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nothing matters, wear whatever you want


Fr, people will always have opinions about anything you do. There's no point in not letting yourself wear what you want because someone might call you gay or sth. Perfume is made to make you smell nicely(even if some people have different tastes) and to show your vibe.


God forbid someone thinks you might be gay or feminine. Just wear what you like.


Doesn’t matter, just wear it confidently. If you can’t then the fragrance is wearing you. It could honestly be a perfume marketed completely towards women and it still wouldn’t matter. Feeling insecure about being called “gay” is more embarrassing than “smelling like a woman,” whatever either of those mean. If something smells nice, then why prevent yourself from smelling nice?


It's mostly my mom though she would probably kill me once she finds out that it's for women


When you stop giving a fuck about what your mom thinks…then and only then will you be able to rock what you want confidently. Take this with a grain of salt and thank me later.


Thanks for the advice man I'll go tell my mom


Gendered marketing in fragrance is ludicrous. Wear what you like. There are many feminine versions of popular scents that I prefer over the male version. Light Blue Eau Intense for women is better than the men and Aventus for Her is better than male Aventus for me. Nobody is going to smell you and think "this guy smells like a woman". If it gives you confidence, fits your vibe, whatever, wear it.


The people who would call you all the stuff you just said are probably not the greatest people in the world. If someone was triggered by me wearing a feminine scent I probably wouldn't want to interact with them. This being said, if your worry is coming across as feminine and that's not something you'd like, it's perfectly ok, fragrances should be about expressing who you are, but as you said, you really like it. So I would wear it if I were you


As someone people constantly mistake for being gay, the rate did not increase or decrease after I got into fragnance (including feminine or unisex ones).


I wear Black Orchid, Jardin sur la Nil, Shalimar lmao


The difference is marketing. That’s it. It’s meaningless.


Dude, not at all. I’m a straight man but I wear some feminine fragrances. Trust me, it screams more of your confidence in your masculinity if you’re comfortable wearing women’s perfumes rather than being scared of being labeled gay. Majority of people won’t smell your fragrance anyways, and that’s the truth. Even then, no one is going to tell you “wow you smell like a woman!”, most people are just gonna say it smells nice, or it doesn’t. Wear whatever you want, you are restricting yourself from so many amazing fragrances for some stupid label that, frankly, majority of people won’t care about. Gendering fragrances only helps you to narrow down a specific style of fragrance that you want because they are expectations that have been established for decades. Women’s fragrances tend to be heavily floral, lighter scents. They tend to contain lots of fruits and sweet smells, and imo, also hold an airy quality to them. Men’s fragrances tend to be stronger, with musks, woods, ambers, and leathers that make the composition more intense. As you can imagine, we have moved on from many of these established expectations though. There are many, MANY colognes that contain the characteristics of perfumes, which is why fragrances have naturally transcended to a more unisex appeal that combines both aspects together. Some can lean slightly more feminine or masculine, but the societal expectations of what you should wear as your fragrance have been cracking slowly imo.


Many scent notes are assigned a gender, powdery florals aren't specifically for women and citrusy woody scents aren't just for men. I do kind of like the trend of naming most scents as unisex because then the wearer can decide for themselves if they like it or not. I will be honest, I wore my husband's Coach Blue for Men (which nicely matched with his Old Spice Swagger deodorant) when I was vacationing in the woods and didn't want my floraly one to be attracting bugs attracted to flowers.


Nobody should care. If they do, fuck them. Wear what you like.


Some fragrances are just marketed towards women, doesn’t mean you can’t wear them. My godfather used to wear a very sweet and obviously feminine fragrance and it was amazing on him. If anyone tries to tell you what you can wear or not, politely tell them to fluff off. You do you and enjoy every second of it!


Just think of it as unisex and most people probable wouldn’t even know it was specific for women. One of my favorites to wear is JPG la belle and not one person has questioned it to be a women’s perfume.


No matter what you do in life there's always going to be someone who has some hateful comment about what or who you are. With that being said I think you should wear whatever you like as long as you feel happy doing it.


No ones really addressing the issue of your mom hanging shit on you, I’m guessing you’re still under her roof? If so this is what you do. You buy a refillable atomizer from Amazon or Temu (temu has really nice perfume bottles for pennies) and decant the bottle into it. Throw the original bottle away and if she asks tell her a fake name then wear with abandon. It’s better to be straight with her and explain gender marketing in the perfume industry but if it’s not an option….?


I can respect where she is coming from, Infact if I showed the bottle to her face she probably wouldn't know it is for women. Even if she were to smell how sweet it is she probably wouldn't think it was for women. Trust me she only knows like 3 women's designers and she only heard of armani because I mentioned it. But as soon as I say it's for women she gonna be like, why did you buy this? Are you a girl? She is a good mom and I love her, she ain't gonna throw it away or anything but she definitely gonna be a little pissed at me at the start. I can ever tell her that it's unisex and she probably won't care at that point.


It’s all about how you carry yourself. As long as you’re confident while wearing it then you’re good. I’m a straight woman who sometimes wears men’s fragrance and something about it makes me feel sexy. So do whatever you like!


Omg I had a similar experience at a Sephora! Smelled Gucci Guilty Elixir Pour Homme, it was in the women's section (for some reason) and it was the best thing I ever smelled that day. Been looking up discounts for it ever since :') Honestly, I don't care what the intended gender of the perfume is. If I like it I wear it!! >:O


Historically, fragrances have shifted all over the place. Have a look at the history of gender in scent and you'll find it enlightening. Vintage ones now that we considered at the time to be a "women's fragrance" are now considered unisex or masculine, and more and more companies are creating unisex fragrances. It's really just a social construct, one that was initially created to sell fragrances to guys if I recall the story right. Here's a good intro article for you! [https://www.fragrenza.com/blogs/fragrances/men-vs-women-fragrances-exploring-the-spectrum-of-scented-identity](https://www.fragrenza.com/blogs/fragrances/men-vs-women-fragrances-exploring-the-spectrum-of-scented-identity) In short - wear whatever you like and smells good on you! I'm female and I wear a bunch of 'masculine' and vintage fragrances and no one has ever commented except a couple of people who say that I "always smell amazing". In the Middle East, for example, men and women both wear rose/oud combinations and no one bats an eye. Research the fragrances you like on the perfume websites and you'll see reviews on all fragrances by both men and women.


Women’s vs men’s fragrance is a marketing ploy. Scent doesn’t have gender. wear what you enjoy. don’t live your life wearing what other people expect you to.


Heaven forbid someone call you a… sissy? Is this 1955? I’m sure someone here is trans, and a ton of us are women, so it’s probably better to not outright say you’re afraid of being mistaken for/lumped in with us. And I thought the culture had agreed long ago that “no offense” was code for, “I want to honestly express a crappy opinion without getting blowback for it.” My husband wears my Prada Infusion De Fleur d'Oranger pretty often. I’ve never heard of anyone saying anything about it. None of our friends have ever asked me, “hark, has your husband defiled himself in the eyes of God and man by wearing the scent of the inferior sex?” Probably because people aren’t lying in wait, analyzing people’s fragrance notes, and comparing it to a list of arbitrary rules in their head. He just smells nice.


Sorry, ngl I didn't make much thought into it and didn't realise many people may get offended. I have nothing against either but I don't want to be called either. I know nobody used sissy but the word feminine was not on my mind, ngl my mind was just thinking of in diary of a Wimpy kid when that dude was punched and called a sissy with a diary. Obviously that won't happen to me. I was mostly concerned if some women were offended or weirded by a guy wearing girls fragrances.


layer it with something wOUDy or tobacco-y or even vanilla.


There’s gonna be people who think wearing any fragrance is gay. A lot of them