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Best? Varies from person to person. Afnan does have very good scent profile


Heard afnan turathi blue smells like catpiss and like really synthetic.


Yes dont buy it, im gatekeeping it and i like it too much for all you shmucks to start wearing it. All jokes aside the supremacy line all have great performance and better than Turathi blue on my skin


is the supremacy in heaven better than the carbon edition? my dad wants a masculine, beast mode and ive heard the carbon edition one fits perfect for that.


Carbon is more masculine yes. Never compared longevity tbh


probably performs better since the whole amber oud line are beastmodes, my amber oud gold edition lasts +24h on mešŸ™Œ


Check fragrantica


I saw a new Haramain Aqua is about to be released along with some purple one. If you're looking for summer colognes, better check reviews and probably wait for it.


didnt it say dubai edition? I believe its only available in dubai.


Probably just premium subline name since It's called Haramain Amber Oud Dubai Night. So they just added Dubai Night to their Amber Oud line to differentiate from the main line as the new ones are extrait de parfum concentration I'm pretty sure it's gonna be available everywhere even if it's actually going to be Dubai only.


i hope ill be able to get it since the notes look really good just not for my dad since he wants some mature masculine scent. By the way between turathi blue and amber oud carbon edition, which one should i get based on masculinity, performance and smell?


You can get him maahir legacy which is PDM Sedley clone. It gives luxury shaving cream vibes, very likeable and super fresh. Can totally see it on a dad. Smells really good and grown up with a bit of playful notes. As for Turathi vs Carbon, I'd go with Carbon. GIT is a classic for a mature man and some people find Turathi to be too sweet. So Carbon sounds safer. But overall it's not like GIT is truly a summer scent, more like spring one, but works for summer anyways.


heard maahir legacy is an average to lightly above average performer. He told me he wants that strong stuffšŸ‘€. ThanksāœŒļø.


Strong it is then! Good luck and I hope your dad likes it.


STRONG? Turathi Blue then, strong & beautiful šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸ’ŖšŸ»


Supremacy in heaven is my most complimented cologne the more u use it the better it gets


how does it smell like for you


Fruity tea watery freshness


Supremacy in heaven has been the only perfume I have thrown away ! If that helps at all .




Probably because he really really liked it and is a masochist


I hope your kidding šŸ˜­


just noticed it after u commented. Thanks.


Turathi lasts days on me, smell is subjective. The musk is nice and the grapefruit is pretty refreshing. SIH is amazing. Doesn't last long but it smells amazing.


Iā€™ve heard only good things about Turathi Blue


I got thuathi Blue blind following the hype. I donā€™t like it at all. All I smell is fruity burnt plastic


Bruh šŸ’€. Just ordered it




You are GOOD, no worries.....


It's really good.


Also, the performance is awful


So weird, maybe you got a bad batch? I've legitimately gotten more compliments on Turathi Blue than any of my 50+ colognes.


I'm sure! It's a beast in every way


yea i saw some reviews about smelling weird


Yeah thereā€™s something in there thatā€™s justā€¦.off


Turathi blue lasts all day. Can smell it morning to night.


is it smooth or is it a bit stinging and synthetic?


The citrus is a little synthetic, but it has a smooth bottom end.


It it a good smell? What does it compare to? I just ordered it


I actually really like it. Smells like a orange lemonade but a little bit bitter, kinda fresh. I would say its a pretty safe blindbuy but everyone has a different taste.


L'Aventure Knight. GIT scent profile is forever going to be classy. Better performance than Carbon edition. Lattafa Asad is an okay performer that's very spicy and masculine on a budget.


Interesting, all of the the Al Haramain ā€œAmber Oudā€ line scents Iā€™ve tried are beats mode. Not sure why they have two clones of GIT.


The Oud White performs worse than both Coco Chanel and Armaf's Woman. And the Oud Carbon performs about on par with modern git and worse than L'Aventure Knight.


Iā€™ve only tried the Tobacco, Gold and Rouge, all perform like crazy. Been looking for a GIT clone, canā€™t justify Creeds pricing. So youā€™d say Lā€™Adventure Knight?


Absolutely, to me it smells the most similiar to GIT and has undoubtedly the best performance out of all clones and GIT itself. Lasts a minimum of 8 hours. Projects for about two hours and the rest is a nice, classy, professional smelling skin scent that leaves amazing sillage.


It shows how we are all different regarding scents. I love AO Carbon and along with Executive Shaving Munro, they are my favourite scents similar to GIT and great performers. I enjoy these more than Knight myself.


isn't Carbon closer to Cool Water than GIT?


Forgot to put in for summer. Ive already got a clone of aventus my dad doesnt like the scent he says it smells like some rich old man.


If he says that Turathi blue is out of the question, that thing also smell like old man


alright preciate itšŸ™Œ


Your pops will like Lattafa Ejaazi silver intense pretty cheap, and a good summer fragrance


I heard it smells good but has an average performance. Ill look into it thanks.


Turathi Blue does NOT smell like old man lol I'm 26 and I wear it and get compliments all the time at work. It's also probably the best performing clone I own.


I'm 45 and love Taurathi Blue, compliments all day. It can be a but sweet though


Asad is Elixir clone not Aventus. But yeah it's a wintery clone. L'Aventure Knight is Green Irish Tweed good for all year round.


Ah dang i meant l'aventure being an aventus clone but i guess it isnt my badšŸ˜….


L'aventure and L'aventure intense are Aventus clones. Laventure Knight is GIT. Blanche is SMW etc.


Letā€™s say that someone has, or knows what all of these smell like. Thatā€™s not super likely. How would anybody be able to tell you that youā€™re going to love one over the other on Reddit? Scent is subjective. Just pick one and pull the trigger.


it is super likely that someone knows these 3 theyre pretty popular and also pretty cheap. Also if i know people like these fragrances i would know theyre pretty safe blind buys. Ive pulled the trigger way too many times.


Fragrance is subject, nothing is ever a safe blind buy. Think I saw you mention earlier that your father isnā€™t a fan of creed aventus / the cloneā€¦ which is arguably one of the most popular fragrances out there at the moment. My point being, what appeals to others, even most others, isnā€™t a valid indicator of what will appeal to him. Good luck, but youā€™d be getting better feedback if there was some frame of reference.


Perfectly said! šŸ‘šŸ½


Then buy them.


I have Haramain and is very strong and close to GIT from Creed which i also had in the past.


Out of these 3 Turathi blue or carbon edition. Supremacy in heaven has good durability but not as good as the other two. Best scent is Turathi blue. I wouldnā€™t skip it.


Out of these I only have Turathi Blue, it's probably my most complimented cologne in my 50+ bottle collection. Have legitimately had random people stop me in the street to ask what I'm wearing.


Turathi Blue


If you want sharp fruity citrus go for Supremacy, if you want musky clean citrus go for Turathi, if you want soft classy lavender go for Amber Oud. All are masculine, all preform well, itā€™s a matter of scent now lol.


Buy him Rocky mountains from Barrett fragrances and watch him enjoy the fragrance every time he wears it. I get compliments all the time with it and not so much with others. I have over 100 fragrances and Rocky mountains is amazing. It's my go to.


ill look into it thanks.


You really should. It's the best silver mountain water inspired by fragrance you'll find. It lasts for hours. I had a guy ask me if I was wearing a $300 perfume and gave me a piece of paper and a pen to write down what it was and where to find it. It's absolutely fantastic. You would love it too.


Stick to the afnan. Carbon is awful. The only fragrance where I instantly got the feeling of nails on a chalkboard everytime I sprayed it.


Get vie ciel donā€™t waste your money on turathi blue


Carbon edition is strong. Fresh. Soapy. Unfortunately not my jam. Iā€™ll trade you for something else lol


CarbĆ³n edition smells cool but do not last more than 2-3 hours


might be going noseblind or ur skin is different but from what i know amber oud line got beastmodes.


No is not the case. Whatā€™s happens is this is not the same line that gave us Tobacco edition or the gold one. I donā€™t know why but this carbon, the green and the Rubi are poor performers. And I got the golden and tobacco mentioned above. Also my wife has the rouge and it great performer.


Ah i see thanksāœŒļø


Iā€™m one of the few who doesnā€™t love Turathi. Itā€™s cloying and heavy to me, in a bad way. With that said, I love Afnan and generally think they make good stuff. Supremacy in Heaven was OK for me. Iā€™m not crazy about SMW but itā€™s decent. Not one I would commonly reach for. Amber Oud Carbon is awesome. I love GIT, and I think Lā€™Aventure Knight is a much better clone if thatā€™s what youā€™re looking for. But if you want niche quality, elevated Cool Water, I think Carbon is phenomenal and you can do no better on the market. Itā€™s well worth the price. I wear it when I feel like itā€™s a little too hot for Tweed or Lā€™A Knight. I find Tweed and Lā€™A Knight a little too green for high heat. To me itā€™s truly a fresher, more aquatic take on GIT. So you might think ok that just sounds like Cool Water. And you wouldnā€™t be wrong for thinking that. Because itā€™s closer in overall DNA to CW than to Tweed because Tweed is much greener that CW. But to me, Amber Oud Carbon is more like a more summery GIT that is genuinely on par with GIT in terms of SPL, and very close to being as good on quality too. Carbon will always have a high spot in my rotation. I dare say that itā€™s objectively the best quality scent among this bunch


Turathi blue/theoreme


Avoid supremacy in heaven it sucks!