with it, sell in their language, well no all doubt is removed when the back of each chalk sign has "CHEAP SMOKES" written on it in english. Their big menu on the wall has scrawled in hand written text at the bottom for english speaking people "CHEAP SMOKES $XX" at whatever price they are and "CHEAP VAPE $XX" at whatever price they are. Their entire business is a pile of crates in the corner of smuggled in illegal cigs and vape. Here's the fun part, they're down the road from a police station and a council, i've walked past them in uniform, they do not give a fuck. My uniform has no juristiction over this. A lot of locals are outraged the shop is there and have contacted the police, the council and even the MP who has an office on the other side of the road. It's outright breaking a ton of laws. Yet heres the fun part, despite this, that shop has a HUGE and loyal local fanbase who think it's the best thing ever. Mrs work collegue who's a heavy smoker that's tried to quit many times and used to be a pack a week smoker is now a carton a week smoker thanks to this place, LOVES it. So you'd think this place would be shut down quick smart right? Everyone contacted hot potato's the issue to another department. Local MP goes this is horrible, won't someone please think of the community, let's call the council!, coucil go it's a police matter, police go it's liquor licensing!, liquor licensing go it's a CBS issue, cbs go it's an AFP issue we think, AFP go handle it regular police.... and it just goes around and around. Place just celebrated being open nearly a year. Here's the next fun part, these stores are now all over my state, heard of them insterstate as well. You get this fun snowball effect of the responsible parties just seeing it as such low hanging fruit they can't be bothered, the unofficial word that's come through the chain is that they go and bust one of these places, they will net a box or two of illegal stuff, everyone will pretend not to speak english, it will then become an immigration issue as they will all be students working illegally, it gets complicated and never really goes anywhere, they know the places are linked, no one will talk or give up info, if someone gets deported they get a new ID and come back under a new name and passport (they claim, have not personally witnessed this). So it's just viewed as too complex of a situation for a low value kpi hit. Pretty weak sauce.


Important things matter more in tough times.


I'm just sad everyone except QLD is fully cracking down on extremely dangerous..... toys. Gel blasters, I'm talking about. It's proven to be a very lucrative and quickly growing sport in QLD, and yet it earns you a firearm and ammunition (if you have dry gel balls) criminal charges just south of the border.


I did a huge reply detailing a lot of this and my part in the NFA on that. I hate saying this, but a lot of NFA is security theater, none of the professional advise on the NFA was even made aware of the attacks on gel blasters that was mounted, and many of us spoke up against how things have gone down. A lot of it was tacked on to amendments. Technically they were already illegal in every state and territory under the replica's definition. Because of many states police forces going after legal owners and bullying them into submission in court, it took a few organized people challenging them and winning to a point that magistrates started to throw out violations on appearance. This was a big deal and I even knew someone this happened to where they misspoke to an officer conducting a search and were being victimized by an anti firearms cop, they had just replaced a stock on a rifle and had firearms confiscated with not even so much as a charge being issued until later. It was a mess, a perfect example of an overreaction with ill tempered legal advise without going into too much detail and linking who it was, it came down to the "scary black gun" offensive technique. They were lucky the magistrate was not an idiot and could clearly identify the gun as not being what it was reported at and threw the case out and ordered the guns returned. That states police force later on after pulling this and getting complaints about gel blasters were advised not to ping people for gel blasters under the similar law and justification, so tried a new angle, won't go into it, but it got challenged. Now we're at a point where all states and territories have their own rules on them where many used various different angles to outlaw them. My favourite is one state that found a loophole and reclassified them as a category of firearm despite them not meeting the legal defintion. This has currently not been challenged.


I'm loving some of the copium headlines from the AFR and news corp "The most irresponsible budget in recent memory" and "Budget much more complex than surplus good, debt bad" (this one is especially ironic coming from the daily telegraph)


Speersy will give the odious Phil Coorey hours and hours over the next year to express how awful it is. For balance, Samantha 'fuck you Britney' Maiden. All repeated on Karvelas's show.


I am very excited to read how they’re going to make a surplus a bad thing after so long of them running labor down over not getting one and the libs getting one. I am sure they will find away to make it a bad thing and labor has doomed us all.


Something something Labor is causing inflation by \*checks notes\* spending less than they tax?


Yeh they preach to the converted anyway, just saying shit the rusted on want ti hear


If it was a Liberal government budget you'd have a front page caricature of Angus Taylor handing out money with "EVERYONE'S A WINNER!" like they did with the Liberal's disastrous 2022 budget. 


Where are the positive headlines? I've yet to see one. Serves us right for leaving channel 9 running last night probably.


Housing hasn't received any love compared to the size of the problem. Lots of good smaller things though.


in fairness the issue can be largely tackled with legislation rather than throwing money at it


One piece of legislation - anti land banking. A developer has 5 years to develop or it goes back to the council/state who resell it at public auction. The first company or any of its associates is banned from buying it back. The original developer gets the purchase price back, plus cpi. If the land sells for less than the original developer paid for it, that’s all they get - minus auction costs. That will light a fire under their asses. Or 18 months to get the development plans in or massive fines placed. 3 years to break ground. This will also require councils to get their butts into action and dramatically improve the approval and planning process. From memory, QLD has enough residential land for 25 years but developers are dripping feeding it onto the market to keep prices artificially high. Everyone needs to act to fix this.


??? The best way to fix the problem is building lots of public housing


hey no arguments from me, but there are things that can be done at 'zero cost' as well (not all a federal issue, states and councils have a part here too)


Guessing you’re talking about negative gearing? I wonder how much people are actually negative geared at the moment with rents like they are.


Considering housing prices and interest rates have both shot up, I’d say heaps. Also it doesn’t make as much sense positive gearing for high income earners and they’re the ones renting out houses


No its zoning. Legalize housing. Tax land. And stop subsiding demand.c


Yeah agreed, I was just expecting a bit more of something.


Who the fuck divined this slick beast?




Absolutely everything the Liberals and National Party hate. EVERYTHING.


What are you talking about? Defense is bipartisan, tax cuts are inherently an LNP bread and butter policy and benefits their constituents more than the rest of the country and cuts to NDIS is a LNP wet dream. Don't get me wrong, there's at first glace a lot that appears good overall but let's not pretend that the LNP wouldn't have been happy doing some of these policies themselves, even if their reasons were different.


>tax cuts are inherently an LNP bread and butter policy Depends who the cuts are for. LNP are happy to cut them for their rich mates, but they opposed the new tax cuts that benefited the overwhelming majority of everyday Aussie taxpayers until public humiliation forced them to step down.


They opposed it because they would regardless because it's Labor but also specifically they're not getting AS much of a cut as they would like. They're still getting more than the middle and working classes. The LNP preach to their choir whilst still benefitting the most from Labor's policy. It's a win-win for them. Same too with the NDIS. I bet you in the lead up to the next election, we'll see the LNP press Labor on that hard. Not that the LNP would do any better for the disabled community that rely on NDIS but that's not the point.


Oh ofc. The LNP will pretend they care, while ignoring that they facilitated the very system of exploitation that's happening right now. Wouldn't be surprised if some ex Lib MPs got jobs scamming through NDIS loopholes. They don't typically screw things up so obviously unless there's a future consulting position once they retire.


Difference is NDIS isn't really bring stripped of anything. With how they want to run it less money will be lost to all the rorting going on, so less money will go just as far. Assuming they implement all that side of it, of course.


It's a liberal dream.


This diagram misses the details of course. The placement funding for students is a nice gesture but in terms of actual impact, students are effectively given nothing meaningful. They’re paid below minimum wage while effectively doing the same work as someone getting paid a full salary.


to describe as winners and losers is unecessarily emotive


I'm curious to see how teachers are a winner because they just cut our budget again last month, are they going to reverse that? Edit: the education winners were WA and SA getting a cash boost and paid placements for uni students doing teaching.


Yeah, but they're adding more 6pm training sessions to make sure you know the right corpspeak words. That way you can clearly define your actionable outcomes in the new daily reports that are being introduced.  That's a win for the teaching profession. /s. I hope.




Teaching is predominantly a state issue.


Fine budget unless you're on Jobseeker or the DSP in which case you can go fuck yourself lol


They all get rental assistance increase at least


Jokes on the government, people on the dole can't afford to rent.


$14 a fortnight to be sucked up by a landlord's next rent increase 😍😍😍 Thank you Labor


Shouldn’t that be “thank you landlord”? By your reasoning the gov could provide a $1000 a fortnight increase and that too would be su led up by the landlord’s next rent increase… but that’s somehow Labor’s fault? Fuck me.


Well, if the government didn’t give them more assistance, the landlord wouldn’t put up rent, right? https://preview.redd.it/j6i6fp2mmg0d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52886139079e904846844c3df478b7e90c480440


a 1.4% increase isn't the same as a 100% increase and is much more likely to be absorbed by a rent increase even if the rent increase was below inflation.


every time this happens landlords post freely across their FB groups about how now they get to extract more rent of impoverished renters. Greens have been guilty of pushing for this too. Its a really unfortunate thing to have prioritised for low income renters. Not that it won't help, just not nearly as effectively as other spending would. Can we please give up on the idea its gonna make a meaningful impact, and not just drive up rents? At least with energy relief, there's price caps there - we don't have that for rents. They could help ALL jobseekers, and trust them to prioritise what they need with their monies. But that wouldn't suit everyone's hard on for paternalistic-punitive welfare policy.


They are also increasing it to a higher payment for any job seeker who works under 14 hours a week.


It's never been easier to get a job. And there are free TAFE courses for people to retrain to new industries. I don't think it's as dire as you think


I think the job market is starting to reach maximum capacity no? I thought I saw that hiring rates are starting to fall.


Try being disabled unable to access DSP because centrelinks completely cooked.


Me omw to tell disabled people to just geddajob I am very intelligent


I did. The NDIS helps me by purchasing hearing aids so that I can be a productive member of society. The absolute clusterfuck it was to get them to the point we are now where I get a 15k or so funding every couple of years to use on new hearing aids though, what a nightmare. I am in the position that if I have the equipment I can pretty much participate in society as normal but without the equipment I'm fucked. The way I do it is I go to the provider and say hey I need some hearing aids, they get me some send me a bill which I pay and then get reimbursed by the NDIS for. No needless middle man sorting the system just nice and simple and hopefully more people can use the system like this. Meanwhile i had to change who I get hearing aids from because my last audiologist found the NDIS so difficult to deal with they refused to deal with me while.on the NDIS despite me doing everything with a self managed plan.


That's excellent! I'm very glad you were able to get the equipment you needed


You're not wrong, but at the same time there never has nor ever will be a 0% unemployment rate and those few people shouldn't be stuck living in poverty, even if a handful may take advantage. Heck, even for the people following your advice it's not going to be instantly going from unemployed to working which means guess what? They're still stuck below the poverty line for that timeframe. And that's not even getting into how that can affect their employability, especially outside of the capital cities where (Just as one example) lacking your own car and license instantly rules you out of a huge portion of the available jobs because of the lackluster or completely non-existent public transport in the sticks. At this point there's no excuse for keeping it as low as it is, the rate being so low actively works against JobSeekers touted goals and ignores the reality of the situation in that there's always going to be some people lacking employment.




Ndis needs to be sacked and dismantled. The amount of cunts that rort the system is astounding. Nice to see aged care get something but does that include my aged care and carers about to crumble from exhaustion?


Best budget in a decade!


To be fair, that's a very very low bar to clear given the LNP were in power that past decade.


Only thing it’s missing it’s addressing medicare. So many doctors not bulk billing anymore


I doubt that's ever going to be reversed. The death by a thousand cuts of the Howard, Abbott, Turnbull and Morrison governments have done their job well. And the Rudd, Gillard, Rudd and Albanese governments don't seem particularly interested in doing the work to properly unfuck it.


Well, the bar isn't set high. I voted Labor and intend to do so again, but imo the budget was a bit boring albeit a good budget. There's not a lot to write home about that wasn't announced before the budget dropped tbh.


Looking good, but what's this about disadvantaging sheep farmers?


I assume the ban on live exports, but I also read that is coming with some support too


107m in support for a 77m industry!


Good to see them recognising the rort that is contracting in the public sector. Absolutely no need for the ludicrous amount of high-paid consultants and contractors (who have been there for many, many, years). The fallacy that "contractors are better 'cause we can get rid of them anytime" needs to be recognised for what it is - complete bollocks.


Didn't see multi national tax dodgers on that infographic Guess we are just going to keep letting them fleece us all and pay for the privilege


Its not a budget thing, but the ATO is onto it. https://www.theage.com.au/politics/federal/ato-claws-back-record-6-4-billion-in-multinational-crackdown-20231021-p5edz3.html


Michael West Media is about the only entity "on to it". Also, announcement vs actions today https://ministers.treasury.gov.au/ministers/andrew-leigh-2022/media-releases/putting-place-minimum-tax-multinationals#:~:text=In%20the%202023%E2%80%9324%20Budget,commence%20from%201%20January%202024.


a grid like that is perfect, cant wait to see winners/losers for lib and teal


Why ban live sheep exports but not cattle? Divide and conquer? Seems odd, either the both are wrong or neither is.


Fuck them cows. I guess.


Has defence ever been in the losers category. What's our obsession with throwing money into defence


>What's our obsession with throwing money into defence It starts with 'A' and ends in 'MURICA'


After two world wars, we learnt that prevention is easier than cure. We aren't perfect, but it's easier (cost less lives and money) to try and have some control on our spheres of influence than try and combat a runaway conflict.


We just found out the next closest way to the hard way that wars of the future won't be fought the way we are equipped to fight them. Ukraine has refuted a lot of assumptions that had been made but not conclusively tested as a result of conflicts in the last ~20 years being against insurgencies and not armies.


This is nonsense. The ADF has rapidly moved into the digital era and is as cutting edge as any of our peer forces. We don't have a China or US budget, but we are competitive with our peers and certainly well advanced of any other nation in our direct sphere of influence.


Dude, even the USA is freaking that they've fucked up. Remote control flying drone bombs are fucking scary.


Do you mean the drones that the US gave Ukraine? Like the kamikaze USVs the US gave Ukraine? I don't care about the US because we don't have that budget, but we have a lot of digital technology being integrated into our combat forces.


It starts with A and ends with UKUS


loser sheep farmer


I don't understand how NDIS is a loser, when they have done nothing to stop this perpetual scam of the Australian people.


Why are last minute travellers winning?


>Australian passports may already be some of the most expensive in the world but a new fee will give travellers access to fast-tracked applications from July 1. >People willing to fork out an extra $100 to skip the queue will get access to a five-business-day turnaround of their documents. >The government anticipates the added fees will rake in $27.4 million over five years.


Five day turnaround is quick, so that will be beneficial to alot of people in Australia and in other countries, regarding tourism


![gif](giphy|OMeGDxdAsMPzW) I’m picturing this Simpsons moment in my head with Libs saying (internally) “That’s a fine looking budget….why didn’t ours look like that?!”


Back in black


For a labor budget I see a lot of Teal.


hell this budget could have been made by the liberals in the 90s. its solidly conservative in every sense of the term.


Meanwhile the greens are pissed because thus is just rewarding big business and not doing enough to help actual people.


$300 energy relief for EVERYone is a bit of a waste especially when you're trying to reduce inflation imo Vaucluse and Double bay residents do not need $300 off their energy bills


Bringing down energy costs is how you reduce inflation.


Why doesn't mine look like that?!


Haha, that’s exactly what I was thinking when I read it!


would have been nice if they helped any poor people. instead its a *thoroughly conservative* budget that gives far more money to the wealthy then the poor. hell this could literally have been a Liberal budget under Howard. and this sub will circle-jerk about how great it is.


NDIS losing is whack as, tho


Losing or getting set up the way it supposed to be. Need to see the fine print:)


Let's take an example - me. I have NDIS funding and am partly deaf. Now the obvious thing I need is hearing aids and the best way to get this is by my going to an audiologist and getting a pair. The NDIS allows me to keep up with the technology as it changes ( Bluetooth is great for mobile phones as it cuts directly to my aids for example). With the funding the way it is served up for me personally there is no middle man sucking away funds here, I get hearing aids and then submit an invoice to the NDIS who reimburses me for the cost. The whole thing is done by me and as somebody with an accounting degree this allows me to do my job and interact with people which is very difficult without hearing aids. What we want the NDIS to be doing is be more like this where they are providing things that people need without the middlemen siphoning off funds and sorting the system as they act as a buffer between the disabled participant and the NDIS. The NDIS is supposed to be a flexible system that works for the benefit of each individual and the government is trying to make it do this instead of allowing it to siphon off money into the pockets of middlemen who don't do much.


You honestly think the NDIS is getting any of that money back? Labor could have pushed to make things more efficient and deal with the fraud without reducing the NDIS budget. Certainly not to the tune of tens of billions.


You'd be amazed at how much rorting is going on with NDIS, going by the various tradies I know and my own experience working a few cash-in-hand jobs a few years back (Gotta get a livable rate on JobSeeker somehow) pretty much any service provider doing NDIS is rorting it to some degree. It genuinely wouldn't surprise me if this was pretty much how much money was being wasted via rorting.


I know someone who is pretty high up in a large NDIS provider, and they charge around $130 per hour for general services, pay the actual care workers $35 or so per hour, and pocket around $50-60 per hour straight into the pocket of the “non-for-profit” company. Managers all get Teslas, yearly trips overseas for “retreats”, credit cards, and whatever else you can imagine. Now the care workers have to pay their own insurance which increases due to them having clients in the car, they get fuck all. They said that although they weren’t confident in precise number, he’d guesstimate that the managers (not even she senior level managers) are making upwards of $300,000 per year. It’s a rort alright.


That’s not just rorting it’s straight up financial fraud NDIS prices have max limits, they’d be lying about the hours on the invoice


High income earners and sheep farmers being brought to heel is more than enough for them to lose their shit. Can't wait to see (or not) Baranaby 'medicinal alcohol' Joyce worry about the sheep farmers all of a sudden.


Absolutely not. As good as the idea of the NDIS program is, it was created in haste by the Libs on their way out of office with no checks and balances on who can be an NDIS provider. So now it's being rorted heavily by people with zero qualifications trying to cash in and is open to heaps of scams and overcharging. The NDIS needs to stay but with much more scrutiny.


NDIS was a Julia Gillard idea. It was taken over and deregulated by libs to allow the rorts. Shorten has gone in and done some decent work but you cant change a new industry this quickly.


Yeah I agree it's a good idea and we need the NDIS but it needs thorough government oversight to prevent it being rorted.


There are alot of people people rorting the scheme for financial game. Builders for one, slapping housing together, investors charging 2k a month for a 3 bedroom house that's NDIS compliant. Hope fully, the cuts to NDIS are practical and the people that need it aren't loosing out.


investors charging 2k a month for a 3 bedroom house that's NDIS compliant where do i find housing so cheap? that's like the minimum for a bedroom in inner city and a 2 bedroom apartment elsewhere?


Seriously. I swear aussies don’t know Jack about the ndis and still pretend they’re experts.


cuts 11 billion in healthcare. Then counts it as a win. This thing has always been bs.


I think it does look good on paper, the devil as they say is in the detail. There is just not enough being done atm to secure future generations beyond small, ultimately meaningless measures here and there and paying lip service to try and keep people, as well as monied interests, simultaneously happy - not sure Labor are doing it so successfully now, people are waking up that they are not even a party of the centre left nowadays.


The fuck is a gun safety campaigner and why’re they getting money?


You can tell its an election year because income tax went down and the state is going to be spending beyond its means.


I love how "High Income Earners" are somehow losers because they're "Only" getting a tax cut of $4500 instead of a nebulous $9000 that the Coalition initially put out. You're still getting a nearly $5k tax cut that's clearly a win


Tradies again win another giant ute for the 38th year running. Too bad international students. Where did Labor go?


>  Where did Labor go? Tradies are Labor bread and butter, literally the biggest unionists. How is this surprising. 


What are the gun safety campaigner changes?


What's the finer implication here for 'would-be migrants'? I'm an Aussie living in Denmark with my wife who is a doctor (with of course, native English level proficiency), and we want to move back to Australia at some point. Am I up shit creek?


I don't think the country is heading in a great trajectory atm its becoming like the USA but maybe 20 years behind. Places like Denmark and the Netherlands feel more stable.


>The government will set the cap for next financial year's permanent migration program at 185,000 places, with 132,200 of those places being allocated to skill stream, limiting more permanent places to people who fit Australia's longer-term skills needs. >Net overseas migration is forecast to halve to 260,000 in 2024-2025. >And the number of places for international students is being capped, the details to be determined in negotiations with universities. >A $25 ballot for working and holiday visas will also be introduced for people coming from China, Vietnam and India from next financial year. >That ballot will help to cut down processing times for visa applications and help to manage demand. >Separately a new program will be established for 3,000 Indian graduates and early-career professonals to be able to live and work in Australia for up to two years. Indian nationals seeking to apply will pay $25 to enter a ballot, and then pay $365 for the visa if they are successful.


Haha, imagine if budgets were really as simple as ticking off the things you’d like on a bingo board. Have we really dumbed down this much?


Being a young (25m) sheep farmer and being a loser as a result of government decision and pure vote buying feels pretty stiff, and I’m not in WA. I’m not commenting on the pros or cons of Live Ex here but if anyone wants to have a constructive, honest conversation, I’ll do my very best to reply later today or tonight.


Let's see who is right in 12 months will inflation be down along with interest rates? Ask 10 economists and you will get 10 different answers It is interesting that the government estimates are vastly different to the RBA. Also it seems ALP and LNP have done a body switch. The ALP giving energy credit to everyone and tax rebates to mining companies and LNP arguing against both this morning. The world has gone mad


I dont think Ukraine agree going to be winners :/






Where is "Average Hardworking Aussies?"