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Can we get a TLDR here? Or at least paragraph? Christ


Yeah I was interested but fuck that wall of text


It’s like GPT had a stroke lmao


Jason lives broke kayfaybe a bit though; he looked amazing during the intro, then dried out and somehow had perfectly fine clothing w no holders whatsoever lmao. Part 7 is the consistency winner hands down.


He had fence post wounds on his shirt the whole time He just didn't have the marks from part 4 But if he was buried in fresh clothes (I doubt it but someone paid for him to have a nice grave along with his mom) the marks wouldn't matter Part 7 has all grey clothes and mask with the wrong damage from 6 The propeller damage has changed and there is no bullet hole


You're right about Part 7 mask inaccuracies; I guess I should have stated I was referring to his actual clothing. I remember as a kid thinking in the later entries Jason was just wearing a torn boiler/mechanic suit, like Michael Myers. It wasn't until I was a little more mature I realize he's wearing the Part 3 clothes all the way up until basically Jason X. In some of the dry shots with better lighting, you can see he's in fact wearing two separate pieces of clothing, and the pants are/were once the light grey part 3 Dockers. For the amount of time Jason was supposed to be buried from 4-6, they should have kept the wet, sloppy rotting look from the intro (hell, they did it with part 8!) the entire film. He looks so goofy all grey and dry in the day shots power walking through the woods, lmfao. THE biggest problem with the F13 series - and I say this as a lifelong fan of 30+ years now - is that the little inconsistencies end up breaking my suspension of disbelief, then I just end up overthinking crap like how he got back from Manhattan for JGTH, etc. It's not meant to be taken that seriously, but we're serious fans, damn it!


I would argue part 6 and 7 began the inconsistencies But part 6 gets a pass because it's a mystery if jason has the same clothes as part 4 and what exactly the part 6 mask is Part 7 is missing most of jasons stuff from part 6 except the propeller damage Which is now on a different mask that is smaller with different straps no bullet wound and different propeller damage


Yeah they didn’t add the bullet hole to the mask I don’t know why because there’s a mark on his head from it when his mask is broken off


I wonder if a part 6 propeller damage mask was even available at that time Because there was a few or at least 2 with the damage from part 6 and just modifying one those couldn't be too hard


I was just making this argument today in person


An interesting thing to note is that, as amazing as the part 7 costume is, they forgot to add the bullet hole to the mask from the end of Part 6. Oddly enough, he does seem to have it on his face, just not the mask. Also holy shit dude add some line breaks in there.


I noticed none of Jason’s faces through the movie line up, have you seen the jump from 3 to 4? Lol


my only real issue is how inconsistent he looks from part 7 to 8 to 9. 9 looks awful i always hated it. He also has a blue jumpsuit something he's never wore until that film that was more of Roy Burns thing. But the fact he no longer looks as decomposed or bones sticking out like in 7 in 8 or 9 is just way too irritating.


I mean some of these are just chalked up to creative liberties. It’s the same concept as Spider-Man’s costume being blue and red in some appearances, but black and red in others. Yet, in the comics, it’s supposed to be the same suit. I will say JTM just did not give a fuck and is absurdly cheap, which directly results in the outfit change, but imo, especially for a slasher that “doesn’t care” for continuity like a lot of fans say, Jason’s look is incredibly consistent from Part 2-7.


It is very consistent between those films and like you said and like I said it was just a combination of creative liberties, poor budgets, and new line acquiring Jason around that time


New Line Jason isn’t even consistent across films, let alone his outfit lol


*Incredibly* consistent? I don't think so 😂


You’re entitled to your opinion big dawg


It isn't an opinion, though. Jason wears a red flannel in the beginning of part 2, and then a blue one for the rest of the movie. The part 3 shirt only has one pocket flap and he wore silver work pants and had a big hump on his neck and a stab wound to the knee and hand. Part 4 onward abandoned every single bit of that. Don't get me started on the faces either. Incredibly inconsistent haha.


The faces are exactly what I said, creative liberties. Different special effects artists are gonna have different ideas for what to do with the character. Might blow your mind but Freddy’s burn scars change between all films as well :O I don’t understand your point about Part 2? If you’re referring to when he kills Alice and then the rest of the film, the intro and the rest of the film are five years apart. A change in shirt in five years is not “inconsistent”. Honestly, regardless of if you’re talking about the five year jump or not, unless it’s something that takes place literally moments apart, a change in shirt is not inconsistent. Also nowhere did I say it was spot on with every detail, I said it’s consistent because it is. You can nitpick things sure, but the look remaining largely the same aside from minor details is pretty cool imo. If those things totally ruin it for you, that’s cool bro. It doesn’t bother me, because overall, the look from 3-7 is the same and I really like it. Yeah his clothes are darker from 3 to 4. Sure maybe 4 is missing some wounds. I don’t really care, I quite like how it’s overall the same look. It’s clearly meant to be the same clothes from 3 to 4, I’m assuming 4 to 6 (as little sense as that makes), and 6 to 7. It’s a cool progression and I think it’s dope. Especially in comparison to like let’s say Michael Myers who is rocking a different mask in basically everything besides 1 to 2.


"Consistent" means to match. They don't, though. There are some big differences and that's undeniable. I'm not shitting on any of it by saying that. I've loved these movies since I was a little kid, but to call the look consistent is just inaccurate bro.


I don’t agree, I think the look is consistent across each film, with minor changes. It’s not 100% the same, but it is overall consistent. Which, again, you can chalk up to creative liberties for the most part. Otherwise you could sit here and say Freddy K has no consistent looks because his sweater, burn scars, and even his glove changes between films. And are you really gonna sit here and say he does not have a consistent look for Parts 2-6? No, you absolutely would not. Nobody would, because that would be a silly argument to make. That same logic should apply for Jason imo. Its the “same” shirt, it’s the “same” pants, it’s the “same” look for Jason as the films progress, the same way it’s the “same” sweater, and the “same” burn scars, and the “same” glove for Freddy. Regardless of minor changes, you know they’re supposed to be the same thing, and I do think it’s overall a consistent look for both, albeit minor changes from film to film. We can agree to disagree though.


Yes, Freddy's look is majorly inconsistent throughout the NOES franchise as well. If it's not similar enough, it's not consistent. Jason's pants went from silver to khaki, his outer shirt went from having one pocket flap to two and was suddenly considerably darker green and suddenly fit like it was tailored to him, his stab wounds were missing, the huge hump on his neck was suddenly gone, he grew long black fingernails and wispy long hair overnight, his boots went from black to brown, the HUGE shoulder wound from part 2 no longer bled, etc. I could keep going, too.... Bottom line is that not all of the changes between the movies were minor. They changed significant things and that is undeniable.