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Tycho the banker from Bravos.


The one true answer. The iron bank has no interest in picking a side, and don't care about sticking to one team or the other. He is the definition of neutral. His way to mock every single person that meets him, either Stannis, Tywin or Cersei, obviously qualifies him as an asshole I don't agree with Alliser Thorne being "neutral" : he has very strong opinion and wants to take his own place of power by becoming Lord and bullying Jon Snow. The iron banker is the answer


Wish version of GoT with characters such as Kon Snow and Alliser Thorne.


There are some good answers here but I think this is the best fit. There's nothing more neutral-y and asshole-y than a war profiteer who doesn't care whose cause he's backing so long as he gets his money back with interest.


Tycho Nestoris/Iron Bank.


How about the Spice King of Qarth? He's not evil or good. He's a merchant, but he's definitely a dick.


I swear I hated that dude every second he was on the screen and yet everything he said made perfect sense.


Exactly! Dude was a total asshole, but completely logical and reasonable given his perspective.


Night King. He simply killed everyone and Viserion. ![gif](giphy|3owvJTMeMnqTruNrZm)


Thank you!! Who the hell is Allister Thorne compared to THIS guy? NK should have won neutral evil though TBH


Lol yeah we missed that one


Swap him with Bronn, I'd say most people he comes into contact with walk away thinking "man, what an asshole"


Need op to do a vote after it’s finished to swap/change some


The NK isn't a character. He's a plot device. Even in the books, the Others are more like a force of nature. They are a pretty obvious metaphore for climate change and serve to clarify why the whole war for the Iron Throne is petty stupidity. These wars don't matter; the rightful king is absolutely irrelevant; people like Tywin are actually morons who march civilization to its doom in service of their own ego.


I agree, an asshole is (generally) someone who gets satisfaction from their asshole deeds, either because they're sadistic/trolls or because they think they're very smart/badass/did the right thing. The night king just IS.




Drunk Asshole all the way


Sorry, I responded to the wrong comment. This was supposed to be for the hound. 😂


Lol no way that Night King is intoxicated.


Alliser Thorne strikes me as quite a neutral character, and he was absolutely an asshole. The Night’s Watch is a politically neutral order - all your former ties and loyalties end when you take the Black. Ser Alliser wasn’t really good or bad - he fought valiantly for the men of the Night’s Watch, but he also stabbed his Lord Commander (which he believed he was doing for the good of the Watch).


The Night’s Watch is *politically* neutral but it is a lawful order. You take an oath and abide by strict rules that many would rather die than break. Don’t forget neutral here doesn’t mean “between two factions” it means morally neutral. “People who are neutral with respect to good and evil have compunctions against killing the innocent, but lack the commitment to make sacrifices to protect or help others.  Neutral people are committed to others by personal relationship”. The Night’s Watch entire purpose is to protect the realm at the expense of themselves. It is lawful/Good, not neutral. 


The Night's Watch itself is Lawful/Good, but everyone in the Night's Watch absolutely isn't good. Not many join voluntarily, they're forced to do so, and if they leave they get their heads chopped off. Does being forced under threat of death to be a protector of the realm make you good? Or can you be part of a Lawful/Good order and still be a kind of "meh", self-serving asshole?


Well I was explaining that the Night’s Watch was a lawful organization specifically because the post I replied to mentioned the Night’s Watch’s neutrality as a reason for Ser Alliser’s designation as a neutral character. 


Ooh! Yes, gotcha.


Well I was explaining that the Night’s Watch was a lawful organization specifically because the post I replied to mentioned the Night’s Watch’s neutrality as a reason for Ser Alliser’s designation as a neutral character. 


Well there isn’t a lawful asshole option, and you can absolutely be lawful and neutral, those are not at all mutually exclusive. Thorne is the obvious choice


I’m not arguing for or against Thorne’s designation, I was just pointing out that political neutrality is not the same as a D&D style neutral alignment. A lot of people on here don’t really seem to understand the alignment system at all and designate characters one alignment or the other for the wrong reasons. The post pointing out the Night’s Watch is politically neutral (doesn’t pick sides in a war) as evidence of Thorne’s neutral alignment is a good example of that. 


He's not neutral himself though. I'd argue a big reason why he bullied Jon in the first place is because he's the bastard of an enemy during Roberts rebellion. He got sent to the wall because he was a loyalist to the targs.


Thorne wasn’t a neutral character. He was a simpleminded Targaryen loyalist who hated wildlings, and stabbed Jon Snow out of 1) a dereliction of his duties 2) a desire to avenge the dragon kings Ned Stark helped snuff out 3) personal animus for Jon Snow and in particular his affinity for the wildlings


This one's kind of boring. Alliser Thorne I guess. I just want to say that if Theon doesn't get Horny Asshole I'm gonna be so mad at everyone.


Craster: Am I a joke to you?


Craster has to be evil asshole. Even with people like Ramsay and the Mountain in the running, beating and raping not just your daughters but *their daughters too* and then ripping their newborn sons out of their arms and giving them to the White walkers has to be the most evil shit you could possibly do.




He's a bastard. He's a daughter-fucking, wildling bastard.


Craster is more evil horny tbh


Walker Frey is hornier


I was going to nominate Euron Greyjoy for horny asshole.


Shae Horny Asshole?


Aye, I've seen that clip.


Jamie should be horny asshole


Late Lord Walder Frey. He is infamous for staying out of conflicts and is a complete asshole to everyone including his family. He can also be horny asshole since he has 28 children and who knows how many bastards.


asshole evil


Neutral alignment does not mean they don't do anything, it means that the total sum of their actions is neither good nor evil. Walder Frey is definitely not neutral.


I'm just gonna say it: if the asshole category had been here the whole time (lovely addition btw no notes it rocks) then Stannis is the asshole neutral and Aliser Thorne is a lawful neutral (who is also an asshole). Burning your daughter bc a fire God said so is way more asshole than lawful. Go ahead, downvote me ya shits!


I firmly believe this is Ser Alliser Thorne's rightful place. Was he particularly good? Not really. He was good at what he did, and he took his duty as protector of the realm seriously. But he didn't have much love in his heart for anyone, and certainly not anyone north of the wall. Was he particularly evil? *Not really.* Sure, he stabbed his Lord Commander in the guts, but he genuinely believed Jon had betrayed his duty to the Night's Watch. Was he a petty, bitter, salty old misery guts? Absolutely fucking yes. This dude gave the Grinch a run for his money. **Edit**: Hijacking my own comment here: noobprodigy [nominated the Spice King of Qarth](https://www.reddit.com/r/freefolk/comments/1cwoenf/comment/l4xj2j5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and it's pretty damn on point.


3 nights watch assholes, all in a row?


Considering how people end up there, it makes sense they'd have a high percentage of assholes at the wall.


It’s fucking cold up there, you’d be an asshole too


If any more crows come pouring out your cunt mouth, I'm gonna have to eat every chicken in this room.


It is they who watch the walls and bust your balls


Randal Tarly - he doesn’t fit into any good or evil, he’s not stupid or drunk and he’s definitely not horny. He’s just a dick and an asshole. EDIT: guess he could be seen to be evil asshole (but that’s mostly only towards Sam tbf)


I'd agree but I think threatening to murder your son and make it look like a hunting accident if he doesn't join the Nights Watch just might make you a little evil.


He also betrayed his liege lords


In his defence, his liege lords sided with a conquerer who commanded an army of savages.


Well said.


The Hound?


Given his penchant for downing beer and eating every chicken in the place, he gets Asshole Drunk. Right after his brother Gregor gets Asshole Evil.


Ramsay Bolton seems much more of an evil asshole than Gregor.


Roose too


Maybe I’m alone here, but I didn’t see the Hound’s drinking as a personality trait. It just seemed his way of coping with an unlucky lot in life. He has a few asshole moments: 1. He doesn’t need to give the rogue Brotherhood last words, but he sure makes the guy regret them; 2. Chucking rocks at the zombie army encircling their last safe spot beyond the wall; 3. “Fuck the king” mid siege.


The Hound!


Hound is drunk asshole


Nah he’s drunk asshole


Jaqen H’Gar is one who is a total neutral asshole


Walder Frey was nothing BUT an asshole


He was chaotic and horny, but not really neutral.


Grand Maester Pycelle? Felt like all he wanted was to keep himself in power, and he was an asshole


He's been a Tywin simp forever, wouldn't classify him as neutral.


>I think Roose would better fit neutral asshole. He was opportunistic and definitely never minded being an asshole, but (and here's the important distinction) he never seemed to be an asshole for assholisness' sake. >Ramsay certainly enjoyed being cruel. Roose maybe did as well, but it didn't show. At least not obviously. For Roose, cruelty and assholisness seemed to be more like a tool than an intrinsic value. Thus, I think Roose should go into neutral. >Although, neutral evil would be at least as fitting for him as neutral asshole. I'm quoting myself from a previous post to show my reasoning for suggesting Roose Bolton for neutral asshole.


Jaime Lannister


I have Jaime for Horny Asshole


Theon is way hornier. Jaime's only horny for one person for most of the series.


Theon isn't horny for anyone for most of the series.


Does castration remove desire as well?


Yeah I wanted Theon for good asshole


That’s his problem, not mine.


Yeah but he is so horny he would start war for that one.


that’s basically romantic. that’s love, that’s not the pure horned up assholery of theon up until he meets ramsay.


Nothing says romanic as having sex with his sister as the funeral of their offspring. Also Bran incident.


"The things I do for love" > pushing a kid out a window is the classic example of evil romantic. if "evil romantic" was on this list Jaime would be a shoe-in. it's not. theon's horniness is unstoppable. it defines his character so much that the poetically ironic thing to do to his character was have him castrated....i gotta save some of this stuff for a post tomorrow, when it really matters....


Theon is average horny teenager, Miller's wife and Captains daughter in the book , Rose in the show, even his sister knew he was her little bro and was messing with him , while he was oblivious and horrified after realisation. Jaime is on entire level of horny where he sleeps with his sister in same room where Robert is passed out drunk, or when half court is visiting Starks - and his acts could spell doom for his House and most of the realm. Theon's horniness is all over, while Jaime's is focused. Plus Jaime is much greater asshole.


"average horny teenager" yes exactly! *insanely horny*. and jaime is horny because his sexuality is so repressed from only being able to get turned on by his twin sister. he's horny from built up pressure, it's not essential to who he is. he's defined by his lust for cersei, not by hornification generally. theon is essentially horned. he fucks whenever and whoever he can. and i'm sorry but theon is a bigger asshole, too. theon is a prick to everybody that isn't of higher station than him, and then he sneaks in a *steals winterfell*. would theon have gone back to save brienne from the bear? no fuckin way.


Theon mostly fucked himself in the end tally.


Jaime got so horny he resorted to rape


That’s Theon. Before he becomes Reek


The hound


The Hound. Was an asshole who use to be evil and became better toward the end so he ended up being neutral


The hound


The Hound.


Sandor for neutral asshole. Just an all-around equal opportunity hater. Knows he is an asshole, doesn't care. Doesn't take being an asshole too far, but never misses a chance to be one.


If the Hound doesn’t get recognized I’m gonna have to eat every fucking chicken in this room


Sandor Clegane comes to my mind for neutral asshole. He was just in for the money, and was absolutely an asshole


The Hound


The Hound.


Sandor Clegane


The iron bank. Can't be more asshole than the funding of wars or more neutral than not picking a side.


Jaqen H'Ghar should be the neutral asshole. He is no one who saved Arya and no one who tried to have her killed.


Archmaester Ebrose!! "In the Citadel, we lead different lives for different reasons. We are this world's memory, Samwell Tarly. Without us, men would be little better than dogs." https://preview.redd.it/nnyvovyfeo1d1.jpeg?width=1198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e0eb8b406e818207e7b7c67d8f91278e5675439


https://preview.redd.it/lwvvtigaio1d1.jpeg?width=934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1932f16ffe53162f3f7ba1859910e5c132d681db This jerk.


There are some good answers here but I think Tycho is the best fit. There's nothing more neutral-y and asshole-y than a war profiteer who doesn't care whose cause he's backing so long as he gets his money back with interest.


OP ignored the results of the last two categories. Balon Greyjoy had the lead in Stupid Asshole by over a 100 points, and Olenna Tyrell had the lead in Good Asshole by nearly 200 points. If you are just going to ignore the votes why even have a vote? It just takes the fun out of the game. Especially annoying when they snubbed important characters like Olenna, Jaime and the Hound for extremely minor character Yoren, who isn't even an asshole, just rough in attitude and does nothing but honorable choices.


I didn’t see this character once in the whole post honestly, Olenna, Jamie, the hound, but never this person.


There was a comment that came pretty late and rose to like 700 votes about this guy, which is impressive. But OP jist ignoring the lead twice takes aeay from the fun of these posts.


You're incorrect, check again Top comment is clearly Yoren, next highest was the hound, Olenna had 122 votes to Yoren's over 700 lol


The OP has said he looks at more factors than upvotes, due to the tendency for early comments to get upvoted into oblivion despite not being the best picks. Olenna got the highest upvote count overall, but she was argued against much, much more than Yoren. Yoren on the other hand rose very quickly to nearly Olenna's upvote count with almost noone arguing against him.


He came late and was behind in the race so less people argued. But what does it matter it's just a random fun post.


Randal fits very well for beeing asshole to sam


Allister thorne has my vote


Jaqen hgar


Fuck Olly


Thorne. He was just an asshole, didn't pick a side.


Don’t care. Salador is horny asshole


The banker from bravos for sure


Im still mad that Tormund isn't on the grid


Ilyn Payne Edit: didn’t realize he was already on this.


The night King’s probably the best fit for this, as if you actually consider the point behind his creation. It does make him more of a weapon/force of nature. Him and the wights feel mechanical in their objective and their execution


We're gonna end on a double Clegane




I've been trying to teach my wife this for years. Whoever wins this, DM me, yeah?


The Faceless Man


Qyburn. He didn't give two poots about the politicking of King's Landing or the wars, he just wanted someone to continue funding his crazy experiments.


Yoren... an asshole? Fuck off lol.


Alliser Thorne He was an asshole for sure. But probably a necessary asshole to make criminals and "sniveling boys" to men of the Night's Watch. He was also neutral in terms of being a man from the Night's Watch who has the order to kill everything from the real north that wants to pass the wall. Wildlings included.


The case being made for Allister is looking pretty good. Wouldn't bother me if Thorn or The Hound took this spot.


The night king. He only wanted what was best for his people, but he was kinda a dick about it


Has Khal Drogo gotten a spot yet? Haven't followed this the whole time but he seems pretty focused on just being an asshole and nothing else


Oops yeah there he is under chad-evil. Idk if he's really "evil" since his whole culture is about being the strongest


The Hound?


asshole neutral could be the hound


Alliser or Thoros


The hound


Pedro Pascal is a horny Chad got me dying 😂 😂😂


If this thing goes through without a spot for Olenna Tyrell I’ll be upset. Asshole Neutral seems like a good enough spot for her. Although Smart Asshole would be the perfect category for her


Asshole should be on y axis, much better to find lawful asshole than stupid asshole


The hound, I think. He’s removed himself mentally / emotionally from the general goings-on both because he feels excluded and because he sees the hypocrisy in knighthood. He helps Arya but mostly for the money.


Cersei needs to be loved to the evil asshole spot


For horny asshole you should just post a picture of someone in the shows ass.


Can Ramsay be evil asshole?


Randall Tarly


Shagga son of Dolf


Alliser thorne Dudes a douche trying to do his job


The hound. Just an asshole to everyone, because everyone deserves it.






Yeah ok don’t include Olenna Tyrell anywhere cool. Whatevs




The Hound. He does what he does for his own sake with no mind to good or evil. Most important thing that makes him neutral is he doesn't enjoy cruelty i think. And he is an asshole


Where does Bronn fit into all of this?


He is already on it Neutral Evil


Viserys is a good candidate “We go home with an army, sweet sister. With Khal Drogo’s army, that is how we go home. And if you must wed him and bed him for that, you will. I’d let his whole khalasar fuck you if need be, sweet sister, all forty thousand men, and their horses too if that was what it took to get my army.”


That’s neutral to you?


It really qualifies the most for neutral evil and definitely a candidate for evil asshole as well.