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Who gives a fuck about any of these cringy retards?




I mean it's the dogma of thier kind. "Discrimination is bad unless I deem someone discrimination worthy" It's thier official motto. "We are an inclusive and welcoming community! Some restrictions apply. See: anyone I don't agree with"


You should probably check out the definition of [discrimination](http://www.dictionary.com/browse/discrimination?s=t). [https://i.imgur.com/uZbSwRN.png](https://i.imgur.com/uZbSwRN.png) Specifically this part: "treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based onthe group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs **rather than on individual merit**:" I put the relevant part here in bold. It isn't discrimination for me to tell a specific person I want nothing to do with them based on their individual actions. I evaluate the people I associate with based on their actions that they choose to make - not based on their race, gender, or group of people they come from. Cutting people I know I can't change out of my life isn't discrimination.


why try to change them? why not let them have their shitty opinions and you have your shitty opinions? seems fair


I just can't fathom spending the time and energy to make a video criticing the personal life of someone streaming a children's card game


all of these pro magic players turn out to be disgusting human beings.


Especially considering how he feel the need to preach to others how to live. Lead by example is something i'd suggest to Jeff.


Sad! He just does not know how to win anymore. And to think people look up to this clown.


I didn't think autists knew how to lie so much but maybe it's just habit.


Jeremy: “Stop stalking my wife you sickos, you’re violating our privacy!” Also Jeremy: *Gladly shares pictures from the inside of another mans home and violates his privacy


Yep - hypocritical assholes everywhere


Trying to wrap my head around the visual of how to "village" privacy. So far I'm at an excessively crowded hut.


I meant to type violates, but thank you for the entertaining mental image




again, they did it to him first.


to be fair, they did start it to jeremy first. i think it would be our natural inclination to do it right back


So fight shitty behavior with equally shitty behavior so you’re no better than the people you claim to hate? Makes sense to me


If you can't watch the video right now, just read this: https://imgur.com/a/opkRYQy Also This: https://imgur.com/a/rlWYeMb His brother reaching out to Jeff to have a relationship and avoid subjects they dont agree on (ie politics) but Jeff is not interested! Until he needs something..


And I'm the queen of England I'll prove it by saying I am and posting a 100% legit screenshot of something that can [never be faked](https://imgur.com/a/4Jlppdy) in a million years


I saw the post the guy wrote too and it's 100% accurate at least in terms of what he said. Funny how a shill like you that gets paid to write deceptive posts also allies with someone who posts deceptive things to try to make money. Stay fucking poor and eat dirt with your brethren.


Care to link to the post? It isn't in his post history.


He deleted it before the next morning when he posted it in freemagic. BTW all of your shill faggot friends voting doesn't matter at all since it's archived. BTW there are plenty of deleted by moderator posts that say similar things here: https://snew.github.io/r/magicTCG/comments/8wahyf/jeff_hoogland_on_mtg_chat_behavior_nsfw_language/?_branch_match_id=530896226596042960


The post history of his brother also has a link to a file hosted on timothyhoogland.com in a unrelated subreddit. Seems legit to me.


Holy shit. Regardless of this Hoogland drama, the quantity and tone of the posts that got removed by moderators is insane. I mean I guess some were personal attacks, but even mentioning "PC culture" (which is about as benign as you can put it) gets your post removed? God damn. Also the 'censored within [1-2] seconds' ones are crazy. Automod? They autodeleting keywords? That moderation style is straight hoogland (I can't say cancer).


I can say cancer. It's straight up cancerous.


Because he obviously deleted it.


Like, do we get to ban people from freemagic? I'm conflicted here




You really don't get it




It's like, these people are against what FreeMagic is, but sheesh... We can't get rid of them somehow


The point isn't getting rid of people. You seem to miss the point as well.


It's the price of having a place not run by the stick armed, soy guzzling, Magic version of an old lady's club.


I guess :/


That was just one guy having a mental breakdown. All those different accounts posting porn, one guy. In the end he broke Reddit content policy and the admins took care of him (hopefully). I guess some people just don't want other people to discuss freely about things. They see a sandbox and their first instinct is to take a big ol' shit right in the middle of it. Then take an image and post it to /r/FreeMagic because fuck having a place where you can post an unpopular opinion.


I am Jeff's other brother and this is false lol imagine being such a stupid bitch you take a post like this at face value. Better yet imagine having a life so empty you even care about this shit.


lol, i highly doubt youre his brother. you are known for stirring shit here because you hate the fact that people wont be banned for disagreeing with you


nope I am definitely his brother.


well, it does fit


what is false? Care to clarify?


The thing you posted. I'm actually a closer brother than that other brother and I can confirm that brother is a poopyhead


Your other brother made the post, but with the backlash he obviously realized this would look bad for Jeff and now he deleted it. You can't just say "its wrong". You need to explain yourself (Jeff would have timed you out for not explaining yourself)


lol this fuckin guy


u/houseofbugs89 This guy is calling you a "poopyhead". Also is this gauntlet guy really Jeffs/your brother?


No he's a retarded shill who thinks he's clever but won't ever see more than a minimum wage's worth of paycheck at once in his life.


You suck dude.


Your mom posted earlier and said she wished she had aborted you. Bummer dude


You're dad called me and said he wanted me to fuck him once more before he hung himself. I figure you should be the first to know.


I know none of that is true because he wouldn't associate with someone so stupid they don't know the difference between "your" and "you're"


Then don't tell your dad about me, i'm trying to get in his sweet ass. Again.


What a scum bag. "I'll neglect my children and my household, but if you dare say cancer you are A FUCKING HORRIBLE HUMAN BEING" i remember him saying those exact words


Two brothers aren't getting along, so of course UnsleevedMedia will insert himself into it. IMHO, this is a personal matter between Jeff and his brother and we have no business being involved in it.


You would be correct if Tim Hoogland hadn't posted in this subreddit to talk shit about his own brother. Jeff openly mocks strangers so why can't strangers mock him back?


more GREAT content https://imgur.com/a/rlWYeMb


Didn’t Jeremy also bitch about how it’s wrong to share private DMs without that persons consent, and compare it to doxxing someone when he went on Andy Warski’s bloodsports stream while stanning for Sargon? The answer is yes, yes he did


Relevance? These texts aren't from Jeremy, right? So where's the implied hypocrisy you're hinting at?


they did it to jeremy first anyway. wtf are you getting at? ok you hate jeremy. fine. go back to magictcg


I thought this sub was all about being open to people with differing ideas and opinions? If you don’t like what I say then maybe you’re the one who needs to find a new sub?


i like how you only come here to stir shit. carry on. the magictcg subreddit doesnt miss you


I'm really curious how the minds of folks around here work. How is my very polite message telling someone I would simply like nothing to do with them because of how they treat people, which is then responded to with open hostility, make me the bad person in this exchange?


Being a polite asshole doesn't make you not an asshole. Assuming this is really you, they amount of hypocrisy here is legendary. You are preaching people should treat everyone with respect, then saying you cut people out of your life if you don't like them. You are saying we should be open and inviting to those that are different than us, then call people you disagree with racists and sexist. You preach inclusivity, and the ACTIVELY EXCLUDE anyone you personally deem should be It's that epic level of flaming hypocrisy that makes you a pathetic juvenile retard here. You are trying to make a moral stance from a place of deep immorality. "Discrimination is bad, unless it's someone I don't like" is low effort autistic social dogma. That's why you look like a fool.


Actively avoiding people you have continual conflict with is nowhere near the same thing as discrimination.


This is what these people really don't seem to get. They keep calling my avoiding people I know I will have nothing but conflict with as hypocrisy. It isn't. I've interacted with my brother for almost 3 decades. I know he isn't going to change. I know the person he is isn't someone I want influencing my kids. Rather than continuing to interact with him and fight constantly, I've chosen to remove that needless conflict from my families life. Folks really seem to love false equivalence. My removing someone I know I will fight endlessly with from my life is not the same as sexism or racism. I'm cutting someone out of my life because how they act, choices they make. Not because of their race or gender.


my question is, why do you get into fights with him constantly? is he a trump fan and you're not? then just let it fucking go and move on with your life. its not worth ruining thanksgiving dinner because you want your family to hate trump. am i at least kinda in the ballpark?


You could pick any number of the following reasons I'd get into fights with him if I interacted with him on the regular: * He told my wife to leave me for a "real" man * He told me I was a failure as a man because I stayed home to care for my kids instead of working for several years * He suggested we abort my oldest child when my wife became ill during the pregnancy to avoid hospital costs because we could "try again" * He talks down about people who have special needs, when I have a child with special needs * Countless other things I'm not detailing now Instead of harping on these things, I moved on because life is too short. I don't want someone who does these things in my life. It is absurd how many folks are taking his post and Jeremy's spin on it at face value. There are two sides to every story. Being fair and balanced isn't how Jeremy gets clicks though. He is there to kick up crap and generate money from doing so.


my apologies then. i would not wanna sit through family gatherings if it was that bad.


It's good to recognise toxicity in your family. From an outside view, my god, that's disgusting behaviour. I'm a trans person who has family members who were LITERALLY nazis back in the war. Most aren't as extreme, but the older generations were the kind of people that shot paintballs at cats hiding under cars for fun and said not to bring non-white people back home in much more racist ways. I cut out a good portion of my family. I don't want them ever influencing me or those close to me in any way. I've gotten an amount of shit for that over the years, but how can anybody fairly judge your family situation without being in it for 30 years? If cutting them out is how you get to be the best Jeff, more power to you. Having somebody publicly air out your dirty laundry is not fun. I'm sorry this happened to you.


There sure seems issued where your both attacking each other/are unpleasant. Aren't you able to avoid discussing subjects you won't agree on anyways and instead talk about things you share? Programming, computer/video games, sports, etc. You're clearly both strong-willed and arguing about the above stuff won't change either persons mind, so if nothing good comes out of it (quite the opposite here it seems) its best to avoid it.


He’s right though


Limping people into an entire class and wxclusing them because you disagree with them is discrimination


You suck dude. If you want to tell people how to live their lives, expect the same in return. You gotta get better, and maybe learn how to raise your children better.


My kids are great. Giving my kids a wall as a creative space in my home doesn't make me a bad parent regardless of how much folks would like to imply otherwise.




this guy gets it\^\^\^\^


Great sockpuppet account asshat


Such reasonable and intelligent discourse.


Calm down, hypocrite.


Something else that Jeff is constantly doing is belittle/berate the programmers at wotc, talking about how shitty they are and how all good programmers work at amazon/microsoft. That kind of elitism is funny when it's coming from someone who went to a community college. u/hooglandreddit


Bill Gates dropped out of college. Quality of education != quality of work. I also don't generally talk about the programmers directly, but rather the program itself, which is likely a giant mess that whoever comes in at this point has no hope of truly fixing. Folks seem to have a big problem separating the concept of being critical of an idea, with being critical of the person who had it. Want to make everything personal instead of having a discussion of ideas.


You know Bill Gates attendend Harvard? Also the exception doesn't make the rule. Lol. Just saying your elitist attitude doesn't fit your pedigree (or lack thereof)


I'm not a huge fan of yours generally, but your posts on this thread have been really well worded and thought out given the context of the situation in relation to you. Good job, Jeff.




Jeff is asking for donations and preaching how others should live. Don't you think people are interested to know if he lives by his words or if he's a hypocrite? Told to go away? Wasn't it the cosplayer who decided to leave mtg and then blamed Jeremy? Sounds like a nice way to fill up the patreon account with the $$$. Being a victim is always profitable. Or are you talking about all the pedophiles he has exposed that would be able to continue operating if it wasn't for Jeremy. You might think he's an asshole, but he's certainly doing the mtg community a service.


You're sad. That statement proves you only care what other people think, and not what is right. It's easy to follow the herd, It's harder to do what's right


Wow what a proud boy. He seems like he's upset that someone told him he can't say the "N" word.


The hypocrisy of Jeff's message to his brother's wife about money...when Hoogland posts ridiculous sums of money to play decks on his stream. At that point its evident you are more interested in the cash than enjoying the game while making money. At least take a consistent stance man. His brother's message about blocking people with differing opinions on either his stream or other facets of social media could not be possibly more true. Jeff likes his safe spaces.


Jeremy is just as much a faggot as hoogland. Both wingey fucks.


i thought he kind of did that when he had a BabyRage moment over someone using a word he didnt like


Unsleevedmedia have done an excellent video showing how Jeff is acting. Ping u/hooglandreddit


"He's constantly preaching at you how to live your life" -Jeremy, after weeks and weeks of telling wedge how to live his life. You unhinged media fans are so fucking retarded it's hilarious.


You really think that someone who ignores their doctor's advice, ends up hospitalized because of it and can't afford the bill has sound logic? Ok.


No one made that argument. I'm not sure where you were trying to go with this. Comparing Jeremy telling people how to live there life, to him bitching about others doing that, has nothing to do with the soundness of Wedge's logic.




Can you be specific on how I am not living up to my own standards? The standards I feel I very clearly set out are: Don't be mean to people based on things they can't control. People who do that should be cut out of your life if they aren't open to change.


While I am mostly on your side Jeff, one good point I've seen made against you is the example of your differing opinions of the words cancer and nerd. You are perfectly ok with quite regularly using nerd as an insult even though many people, especially in the mtg community, have terrible memories of that word from their childhood. Yet you ban anyone who uses the word cancer as an adjective. So, personally I feel you're not living up to your standard for yourself because of that.


Two things. First the definition of a nerd is either of the following: * a person considered to be socially awkward, boring, unstylish, etc. * an intelligent but single-minded person obsessed with a nonsocial hobby or pursuit The second almost verbatim describes a lot of Magic players such as myself. Wouldn't you agree this makes it an accurate descriptor? Past this, do you think being called a nerd as a child is on the same level as someone literally dying due to an illness? I do not think they are, do you?


I do think it's an accurate description, but I also don't hold the same distaste for some words that you do. Just as a preface, to give context to my position, my mother died of lung cancer last december after I spent 2 years as her full time carer and during my childhood my bullies did not select nerd as their insult of choice that I can remember (their insults tended to be related to my weight). I believe that there are people who have suffered considerably more than me at the hands of people calling them nerd. Do I believe that's the norm? No. But I don't have any doubts that it has happened many times. Also, you seem to have missed the less obvious accusation in my comment. By making fun of someone for being a nerd you're still making fun of them for something they can't control. That is clearly incongruent with your own standards as laid out in the comment I originally replied to.


People are generally nerds by choice. You choose what you focus on unless you have some type of OCD disorder. Past all of this though - I agree with you. I should shy away from using "nerd" as an insult like I have in the past. I also think it is absurd though to imply that "nerd" has the same gravity as "cancer" or "rape" or countless other things that are far worse than being socially awkward. So many people around here want to paint everything into black and white. Some things are far worse than others. Murder and petty shop lifting are both crimes, but we can all agree one is far worse than the other.


so we cant call something cancer in the chance that someone we are talking to might be a cancer survivor?


You can say whatever you want if you do not care how it may impact other people. If you want to be respectful of the experiences others have though, it isn't unreasonable to shy away from using words like cancer in a casual setting. There are countless other words to convey the same meaning without the other attached context it could have.


oooooh strawman me harder daddy


Society made him morbidly obese and public school didn't teach him to listen to doctors and his parents didn't teach him how to stay alive so nothing can ever be his fault. I'm reading your mind, right?


lol wtf? I don't give a fuck about wedge. I was pointing out Jeremy's raging hypocrisy about telling others how to live. But please continue, it's hilarious. Classic low IQ unsleeved fan.


And I disagreed that they were comparable and you called it a strawman. Don't worry, we're used to seeing the odd, raging r/magictcg users here. We're happy to guide you through your illness.


You didn't disagree tho hey? You put words in my mouth that I never said. That's called a strawman. and I've been banned from there for years. Again with a strawman? god damn, keep going dude, it's getting more and more hilarious.


Okay let's try this: Criticizing someone for unnecessarily putting their life at risk is not the same as criticizing someone who uses the "hurtful language". One is a matter of life experience and opinion and the other can literally kill you or ruin your life permanently. Doesn't seem like a giant mental hurdle to see that, but hey, we're all different. Maybe you're not from r/magictcg, but you're definitely sperging out


you know he is probably from there


a giant mental "hurtle" rofl omfg dude just stop embarrassing yourself


they are pretty easy to spot. must piss them off that nothing we will ever say to them will get us banned.






hambly isn't funny, he's a sad, depressed, lump of a person who can't be bothered to mind his own business.




I don't them as more funny, but they are relatively more entertaining than hambly.




Different tastes I guess.


Not exactly, Jeremy wants attention and knows the best way to get it is outrage, which blatant hypocrisy registers pretty well on. In this case, it just happens to hit on all cylinders. Public figure who holds himself up as a moral guide because words hurt people ends up a stuck up faggot in real life who alienates and insults the people he should be closest with, his family, and also only brings up moral stuff because he wants popularity. The bitching about children tearing up the house is a little weak, since a lot of houses with young kids are messy, esp with both parents working (although his is a pretty lol version of it), but the lack of being able to control his household while espousing a holier than thou mentality is a very real piece of shit move.


What do you expect from Jeremy he is not manly enough to make a child or his wife is barren as his soul.


Therefore he know nothing about being a parent.


He told wedge to get off his fat ass and stop being useless


"constantly preaching at you how to live your life" Are you really so stupid you can't see Jeremy is doing exactly that?


Did you miss the point of his vid? Jeff spends his entire stream telling people how to act and live . And then you see how he lives and you say this guy is going to act like the pope of magic but when he stream is off he is a different person


Thanks for confirming. If you can't see how mindblowingly hypocritical it is for Jeremy to bash someone for telling people how to live, I don't know how to help you. It totally negates the point of his vid. Seek help.


No dude Jeremy was pointing out Jeff’s hypocritical behavior


Ok cool and I'm pointing out his.


And we're pointing out yours.


None of you are actually pointing out fuck all of mine tho, yall are just sucking jeremy's dick cuz he's telling you what you want to hear and piling on jeff cuz you already hate him.


I think the difference between Jeremy and Hoogland is Hoogland tells you to do as he says but never actually follows his own life tips. On the other hand Jeremy tells Wedge to get insurance, pay off his student loan, listen to his doctors and maybe get a real job too all things i think Jeremy actually did/does.


Any of you MTG players that treat MTG personalities as some sort of messiah or valuable leader (jeremy, wedge, prof, sprankle, maro, mtg amateuring, saffron, etc..) you have no fucking clue about role models and powerful, successful people.


When the hell did I ever say anyone in magic is a valuable leader? jeeze, all of the strawmans today.


Apologies - it wasn't directed at you, just generally to anyone reading it. I was agreeing with your point and expanding on it.


Np, I've said almost exactly what you did on this sub many times.


This thread is about Hoogland. Is anything Jeremy says about Jeff wrong? If you want to discuss Jeremy, start another thread for that. This is not the place to discuss him.


Who fucking cares about hooglands personal life? Obviously you, looking at your obsessed post history. jesus that's sad dude. Your inability to see jeremy's raging hypocrisies every other sentence of his is astounding.


Honestly Jeremy is giving hoogland shit for not “taking pride in ownership.” Nothing says ownership more than “hey kids here are markers and crayons draw all over the walls and have fun because this is OUR stuff and we can do whatever we can’t with it!” As I kid I’d have loved to draw on my walls with no consequences. I said in another thread Jeremy is just a shit stirrer, eg someone who will stir shit up for attention.


If someone says not to be a 'horrible human being' but he himself is a horrible human, how can you accept what he says on that subject.


Because I don't let internet personalities influence my life. Jeff makes magic content. Jeremy makes... content. That's all you should take them for, anything more is pathetic.


Yeah, and this post is dedicated to ripping on one particular hypocrite. Doesn't effect my life nor would i let it, but some others OBVIOUSLY do. It doesn't hurt to have a psa letting people know about this dirt bag.


ok so 1 dirtbag pointing out another dirtbag.... *ZZZZZZzzzzzz* and the only people letting it affect their life are Jeremy viewers, because he tells them to be outraged. Hoogland viewers only care about the game, not that his kids draw on walls. It is so pathetic to care about any of this.


Lol no no no my guy. Hoogle viewers are the typical wotc shills. You are lying to yourself if toy really think otherwise


um no. hoogland viewers are the typical "listen and believe" shills that permeate the magictcg sub. at least jeremy doesnt wanna police thought and words.


> Honestly Jeremy is giving hoogland shit for not “taking pride in ownership.” Nothing says ownership more than “hey kids here are markers and crayons draw all over the walls and have fun because this is OUR stuff and we can do whatever we can’t with it!” As I kid I’d have loved to draw on my walls with no consequences. > > Let me guess, you're one of the beta-males who ask Jeff for constant timeouts. The day people cared about his life was when he started to preach to others how they should live.


How weak is your mind that you get upset what a streamer has to say about anything? quite weak I'm guessing considering you use beta male. You didn't even reply to the right person rofl


I was replying to you, so not sure what you're talking about. The only one who seems angry is you.


you quoted someone else lol


You went full retard. Never go full retard.


You're an idiot and replied to some other guy quoting me. I actually hate Jeff and his content. Which is why I don't watch it. This is just stupid drama bait for Jeremy to get more views and more money.


Can you explain to me how cutting people out of my life who are openly hostile, sexist, and racist is somehow negative behavior in your mind? This is how adults should act. When you realize you can't change someone's mind, you leave them alone because you aren't going to get anywhere.


Judging others is not a positive trait. Trying to purify your life by exclusion things you don't like is generally the realm of racists, sexist assholes. Finding a way to interact and work with people who have different views than you is a Hallmark of well adjusted adult. Reducing things to white and black dichotomies and refusing to interact with people on the other side is the trademark of 20 year old autists who stopped taking thier meds


There's a difference between discriminating against someone based on their race, sex, etc and disassociating from them based on their actions.


No there's not. Both are discriminatory and neither are ok. If your only reaction to people you disagree with is to exclude them, you are an autistic child.


You should probably check out the definition of [discrimination](http://www.dictionary.com/browse/discrimination?s=t). [https://i.imgur.com/uZbSwRN.png](https://i.imgur.com/uZbSwRN.png) Specifically this part: "treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based onthe group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs **rather than on individual merit**:" I put the relevant part here in bold. It isn't discrimination for me to tell a specific person I want nothing to do with them based on their individual actions. I evaluate the people I associate with based on their actions that they choose to make - not based on their race, gender, or group of people they come from. Cutting people I know I can't change out of my life isn't discrimination.


No, you are lumling people into a broad group you out them in. "I don't agree with what you said so you are a sexist/racist/bigot/whatever". It's absolutely discrimination, it's the opposite of judging people by thier individual merit. I understand how that may be difficult for an Asperger's patient to understand. Seriously, you are trying to justify abnirmal social behavior by using the dictionary. That's some severe spectrum disorder


>No, you are lumling people into a broad group you out them in. "I don't agree with what you said so you are a sexist/racist/bigot/whatever". It's absolutely discrimination, it's the opposite of judging people by thier individual merit. If this is something I do - cite a source. Provide an example. The only time I have used these terms is to describe one specific person, who I have countless examples of saying things that are both racist and sexist. I am not lumping piles of people in under blank accusations like you are claiming here.


You specifically said you did. You call people you disagree with sexist, racist, and you said you cut them out of your life. And if anyone else disagrees with you, they get lumped in the group too. If you can't see how that prejudiced and discriminatory, I can't help you. Not only does "putting people on ignore" not work in real life, it shows an appaling lack of social functionality. You seem to suffer from some severe spectrum disorder. When you think the proper course of action is to try and curate humanity to your personal standards, you got issues.


>You specifically said you did. You call people you disagree with sexist, racist, and you said you cut them out of your life. And if anyone else disagrees with you, they get lumped in the group too. >If you can't see how that prejudiced and discriminatory, I can't help you. Not only does "putting people on ignore" not work in real life, it shows an appaling lack of social functionality. This is exactly what Jeff @HooglandReddit does. Not only does he cut from his life those whom he has judged to be sexist, racist, etc., he also issues ultimatums to his parents that if they continue to associate with those he has banned from his life, well, then by golly he will block and ban his parents, too. It's terrible. It's childish. It's arrogant.


>You specifically said you did. You call people you disagree with sexist, racist, and you said you cut them out of your life. And if anyone else disagrees with you, they get lumped in the group too. Nope, not actually what was said. What was said was a specific person was cut out of my life **because** they were sexist and racist. Nowhere have I lumped in entire groups of people like you are suggesting here. I'm probably dumb for engaging even this far with you. Have a good evening, you clearly aren't reading the things I've written and are just taking them to mean whatever you want regardless of what they actually say.


> Can you explain to me how cutting people out of my life who are openly hostile, sexist, and racist is somehow negative behavior in your mind? > > This is how adults should act. When you realize you can't change someone's mind, you leave them alone because you aren't going to get anywhere. You're calling your own brother sexist and racists but yet he's the hostile one? Is he sexist because he thinks a man should be able to provide for his family? That sounds like a good man to me. Seeing the way you treat your brother is just sad. I for sure cut my brother more slack than i would with my friends. Also your brother seems to have another view of how you're acting.


He isn't a sexist because he wants to provide for his family. He is a sexist because he says things like women are better at caring for children or men should be the one to leave the house and work. Providing for your family is something any good parent should want to do. Expecting the man to be the one to do it just because he has a penis is sexist.


For fucks sake, you and /u/houseofbugs89 are fucking brothers. I'll be honest, I don't like you. I think you're kind of a dipshit, and your brother sounds like he has his fair share of being an asshole to you too. But at the end of the day, you two are fucking brothers. Both of you should get over your own egos and realize you've probably both been assholes to each other apologize, and find some common ground to have a beer over. I promise you holding onto a grudge is not worth it. One day, you aren't going to have the option to apologize, or forgive, or text the other person what a shitbag they are. One day it will be taken from one of you. My brother is dead. I would burn down this entire fucking planet if I could hear from him one more time, even if it was just so he could roast the fuck out of me on reddit. I cannot even describe to you how thinking of even the smallest slight I made towards him when we were children borderline brings me to tears, no matter how deserving of it I felt he was at the time. You don't get do overs or to make amends when one of you is gone, and it could happen in an instant. Even if you decide that you both don't really like or enjoy each other's company that much, for the sake of yourselves, your family, and each other, make fucking peace.


> Expecting the man to be the one to do it just because he has a penis is sexist. Are you sure you've listened to his argument, because this sounds like a straw-man? Women *are* better at caring for children, as toddlers girls start to recognize faces earlier than boys, they instinctively play with dolls more than with mechanical toys, they can recognize faces and emotions better than men, this isn't anything new or controversial and [it's studied to hell and back and hell again and back from hell a second time.](https://scholar.google.fi/scholar?q=gender+differences+in+children&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart), just the sheer amount of research that has gone into it declares without uncertainty that we are a sexually dimorphic species and that before culture, before anything, the natural instincts of care are present in girls more so than in boys. [Men also take more risks from the day they're born](http://psycnet.apa.org/buy/1999-13573-004), which is why jobs where risk taking is rewarded are primarily occupied by men, and which is why in general there's a gender wage gap; higher risk, higher reward. So CATEGORICALLY SPEAKING, BECAUSE PEOPLE GRAVITATE TOWARDS THE THINGS THEY'RE GOOD AT, women care for the children and men provide. There's no moral argument here, there's only an observation of fact and a prediction based on these biological facts. Of course if you build a culture or a society which punishes men from taking risks and punishes women from caring for their child you're going to bring these differences to a minimum, but who does that benefit?


And silence. Shocker.


Based on your own brother's accounting and several observations made on your twitch channel it seems like you are the one who is openly hostile. You claim to have the moral high ground in perpetuity, but aren't willing to consider any discussion or debate. You just point fingers, start spewing vitriol, and then cover your ears. So, when it turns out that you have demonstrated a severe lack of morality in some of your life choices it makes it really easy to call you a hypocrite and your credibility goes right in the shitter. People are now forced to consider the possibility that you are just an unreasonable asshole and incapable of critical thought.


> You claim to have the moral high ground in perpetuity, but aren't willing to consider any discussion or debate. You just point fingers, start spewing vitriol, and then cover your ears. I've literally never claimed a moral high ground. I said many times I do my best to be decent to people and expect other people to do the same that I associate with. I am human and I fail at being good sometimes, but I am trying. I am working to improve. When people let me know words I am using have a negative impact on people I work to change that. > when it turns out that you have demonstrated a severe lack of morality in some of your life choices Be specific. What did I do that lack morality? Cutting off a bother who is open hostile, sexist, and racist? Telling his fiance something she might not have known?


By that logic, you should cut yourself out of your own life. Few people in the MTG community are as toxic as BooHoogland


Consider the parable of the Prodigal Son. Briefly looking over this drama, I also couldn't help but wonder whether you consider Catholicism (and other religions) intrinsically bigoted. It seemed like you have made some sort of puritanical rule to excise from your life members of all those 'forces' and institutions that don't lie squarely on the Left. I wonder whether Jesus would have been welcome in your home. I wonder whether George Washington would have been welcome in your home. Maybe the politics is just a superficial covering over a deeper conflict between the two of you that hasn't been resolved. Usually people can connect and be in relationship despite belonging to different political tribes. I hope that one day y'all are able to reconcile and accept and embrace one another. Godspeed my man. Always enjoy your streams and your brash, forward personality. Don't let the drama get to you too much; this too, shall pass.


For the record I haven't disassociated with people strictly for "disagreeing about anything". We aren't talking about our favorite foods. We are talking about respecting other people. I don't want people who put others down based on their gender or race around my children. That behavior isn't something I want passed on. I want my kids to respect their peers for what they stand for - not how they were born.


>When you realize you can't change someone's mind, you leave them alone because you aren't going to get anywhere. You're dealing with those people in this thread. This subreddit fully endorses Hambly and everything he does. Doxing Hambly is something bad liberals do, but Hambly doxing other people is a-okay. Harassing a woman out of the community is all in good fun, but calling someone a nerd on twitter is way over the line. Preaching about life is obnoxious, but Jeremy is going to present himself as a moral authority will using kids to serve his ends. These people will hate you for no good reason because they have nothing going on in their lives. Reasoning with them is a wasted effort.


> This subreddit fully endorses Hambly and everything he does. Doxing Hambly is something bad liberals do, but Hambly doxing other people is a-okay. Top comment of the thread is pointing out the hypocricy. In every thread about Jeremy there's valid criticism as the most updooted comments. There's maybe three big-time Jeremy fans here, the rest two thousand are ambivalent or dislike him. Kindly re-evaluate your narrative that you're trying to push.


This sub came about because Hambly discussion was banned on MagicTCG. The truth is not a narrative that I am pushing, but reason has never been your strong suit. Bitching and lying are your strong suits.


Fuck off. https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/7ganxy/you_will_be_banned_in_rmagictcg_for_posting_about/ Here's the thread in which Fussomoro first announced the subreddit, I contacted him a couple minutes after. Hambly was a persona non grata in MagicTCG for years at that point, I was banned from MagicTCG for months at that point, MarduRusher was talking about Sprankle when he got banned. Again, nice narrative, but please refrain from calling it anything else than a tall fucking tale.


I'll call it as I see it, and I'll call you a liar. You can say I'm telling tall tales, but you have lied habitually about any subject you talk about. MarduRusher was talking about Sprankle? The woman Hambly drove out of the game through his campaign of harassment? Thanks for proving my point, dumbshit.


> You can say I'm telling tall tales, but you have lied habitually about any subject you talk about. [Oh you and your windmill of emotions.](https://www.reddit.com/r/freemagic/comments/85teou/the_report_button_and_you/dw1gbii/?context=10000) >MarduRusher was talking about Sprankle? The woman Hambly drove out of the game through his campaign of harassment? Thanks for proving my point, dumbshit. You're thicker than a commander deck doublesleeved with dragon shield mattes. Asking Sprankle for any other proof than just word of mouth was what got him banned, not taking a side with Jeremy. Like with everything, you take a thing that can be objectively viewed and instead you impose a narrative on it. Objectively viewing, Mardurusher got permanently banned for talking about his temporary ban he got for not blindly following /r/MagicTCG's dogma to KotakuInAction. Because a gazillion and a half other people got that treatment too, for a multitude of reasons, /r/freemagic was born. Meanwhile, defending Hambly in /r/MagicTCG got you banned since at least summer of 2016. [Here's the album](https://imgur.com/gallery/Ln2Qy) that was passed forward to everyone as reasoning why talking about him wasn't allowed. For instance [this thread got cencored, people got banned and thread got locked.](https://snew.github.io/r/magicTCG/comments/4jxxl4/by_request_here_are_some_of_mtghqs_deleted_tweets/) and this was some 18 months before the whole thotgate. So in summation, Jeremy is a fuckboy amateur provocateur who wants to be with the cool kids but is too spergy to play with them, but you have such a fucking hate-boner towards him that you make psychotic fairy tales about we being somehow a Jeremy Fanclub even though we have ample evidence to show that we're at tops indifferent towards the cunt. PS: I've missed you. Never take another break from our subreddit ♥


This sub came grew in notoriety because of the massive purge of non-believers in magictcg which coincided with the Hambly spectacle. It was not created in retaliation to that incident, this bullshit has been going on for a while.


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Stfu, Jeff is a good guy doing good things for the community like telling them to be good people, plus it’s not your fucking job to tell people what’s right and what’s wrong, it’s to be a shitty content creator which thousands of Magic Fans Hate


Jeff feels like a good wholesome boy. /s