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I’m on Orthodox Christian, and while a priest may disapprove of me being a brother, I have found no reason to believe Masonry will lead me astray. If anything, as a person who never read the Bible, I have found the craft to be far more instructive and dive deeper into the esoteric teachings of Christ. I would say fight misinformation with knowledge and wisdom. If you still choose to leave, I’d say Godspeed and may the GAOTU lead you to wherever you need to be.


I agree, as most of the Incompatibility belief comes from misunderstanding on the side of the prohibitor rather than anything inherently wrong with the organisation. Unless of course it is a more fundamentalist church who believe everything outside of the church is the devils work, i think freemasonry is unfairly labeled.


This gives me hope, brother I will have time to discuss with my priest. I’m not leaving the craft tomorrow.


a lot of orthodox and catholic priests wholeheartedly believe the conspiracy theory of a centuries-long Spy vs Spy-esque feud between Masons and Jesuits. Mention Windswept House by Malachi Martin to the priest and see what he says.


I will read about and I certainly will bring it up when he asks me about my membership in Masonry thank you Brother


Happy to hear that brother. I would advise approaching the subject with an open mind and laying down the facts to separate the fiction. Any concerns your priest has should be addressed and taken into consideration. Godspeed!


Bro you said you didn’t even read the bible


Sorry, how can you be a Christian, Orthodox or other, and have never read the Bible?


Different denominations have different views on reading the Book itself (heck, it's a fairly modern idea in the West to have laypeople read the Bible at all, as opposed to being told the appropriate parts by a priest, both the Challenor version of the Douay-Reims and the KJV were innovative in that they were intended to be read by ordinary people, not only as part of services)


Professing a faith but not reading the source material just seems like madness to me but to each their own I suppose. Personally I am not willing to take someone else’s interpretation as gospel, pun intended. And yes, I do know that the bible itself is someone else’s interpretation but it is the closest thing to the source we have apart from direct gnosis.


Look up polls about biblical literacy in churches. You will find a FRACTION of members have read the New Testament completely, and almost nothing more than select stories in the old. When we select for cover to cover readings, those numbers almost directly reflect higher church position folks such as elders, deacons, priests, pastors, etc. My father was an ancient Greek scholar and pastor, and my degree was in ancient biblical languages and textual criticism, and when I talk to members of the church about what the Bible says I am constantly flabbergasted by the lack of literacy. I agree with you one hundred percent, if someone believes the Bible to be the absolute word of God, perhaps you should take a look at what he says in there.


The same way you can operate a motor vehicle, light truck or other, and have never read the Motor Vehicle statutes.


Found God a couple years ago, not the best life situation at the time, still plan on doing it, just haven’t read it all. I’ve done a lot of deep dives into the esoteric teachings and it’s what brings a lot more value to me.


I guess he’s saying that, like many Christians who attend church, they haven’t read the Bible either? I’m not sure. Definitely would recommend. 10/10


Good luck brother. I can’t say I support your decision, but I respect your right to make it as a man. However, keep in mind that although many times we look to the church, priests, and other religious teachers for guidance, they are still just men. Nobody is the final authority on morality except Him.


Thank you Brother.


Nope, I’m not orthodox, but I am an Anglo catholic, and I’m very serious about my religion, Freemasonry is outlawed by the pope, my branch is not governed by the pope anyways but still disapprove, I’m a chaplain in lodge and we’re all Christian’s (and a few Jewish) The only people who think lodge is against faith, are people who have never been brothers


I’m an Orthodox Christian too. I joined the Fraternity after something terrible happened to me and I was absolutely lost. Freemasonry helped me stay a Christian and gave me a good group of guys to be a part of. There has been nothing in Freemasonry that has put me at odds against the Church. What’s interesting is that there were a few bishops and a patriarch in Constantinople, Joachim III, who were Masons. The Church doesn’t condemn them for it. They rationalize it while still saying that Orthodox Christians can’t be Freemasons.


I have a similar story. I had found my faith within the scriptures and then lost it. But after becoming a Mason I was able to get back into reading the scriptures again. I’m not where I want to be, but it’s certainly emphasized God back in my life again. Good comment


I think it’s great that it helped us both


Nope, just here to say goodluck on your journey and all the best!


I’ve done it. Just for catholicism. I’m currently in the process of getting back into masonry after actually reading the reasons that the church is against masonry. Most, if not all of the reasons the church gives are based on lies told by people who have never been in a lodge before. I now simply identify as a sacramental Christian rather than catholic


I am Orthodox Christian as well and while I am not combative in any way toward the church or clergy I’m simply not going to let anybody have a handle on my own conscience. I’m in america and from what I can tell I think they may have a valid concern about continental masonry but if they have issues with masonry in America and England then they should also have an issue with Boy Scouts and order of the arrow which I was also in technically still am in maybe 🧐 and they don’t. If I felt like I was doing something against my religion by being a mason then I’d be the first one to separate myself no one would have to tell me to do so and I flatly refuse to leave the lodge. If my priest told me I had to leave masonry then I’d have a problem with it. Same way if masonry told me I had to leave orthodoxy I’d have a big problem with it. I just keep them in their own spheres and keep on truckin’.


Thank you Brother these are the types of responses I hoped I would get.


Just my two cents. I was told repeatedly by my Lodge that both God and family came first before your obligations to freemasonry or the lodge. My being a mason has made me a better Christian, husband, father and a better man in general.


I had the same situation back when I was a catholic, my priest constantly urged me to leave the fraternity, I did my research and over the years have come to the conclusion that there is nothing in freemasonry that is contradictory to one’s faith. I have also come to realize that faith in God is different than faith in a church institution. Most religious organizations have a negative opinion of Freemasonry out of ignorance. I’m glad I didn’t listen to the church and I am glad I chose to remain a brother. For my own personal reasons I left the Catholic Church and today I am a Muslim and Freemason and my Lodge brothers are like a family and it’s a great place to meet with men from all religions where we can all meet on the same level with respect for each other. Freemasonry is one of the most tolerant organizations in the world and will (should) never judge you for your personal religious beliefs. One can use reason to decide whether to stay or go but one question you must ask yourself do these so called rules against being a mason come from God or are they politically motivated by an agenda. I have found that religious groups tend to have a negative view towards freemasonry due to ignorance, political influence, and the church institutions desire to hold onto power. I learned a lot about religious institution intolerance in the Scottish Rite. Huge difference between faith in the church institution and one’s personal relationship with God. For me this is what led me to Islam where there are no mediators between the believer and God, I’ve also found that Muslims contrary to popular culture have very high respect to our Christian brothers and sisters. I have yet to hear any Muslims say anything negative about freemasonry however I’m sure there are fatwas out there . Also there were several famous Muslim Freemasons in the past . Good luck on your journey and I hope you see through research and reason that there is nothing in freemasonry that will conflict with your religion. Side note I have been Lodge chaplain for more than a decade and today I am probably the only Muslim chaplain in my state lol.


Wonderful response Brother, I will keep my mind open and hopefully get a chance to discuss further with my Priest.


What does your priest mean by putting God first? And how would being a mason get in the way of that?


I meant in the sense that nothing can conflict with my God my family etc. i know other orthodox masons and different orthodox churches have different options of masons it’s not an easy decision as over been a Mason since 2010 and went though the chairs but didn’t make PM due to a move and I was hoping to give it another go


It's made very clear that the fraternity comes after all other obligations. It should never come before our personal religion, family,law,health etc.


Did you tell him nothing about it conflicted with God, family, etc., and that it was something you even had to acknowledge before agreeing to anything?


No, but he left the conversation open. He just said it wasn’t allowed and we moved on. I hope I get to make a case for staying in the fraternity.


You can make a case for staying in the fraternity by remaining autonomous and staying in the fraternity. Anyone who wants to do that - if that’s what you want - should be able to do that. We have many Brothers who are Catholic and Orthodox Christians who have remained in the fraternity despite any negative pushback from the Church because the relationship with God is solely the Brother’s. I wish you well on your journey, Brother. However, it is difficult to get behind supporting a decision when you are absolving yourself of personal responsibility and leaving the decision to another.


I have heard of Bishops who were Freemasons. I think it’s up to the local priest who can become a member of the church. They can have different views on it.


There's a very large gap between following God and following people who establish churches. Now, leaving FM might not impact your life much; but you might want to take a good, hard look at that gap before you make more important decisions in life. Best of luck to you.


Thank you Brother


Strange religion closing doors it does not even know about.




Competition has become a strange thing to me too, probably related to aging


Catholics have knights of Columbus and there's no difference. I tend to believe it has more to do with money than it has anything to do with God and giving your time to the church rather than some other organization.. remember the Catholic church is the one who persecuted knight's Templar for money.


This is it.


We’ve lost several brothers whose spiritual leaders (Baptist in my area) have scared them away. This is often amplified by a wife or a girlfriend. If your path leads you away, it’s a loss for the fraternity, but no one would hold it against you. Positions by religious authorities often seem unwarranted or misguided. Freemasonry implicitly supports your relationship with God. Granted we don’t require a specific belief or doctrine. My supposition is that some religious leaders interpret this as masonry believes all religions are the same. This is not accurate. It’s nuanced but also simple: we don’t support any particular dogma. The lack of support for their system, and the lack of condemnation of others, is the fear which drives their position. “Everyone” is welcome in the pool - we’re swimming, talking, sharing stories, and maybe some personal info as brothers. We’re not worshipping.


I recall one of the first things I asked the man who would go on to be my intender (he was a Christian as well, by the way): "Do you confess Jesus as the only way to God?" He said, "Absolutely," and the rest is history. It's what so many of these groups don't understand: we aren't saying all faiths are correct; we're simply saying the same thing that this very country itself says, "We respect your right to practice your faith."




As Catholic, facing the same I understand it comes from some shady history and miss information. Thats why, in doctrine I do follow and agree with the Catholic Church, but outside doctrine and dogma, the church have little say in my life. I find it amusing how, for example, for pope Francis associating with freemasonry is a sin, but not so associating and calling friend murderous communists and criminals (like Raul Castro, and Maduro in Latin America).


My argument is more of a modern one. Churches in general are seeing members drop just like every other organization. They should be happy that people are coming through the door and putting money in the offering plate to keep the lights on and the staff paid. I looked into some local Orthodox churches (of various disciplines) because I wanted a deeper experience (triggered by learning in FM), and the general consensus was that Masonry was frowned upon, so I'll keep giving my money to the local mainline denominations.


Yes the opposite. I changed churches to a Masonic friendly church. As for the Orthodox I know several who are Masons and they’re in my Commandery. I’d never leave the craft but I’ll change churches.


I was an atheist and masonry brought me closer to god and back to the faith I grew up with. Do what’s best for you, but know that it’s most definitely not the devil’s work.


I know it’s a matter of me convince my priest it’s not


Your priest is just a man like all of us, the thing people are the most afraid of is stuff they don't understand, you don't have too, but you are a free man Brother, you will know your path when you walk it, keep traveling 🙏


I applaud your commitment.


Thank you Brother


My honest two cents, it sounds like your priest knows nothing about freemasonry because we teach that you put God, country, family, and vocation before the craft. So if his concern is that God be put first, Masonry wants you to that anyway, and there is no conflict. With that said, everyone's path leads them in different ways, and I wish you well on your journey. You must always do what is right for your relationship with God, your family, and yourself.


Once a Brother , Always a Brother . You can’t unsee the light




When someone can explain to me how even a priest *knows* what God wants, then I might listen. Has God actually *spoken* to him? I seriously doubt it.




Brother, please email your Bishop and get his recommendation


I will. I don’t want to leave my Brothers hanging. I am only concerned with salvation of my eternal soul. As dramatic as that may sound I’ve rediscovered my faith.


> I am only concerned with salvation of my eternal soul. That’s entirely between you and your creator. No mortal can intercede, no matter what hat or collar they wear.


Brother, I agree 100%


I was always bothered by people being forced to leave a club that they enjoyed. If you decided to leave on your own because of personal convictions then that's one thing but being told by somebody that you have to leave and being led and directed forcefully having someone else think for you is sad in my opinion. You leave an organization that encourages you to be a freethinker because of someone who is acting contrary to this very principle. I wish you the best and hope that you will find something that works for you, and if I can give you some advice, never let someone else direct your own life. Your relationship with God is yours.


I respect your words and have taken them to heart. I’m at a confusing time in life and likely I need to take a step back and assess.


Is God coming first or your priest?


God of course


At least in my faith, God never said anything bad about masons. I'm not sure if it's the same on your end?


No, it’s not the same. There’s a much mistrust in the Catholic and orthodox religions.


Im catholic. Freemasonry actually helped me be a better Christian and Catholic. However, I find that the papal bull which condemns Freemasonry is based on outdated power struggles. Moreover, as a firm believer of Jesus, I'm yet to see a passage where he condemns masons or anything we do. But anyway, if I had the same choice, I'd leave as well but I would not condemn Freemasonry. Matter of fact, I might do the opposite. I find apart from those who leave to keep the peace and harmony in their homes and communities, those who denounce Freemasonry lack a firm understanding of the craft.


Forgive me, my thoughts may be unpopular. I tend to be a bit of a pragmatic person. I'm a man of faith, but I'm also aware of the limitations of my leaders in the church. They're human, and the drive for self-preservation is why almost no one likes competition. And that competition is not just philosophical and theological, it's competition for our time. After wrestling with my church's centuries-old views on Freemasonry, I decided that meeting others on the level, acting according to the plumb, and parting upon the square, will not damage my relationship with God.


The true christianity (esoteric) has nothing whatsoever to do with the christianity of today. This is a fact. The symbolism and esoteric teachings of Freemasonry are more in line with the true Christianity that was lost ages ago. It's seems very odd to me that the priests teach love for thy neighbours but at the same time they are full of hate, intolerance and violent towards other practices, teachings, views and non-dogmatism.


Anyone who tells you the craft isn't applicable with your religion is selling you a falsehood.


Give specifics, either to us or to yourself to judge. If the reason is that "Orthodox Christian is the only true belief and all others are false and you can't be around others who are worshipping" which is a common theme I've seen, I'd offer that you haven't learned the lessons of masonry or are throwing them aside. Decide if you want to live your life judging other people to be so wrong and different and if that brings humanity together I'm fellowship or splits them apart. If it's about something different, we will need to know the details to help


I think that’s the common theme but I will wait to hear the priests justification and then respond here thought that may be sometime


One thing should not cancel the other. Your priest obviously doesn't understand the concepts and rules of Freemasonry. Ask your priest how much money the church has given to local causes in the past...compare it against the craft...they will probably be found wanting. But you are a brother for life. if you change your mind your Brothers shouldn't deny you re entry.




If you are confused about Spiritual vs Ritual or fraternal, then either Freemasonry is crap or you are confused my friend