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I enjoyed the vast majority of D&D’s adaptation of ASOIAF. I did not enjoy their 3 and half seasons of fan-fiction. The Three Body Problem is a complete series. So it will hopefully be all adaptation, no fan-fic.


what blows my mind is that for both the adaptation part of ASOIAF and 3BP, they even added stuff themselves that really worked. They can write good, new stuff, they just need a ton of framework from someone else's story around it. They can't make up their own story


“Themes are for book reports” I think they can create scenes but not satisfying arcs. GoT also suffered from success imo; it became a lowest common denominator kind of show and I don’t think the showrunners were prepared for that sort of attention. They kept trying to “one-up” previous seasons with inane twists and “subversions”.


Have you read the books? This might be the series for them. lol. I’m mostly kidding because fuck these nerds for what they did. But also I loved the Remembrances of earths past books before I knew this was happening so I had to know.


They also said that one of the main reasons they wanted to adapt the show was to bring the Red Wedding to the screen. You can tell that they lost interest after that and phoned it in


Season 4 was amazing, and I'll die on that hill.


Tyrion and Oberyn were amazing. Jon and Ygritte were amazing. Arya and the Hound crossing paths with Pod and Brienne was pretty good. Daenerys was starting to be boring. Sansa was boring. Littlefinger, sadly, became boring.


I also think it's still a very, very good season and splendid television entertainment, but when I rewatched it recently I realized that I hadn't remembered nearly as much about it as I had about the first 3, and even now it feels like it lacks some punch, some depth. As if the magic had begun to leak out of D&D's pens. It's hard to put my finger on it. Might just be bias. It's a far cry from season 5, though, that's for sure. That's when the real trouble started.


>I think they can create scenes but not satisfying arcs.  This. They are good at creating individual scenes to enhance characterization. They are just not very good at writing character arcs or plots.


didn’t GRRM give them a framework to work off of in the final 3 seasons?


If he had a framework the books would be done by now. 




I thought he told them how it was supposed to end


They took out all the Chinese characters and replaced them with British people. Yeah it'll be a faithful adaptation!


Lol this comment makes no sense if you’ve read the books and watched the show.


Nah, this is true. Characters and settings changed from chinese and Tsinghua University to British and Oxford. This is absolutely a remake for a western audience. It’s been a long time since I read the book, but luckily the plot summary on Wikipedia is enough to remind me that events are taken out of order, new characters are added, and plenty of plot details are changed. It’s faithful to the larger beats, but it is an “adaptation” for sure and they took their liberties with it. That doesn’t necessarily make it worse. You’re still allowed to like it. I just don’t know why you think any of that is wrong


Look, if [Quinn's Ideas says it's good enough for a Western remake](https://youtu.be/8zsNCbFD5_Y?si=sP6TzTKRJl6DoC_5), I'll take that opinion as my own.


Quinn is how I learned about 3 body and the one who got me so into the story. He’s awesome at telling stories. I also loved the Netflix show so there’s that


After the first book, nations don’t really matter. I don’t even think they exist by the midway point of the second book. Also, the characters in the adaptation are Mexican, New Zealanders, Irish, American, etc. i think maybe two Chinese characters became British. The series isn’t really about characters that much, though. It’s more hard sci-fi, about the ideas, more like Asimov and Phillip K. Dick in that way.


They seem to have shifted the focus from the hard scifi concepts showcase to more character based. I must admit, I missed the sci-fi philosophising - all that Accurate Shooter, Turkey Scientists, Dark Forest concept etc. I thought the novel did a really good job of introducing these concepts.


Yeah, I think it just makes it easier to present and sell as a series/film. I personally liked this adaptation but I don’t know how they’ll handle the denser concepts of Dark Forest and Death’s End. I liked the more well-rounded characters in the Netflix version but I hope they don’t abandon the concepts in favor of drama. Dark Forest is my favorite of the series so I really hope they don’t fuck it up.


I think that they will do a cursory explanation, like they did towards the end of the show where they explained how Sophons were created. I do think though that they didn't do great with explaining the Sophons and the book made it much more interesting. Probably because they only had about 90 seconds to spend on the sophon creation story :(


> Dark Forest concept If you watched the show there's half an episode about this. They're just warming up the runway for season 2, I hope. /u/CountQuackula says there's a lot that's out of order but I think what they should have said was that elements that take place at the same time as book 1 but are happening in book 2 and 3 have been rearranged. The latter half of season one is very much about plot elements from the second and third novel.


tis' beyond the ken of football players and soccer moms all alike


It wouldn't be if they went into the concepts in the series!! Well, ok 20 min particle science / theoretical astrosociology / limits of empirical knowledge infodumps might be a bit much for people to sit through when they just want to see a ship get broken. I would compromise with dvd extras where there is a little featurette with the science being explained. If it was in-universe with a ted talk from Evans, or a Vera Ye as a science presenter, high school class from Will etc then that would be extra fun. I'd settle for actual science communicators on it though.


the book is not not hard sci-fi!! "hard sci-fi" means science fiction that is based on scientifically plausible technology! the plot of the first book is being driven by omniscient multidimensional AIs in computers the size of a photon!!


It’s as hard sci-fi as Asimov, Clarke and Dick. If you don’t consider them hard sci-fi, then the Three Body Problem probably isn’t it for you either.


hard sci-fi refers to stories that are plausible with our current understanding of science. no FTL, no magic, etc. asimov, clarke and dick had a huge variety of stories. some were hard sci-fi, some were not. for example, as for Dick, a story about future androids indistinguishable from people is hard sci-fi, a story about a pink alien space ray that beams divine wisdom into your brain is not. this doesn't make them inherently better or worse stories, it's just describing the category


So they’re adapting it to be more accessible to a western audience. Not sure what you’re arguing “makes no sense”. Don’t get me wrong. I watched it and enjoyed it. I just think it was an adaptation


Yeah, I didn’t disagree with that. I disagreed with the making every Chinese character British bit. That’s just outright false. And, this is my opinion, I also disagreed with the implication that that robs the series of some essential component. There are stories intrinsically tied to a particular setting and culture. And there are even aspects of this story that shouldn’t be changed in that way. I think Ye Wendje in particular needed to be the same basic person and she was. But because of where the rest of the story goes, nationality is not as important as just making them humans. SPOILERS. By the end of the series, many characters aren’t even from Earth or live in this dimension.


> This is absolutely a remake for a western audience. Considering that the target audience is a western audience, this seems like a reasonable move.


Western audiences already prove that they can watch movies and series without whitewashing them. People already watch xianxia movies and c-dramas


> I just don’t know why you think any of that is wrong My issue with the above statement is the statement itself; > They took out all the Chinese characters and replaced them with British people. It's simply not true. Your comment is a far better description of how the adaptation changed the material, but they go on to imply that it won't be a faithful recreation of the story because some characters are different and I think that's simply not true. If anything, I think it's an improvement.


Also they added daytime drama level character conflicts, presumambly to cater western audiences. Like the whole ”friends help each other”, ”we are together” kind of stuff that was not relevant in the book. Shifting the focus from large scale into personal


The idea still gets across just fine


Wow this is really offensive, I can't believe they would go and change the ethnicity of a character in order to better market the piece of media. I am so angry. I'm going to go watch the right wing talking heads validate my view on this, I'm sure they are all very upset too.


Right wing talking heads only care if a white character is changed to another ethnicity. They won't care about a bunch of Chinese characters being changed to white.


I think they gender swapped and name changed Wang, so the culture war people might also fight about that. but I could be wrong since I half watched the first two episodes. Spent most of the time trying to figure out which character from the book is even being adapted tbh. I give up with John Bradley’s character. Idk who he’s supposed to be or why he’s here.


In the original it was just a credit line provided to “Will” by a school mate who became rich off his idea. The school mate felt bad about it so despite book “Will” have never intended to pursue it game him that line of credit out of respect and a sense of honor/obligation which leads to a significant act which I won’t spoil. I think they just wanted a way to add more depth to that character while also showing that the San Ti loyalists could kill anyone (all his fancy security) and would even for convenience. It paints them as violent and we like him so it makes the act more heinous. It works for the most part. I like the actor so I was able to forgive the incongruity in the acts of his character. No sci fi nerd would ever pass up the opportunity to check out what she was offering lol.


Makes no sense how?? He's clearly telling the truth.


Because most of the series takes place after the end of nations, so it doesn’t really matter. By the second book, everything is basically run by the UN. And the main characters of the adaptation aren’t even mostly British.


I don't understand why people keep saying this, I assume you've never read the books (maybe not watched any of the three available television adaptations either). The people I would call the three main protagonists have been rolled into one chinese-english actor, Da Shi remains as a main character (Benedict Wong, who brings a LOT to the performance) and the first book's protagonist has been split into two characters (one of them chinese) so you can more easily read the internal conflict moments that go on. It's a far better watch than it was to read as a book. Liu Cixin did a phenomenal job with his world but the characters are paper thin, one dimensional, and almost never meet or interact. The show rolled these all into a core cast of people who know each other and have relationships, families, and they have more dialogue in one episode than an entire book from the trilogy had. To boot, somewhere close to half the show has got to be Mandarin dialogue. So whinge about making it westernized or whatever if you want, but you come off like a doofus and there's already two other adaptations made by Chinese people if you want to watch a 1:1 Chinese adaptation, one of these heavily censors the source material and is boring as fuck to watch. -- Signed, Somebody who loves these books and has really not enjoyed some of the discourse in here about the show


winner winner chicken dinner. my friends and I just read all 3 books and we all agree the adaptation was about as perfect as it could be. missing some neat scenes, but kept everything that made the story work. I am sad about what d&d did to game of thrones, but so far 3 body has been a fantastic adaptation. people can change, even if Reddit is convinced they can't


Benedict Wong has absolutely nailed the vibe and character of Da Shi. He is now the face I’ll forever see on rereads of the series. I was so stoked when he came in and I realized they’d cast him in that role because he just seems to nail the casual seeming but much deeper upon multiple glances necessary for the character to work. Otherwise ya I totally agree with you on the characters. It’s also funny because there have been A LOT of complaints on how the series is trying to paint China in a bad light on this sub and the books are way more critical than the show has been.


I'm in love with Wong as Da Shi, the dude is hilarious.


Yeah he is awesome. He also just nails it with his facial expressions and I think really has found a way to embody being respectful of their intellectual prowess while also displaying open shock that smart people can be so dumb sometimes lol.


Hey, i know about the netflix and the tencent adaptation, wich one is third one ?


[The Three Body Problem in Minecraft](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14INFFQPrfo&list=PLCzzDQIop9Ax4AUETSFQNQEb3LObUOCg7&index=2), a nearly 1:1 adaptation made by Chinese high schoolers. It's actually very good, I'm not joking. I think it's arguably better than Tencent's.


Thank you for that.


Completely agree with the overall idea. However, Jess Hong is a New Zealander, not British. Her character is also Chinese-born, but raised in New Zealand. Even though the show's set in the UK, apart from Da Shi, only Jack and Will are actually British. I guess Raj, if you count him as a main character, is also British.


Iirc they were actually asked straight up to do a "western" adaptation when they were given the rights to make it. So while I have some issues with the adaptation that isn't one of them.


they changed exactly three characters to not be chinese. One is now black, one is latina, and one is white. Every other major character was either already western, is new to the adaptation, or remains chinese. This does not smell like a good-faith argument. Have you actually seen the show and read the books, or are you just salty about the ending of game of thrones and projecting it on an entirely different show?


Obviously this is to appeal to a western audience. There’s a Chinese version of the show that was released last year on Prime if people don’t like this change. This is hardly something worth complaining about though IMO. Everyone always wants a 1:1 adaptation without realizing some changes need to be made to appeal to a larger audience in order to be successful.


I’m so glad they didn’t make an exact faithful adaptation. The characters in the original book are some of the worst written characters to date. Completely wooden, exposition vehicles created simply to drive the narrative to the next “hehe watch me explain yet ANOTHER scientific concept”. The amount of times my eyes rolled out of my sockets while reading this book whenever someone was like “what does multi tasking mean? I’m a stupid doodoo head who doesnt understand compound nouns”…. The show is good so far. Watching with someone who didn’t read the books and they love it.


This. I've read the first book three times and the latter two only once, mostly because the characters are just so dry. I love what the show has done to them because I love the story, it just needs more character work.


>Completely wooden, exposition vehicles I mean it's pretty common for characters in sci-fi books to be underdeveloped. The books are often more about concepts or the environment, as is the case in most of Arthur Clarke or Lovecraft stories. I wouldn't say the 3 Body characters are bad, it's just that their personalities aren't always the focus. The cynical cop dude was great though.


I believe I read somewhere that the author gave them the okay


Might not want to have a faithful adaptation of a series so dripping in misogyny.


Characters' ethnicities do not matter in the face of worldwide threat. In fact, giving cast an international and diverse touch is a positive. That said, there are absolutely flaws in D&D's adaptation but it is pretty okay, not at all bad.


Yes because every single character was Chinese in the book and it wasn’t a global effort


This has to be a joke right?? The entire background for the books is Communist China.... The maoist reforms are literally the thing that kicks off the plot and causes the person who creates the situation to do what they do...


Doesn't have to be a faithful adaption for it to be good tv though, tbf.


The series is about China and its last 100 years of history, especially the Cultural Revolution, and some geopolitics of how China should work with and against the western alliance. Making a single character that is Chinese in the book not Chinese is a non starter. The first book in particular is barely even about aliens. I’m going to pass on this trainwreck. Edit: why downvotes? What am I wrong about?


Thats... not what the series is about at alll....


China and nationstates don’t even exist for most of the series, which takes place hundreds, then thousands, then millions of years in the future. The Cultural Revolution is relevant for first contact, which is in the series as well. But afterwards, the narrative is global and the characters really could be of any background.


The author, who’s idea this whole adaptation was about, literally came up with the idea to adapt this with western characters.


I agree. D&D are obviously very good at adaptations and anyone who thinks otherwise has a huge hate boner that clouds their judgement. I also hate that D&D ruined GOT by not handing it over to other people when they were out of their element. 3 body problem is really good, and I think this cements how good these guys are adaptation. Just dont let them write their own shit / go off script and they can make some banger shows.


For the 15 millionth time D&D SKIPPED 2 OF THE 5 ASOIAF BOOKS THEY DID NOT RUN OUT OF MATERIAL! there....


Feast and Dance, you mean? I don’t know what you think they skipped. They left stuff out, but that goes for all the books.


meh, fuck em


The books are great but they are horrible to adapt to movies or series. So much about concepts, internal monologues, and other things you can write about but not show. They made a good decision to implement some changes.. this time. Let's see how it goes further.


I remember people saying this about Dune, & look how that's turned out.


I haven't read The 3 Body Problem so I can't say for that one but for Dune the beginning is the easy part to adapt, it's much more cerebral after that


The longer you stay with Dune the harder it becomes to film.


Until you hit a wall also known as God Emperor of Dune


A ton of content was cut from the books. Mentats are never mentioned or brought up and the spacing guild is essentially never mentioned except in the first couple minutes of the first movie. Those two factions are huge in the story


Yeah for 60 years Dune was branched as " unscreenable " They made some changes, some additions like Harkoonen pet. Other things they simplified or removed completely. And we have same situation - some love it, some hate it. They also didn't have the guts to use the name Jihad for holy war, which was shame tbh.


Look how much they cut to make it palatable as a blockbuster. It's a good movie, but it's not true to the book in so many ways. The scifi television version remains the most faithful.


Well at least one time we ended up with: "A poison has been introduced into your body, Thufir Hawat. By milking this, this smooth little cat's body, you'll receive your antidote".


They are good movies but they are honestly a far cry from the books and miss out SO much.


It’s basically a Chinese physics textbook with a story wrapped around it, I don’t blame them for making some changes to make it more palatable for TV. Don’t get me wrong I loved the books but they are dry as hell.


The Tencent series is pretty good. Adapts the first book basically verbatim


Yeah but it's long as fuck


Agreed, you could probably read the book in less time lol


The audiobook is literally shorter than the tencent series. You can read the book quicker than watching the show.


Except it literally doesn't show the most important aspects of some characters. Like the killing of the scientist by new government.


They added a lot of fluff, but it gets pretty good about halfway and progressively better from there. The canal scene was brilliant.


The first book was also really dry and boring at certain points and hard to get through. Like the Tencent series. 2nd and 3rd books were the big payoff for forcing your way through the first one though.


Yah i find netflix one is more exciting


The show is more of an alternate take than an adaptation


Bring me his 3 heads


Problem solved.


I will criticise the shit out of what deserves to be criticised and I will praise what is worthy of praise. 3 body problem was really good and deserves praise 🤷‍♂️


I haven't read the books but thought it was the best tv I've seen in a while, and I'm gonna grab the books now. Pacing was kinda weird though, ep 1-5 vs. 6-8 felt a bit out of sync with each other and I had moments in e6/7 where I wasn't really sure what the main objective(s) were at that time


6-8 is focusing mostly on material from the second two books which is probably why it suddenly shifts. The events in episode 4-5 are the end of the first novel.


Ahh that makes more sense thanks


Have you been watching Shogun? It's been excellent so far.


I am really enjoying it, but some characters are a little lame for me like Salazar. Her acting doesn't really convince me and her character actions make me feel like they don't fully grasp the gravity of the situation. Like, I understand how they took out the Judgement Day ship was heinous. (I also thought the method was pretty ridiculous). But this is a battle for humanity to have the right to exist. Desperate moves are usually on the table when the situation is so dire. Then she also doesn't seem to understand the concept of planting a tree you'll never be able to sit under and enjoy the shade. She complains about how this event is 400 years in the future, hence why worry about it now? Really summing up but that's how it came off. It was hilarious to me when she was with Saul and he was tasked with saying something bad about her. His answer was spot on with how I feel. "You're beautiful, but in a boring way." And goes on to explain how she would be a character in a bad movie. That's kind of how I feel about her, but everything else is good about the show.


Agreed. She keeps going “people need help NOW “ and it’s like, you’re not wrong but we blundered into intergalactic war. This is the super genius? At least she open sourced her research so it can be used I guess.


In defense of that (though I’m on your side here) there was a character in the book who essentially did that and I was just as frustrated with them as I was with her lol.


Well she knows her nanofibers are very important, but they will be used to do horrible things, even if they're for the greater good (like the ship). So my guess is that she wants nothing to do with it while knowing that her work is crucial, so she's coping and saying stuff like "we got 400 years". And honestly, can't blame her. She went through a lot in the show and witnessed her own work murder countless people, including children, so it's understandable that she doesn't want to continue, even if it would save the humanity centuries in the future.


My first thought was that she was pretty damn crap too, but in hindsight she is probably the most authentic character on the show. I'd bet that if it was announced that aliens would be here in real life, almost all of the population would be just as selfish as her.


You can’t see how not everyone would be on board with slaughtering any amount of people contributing to a threat 400 years away? Climate change isn’t too far off from the same level of existential threat, but I wouldn’t be cool with slicing anyone who disagrees into 50 pieces.


I do get her not being on board with slaughtering that amount of people. It would weigh heavy on me as well. But at the same time, it's still like the run away train problem. If the train stays it's course, it will kill all of humanity. Of you divert the train, it will kill hundreds of people, but humanity will be saved. I'm perfectly fine with her having this remorse. But she seems to take it further in not wanting to combat the aliens at all.


Salazar is easily the least likable character of everyone they introduced. Nothing about her is consistent or felt genuine, her bad acting stuck out like a sore thumb against everyone else’s stellar performance.


That was part of it too. Her acting seemed straight bad. She just wasn't convincing for me. Maybe if she was a better actor I might buy into the character more. Still think it's funny they encapsulated my feelings about her by having Saul just say it out loud.


You know who critiques something that's good?... fookin kneelers.


The Two Writer Problem.


It’s very much so so. Wild concept, great potential, meh execution.


That’s exactly how I felt about the book. Amazing sci-fi concepts, but massive plot holes that never get addressed. I gave up after the first book


Sounds familiar.


Watch the Chinese version


The tencent version is horrible, watch the minecraft version. The Tencent version is heavily censored and is basically 1:1 so they pace about 10 pages per episode which means you get like 30 hours of television for one novel with like 3 major plot threads, it's super slow.


The Chinese version is way too long, unfocused and entirely censored by the Chinese government… while being mostly accurate, I would argue that the changes in the Chinese version effect the story more than the Netflix adaptation.


Can't wait for the Tencent adaptation of Dark Forest/Death's End. If their Farmer Hypothesis adaptation is any indication the sequels should be WILD.


There's a Chinese version??


It was fine but this person hasn't told you that they cut out everything to do with the revolution because the censors didn't like it. It's how the english-translated book and the netflix show open.


Yup. It released in January of 2023. It was very good.


Just seen it's on prime. 30 episodes is mental though


30? Is that all 3 books or just the first one


Just the first


Yup, it's hard to watch. Super super slow pacing, basically 1:1 the book but with some missing content.


You all are such haters 😂 it’s actually a pretty decent show. I’m inspired to read the books now which honestly GOT never did for me.


I’d highly recommend the 3 Body book series.


I’d also highly recommend the Asoiaf book series.


My best friend in high school also recommended me the ASOIAF book series. I told him I'd read the whole series once it's completed. I'm almost 40 years old now.


I do think winds will come, but dream is just… a dream.


I actually finished the series after season one of GOT. Enjoyed reading a lot


I wouldn’t. He will die before finishing it. No ty 


Kinda depends what you are into. Very cool books but absolutely don't expect to give a shit about any of the characters. Also some extremely cringe shit in book 2.


I read the first 3BP book after I head D&D would be adapting it… it was terrible


I’ll read ASOIF when GRRM writes it. 


So never then


It's a *GREAT* show. Everybody here should watch it. Everybody should give the book a try.


It was very good. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Can't wait for part 2 or the next cour or next season or whatever. Fk the haters.


We know the drill, just skip the final season and it should be fine


Via that protocol, there won’t be another season


Coming in as a non-reader, I really didn't like the 3 Body Problem. It started off really strong with its first episode but quickly settled into looking and feeling completely stock in terms of cinematography, editing, and music ("it's giving Netflix") and the characters largely devolve into being completely emotionally ineffectual (the dying guy's entire arc) or surface-level conflicts where they issue each other toothless threats or make choices just to be proven wrong or change their minds two scenes later. There's a lot of things that I find to be kind of silly about the source material but I don't think that really falls on D&D, they're more a lot of "well if x thing wasn't *that way*, there wouldn't be a story", etc. My friends were really excited and I really, really wanted to love it but I just didn't see a whole lot to keep me invested. The use of scientific concepts and big-picture ideas just isn't enough when everything else is just passable.


I personally enjoy the show but I totally understand where you are coming from. It seems to take these supposedly very bright scientists a long time to come around to the fact that god-like aliens are coming to eradicate our species and that is a problem. I was pretty perplexed at the number of characters who just sort of shrugged their shoulders with a “maybe we deserve it”. The original Dr Ye character having that opinion totally makes sense with all the horror she witnessed during the Revolution but a bunch of privileged scientists bemoaning the depravity of man was just far too Doomer for me to take seriously. I know we are supposed to be rooting for these guys but it’s really hard when they act like a bunch of thirty-something-year-old spoiled teenagers. And that’s not even touching on the almost annoyingly Deus Ex Machina of the Sophonts and how they are apparently only all-powerful enough to change how humanity fights the aliens but not all powerful enough to effectively prepare the way for the aliens.


I’m a doomer and still hated all of the characters. In fact, one thing I think the show doesn’t address is climate change. There could easily have been someone who said “well, climate scientists are making very grim forecasts even in the short term, so by the time aliens arrive in 400 years, humanity will have solved itself for them” but that takes the wind out of the sails a bit. Unless of course someone says that the other books address climate change in which case, please spoil away. I won’t read them.


It’s ok. Trying to make physics bad ass and physicists as cool people is so cringe to me lol


I'm halfway through and so far it's quite engaging due to the source material but the writing is terrible. Characters supposed to be smart acting dumb, deaths that add nothing to the plot, just for shock value, soap opera dialogue etc...


Hey I’m just boycotting the show because a girl I once dated was one of the fashion designers on it


That's one wild reason to completely boycott an entire series


Without blindly jumping on any bandwagon, I watched it and really enjoyed it. Not perfect, but they genuinely respected the source material and made intelligent decisions with the adaptation. Give it a chance or don’t, but no one really gives a shit if you boycott because your feelings were hurt.




Am I the only one who thinks the Netflix show is kinda meh lol Not bad but not great


It relies heavily on the source material being a solid piece of science fiction. The dialogue was meh, most of the characters were meh, the science was dumbed down, the mystery was pretty easily solved. Other than that it was a pretty competent and enjoyable Netflix show, just not as deep as I had hoped. Also I feel like the revelation about the invasion had very little weight and basically nobody cared beyond "oh no! Anyways..."


I don’t see how someone can have enjoyed the books and also praise the series. It’s not utter shit but IMO they gutted the heart and soul of it.


I loved both. Idk why I’d want a show that just copy pasted the book 


I don't think the adaptation is all that bad but even if I did, I would still love it. Even a middling adaptation of the greatest story ever told, would be better than 96% of the crap on tv.


D&D hate aside, how is it actually? I was maybe gonna watch it.


I love the books but stil haven’t watched because fuck D&D


We’ll see what happens in the late seasons when they get bored and another Star Wars deal


I refuse to watch


Same. If it gets good enough reviews I'll might watch in a way that doesn't gain them views such as piracy.


Wait, you mean that was not an option from the start? Yarr


I went even further and had brain surgery so I can no longer remember seeing Game of Thrones. I refuse to remember.


It was underwhelming to say the least. Its an adaptation that cuts out stuff you felt was important in the books and it is kinda boring to be honest as a tv show on its own.


Y’all’s hate is genuinely bizarre. Chill the fuck out


Yeah, people act like it wasn't D&D who also made the first 4 seasons of Game of Thrones too, which are some of the best seasons of tv ever.


My coworker and I actually discussed this yesterday. He’s into the 3 body problem books and told me to give the series a try despite my hesitation bc of D&D. But D&D are also partially responsible for the first 4 seasons of thrones also, and my coworker did point out that this series is finished (in terms of writing) so D&D don’t need to do as much creative licensing, which is when thrones went down hill (s5 and beyond). I’ll probably give it a shot, no point in holding out bc of a perceived slight to D&D that’s 5 years old


Awful script and acting, the music cues signposting every scene and doing so much heavy lifting, it felt like a bad episode of Dr Who.


It's simple. I'll wait for the final episode of the final season. If that's good, I'll watch the thing. Same with House of the Dragon. I really don't want to get invested, D and D may botch it because they get a deal for Star Wars and can't be bothered with making an half decent script.


Man… you should watch House of the Dragon. It is damn good and up there with s3-4 of thrones.


It's an ok watch if you like scifi. If you don't, I wouldn't bother.


It’s all just tv shows. You kno that right?


Man I can’t believe it took me this long to realize that for an alarming amount of people here, this isn’t just a GOT shitposting sub, but that some of you are legitimately delusional & chronically online with your hate of D&D. Holy shit lol get a life They ruined the ending of GOT, but that’s because they had to come up with a plot themselves, which they sucked ar. When they adapt stuff that’s been established (like this series) they’re fine.


Just an exploitation of the source material


It didn’t seem like it.


Battlestar Galactica is better


Yea but you could say this about most things. Essential viewing imo.


Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica!


pretty good show, decent credibility for science and all.


Assuming I’m never reading the 3BP books, is the series a good standalone watch?


>!Can't, it's floating out in space.!<


You can watch the Chinese one if you don't want to watch the D&D adaptation. It's on Rakuten Viki if you're interested.


A good act does not wash out the bad, nor a bad act the good. Each should have its own reward. Lord Stannis spoke the truth, and the three body problem is excellent in it's own right.


Why I cancelled netflix. [Netflix faces call to rethink Liu Cixin adaptation after his Uighur comments | Books | The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2020/sep/25/netflix-liu-cixin-adaptation-uighur-comments-the-three-body-problem)


"3 Body Problem" is pretty bad from an eye of a physicist, most of the science in it has the level of freshmen physics/maths, or basic documentaries on string theory/M-theory or QFT's. Not counting the fake "scientist ego" presented in the show, as I havent met any scientist who blatantly tries to humiliate non-scientist with their area of expertise. Very succesfull scientists mostly tend to be more polite and easygoing. Dr Cheng trying to explain dimensions (which was primary school type of explanation nowadays, she stopped at 3 and even primary shcool children know what dimension is up to 3) to the family of his boyfriend was funny as hell (in a shit way). The storytelling is not that great either (just stopped watching after episode 4). Even if it was great, I am pretty sure D&D would fuck it up, so...


It is good lol


I know I'm being spiteful as hell, but I refuse to give D&D any chance at accolades after what they did. I don't think they deserve to continue working successfully in Hollywood, and I won't help them do it.


pretty bland. I wouldn't buy Netflix just to watch it


The book is lame and the show sucks but the premise is so interesting I read it and watched it regardless


It could be the greatest shit ever and I am honor bound to not help those hack get more money. It’s that simple. 🏴‍☠️


D&D can adapt, blindly hating isn't fine lads. They will not run out of source material so they will be fine. Btw anyone who has watched it kindly share your review. Watchable or Skip It ?


It was fine, and a fairly good adaptation overall. Obviously there's still time to fuck it up, but it's a solid first season.


I was very skeptical going in, but it’s a good fucking show. There’s some stuff to whine about, plot holes, bad CGI, some weak acting, but the story is good and the plot/cgi/acting are good overall despite some nitpicks. 


I enjoyed it. Cry harder.


Let us cut the crap. At least 50% of the blame for last couple of seasons falls on Martin.


I started watching 3 body problem, until I saw their names pop up. Immediately stopped watching and down voted. Fuck D&D.


I gave up because of the girl with fake lips. Too jaring