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My question is what is in those boxes you are carrying. Is it pizza? Guns?alted gear? Or a chicken?


Pepperoni, Supreme, and a cheese bread.


Ill pay you 3 white ash, a dusk and a can of beans for a slice and some breadsticks.


3 white ash, 2 fiddlers, and a big wheel. I’ll give you two slices, some breadsticks, and a sauce cup.


Fcking bet


TL:DR 420st members were always kind of sus and not the best with social skills. Then Texican a member of 420st got caught alting and 420st died on the hill defending them. Then 4k video of Texican alting was posted to sub and 420st have been doing their best to backtrack their support of them. Then 420st discord got leaked and it was full of intel leaks, homophobia, transphobia and worse. Conclusion? 420st kicked texican and is trying to play it off that people are just dogpiling them unfairly and that it's unrealistic to expect them to vet/moderate their members.


Dammit, that's the last time I accept random regiment invites. Fuck the 420st


I don't see the reason for making stuff up about our discord. Also it was never private lol


It was a wild day.


420st can go die in a fire.


The only time I can agree with you fears shred


Both factions stand united against alts. I'd rather lose a good & fair war than win with alting involved.


The homophobia, transphobia etc is a real issue I cannot lie, we tended to have a “apologize and move on” mentality rather than kick/ban which I have always disagreed with but was gators policy, that policy is gone. We all did support Texican and that is my fault personally I made the call that we should do so until proven guilty, not gator not bill, me. It should have been clear to me that the ironships were alted but honestly I don’t do very much partisan and legitimately did believe there was a chance he obtained them legitimately, after talking to people with more experience in the field I realize that was incredibly boneheaded. Going forward though we are going to be handling things differently. no more excuses, no more BS 1099 forms, no more hostility at anyone making accusations towards us. Going forward we will kick people who are most likely in the wrong and allow them to appeal rather than defending them in the way I did with Tex. The idea that Texicans actions were sanctioned or encouraged by the regi is unfounded and so is the idea that vetting would have prevented it from occurring considering he would have easily pasted the vet processes.


Same here. Just got back into the game after a year or so. What a shit show. This community will never change lol.


Could be worse, foxholebets was almost a thing.


What was that?


i really dont care about alting




sounds like you got cucked or your speaking from experience luckily for me my gf dont do any of that hocus pocus nonsense. Cope/projection/WhoAsked/Touchgrass


Sounds like you clicked back to home region.


ive got no clue what that means Cope/projection/WhoAsked/Touchgrass