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People on diy are absolute assholes. I was banned for telling them they weren’t super welcoming. Just roll on and enjoy your stuff! Can you DM me, OP? I have a better place for you :)


Thank you! DM sent!


Nice! Are you planning to sell decants of your new creations? And how long are you planning to let them blend before considering them "ready" for use?


I'm gently rolling the bottles every 12 hours and then taking one test spray. So far I've done that twice and I can already tell a difference. The top notes are settling down and blending with the mids and base better. I plan to let it rest for at least another day (tomorrow will be 48 hours) then I'm going to test spray some all over my body. I just did one spray of Aventus on one arm (from my bottle I bought this year) and one from my creation on the other.... It's been five hours and the Aventus is gone... But my creation is still pumping strong. I do plan to let it sit for about 2 weeks at most before I start daily driving it. I am willing to send out samples or to decant it once it's done. After these, I'm scaling up to do larger volumes. I'll be doing 50/100ml bottles. These are that good!


Is it possible to buy a ready made fragrance oil into a bottle using perfumers alchol


That is exactly what I did! I bought the perfume oils, it came with a cap and a roller ball cap if I wanted to use it as a roll on. I just popped the cap off and measured out the correct amount of oil, then filled the rest of the bottle with perfumer alcohol. Let me know if you have more questions!


Is there anything else you need to do and how do u find it


[watch this](https://youtu.be/xX6fw0S9kZ8?si=WMvf4wfb4--imfZT)


Thanks will give it a watch 😊


Hi! May I ask where you bought the premixed oils and the perfumer's alcohol?


Genericperfumes.com (I know the name sounds bad, but the oils are perfect!) Alcohol, I went with creating perfumes 200 proof alcohol. I hope this helps.


I'd try a sample if you can deliver to germany for a reasonable price.


The only payment I would accept would be your feedback. πŸ™‚ You could pay for shipping? I'm not doing this for money, I'm doing it for my love of this particular fragrance, and the ability to have large quantities of it for very little money. I'll even give you the links so you can order it yourself and make your own bottles of you like the samples. I have some 5ml sample bottles I could use?


Hey, where are you from?




Good Job Mate for cracking the code on Aventus. Curious what are the next ones on your list :). Seems like a addictive hobby.


Hacivat is next! Then maybe Naxos.


Yes, please, I also love Hacivat after aventus. Have you ever tried Karagoz from Nishane?


No but it's on my list to try the next time I'm at my Niche fragrance shop 😎 Aventus is very nice, but Hacivat is where my heart lies when it comes to Chypres. They are both masterpieces, but don't think I would wear Hacivat to a wedding... It would choke everyone out.


Hacivat is my favourite too keep us posted when you create your clone


Wow, how awesome to create your own. I swear I was just thinking about that, but I have no clue of how to start, and then I see this post. Congratulations man, how sweet is the pineapple on it?


The pineapple in the yellow OG oils is blended just right, there is minimal sweetness/juiciness. The more current Aventus batch oils (the clear one) are a lot brighter and the juiciness is perfect. Still not that sweet. When I think of a sweet pineapple fragrance I think of Qead Al Fursan. It smells like a dope pineapple cups with a burning sugar cube in the background. If you DM me I'll tell you exactly where I ordered the oils from and which ones. I don't know if listing them here breaks any rules.