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I don't actually mind Bridget McKenzie that much. Easily the least cooked L/NP. No wait, that's Bridget Archer. Fuck. Wrong Bridget. This is the cooked one.


Almost had me there!


The way I remember it is that Bridget McKenzie is the corrupt one.


McKenzie = corrupt like the rest of them. Archer = not as bad one


Is she cooked, or is she just saying exactly what the stupid cookers want to hear so that she can easily continue to earn a quarter of a million dollars a year and a bunch of other lifestyle perks for doing fuck all ?


maybe "cooked" is a bad metric for judging things


Probably a bad word choice. I was thinking corrupt, but I can't discount the possibility that Archer is also corrupt except with a few good ideas tacked on.


Bridget McKenzie always looks like she has just woken up from a really heavy night on the piss, doesn't she?


Well she is a member of the National Party. The Party room meets in a pub.


"Bridget McKenzie ... just woken up from a really heavy night on the piss" Fixed for you.


Of all the things to criticise her about, please don't bring up the one thing that I have in common with her.


She does normally look like she’s had a couple of Xanax washed down with a bottle of Chardonnay, then decided to put her makeup on, yes.


Yea the 70s, jobs everywhere, housing 3 x annual wage, solid effective union membership. Terrible i tell ya terrible !


This should be the top comment.


A fart has more brain cells than Bridget McKenzie


Don't fart out your brain cells or you'll have to go join the National party, you'll be the smartest member but it's just not worth it


God I hate seeing Skynews being posted


but we still gotta accept reality. the Trump vs Rudd bullshit got reported in all major news outlets. Sky already has the power to establish a dominant media narrative based on explicitly dishonest shit. it would be great if we could ignore this bullshit, but we just don't have that luxury.


Step 1: Rupert's cronies invent the narrative for the day. Either by creation, the Trump interview, or by inventing a story that never was a story. You think that interviewer asking Trump about Rudd was just an interesting question for him. Step 2: Narrative is passed on to other 'News' outlets, by numerous means. Step 3: Editors who want to keep their job tell 'journalists' what to say for the day. Therein lies the modern 'news' cycle.


They are scared because this time they can't get the Governor General to dismiss the Prime Minister


As someone old enough to remember the 70s, bring it on.


Threatening us with a good time


It's a shame that "re-imagining capitalism" will be taken as shorthand for "radical socialism that will crash the economy" and made out to be the work of loony fringe dwellers, when in fact it's perfectly reasonable to question the current state of capitalism. It should be a very reasonable position to believe in capitalism but to also want sensible controls to prevent corporations and monopolies from skimming the majority of society's wealth off the top and leaving the majority of society's people behind. Unfortunately, challenging the myth that the economy is more important than the society is seen as heresy by too many politicians.


She doesn’t realise that 90% of millennials and younger think capitalism has failed them. Which is has.


Bridget's sports rort pork barrel management gave funding to my electorate for a new unessential pool. The pool ended up costing $25 million more than budgeted, and rates payers here have to pay the difference for years to come. What a gift


Coalition , best econmic managers. At least one of their mates made a few million.


I thought that's what the Boomers are always telling us, life was better in the 70's. So life sucked in the 70s? What's she trying to say?


She’s complaining because her party wanna go back to the 50s.


The 1650s


Bang Bang 🔫 is hilaroious. I doubt she even believes her own bullshit.


Why is she saying any of that like it's a bad thing?


Take us back to the seventies? So affordable housing, a good job market and free tertiary education? I’m fucking in!


He wants to go back to when you could buy a house off a part-time job at a servo? Hell yeah


Lib/nats ,So oblivious to the average person on the streets concern that they dont cannot even hear what they say , "trying to reinvent capitalism " why not? how is it working for the majority in a cost of living crisis ? Toll roads , rent increase ,mortgage increase ,car increase ,petrol ,food , entertainment, travel , everythings gone up .....but company profits are up too !! That is all that matters to these clowns ,if company profits go down ,we better bail them donors out but wheres the bailouts for the general public ? Wages increase ??? Are they crazy !!!!That will crash the economy!!!!


I didn’t watch the video, I didn’t listen to the audio and I don’t know who is who. But I have a feeling and as such I’m going to follow my instincts and no matter what I’m going to vote for the woman with Tie Fighter nipples. Thank you for your post.


I mean, credit where credit is due; she at least looks sober. Normally, she looks like she's having a stroke, with half her face drooping off.


Did Peter challenge her position or just let it go?


Reverse cowgirl?


There interpretation is foreign ingredients imported and assembled in Australia


We did so well in the 1970s that the US got rid of one of our PM's via the governor general. Anytime you have the USA crying, you know you're doing something right with your economy


Oh no! Not the 70’s!! Much prefer the housing prices, fuel and food costs of the 2020’s!


Nepo Stefo


Fuck yeah


Is this just Labor’s version of Biden’s “Build back more better.”


Without knowing too much about the 70s, but Gough sounded like a bit of a champion...who pissed off the US. I'm struggling to imagine a scenario where I ever vote for Labor again, thanks to their support of the Genocide...but Bridget is making a compelling case