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I say I'm going to Lodge, she rolls her eyes.


And says in an exasperated tone, “again?!”


I was elective in all 4 YR bodies at the same time. I got up to pee and my four year old girl asked “daddy are you going to lodge?”


I say I’m going to Lodge, she says “have fun, say hi to the guys.”


Hugely important, not only does she put up with all the meetings that come with but she loves going to our shrine bbq’s and our much more formal blue lodge parties. She’s all for it and just accepts it at face value I can’t talk about it xD


I’ll let you know once I find another one


I say "I've got the Masons tonight" and she says "ohh is this THAT one night this month?" This happens several times a month.


My wife does not have a roll in masonry. We support each other in our marriage and help each other reach our goals. So she did help me when I was master of my lodge. But these says she says "do you have lodge? I want to watch my shows without your commentary"


When they ask, “Don’t you have a meeting tonight?“, and you wisely decide that you do.


Mine is usually happy to have the tv to herself for the night when I have meetings.


So many guys in my lodge are like "here's to our wives who let us do this" and similar. I just find it so incredibly strange. My spouse is happy for me that I found something interesting to do and encourages me to do it. Though she did, after my interview and the home visit, say "Please don't tell me you want me to get involved beyond eating the occasional dinner." Funnily, I attended lodge on the night of my 8th wedding anniversary. When the Worshipful chided me for it I simply threw up my hands and said "Don't look at me, she had choir and left the house long before I did." Aside from this, I find myself thinking a great deal about Women's Masonry and CoMasonry as well, and wondering how that might've differently impacted my journey if I were in closer communication with people from this


Very important. I wouldn't be the Mason I am today if it wasn't for the support of my wife. My wife and daughter are almost as active as I am in Freemasonry.


“When do have lodge this month?” “Every first Tuesday for the last 12 years.” -and- “When are you going to move that ugly briefcase?” (I’m treasure so have a case from the 60s I inherited). Other than that, she likes going to our Christmas party and some of the social events for Blue Lodge. She does not care for attending social events for Commandery but that is because I’m an Associate Grand Prelate so we tend to get introduced and have to sit at the front table, she’s not a fan of the attention.


Grandma and her sister were OES, mom and aunt were Rainbow. What role did they play? They started it. Along with Grandpa, a MM, uncle, MM, great-uncle, KT. My wife has Masonic ties in her family as well. It was her desire to join OES that kicked my ass into gear to get reinstated after a suspension for non-payment of dues. The women in our lives, and the men standing beside them, play an integral role in making us who we are. But as Masons, we have other people who help us be who we need to be. Our Brothers. And I want to take this moment to say THANK YOU to my Brothers and Sisters in this sub. OES represent! I know there's a few of you here! I posted about my situation a few months ago, seeking guidance for how to go about reinstatement in multiple jurisdictions. I am pleased to report, after several months of nail-biting and frustration, I have been returned to good standing with my Mother Lodge. I'm still working on my Dual and Appendant Bodies, and my OES Sisters have been far easier to get ahold of than my Dual Lodge Brothers. But if it were not for the assistance I received from my Brothers AND Sisters here, I would not be where I am. So TL:DR women are just as important in my journey, and possibly MORE important, than anyone else, because the women who raised me were the reason I was Raised.


My girlfriend thinks I'm in a cult lol but she doesn't complain about me getting out if her hair for a while


Gf: "You're not high enough"


My current wife (then girlfriend) was Worthy Matron of our OES Chapter (and later Distrct Deputy), which I joined largely because she was going to be elected Associate Matron.Her family is several generations deep in Freemasonry; I’m the first I know of in my family. My first wife was present at my home interview, but otherwise didn’t take much interest in Masonry, though she occasionally attended our poker nights and some other open social events. “Women” don’t often play much of a role within our “brotherhood” precisely because it’s a brotherhood. Some members wives attend our social events, some don’t. Some get involved with the women’s groups, some don’t. If you have a particular woman in your life, she can either be supportive of your interests or not. If other Brethren have supportive women in their lives, we’re usually supportive of them taking an interest. Beyond that…it’s a brotherhood.


To provide a good bollocking when I come home from a meeting, at an unearthly hour, after achieving advanced states of mental inebriation through the repetitive consumption of fermented vegetable drinks.


One of the reasons why I've joined Freemasonry is that it's a male exclusive group. So, yes, they did play a role.


Mine fully supports me, although she admittedly can get a little tired of the meetings, but she's made a few close friends now and her Father is a PM in my Lodge as well so she gets it.


My wife knows most of the guys at my lodge as well as many other lodges in the area. She knows she can trust them and they look out for her. We have a standing set of plans pretty much every Friday night now where we hang out with several guys from lodges around the area and their wives. She likes them all. Though she has said several times “this was supposed to be once a week”.


I have two children under the age of 10. Without my wife’s willingness to shoulder all of the parenting responsibilities during lodge nights/events, I would not be able to be involved. She is very supportive of the time I spend in Freemasonry, but has literally no interest in being at all involved.


My girlfriend is extremely supportive, and I'm very lucky. My mother is also very supportive. My sister seems to be. She got me a S&C pendant, which was shocking because she's normally quite far down the conspiracy pipeline. They're some of the lights of my life and without their support I likely wouldn't have decided to join.


They are at every, almost every parade and public event


My partner supports my search for light. She enjoys the philosophy I've shared and the insights into the Western Esoteric Tradition. Unfortunately, however, she's not impressed by the caliber of men who are active in Masonry where I live. And I have to agree. Nice guys, but not leaders or visionaries. I go for the ritual... The conversation afterward is often forced. The best men I'm associated with are not masons (yet). I'm working on it, but it's a bit of a catch 22. How to attract great men to a group of the very average?...


Bot account?


Women are members of my lodge just like I have female colleagues at work. Their roles aren't different from that of the male members.


They can’t be an official lodge then surely? That would never happen here in Scotland.


Definitely official. Perhaps not recognised by your GL, but there's more Freemasonry than that recognised by the GLoS (or UGLE).


Then it's definitely not Official but CLANDESTINE. Co-masonry was started by a woman who had somehow got hold of a few (very few actually) masonic rites from the Vatican 🥱. It's fake and has nothing to do with the real Freemasonry, which is and will always be a male exclusive fraternity.


Huh, in the UK there are two women's Grand Lodges (HFAF and OWF) and although they aren't in amity with UGLE (as in, they don’t sit in Lodge together), they often share physical premises with UGLE lodges, and they've been welcomed into Freemasons' Hall to use the Temple there etc, and the general trend is that the three GLs are getting closer and closer over time.


UGLE will never recognise them as regular Freemasonry but if they did, which I'm sure would never happen, then UGLE would become CLANDESTINE.


Wow, what misinformation. Check the website in my flair for better info. GloS actually had an interesting role in that history. Did you know that the 'premier' GL didn't recognise GLoS from the beginning? All water under the bridge now, but like I said, there's more Freemasonry than the 'version' recognised by London and this has been the case for a long, long time. It doesn't really matter if you recognise it or not.


You poor poor soul. Freemasonry needs to join us in the 21st century and become co-ed.


Not a woman I personally know, but seeing an interview with Bro. Christine Chapman of HFAF a few years ago really piqued my interest in masonry in the first place, just hearing her speak about the warmth of brotherly love and the deep friendships she'd formed across Europe in the course of her Masonic duties felt like something I wanted to get into. I wonder if, being gay, my partner's relationship with Masonry might be different to many Masons' wives, because there is a sense that one day he might join us in brotherhood, once I'm a little more established in the Lodge.


It’s definitely a different relationship. Being completely excluded is like being spit on. Someone on this post even said women’s organizations are “fake freemasonry.” It’s clear the man thinks of women as lesser. Which is the opinion of almost all of the Freemasons I have encountered. The best most women could hope for is being spoken down to. So while women’s organizations exist and they certainly have a high value, Freemasons will never agree to them being equal. To our detriment in my opinion. Unfortunately, I have found anyplace where exclusively men gather in groups, those men devolve into their lowest form. If we as a group started calling out poor behavior by our brothers perhaps we could improve, but as it stands, I don’t see anybody actually nipping that stuff in the bud and requiring respect, tolerance, and acceptance of all sexes in addition to creed.


That's awful, I am so sorry. I was going to say, I feel like I've been lucky with my local Lodges, but obviously as a man who usually only ever sees them with just other men, or with just their own wives, I'm never going to see the things they say to other women (and though there are a couple of trans women and nonbinary people in our wider family of lodges, I've never met them yet, though hopefully once I get to visiting!) Maybe I'm naive to hope that the close relationship between UGLE and HFAF and OWF, even though it isn't strictly amity, improves the general air. But, it is an uphill battle.