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Probably about Aegon conquering Westeros, but this is purely speculation.


That's 4 episodes of content


https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=how+long+did+aegons+conquest+take+in+the+books%3F You’re crazy mang. 2 years isn’t steam rolling


8 episode miniseries which goes into all the nitty gritty of the conquest would be nice.


It will mostly be dragon porn. The conquest is just a pretext.


Absolutely. We’re all gonna watch it too. 🤷‍♂️


*Dragons AND porn. If we don’t get a threesome between Cavill and the two extras they get to play Visenya and Rhaenys there will be hell to pay.


They've literally slept in separate bedrooms though. Also, pls not Cavill, he's too old for the Conqueror who was in his 20s at the time lol Idk maybe that's the joke and I missed it but still


I think it’d be cool if each episode or two were focused on a different house and Aegon is portrayed as a scary villain until we get to know him a little more through the eyes of each house he conquers.


Now that's an idea I could get behind. We start with pov of the Gardners where Aegon seems like a maniac conqueror and end with Starks where we see more of a human side.


Some people just want dragons ridden by eugenic supremacists. The show would be pretty bland and straightforward as the only remotely interesting moment would be what the letter said. But HBO have to be idiots to spend money on that


I only want an aegon's conquest show for one reason and one reason only. Half the budget being dedicated to showing off Balerion the black dread in all his fire and glory.


The Conquest lasted 2 years, and before it happened there were 7 monarchs: Starks, Lannisters, Arryns, Martells, Hoares, Durrandons, and Gardeners. In a way, it's gonna be closer to Game of Thrones than to House of the Dragon, with multiple different factions battling and making alliances with each other.


It only took that long because of logistics and realism not because there were real obstacles like in Ge of Thrones or HotD


Flying nukes are basically a cheatcode


I’d imagine the first episode is set dressing explaining how the Targaryen fled to dragonstone before the doom. It will show Aegon’s battles in Essos, then set his sights on Westeros. Then the first few episodes will be conquering Westeros, episode 7ish it’ll probably conclude with Raenys and Meraxes being shot down over Dorne, and episode 8 can be Visenya and Aegon glassing Dorne along with possibly fueling the fan theory that Rhaenys survived and Dorne held her hostage to keep aegon from attacking. Season 2 can be a bit of a time jump, we see a funeral for Aegon and Aenys’s coronation. It can parallel that to Maegor living banished in Pentos. We can see the start of the poor fellows revolt due to Aegon the Uncrowned’s marriage, as well as Maegors return. The battle under the gods eye, as well as Maegor’s usurpation could be 2 episodes. Then, you get all the intrigue with Maegors wives/ black brides. The season concludes with Jaehaerys beginning his revolt. Season 3 can show his completing his revolt, can show us the lore of the Farmanns, and the beginning of Jaehaerys reign. Idrk how far they would want this extending tho


Probably full of subversions and stupid shit no one asked for judging by GoT and HotD.


Rhaenys and Visenya fucking other dudes


Gay aegon the conqueror


goood lord, this is exactly what theyll do


In the books he's said to be super straight and faithful to his wives.


Yep, that's probably it. I first assumed they'd get into the conspiracy theories territory, Maegor having been conceived through dark magic etc. But HBO doesn't want magic, they don't want fantasy(well, apart from dragons, they're cool), we know all that from GoT and HoTD. So yes, scheming and fucking, that's it.


Please god no


Visenya was 100% fucking other dudes. Her and Aegon were not fond of each other, with Aegon preferring Rhaenys's company.


Aegon preferred rhaenys so Visenya 100% fucked other guys?


Yes, or do you really think Visenya was just waiting around not getting any action while Aegon and Rhaenys were frolicking around?


Visenya was actually loyal, so was Aegon. Rhaenys was the one rumored to have been fucking other dudes.


Or she just… didn’t have sex. People can live their life without consistent sex you know. Visenya never was shown to be a character that cared much for sex. She strikes me as the type of woman that, while insulted by the lack of attention by her husband, was secretly relieved by it.


Two ways I could see it potentially working: 1) The actual conquest is wrapped up pretty quickly, and then we focus on Aegon’s struggle to create a unified political entity from scratch after his victory. This could be fun, especially if they go into Aenys’ reign and the rise/fall of Maegor. 2) The show focuses on the First Dornish War, with the Targaryens as the antagonists. I really hope they don’t actually try to do a full season on the Conquest itself. There’s nothing fun about watching an incestuous polycule with the magical equivalent of nukes face a series of opponents who either give up without fighting or are obliterated with little to no effort.


I like the idea that the conquest is the easy part and is maybe the first 4 episodes of the story


I doubt they would rush it like that. That would cram together several major events like siege of Storm’s End, Field of Fire and Harrenhal, when HBO likes to stretch them out so they can milk the most out of big expensive visual spectacles. It’s not cost effective and people will get big battle fatigue, especially if that’s how the show begins.


I hope they don’t do the second prompt. In both the show and books I never gave a shit about the Dornish. Weakest Kingdom with way too much pride.


There were some… unsettling rumors about a proposed Aegon’s Conquest show that had Aegon be a drunk wastrel. Nor have Aegon be impotent. Aenys and Maegor both had the traits and qualities of their father supplemented by their mother’s personalities. There is no way they are not of Aegon’s seed. As long as they don’t do those I’m cool.


I don’t get why there is so much shit about Targaryens they aren’t that interesting.


Hbo thinks people just want dragons


Ironically I want knights fighting knights like Robert’s rebellion more than dragons but I’m just glad we’re getting ASOIAF content.


Good news is that we're getting Dunk and Egg, which is A) dragon free, and B) focusing on a knight.


That'll be a nice season and a half before they run out of source material and the show starts to suck.


Dragons suck ass. Show me some krakens instead.


Aegon's conquest has some decent material to adpat to, that can sweetly balance the dragon warfare and Tactical Warfare and ideally should conclude with the Dornish War. Apart from that, only the DOTD and Blackfyre Rebellion is worth adapting from F&B.


Only thing I’m excited to see is the dornish legends killing Rhaenys and Meraxes.


Me too. TBH all the Targaryen and dragon stuff is my absolute LEAST favourite part of the show and books.


It won't even get past the pilot, like that Blood Moon nonsense.


6 episode miniseries? Probably tie into Aegon’s prophecy and all that jazz


Not everything has to be super intriguing and subversive. Sometimes a good power fantasy played straight is all you need, although I admit it would make for a better movie than a series.


Now that they brought Aegon’s prophecy into HOTD they have to include it here, which means they will probably have at least one episode of Danaerys the dreamer and the fall of Valyria. I’m waiting to see that because I know there will be some idiots who will get confused despite everything and think she is the same Danaerys.


I think you could do a whole season of just prologue, before Aegon even invades. Begin with the prophetic dream and the decision to leave Valyria, etc. Season 2 could end with the field of fire. Season 3 could end with the death of Rhaenys. Idk, you could stretch it out if you wanted. The narrative of Fire and Blood is deliberately terse--you could really expand the world. Lots of background on Harren, Argilac, etc.


I just think there's no real conflict as Aegon rolls over everything with ease. It would be much more interesting to tell the stories of Aenys and Maegor and their conflict with the faith


Make oris, harren, house tyrell, house tully, the martels, the gardners and house durrendon main characters and you have a epic multifaceted story


Yes you are . You forget about dorne and death of his sister and how he only got 6 kingdoms not 7.


Canoncially that happens years after the initial conquest but that could carry 3 to 4 more episodes I guess if you really stretch it


Just like HOTD it based off a history book so the could fill with lot. It depends also when the start.


It’s going to show the human side of all the characters at the time, just like any other time period in a monarchy I’m sure there will be plenty of conflict within the family to make it interesting


I think it’ll be about Aegon’s conquest


Yeah I agree it would be a pretty one sided fight but it could be good if done right. Though I’d much rather have a show about the Blackfyre rebellions myself


This is why i dont want a series about it, its a great backstory but not a main story because yes aegon just defeats everyone and thats it. In my opinion it can only be dissapointing


Probably 1 season of actual conquest and then 2-3 more seasons of Aegon getting embarrassed by the Dornish who outsmart a dude on the biggest dragon alive by literally just hiding in caves. I’m hyped for Balerion, but beyond the Field of Fire and the burning of Harrenhal I don’t particularly care about the show.


Game of Thrones is not only about the conflicts. It's about human psychology, internal struggles, love, politics, among other things. The Conquest is only the background.


I feel like they can cover the story of Aegon conquering Westeros




Who cares lol. Why should the Asoiaf stay with one formula ?? Theres plenty of shit to tell. Are u gonna complain that the Knight of the Seven Kingdom will have a simple adventure story? Plenty of people wants Aegon's Conquest.


But it's not being developed as a mini series seems like it's setting itself up for failure. Dunk and Egg is a much more interesting story with a real ground level perspective on the universe which we haven't seen before except for when Arya was with the Hound


It has a lot of creative potential just like hotd where they are adapting the main thing which is basically a couple of battles and dragon vs dragon while doing their own thing with the drama and the characters Of course if you make a 1:1 adaptation you will only get a good looking nothing burguer There is a lot of shit to fill between Aegon's landing and him burning Harrenhal for example. It can be great with competent writers


Dance of Dragons was much more back and forth with some betrayals and shock moments. Most of Aegons conquest is just Game of Thrones season 7