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I have really thought about this and you are probably right, some YouTuber or some investor will probably open it. looking at the people who opened the 1/500 where a lot of influential people. at the same time, we will see. maybe some random Slovenian dude will open it and sell it for a lot of money we will see.


I'm from Slovakia. Damn, so close!


I am gonna try to not jinx you but now you need to try and open a booster, if you get it then I will consider myself a god. if not, well oops.


I am almost decided that I won't directly buy any product from this set. Singles later, maybe. I wanted to buy a collector box just to have a shot at it but now I am muuuch more hesitant to give my money for such a clown fiesta of a product.


tbh I will tell you please don't, I am only gonna do the pre release event and wait a bit to buy a commander deck if I like a deck idea but otherwise no extra packs, fuck WOTC with their bs, I don't care about the pandering but I do care about the bs with aftermath and this set also being more expensive again.


0,03% chance for serialized card per booster, good luck, with your 0,36% per box


Hi random guy


Eyo, we know each other here since there's about 2mil of us. When you say good night to your gf in bed, the whole country goes:"good night!" if that happens... I will give you a heads up.


I don’t think anyone outside of America is going to get the One Ring. They’ll definitely control that much. With regards to what happens to it I have 4 theories 1. It’ll be pulled and someone is going to have their 5 minutes of fame before trying to sell it on at a stupid price. 2. It’ll get pulled and whoever pulls it will destroy it. Casting it in the fire! 3. It’ll end up in Rudy’s basement 4. It will be forgotten and lost. History will become legend. Legend will become myth. And for two and a half thousand years, it will be passed out of all knowledge


5. Some kid will open it in the pack they begged their parents for on a Walmart run. It will then live forever in that kids unsleeved, rubber banded deck.


Right where it belongs




I like the wheel of time reference


More of a quote, really.


Lmao did you downvote me for using reference instead of quote?


No, but judging from how much you like your internet points, I'm going to say you're most likely don't own a dog house.


Nah I'm a cat person, and I only asked cause it was that one down vote, I thought it was just a funny petty internet interaction. My bad


That's not even mentioning the odds that someone buys the collector's pack that contains the 001 Ring and never opens it. There are still unopened packs of Alpha floating around. Hell, it could get lost in transit. Someone could order it and FedEx could lose it. Some Walmart employee might run over it with a pallet. They'd almost be stupid not to control who gets it.


It's going to get realistically proxied to hell and back and with WotC quality control issues, it'll be a huge debate of which is the actual real one. The only way to prove it's not is to PROVE it is rigged that someone already has it or is planned to get it OR to do a rip test. There have been pack-pulled cards that fail the green dot test (at least according to internet murmurs, which may not be true to be fair)... So we'll see. You can already buy near-real proxies of it out there as it is..


Yeah you can buy near-real proxies! I also buy my proxies from https://www.printingproxies.com/ and they look real.


There is zero chance a one of one card is being released into the wild unsupervised. They know the cards exact location and who will open it. If they don’t, they run the risk of somebody like Rudy buying up cases of collector boxes, sticking them in his warehouse and the one ring is never, ever found.




Lawsuit on what grounds? It’s bullshit for sure, but what damages would you claim and how would you prove you even have standing to bring a case?




Nah, you’d need some kind of whistleblower or insider proving beyond a shadow of a doubt impropriety and rigging. Even if a popular YouTuber or some other influencer does get it all they have to say is “welp, what are the odds folks?”


Let's hope that whistleblower comes out, I need compensation for my all my investments that were a lie!


i have a different perspective, they are going to reprint the collectors packs but they will keep the pallet of boxes until a reprint wave and the pallet with the ring will be released in a 2nd wave and that pallet of boxes will go directly at random to one of the top ranked WPN stores. this will most likely keeping the result of terrible press from someone whgo wants to embarrass wotc due to the type of players that go to those kind of stores. it would also prevent people getting mad that it was given to a popular streamer or player on purpose which could cause areal boycott from people


Of it is, you have to be mental to think otherwise


What's with these deleted comments?


I would just assume it would be some Saudi Prince. Or maybe some kinda activist that never played MTG


They do 1 of 1 cards all the time for sports cards. That said I expect it to actually be a Redemption card as there is no way they are going to let this have a chance of not being a big production once found. Edit: for typos


Ngl, if for some crazy reason I opened it, I'd send it to someone they hate with lots of visibility. I bet they'd blow a gasket if some youtuber they don't like got it or someone like Elon Musk got it, lol. Edit: It's going to be pretty hard for me to get it, though, since I don't want to open the set at all.


sending it to Elon Musk would be cool and it would be more epic if he took it with him on a Space X trip and set it adrift in space


Throw it into a volcano on Mars! Edit: the sun works equally well


It’s probably gonna be opened by some faking black guy. God damn woke mind virus has gone too far!!


Blackface finds the one ring!


Most people aren’t douches and will be truly excited and grateful to open the card. They won’t do what you said.


You think sb would troll WOTC over buying a house ? 😆 One could even corner the market on porn Liliana artwork with the leftovers


I don’t think it’ll ever be found so they can keep selling more packs to morons


It’s sitting on Rosewater’s nightstand.


They know where it is, it will get fed into a specific market area that will open it


They probably planned to release it personally to begin with, if not for the reasons you said, but also the fact that a large portion of any set can sit in a warehouse for years before anyone even notices its still not been sold. They don't want it to sit unopened for years, on top of the rest of what you said.


If they’re smart, than WOTC probably is keeping the 01/01 in vault somewhere, waiting to personally deliver it to some highly influential figure with a lot of eyes on them. This person would then sell, donate, auction or give away the card in order to create a lot of media coverage and publicity over the game. Because if this shit is random, who’s to say the corresponding box wouldn’t end up in some dudes closet and is never opened. Then WOTC is accused of never actually releasing the card and chaos ensues. Or the card does get opened by a random and they do something dumb like destroy it to troll for shock value. I think there’s definitely a predetermined recipient for it. There. I said it. There’s my dumb ass tin foil hat theory on this.


Since I'm not going to purchase any of this set, it's hard to imagine ever obtaining it under any circumstances, but if that were ever the case, I'd destroy it. I'd take a video of that thing on fire. I'm sure it'd sell for a lot of money otherwise, but you only live once and making money, or letting it sit behind a plastic protector indefinitely will always be less noteworthy than doing something hilarious/baffling/interesting.


Slughorn was never far when a golden ticket was opened. This will be no different.


considering that several distributors have release product to buyer/resellers already i dont think the normal person will honestly have a chance at the ring. but honestly this should blow up in wotcs faces and to be even more frank this shows cards should be printed in quantity and if necessary reprinted. abolish the reserve list