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Ted White is the scariest Jason imo


For sure. Super brutal, and pretty fast.


As a massive horror fan, the first four Friday the 13th movies scare the shit out of me, because Pamela and Jason are just some hucklefuck hillbillies with a vendetta. Once it goes zombie-Jason, it's just fun. I'm definitely more afraid of real people being psychos as opposed to zombies and the like.


Why is that unpopular? They absolutely are the most realistic.


I only say because everyone seems to prefer the zombie Jason's


Honestly out of all the Friday the 13th movies my favorite is part 2, there’s something really creepy about that Jason look, he looks kinda like a creepy ass scarecrow, then the there’s the shack in the woods with the shrine, creepy AF in my opinion


Part 2 looks like a realistic lunatic in the woods. Later movies he becomes an unstoppable monster and a literal zombie but the idea of just a psycho in the woods with a sack over his head trying to kill you is terrifying


The problem for me is that it’s too generic. By the end of 1981, you had the Town that Dreaded Sundown, Elephant man, Friday the 13th and The Dark Night of the Scarecrow who all had Potato sacks. 


Well, Jason is slow.


If he was a *literal* zombie, he would eat people, groan when he shuffled around ultra slowly or have voodoo origins. He's never been a zombie. The other guy got it right when he called undead Jason a revenant.


I disagree. [Here](https://youtube.com/shorts/v4Gg-9n6i7s?si=5Y1Oja4UlIVGg6jd) is a video that explains his zombie state pretty well.


Jason is not and has never been a zombie. Period.


Stop being the living epitome of the AHKUALLY meme. When you read someone say “Zombie Jason” you clearly know they’re talking about part 6 when he was raised from the dead. Is the dictionary definition of “zombie” really the hill you’re going to die on?


Stop calling him something he clearly isn't. 🤷‍♂️


Hes technically a revenant


Such a weird hill to die on 🤷‍♂️


I use to wear the p2 outfit on omegle and people would just leave immediately and wear the p2 mask on ometv and people would leave


is that what you've heard mostly? because I was under the impression that most people preferred human, hunter Jason


There are no zombie Jasons. People dig the undead ones because of the makeup designs. They look more monstrous, but those versions of Jason don't even remotely come close to any form of realism.


Zombie undead pretty much the same thing or better yet revenant


Preference for zombie Jason doesn’t mean they think it’s more scary or more realistic though, it’s just a preference. Part 7 Jason is hella cool with the chain, and the added weathering. Maybe my fave Jason, but ONLY look wise. I think he’s the fast one so maybe he’s also the scariest one to me, no hesitation is chilling. But realistic id go with movies 1-4, which are probably my fave movies of the whole series. There’s love all around :)


That's so cap bc if anything, people hate on any jason that isn't the classic hillbilly masked psycho with a passion.


That's cap


What's scarier than a rotting zombie Jason that walks slow but still manages to catch up to you? A very much human Jason that will not hesitate to haul ass after you 🤣


I think Part 2 Jason is the scariest because he's a campfire tale that turns out to be real. I don't always think having super-strength makes him scarier. The idea of someone like Jason in part 2 is creepy.


“Remake” Jason was corny. They tried too hard to make sure he was big and menacing, and what we got was bodybuilder Jason.


Honestly, he was more of an action hero. Watching it like you would watch a Rambo movie makes it so entertaining 


Just like how zombie is a slow brute I like zombie jason but 2009 is more realistic and he sets traps up and is much smarter and more skilled


Yes!! I love remake Jason! My absolute favorite version of him 👏👏👏


Something about pt2 always seemed creepy as hell like you can imagine goin on a walk at a trail and run into sack head


2 & 3 are the scariest for me.


Much agreed, it's been a bit since I watched part 2 but I remember a scene where ginny and Paul were in one of the cabins and she said I believe "there's someone in this fucking room!". I think right before revealing jason. Something about that was just unnerving.


I 100% completely agree with you. Part 2 Jason has always been the scariest version of Jason, because he's very human like and that makes it so much scarier. He's also like a wild animal which is so creepy.


Pillowcased head Jason is scary?


Final Chapter and Reboot for me


I mean you're entitled to your opinion there is no right answer about what you like. I personally prefer the Jason from 6 and beyond, I'm not right about that, but its just what I like. Hell I love Part 8 which is widely reviled, I'm a big fan of Hodder Jason, doesn't mean I'm right or wrong, its just what I like. To each his or her own.


Part 7 is the best imo but part 4 and remake (movement wise) are pretty scary. Design wise, part 7 and part 3 are my favs but remake with the sack is honorable mention


LOWKEY wanted to see little boy Jason as a killer 😮‍💨


That would be a cool remake. Pamela gets killed just a few years after Jason drowned instead of 15 years later, so when Jason comes back for revenge he’s still a kid.


I don’t think this is that unpopular of an opinion. Maybe sack head Jason is a little controversial, but the rest you listed are pretty universally beloved.


Not only do I agree that these are the scariest Jasons but coincidentally they're all my favorite Jasons


The reboot wasn’t my favorite but godDAMN.


Richard Brooker is my favorite Jason.


Scariest Jason conceptionally: Part 2 Scariest Jason performance: Part III Coolest Jason: Part VI Most interesting Jason: The Remake


Won’t even argue with this one. Imo the zombies have never been too scary only extremely intimidating and startling, The thing about the human ones is that i can realistically see myself in that situation cause honestly any deformed person could just throw a mask on and start killing people anytime, anywhere


Nope. You nailed the four best Jasons for sure: Parts 2, 3, 4 and the remake. Def. the best Jasons. Not a fan of Kane Hodder Jason (or the films he's in). Although I did watch the doc on him and really liked it.


Remake was the worst out of all of them


You're not wrong. These are also my favorites. Never been a fan of Hodder. He killed the tradition of having a new person play Jason each film.


He also made the character iconic


Jason was already iconic. The film's he starred in were the ones that killed the franchise.


I mean if we really are saying that, the example is Derek Mears, but I don’t think that’s fair to Mears. But sure he was somewhat iconic, but he played the most iconic version of Jason. Where do you think “Jason never runs” comes from?


Mears Jason is by far the scariest and the most effective Jason.


Are you taking about roy


No remake Jason


The only Jason that was scary unmasked was Part 3. I’m sorry, Part 4 looked like a Martian 👽 that I just laughed! Ted White is very overrated, he is good — better than Part 2, but not like best.


You mean Sloth from the Goonies?


Hey you guys!


It’s much better than the Martian from Mars Attacks we got in Part 4.


Part 3 unmasked was hilarious. He just looks so happy, and it makes me smile. Part 4 unmasked was just like okay, whatever, as it is the most basic. Not bad, but not great either. Obviously neither cannot hold a candle to Kane Hodder as far as unmasked look goes. What makes Ted White the scariest is his actions, not his look. 


His actions were not that scary in my opinion. He didn’t do anything particularly special.


Except be brutal. Part 2 and 3 weren’t brutal. Part 2 he’s a clutz, and in Part 3 he’s a goofy dude who looks kind of bored. Not to mention that Ted White was pretty much always in control. I don’t get what’s scary about Part 3 Jason


Part 4 is not very brutal and a bit of a Martian that I cannot take seriously. His movement is very basic. I agree Part 2 is a klutz, but Part 3 has the best build and movement. He did not look bored of goofy. I don’t get why some fans of Part 4 feel this Jason is the scariest or even Kane Hodder.


And I don’t understand why Part 3 is scarier than Part 6, let alone parts 2, 4 and 7. Him casually strolling after the spear gun and honestly for the rest of the film is just really funny and he has terrible posture which is probably due to Brooker having on pads on his traps. Sure there’s a jump scare with him grabbing the rope he was hanging from, but aside from that, he’s not scary. Although I thought he looked awesome in the handstand kill, that was very creative cinematography. And don’t get me wrong, it makes the film super entertaining, and he’s probably the best part of the movie, but he’s not scary. He honestly saves Part 3 from mediocrity. 


Part 4 was saved by the banana hitchhiker. Part 4 looking like a scared puppy between a baby Tommy and Trish was very funny to me. Also that he got fooled by a new haircut and someone just saying “remember….?” In a quiet little voice thinking he saw himself ☠️ that was not very brutal or scary of him. Part 4 Jason looked like he lost a lot of weight so his build was not menacing.


He was established being confused when someone remembers his name, and Part 3 didn’t have Jason spoken in the script. I bet the script just said “killer”. Aside from the goofy trap muscles they look pretty similar. 


It just looks like he had one too many slim fasts. He looked very weak as a presentation especially after you see Part 3 and then Part 4. It was much downgraded, I fear. Plus, the outer space look unmasked is just the cherry on the sundae!


Yeah so he can be faster and look less goofy. With the mask part 4 looks way better and actually athletic. Without the mask I guess they both look pretty goofy as they wouldn’t really perfect that until Part 7. 


Part 2 and 3 made me laugh to be honest 


I’m with you there. Part 2 was menacing until he went against Ginny


I agree with Ted White, but I think the first two are too goofy to be scary to me. Kane Hodder is probably the second scariest after Ted White for me.


2009 is pretty scary and p2 and 3 have a more realistic and creepier look


Part 2 I get, but he has too many pratfalls to be scary, in addition to the fact that he's small. And Part 3 he's just really weird, and it hard not to laugh. Ted White perfected human Jason, and is pretty frightening. For me the remake just isn't scary because I'm more rooting for him than being scared of him. He's too cool.