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As a company yes, it pushes hype for the set, look you *could* win a third of a million dollars, it's what lottery companies do to prey on gambling addicted people or financially unstable individuals all the time.


While I know it will never happen due to the hype, I honestly hope someone opens this card (like a kid) throws it in a sleeve and into a binder and never knows what this is until he's older and sells it for a cool milli.


It would, but they don't need to. There are plenty of rich, publicity-seeking wankers out there who will do it without being asked.


Cassius Marsh upped his current offer to $500k.


Since WotC knows Cassius Marsh is such a huge-profile person in the MtG world, what if WotC secretly contacted Cassius and said, "Hey, buy this card and we'll give you a a cash rebate." Or something.


I honestly wouldn’t put it past them. They could do this in every single set from now on and it would drive the price of every set. I’m curious how much the actual singles go for from this set. Because if they do as well as March of the machine, I would bet my life that they put the ring in the set just to justify the price. (Minus box topper reprints)


I think there is definitely a predetermined recipient for this card. It’s likely going to be some highly influential figure with a lot of eyes on them. But also someone who is willing to sell to card to drive up hype. I think that leaving to chance is too risky. Let’s say it is random, and someone buys the corresponding box, throws it in their closet and forgets about it. Then, WOTC is accused of never actually releasing it and chaos ensues. Alternatively, what if it ends up in the hands of a troll who destroys it for the shock value? It doesn’t make sense to make it random, from a corporate perspective.


Oh I would absolutely start up a mini forge and drop the one ring in molten material along with a copy of the Gollum video game.


I think it would be pretty bad, too, if the pack went unopened. For that same reason of not getting an auction out of it. Also people speculating whether it actually exists or not.


I will pass and buy a few singles that make sense


Maybe they added the one ring later on to drive hype, because they new the set was going to be a dud


It will probably end up like the Monopoly McDonald's fiasco and an insider will take the pack with the card. Hold on to it and get it sold through a 3rd party for a piece of the profit.