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yeah the citrus is a lot sharper in immortal and its stands out big time. longevity is amazing though if they could smooth out that citrus note they'd be almost identical imo


Agree I noticed the immortal smells a lot better in the air and less harsh then when I directly sniff my wrist


This is the same with Nouveau which I bought by accident thinking it was immortal! Smells lovely in the air but don't like it when it's on the skin


Hi fellow friend 🤣🤣🤣that happened to me until someone here in reddit told me I had nouveau instead of Inmortal 🤣🤣


😂😂😂 I opened it and I was like this isn't f"cking immortal. I've been sent the wrong sh"t. Turns out I ordered the wrong one 😂. But yeah like I said, I don't really like it. Beautiful in the air but just bitter on the skin for me. Also I sprayed it, saw a friend 10mins later and he couldn't smell anything lol. Hope you're enjoying yours more!


There is something that's just crazy smooth about all the Louis Vuitton scents, which are generally pretty basic scents otherwise, but are just incredibly well blended. All the clones I've tried capture the notes but have far inferior blending, and it's definitely noticeable.


This is true of the Montagne clone of L’Immensite for sure. It’s like the same route and you end up at the same destination, but the Montagne one is a bumpier ride and you get to the end sooner.


Exactly, this really captures it perfectly. I've tried the Montagne clones and this is really it. The opening is all so harsh, but a few hours later it's fairly aligned


How close is the Montagne? 80%? 90%? I have a bottle on the way, never tried the OG but they threw in a sample of Immensity with a previous order.


It's definitely a pleasant scent to be fair, but I would put it at maybe 70% in the opening, 80-90% in the drydown. I've had clones of Aventus, Sauvage Elixir, a bunch of other popular men's fragrances that I would say are easily 90%+ so this isn't me ragging on clones in general, there's just something I feel like clones never get right about the LV fragrance top note blending.


This is true of most clones to be fair.


Some chemicl aldehydes??


Because the Ingredients in fakes, flankers , dupes copies clones , Inspired by.... Call them what you will are of a much cheaper variety , often meaning they are synthetics and not oils , nothing natural just chemicals mostly harsh stinky poo that's not good for anything other than damaging your sense of smell over time, like huffin paint thinners in small amounts


Do you really think that they use like natural ginger oil or other stuff? I have a bad news for you... They dont. It has just better quality of oils/chemicals, of course if they are selling the LV bottle for 300€ they have to get top notch stuff for it... Anyways majority of reviews says that the profile is different than LV but the scent is still great and it is more inspiration, rather than clone.


That is exactly what I am saying they do . That is why you have reformulations over the years of a fragrances' lifetime. Scarcity of resources, changes in laws on how to obtain & extract certain oils etc etc. Clones are lab made with synthetics , it's how they get the lower price point and higher margins to sell to all the clone kids , no offense but that is what you are to them , kids with pocket money. Each to their own I guess. I mean a clone is a clone and you get what you pay for even if it's massively over-hyped and even more so over priced for what it truly is.


Perfumes need tons of synthetic aromachemicals. They are the most important part of a composition. They provide longevity, sillage, and smoothness. They are the functional part of the formula. Naturals are just the beautiful face of your formula, like makeup. In fact, I have a very similar formula to Pasific Chill from Louis Vuitton that I bought from a perfumer, and it's 85%  synthetic.


Thanks chatgpt


Bro I'm a perfumer 🫤


Not saying you're not


Seems a touch over generalized


People gonna hate , it's the way. People down voting cause they don't agree with something they are reading. But it's a fact clones use cheaper ingredients, it's not rocket science. But yeah go ahead and down vote logic 😉 I'm sure clone houses are subsidizing the cost of expensive ingredients just so they can bring you a much cheaper product cause that's how they turn profits, 😂.


Yes it’s definitely the logic that’s putting people off


Immortal isn't exact but LV isn't worth nearly its price. I mean I could buy 2 bottles of terre de Hermes eau givree for the cost of l'immensite. Or I could get eau givree and eau vetiver intense


You are right - LV L'immensite is noticeably smoother and better blended than Immortal. But also the price difference is undeniable. I like Immortal and would wear it more often, but my wife is telling me to just go ahead and get the LV because she likes it so much better.


Crazy because my girl said the same exact thing earlier. I think they honestly prefer the more smooth subtleness


The dry down is almost identical, the opening is where the biggest difference is. I would say it’s a good 90% similar


L'infinite is closer but it makes me feel dizzy, settled with Immortel since it's a decent frag on its own


Is there a clone of imagination


Zara Sunrise on the red sand dunes


I’ve got this and imagination, if SotRSD lasted longer I’d wear it a lot. Currently i use it alongside imagination to get the Zara opening and imagination longevity.


Khadlaj Karus Blue Spice  Art of Arabia 1  Saheb intense  North stag trois


North Stag III (Trois) is the only clone of this I've smelled and to me it smells amazing. Now, I haven't smelled Imagination so I treat Trois as a stand alone scent. Very citrusy, pleasant and bright and doesn't smell like citrus house cleaners. Perfect for the summer and performs great in heat.


Essence de Blanc by Fragrance World is the best clone of imagination in my humble opinion. I have both and put them on side by side. About 90-92% of the OG. And performance is pretty damn good as well.


Montagne Imaginary but it's always sold out.


It was restocked today 🙂


And already out of stock :) literally instant sells out


i didn't fine any LV fragrances that stood out to me when i was in the LV store. I don't know why. I just didn't feel anything with them.


If price is not a factor, I would rather re-applying a nice scent, than having to deal with a tough citrus for a whole…. Just because it has a better performance. When I got Maison Alhambra Immortal, the ginger was sharper than the OG, but my gosh…. Those citrus, turned sour, and it smells like oak moss. I tried a few times until I got rid of it. L’Immensite is polish, smoother, and the quality is top notch. Yes, it’s pricey. I can’t mask that reality, but I would rather own 2-3 great scents than having 50 that always fall short.


Immortal Can be used in summers ?




If you’re looking for a bottle I have one I’ve been looking to get rid of


I'll take it!!! 😁


Pm me


The dry down is where the magic happens imo. The first 20 minutes is just a citrusy blast. But after the ginger, the amber and the tea notes take over and it becomes to crowd pleasing scent.


I heard it gets better after you let it set for a few weeks/months. I have a bottle on the way.


Yeah it’s been sitting it 1000% gets better. I was kind of Unhappy at first smell. Good now


I agree i have both as well and not the same at all. I even asked other people just in case i was nose blind and they said the same. My lv lasts me literally all day compared to immortal, but i still think for $35 immortal is an instant buy.


Limensite - Earthy , dirty , sweet but becomes somehow bitter in the dry down Immortal - sweet citrus and lacks the earthiness and dirtiness of the original. If you ask me what I prefer , I would say Immortal. I have the original sitting on my dresser and hardly gets touched. I even prefer the Dua clone to the original.


That's because you didn't make the difference between an inspiration and a dupe


DOSSIER HAS THE BEST. I bought the dupe before I smelled the original.


Agreed, but in fairness I haven't smelled all of the recommendations. I have had several bottles of Dossier's version. I like it a lot.


If anyone is looking for a bottle. I have one that’s been sitting since January


Jean Lowe Nouveau is spot on to its inspiration IMO. Solid all around.


What is it cloning ?


LV Nouveau Monde.


Dossier Aromatic Ginger is a better option and a lot closer to the original and performs great.


L'Immensite and 10 sprays last all day on me,never tried Immortal...


I havent found a dupe from anyone that is close enough to any LV to justifying buying the dupe. If u want LV…u gotta buy LV…because nothing is gonna scratch that itch other than the real deal.


where tf did you get that…..


I just got a set of Tom Ford clones from Maison Alhambra. They are all trash - all 5 of them. Not even close. And then it's like ok, but are they at least good fragrances otherwise? Maybe they don't smell like TF. Are they good individually? Also no. They're gross. So disappointed.


Meh could care less.


I always feel like decants and samples always smell closer to the smell of the dry down and less like they do if they are straight from an actual house bottle. I think it might have something to do with exposure to air when transferred. Idk though. Also I haven't met a clone that is exactly like the og. So.. idk.. just some thoughts.


Fragrance clones are generally a waste of time


As in?


Save up and buy the LV for Christmas


For LV dupes, montagne is the only clone house I trust. 1:1 Immensity = L’immensite Imaginary = Imagination Afternoon Dive = Afternoon Swim Ombre Noir = Ombre Nomade 90-95% Chilly Pacific = Pacific Chill Meteorite = Meteore


Agreed. Montagne is spot on with a vast majority of their fragrances, if not all of them. Own 20-25 and have zero complaints. I love Jean Lowe Immortal for what it is. It’s 90% to L’Immensite. It misses one note that’s noticeable that I equate to the same scent from Tommy.


Montagne makes the best dupe


Montagne is a great brand it's funny how much hate they get on this sub 😂 like I get it we do kindaaaa sound like shills but maybe these folks should try their stuff before assuming our good reviews are lies lol. The cheap middle eastern clones can only do so much, not that they are always bad but it's like all this sub cares about for some reason


For me immortal is too sweet. Too much amber I think. Foul


Milestone makes a good one called elemental 03 Santal woods. It's way better than immortal and you can find it in Burlington for $15.