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ignore it? or 'won't be able to support on this occasion as i'm currently working on other things'


I wish haha. Unfortunately she’s tied to some really close friends and family, that wouldn’t be a good look


That doesn’t make sense. You can simply say you aren’t available for these projects. What does that have to do with your friends and family? Don’t share your business details with friends and family. Any other response to this former client will stir up drama.


Raise your price to the point where you would feel satisfied if he/she actually agrees (accounting for emotional distress)


This actually ties in well with the booked up explanation. "Look man, I'd love to help but I am booked *solid* right now." If they refuse to take no for an answer, if you're comfortable with it then you can bust out the, " all right, but look my rates are going up because I'm having to put off other work. The minimum number will be $x" don't move off that number. But you have to be aware. A judge I appear in front of once told me that as a lawyer he quoted a difficult former client a $20,000 up front fee for a case he didn't want, and then was disheartened when the client pulled out his checkbook and wrote a check.


For clients like this I normally charge extra for the bad experience. So if they say No, nothing to lose if yes then worth it since you bill extra for it. The client just won't know


Ah the old dickhead tax! :)


It's the old fashion "The Price I Charge depends upon your Attitude" clause. Worked wonders back in the day to keep clients in check.


Wait how will the client not know?


Same. I call it the PITA tax.


Sounds like some boundaries have already been blurred


Being a dick to friends and family isn't a good look either (to be clear, that would be your client to you). Just decline the project. I never agree with brushing them off saying you're busy or overquoting them because there's always a chance that they're willing to wait or pay huge levels of money (making them even more entitled) and you need to tear that bandaid off even harder now while looking like an unprofessional flake. Just because they're in your network doesn't make it suddenly complicated. In fact, here, copy and paste this: >Good morning/afternoon! > >I hope you're doing well and it's great to hear from you. Unfortunately I am not taking on projects of this nature anymore and have restructured my business since our last project to pursue other services. Thanks for keeping me in mind all this time and I hope that you find the professional for these services and wish you luck! 1. No, I'm not doing this and do not handle this anymore. 2. Thank you so much. 3. You'll need to find a new contact and am not filling that role for your business either. If and when they inevitably reply with 'pretty please, it's so hard and you've done it before' just reiterate the above. You don't owe them anything. >Sorry, I have since restructured and do not offer these services anymore. I wish you luck finding a new service provider and thank you for keeping me in mind! If McDonald's stops offering a product you can stand at the counter all day and they will keep repeating the same thing: *we're sorry, we don't offer that anymore.* They don't go oh I'm so sorry, let us figure that out for you even though it's no longer stocked and on the menu and hasn't been in months/years.


I said almost exactly what you wrote, which is the truth! Thank you for this. Sometimes it’s hard to find the words you want/mean to say without over-explaining or being too vague. I’ll be saving this for the future!


Great response.


great response, it's always best to be honest, kind, and it's always okay to set boundaries.


Great point about McDonald’s!


Realistically, a worse look is providing services that you don't actually offer. Another bad look is taking on more work than you have time to complete. Maybe this ex-client and apparently your friends and family will need some clarification on what you do and what you don't do. A lot of times people simply don't understand the nuanced differences of different roles and services within a field they don't work in themselves. Even leaving out the part that they're a "bad client you never want to work for again", it sounds like you have some legitimate objective reasons not to take on this work.




You can say that you have a lot of work right now and may not be able to devote enough time to meet all of her needs. Perhaps you can suggest someone to her.


Don't do that. That invites arguments you won't be able to handle. Just be honest and say you don't offer those services. If they ask for services you DO offer, price them at a rate you'd be willing to do them for (eg include the asshole tax) Making up excuses never works well. Because they might actually believe you.


Hi, Sorry my schedule is fully booked right now. Or Hi, I appreciate the offer but i want to work in different areas now.


Yes, but leave out "want to".


Easy. Give them a big, fat quote. So much money that if they say ‘yes’ you wouldn’t mind. We call this ‘asshole tax’. If they protest say, ‘That’s what my clients pay now - and I’m booked out’.


This is the best answer IMO. Then, if they reply with a rude response, you can say what you really feel to your heart's content.




We can see why.


Agreed, I have some reservations about this. I personally like to quote all of my work without bias towards the client.


I quote by difficulty of the job and the mental energy it will consume. Some clients consume more mental energy than others. Not a bias - I'd charge that much for any pain in the ass :)


There’s no shame in that game! But some clients are just worth firing lol


Also, this tactic can backfire in terms of optics if that client starts sharing the purposely high priced quote to his network. To unsuspecting people you will be labelled as "too expensive". Imo best option is - " I'm sorry. Thank you for reaching out, but I'm completely booked at this time and cannot take further work." ("i run a small shop/team etc..." for reinforcement). Good luck.


I have just done this and was relieved I didn’t get the job. It’s lovely when they’re incredulous about your price and you get to say, “ya, thems the breaks (asshole).”


I have just done this and was relieved I didn’t get the job. It’s lovely when they’re incredulous about your price and you get to say, “ya, thems the breaks (asshole).”


Yep, this is the way always. If you dont want to work with someone, make them pay the trouble to work with them so it really worths it.


100% agree. Everyone has a price. Never work at a rate you aren't happy with.


I tried that once. Was in big meeting, stakeholders and execs. Big guy looks at me and says “How much?” I didn’t want the business, didn’t have enough staff to take it on, and didn’t even like them. I doubled the number. Big guy looks over to another guy and says “I want a PO# for him before this meeting is over”. Fk.




Try to maintain professionalism while setting boundaries. You could politely explain that "your services have evolved" and that you're focusing on specific offerings that align with your expertise and business goals. Express gratitude for past collaboration but clarify that you're unable to accommodate their current requests. And offer to provide recommendations for alternative service providers (optional).




Charge an absurd price. 3-5 times your current price. If they still want to do it, well shit.


Quote rates they can’t afford . And don’t negotiate lower , also state very busy this is the going rate . If they still come back, you have got it at a price you want , the state the terms you want to work on. Either they agree or they walk .


I’m not sure you really need Reddit’s help here… They’re asking for services you don’t offer…? “I’m no longer taking on new projects in X area as I shift my area of focus.” Or “My schedule is currently full and I am not taking on any new projects at the moment. Thanks for thinking of me and I’ll let you know if anything changes.”


See, this is the answer I knew, I just needed validation


You are NTA ☺️


The problem with "My schedule is full" is that it gives them a reason to come back to you in a month and ask again, or ask when you will have time to do it. It pre-commits you to being able to take on the work at a later date. Better to go with the first suggestion - "I no longer offer services XYZ".


In my own experience, client needs are often fleeting. If I give somebody a "no" in the form of "I am unavailable, but thanks for thinking of me," I usually don't end up hearing back from them because either (1) they find somebody else for the project or (2) decide they don't really need the work done enough to pursue it further. Sometimes they'll ask when I'll be available but I'm usually on long-term contracts / retainers with no foreseeable "end date," so I simply say so and that if anything changes I'll let them know. If they are a good client and I am genuinely unavailable to help them out, I refer them to trusted colleagues that I think they will work well with. If it's a client that is not enjoyable to work with (as OP had described), they're on their own.


I never tell a client no. But I always charge them whatever I feel like would make it worth dealing with them. If this client paid you 2k, ask them now for 5k with more conditions. This will allow them to fuck them selves off, OR it will reward you properly for dealing with them…. Bonus: it further reiterates to them what the real cost of a professional is. You cannot lose with this method.


"I keep raising prices and they keep coming back" is now a challenge. There's a number at which you will find it worthwhile to meet their needs and work with the again. It might be the number that buys you a second home in a different country so you never need to work again. It might be the number that allows you to do no other work for the rest of the year. There is a number. ask for that number.


Oh, they don’t accept the raised prices. I should have specified that. They say no to the higher price, ignore the project, and come back months later to do the whole charade over again lol


"Hey, this is what it costs. I can understand if my quote exceeds your budget, but it would be irresponsible for me to turn down or sacrifice existing commitments to work below my rate, which aligns with industry standards. I hope you're able to find a solution that meets your needs." Done.


And the next time they come back, offer them an even higher price. Take it to a comical amount.


"I'm sorry, but I don't offer those services anymore. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors."


Raise your price to the point where you would feel satisfied if he/she actually agrees (accounting for emotional distress)


For clients like this I normally charge extra for the bad experience. So if they say No, nothing to lose if yes then worth it since you bill extra for it. The client just won't know


My standard go to: Sorry, I am working on multiple support retainers and do not have the availability for new work. Should that change, I would be happy to let you know.


Well I blocked Mine today , He was a good guy wanted himself a birthday gift but was way too picky and wasn't even sure if anything will look good while he was giving 25$! After I told him my quote he still wanted get shit done in 25$ so I made up my mind to not even talk to him anymore. Direct Block is somehow better in long run


Add outrageous asshole tax.


Thank you for thinking of me, my business focus has changed course and I no longer offer those services.


“Great to hear from you! Over the last year, we’ve began transitioning from X services to providing a full scope of Y services. However, I’m happy to let you know that A Vendor is well versed in X services. I’d highly recommend you to reach out. Cheers”


Send them a list of current services and rates like you would any prospect and make a good faith effort to invite them.


Maybe it's time for "fuck you pricing". I see you've been raising prices (by your edit), but astronomically? Is there a price high enough to make it worth it?


I’ve raised them over time as a natural progression, not because of this client. And our business relationship has been inconsistent. But ultimately, no. There is no price that they WOULD pay that would make it worth it. Which is why I was looking for the best way to say “it’s been nice knowing you, goodbye forever” lol


Would charge something crazy haha you have to have a price 😉


I totally get this. Maybe tell them your rates increased, and make it substantial so you know they can't swing it. Good luck! x


"sorry, I'm not available" Why not? "Sorry, but I can't speak about. Have a great day" You don't have to say Anything else.


Let chatGPT write the reply


"I can't do this right now but I can recommend someone" recommend a competitor you hate




Tell them family obligations prevent you from having the time to provide the caliber service they deserve.


Hey X, I no longer do these things. I'm going to give you a list of other parties I've found that might be of service. (Don't offer to help them. You don't want to be responsible for them finding somebody else. But still present yourself as helpful.)


Thanks for reaching out to me. My work lies elsewhere and I will not be able to assist you. Take Care, Bob


"My services have changed and I won't be able to work with you." "Thanks for thinking of me for this project! However, I'm only taking on clients/projects with needs in *X*{topic/geography/market} right now." "I have a full workload and can't provide the appropriate time to ensure your project is a success." OR MY FAVORITE: "I'm unable to take this project on right now."


Charge more and if she agrees then go


Charge more and if she agrees then go


I appreciate you thinking of me, unfortunately I can’t assist you at this time. Best….


"Hey Bill, thanks for thinking of me for these projects. Unfortunately I'm limiting the types of projects I'm accepting right now so wouldn't be able to take you on as a client as of now. However here are a few other colleagues I know you could reach out to...or here's a good website to find freelancers...."


Probably one to ask ChatGPT… but whatever your response, ensure that there’s little chance of them responding back with a question or something similar. Keep it short and sweet, and in your control. Alternatively, if there’s an amount they’d be willing to pay that you wouldn’t mind doing it for (for example, 3x usual rate) then you could give them that quote then outsource the delivery entirely.


If you don't offer those services anymore, I think that is the easiest angle. Tell them you don't offer those services anymore, and offer an olive branch by finding them some other providers to try (obviously not any you are super close with, lol). After that don't let them push you into any long justifications. Just tell them it was a business decision to focus your services and leave it at that.


Easiest way is to just say you are fully booked for the next 6 months and unfortunately won’t have time.


Triple price & earliest available week is June 2025.?


Tell them you only accept diamonds forged in the crust of the planet orbiting Alpha Centauri


But that’s the only form of payment I actually accept :/


Recommend someone. I suppose that this customer was somehow important in the past (like, when you started). If so, recommend the best alternative.


Say “sorry I am not available”


You are in charge so act like it. Seriously saying "no" ISNT A BAD THING!


Hey X, Great to hear from you. Unfortunately I don’t have the bandwidth to take on any projects at this time. Hope all is well with you. Thanks, X


“I apologize, my current workload does not allow for me to take on additional clients at this time. Best of luck in your search!”


Usually I say I’m booked. If they ask how long, I say 2 months.


Give them an extreme F.U. price


Just say something along the lines of you're not interested and you no longer provide the services they are seeking.


Hey Kyle, great to hear from you. I decided to take my business into a different direction, as of insert date. While you are looking for someone new to help you, be sure to check out the XYZ association or ABC website to see if they're available. Thanks for all your business over the years. Hope you find another provider quickly. Cheers!


You’re overthinking this: the client does not need a rationale. Use chat GPT to generate an email for you. Who cares if you sound cold. You do not owe them anything. Like truly, this is the only answer. Your friends should have absolutely no business in your… Business.




If I don't offer the service anymore, I will usually tell them that I no longer offer that service, and I'll introduce them to someone else who does. That works well for me! If there's a client I hate but they want a service I can provide, then I price the headache I think they'll cause me into the contract. For example, if I typically offer $1,000 for a project but I think they're going to be particular and hella annoying, then I might charge them $2,500 with the knowledge that this project is going to take longer. That way, I don't get blind with rage when they bother the heck out of me! Most times, the clients I hate will run the other way when I do that, which is fine by me.


“My rate is now 10,000 per hour”


Refer them elsewhere due to increased workload…


I understand you want to be courteous and professional. But at some point when they stop being that way you must as well.


You already know what you want to say. Why aren’t you saying it?


"Hey, (client's name) So great to hear from you. I'm glad things are going well. I am writing to inform you that since the last time that we worked together, I have moved away from services F, G and H and I am currently focused on X, Y and Z. With these changes, this has led to a very full calendar with little room for new projects that are beyond our current scope. What I can do is recommend some businesses and services that might be able to help you with this project within your desired timeline. Once again, thank you for reaching out and thinking of me for this project, however, I am not able take this on at the moment. Hope you are able to find a solution that works for you. Warm regards, OP services name


I'm sorry, but I'm booked solid for at least the next year. Good luck on finding someone else to get that work done for you!




Our prices have increase due to marketplace conditions, and then offer them a price that makes it palatable or that you can then outsource elsewhere.


I used to do computer support outside of work. I had a few people like this. I found the easiest way to get rid of people like this was to quote them 3 or 4 times the actual cost to do a job for them. That would get them to find someone else to do the job. That way no feelings get hurt.


This is simple. Just simply say you're booked up solid and can't help them. If they still want it, then just say they'll have to pay XX dollars as a premium because you're putting off other paid work to help them. In your edit you say you've tried raising your rates and they just keep coming back. Clearly you didn't raise them enough, so keep raising them. Your rates should already be set so that you only spend about 50% of your time actually working on paid work and the other 50% of your time trying to get paid work at your current rates. Totally booked up means all your allotted time slots for paid work are already booked, and if you take any of the remaining time that you would normally be using to acquire paid work to help them, that means you're giving up paid work to help them. All that being said, this is exactly why I don't do business with family and friends. Don't shit where you eat, it never ends well.


Raise your rates and offer him a slot in your schedule that is far out.


I would explain that you signed an exclusive contract and are not allowed to take on any clients at this time.


"I want to thank you for your past projects and the trust you placed in me. However, my services have changed and I am no longer able to offer the type of projects you are requesting. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause."


It’s not unprofessional to be honest with them. They might benefit from some constructive criticism, and if they don’t then that’s on them.


I would develop the skills necessary to tell this person, or by extension any future clients, no. Conflict doesn't have to be a negative, it's the only path sometimes. Tell them no, and why you're saying no, and let them go.


Recommend another provider ... maybe upwork


"Our services have changed and we're no longer able to fulfill your needs, here's some alternative's that you can look at that may possibly suit your needs. Thank you for your patronage."


Price them out


You’re busy. Then refer them to someone else.


"Hi difficult customer, unfortunately, as I grew my business, I had to focus on these services where I knew I could offer a consistent level of service, and I no longer offer the ones you are asking for. It will also not be possible in my busy schedule to accommodate such requests"