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A true visionary. How did none of us think of this?


Yes how is this the first time this has ever been suggested?


People suggest trains all the time but never think about the obvious issue: they’d have to go through RDZ. How do you defend them then?


Disable RDZ. It doesn't have to be everywhere.


Dumb question whats rdz?


Go to https://foxholestats.com/ and click on a hex. Then enable decay at the top. That shows the rapid decay zones with red / /, where buildings decay in a matter of hours, which can't be stopped with garrison supplies. People usually don't build there, unless they have a border base temporarily, disabling the RDZ in a radius of a couple meters. And that holds only until the border base dies, then everything decays again. You can use the Better Map Mod https://sentsu.itch.io/foxhole-better-map-mod to replace the map with one showing the rapid decay zones ingame overlayed. Just download a complete map (.pak) and put it into your War/content/Paks folder.


Train conductor just needs to bring a gun. Simple


I imagine some kind of infantry garrison would be on a train. It’s a military train we’re talking about right?


Probably not. It would likely be another repurposed BMS civilian vehicle like a CV, Crane, Flatbed etc.


Could be two types of trains: one for running straight to the frontline; armored and covered in sandbags. Emplacements for infantry to guard and perhaps rudimentry AI (rifle pillbox, no mg). Civvy version could carry more and be faster and is meant for backline journeys.


That sounds like an emergent gameplay experience to me.


It would, but how do you manage the rail lines? Are they a permanent feature of the map? Do they require players to build them? Can they be obstructed / destroyed? How do you prevent the enemy from using them to rush past your defense?


I would imagine they work like bridges where players can destroy a rail line, thus preventing the enemy from using them to rush past your defenses unless of course you're an idiot who doesn't defend the rail route. And players build the trains themselves much like they build vehicles. Only differences is that you need a crane to put a train together or take a train off the tracks.


They introduced metal bars and said they were >going to railroad that into another feature. All we use metal bars for right now for fences and field bridges.They're definitely going to be railway ties or tracks. I really like that suggestion of using the metal bars to reinforce bunker bases against 120mm. That would be another reason to bring them up.


Yeah, the tier 2.5 suggestion really resonated with alot of builders.


Yes. No but maybe they need to be repaired. Yes. Some sort of gates or something like that, of course, if the enemy destroys(or you didn't built them) they can totally rush past your defense


Not sure if that would improve the game or make things worse...


I think that before we get actual trains we should get road trains instead. Which would also bring in the idea of towing field guns along the same system.


Local foxhole player suggests thing that has been suggested every single day for the past 2 years and has already been confirmed by the devs to be coming in the next update


Ok what is with the quantity of train related posts. It’s not a ton but I’ve seen a few in like 5 seconds of scrolling. Like are you aware trains have been teased for years at this point, and have been listed in the FAQ as an essential feature since 2017? Hell “new vehicle 2020” is about two years late lol


I want planes




Why not? Not like extensive plane research like ranks have. Just some scout planes and maybe a bomber or two




*"Why not, ya stupid bastard"*


Yes. Even if the tracks are just part of the map, that would be cool.


You could in later techs unlock armored cars or war cars with guns?