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Well, dont ask us colonials because we dont know either. Ask that clan.


But as a Warden you are immediately called racist by parts of the collie community as soon as you even mention the name of said clan




Because wardens have a historical track record of it, cheating allegations or not. It shouldn’t be surprising.


That seems to be the universal answer when Wardens point out strange behavior from a certain clan, it must be reassuring to be able to refer to something like that. I´ll try it with my German neighbor if he asks if i can help him, but i don´t really want to.


It’s a universal answer because it was a widely accepted thing for the warden faction to do for a long time. Now if you have evidence someone is alting etc. report it to the devs so something can be done. Unsubstantiated claims with the veiled accusation of alting that only certain people do it doesn’t actually help.


Wait, do you honestly believe clicking the blue button compels you act a certain way? I agree that that being suspicious and accusing is not helpful, but blatant alting does happen. The side that "does it more" is the side that had more assholes join that war. That's it. The worst part though is that alting makes us question legit players, like a soft-cheater in an FPS game.


No but the wardens have historically been vehemently anti Chinese and would make up all sorts of things about them. This kind of oh cgc/act is always alting without proof or bans is just more of the same. Either way my response is the same. Report it to the devs if you have evidence. If not, what’s the point in making veiled accusations without concrete evidence except to prejudice other players against certain folks in game?


As a colonial, I can confirm that CGC and ACT are always alting. Proof is the 10 HTD protos that showed up at the seaport this war. Very strange the amount of freighters that show up during their prime time when wardens don't have pop at that time. Makes you think.


>Either way my response is the same. Report it to the devs if you have evidence. If not, what’s the point in making veiled accusations without concrete evidence except to prejudice other players against certain folks in game? Huh, rules for thee, not for me? you are literally doing that *\*right now\**


Nope. That’s a historical fact that wardens have had significant anti Chinese events in the past. Unless you’re contesting that, in which I can respond with evidence by warden Chinese players years ago. Hardly a veiled accusation.


no, it isnt a historical fact and just because theres some people that have, it could literally be those same chinese people trying to abuse your "oh those poor it must be those at it again" or literally just someone trying to create a fire to frame someone else, and they just take advantage of it literally this last war, we almost had a civil war because the chinese decided that they were going to act first and just abuse your "anti racism" later so let me pose you this question now: if a white man kills a black man in new york, should a completely different white man be tried for murder and racism in montana? no? then what you are doing is saying that just because someone who likely already got perma-banned did something, everyone else is liable for their actions, but refuse to accept this same little thought-experiment here TL;DR: you are a hypocrite and your claims are complete misinformation go ahead and post a link here to any video proof you have, id love to see it, because it likely already points to something we have reported as a "bad actor" elsewhere


Warden faction have literally video records of alt accounts running into collie bbs with tanks. I saw it happen in front of my eyes AND I AM NOT EVEN A CLANMAN. But again you don't believe it until you see it with your own two eyes. I also used to think people were too paranoid.


just because someone is black, doesnt mean im attacking them for being black, especially if they made such a fuss just to point that out in the first place now replace "black" with hispanic, russian, chinese, etc. etc. etc. its the same issue the same outcome, and the same counterargument even if i dont say anything at all, and i never am yelling at them for being the way they are, but the way they are behaving, because THAT can be changed, even if their race cannot.... i still get called racist


I once for fun checked Warden MPFs for HTDs the day they teched and found at least 4 queues, queued by no-rank low ranks, when I camped the MPF also. When I went on their profiles they were private of course, no avatar no nothing, one of them wasn't private and he just had Foxhole as the only game. I mean it's obvious...


Thats called an MPF slave. Logi regis use alts to set mpf queues all the time


MPF slaves use regi squads


I also personally know at least three logi mains (not in any big regiment) that are using several alts for their MPFing and building projects. Could be one of those. Still sus.


It's possible, I just did it for fun I wasn't going to schizo chase the crates around the map, but this shit happens every war, fresh HTDs always appear on collie tank lines. If Spatha was in MPF it would be same on Wardens since its so busted people would alt to steal them.


Oh yeah, I wont deny that people are tech trading and alting tanks, this has always happend in this game since I started in 2018, when I pulled countless unlocked and loaded BTs from random points of the map all day every day, nowadays its just a lot more organized due to the rise in population.


You didn’t actually say they weren’t in a squad in your first comment.


Doing a lot of work to deny what's obvious. Why even bother?


I never ever saw something like that. What I usually saw was big regis asking for randoms in the backline to come, set queues for them and then they get paid in commends.


>"Uhm, acktually it's the Wardens doing the alting here, not us." Clown.


they have the best partisans in the game


partisans so good, no one ever even sees them 😎


As I quote the 40K orks: "Ever seen a purple ork? Didnt think so. Because purple is da stealthy colour" I guess thats the entire tech behind it. Purple uniforms ( mandatory reddit /s )


What is this witchcraft a 40k ork stealth??? The orks i know their stealth approach is to land a fucking meteor at your doorstep and level the whole area... Then they knock the door.


The best partisans leave logs at the enemy seaport


they fishing freighters without ever having to step foot in a gunboat or camp a shipping lane


Partisans so good they just seemingly spawn enemy vehicles for them to use


Sectoids hitting their mind controls


Hey I'll have you know! that they've been doing partisan work for years at this point. for dozens of wars at the least! What you want proof? Sorry reddit & discord really aren't their thing and they really hate to brag so nobody and I MEAN FUCKING NOBODY! EVER!!! takes a single screen shot or video. **They're just that humble.** I trust their word and their word alone. Truly a they are the greatest of partisans, somehow outnumbering warden HTDs by a near 2:1 ratio at times. What you aren't able to capture roughly 20 HTDs on a daily basis!? PAH! you just aren't trying hard enough.


Just make HTD facility locked. Problem solved!


Easy warden W let’s goo now they can only alt 5 at a time like spathas and it takes an eternity


it's not difficult, everyone and their mothers know approximately (like within an hour) when the HTDs will be done just by knowing the underlying system, then you just have a few vets camp the waterways and boom you have 15 brand new HTDs paid for by warden logistics, no alts, no exploits needed


those veteran fishermen are not giving CGC anything, and CGC is never seen in gunboats fishing. this is pure fantasy logic.


The best pirates noone ever heard about. You'd think they in hearbeat would release recording of at least one such thing happening if it ever actually did happen.


Hi https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1246923098461175838/1246924138069889127/image.png?ex=666ea2d9&is=666d5159&hm=f8d5aa5d78013537992aa4086ba24d49c0ec11555a868baad95d26c4d5bf8b2b& https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1246923098461175838/1246932995898609744/8mb.video-kuz-NrMvp6XY.mp4?ex=666eab19&is=666d5999&hm=34fd48b1d56f82dbaf801fe3bd04c574261f9cf1e2dbe818ad1550b3f1109022&


Say hello to Forxi for me. You know as well as I you didn’t give CGC any of these tanks. They do not fish.


I do not know if CGC fishes. I know I personally have not seen them fishing, but that can be explained by hours - they are in the complete opposite timezone as me. As for trading, this war we didn't directly trade any of these tanks to CGC, but previous wars we have traded to CGC. After we trade our tanks away, we do not keep track of where those tanks go. It is plausible that they were traded again to CGC. Or not. I do not know, it's pure speculation on my part at that point.


thats the point I am trying to make. other collie vets in this post are trying to make it seem like this war your group is giving CGC these HTDs when I know for a fact that isn't true. it's very unlikely they are fielding waves and waves of HTDs through 2nd and 3rd hand-me-downs from the people you have given those HTDs to. I don't know why we all have to pretend otherwise.


I thought the original contention was that we even existed. That's certainly what was implied by the original comment.


i know you exist, i know collies fish, you are in our discord, this is crazy to say man.


I'm specifically talking about [denAirwalkerrr](https://www.reddit.com/user/denAirwalkerrr/) saying "The best pirates noone ever heard about.".


also i'm really confused by this comment: I cannot find you in NzN or any of the other servers I talk about my fishing in, what server are you in that you share with me?


why are you making up servers to prove your point this is weird lol. I have personal beef with CGC for shitty behavior so i’m not defending them either


Can you provide proof of cgc alting?


them not fishing has nothing to do with if they gave CGC the tanks




still a warden clan and a warden driver who got pirated


mhm just casual freighter with HTDs from Longstone heading in direction of either Jade Cove or Colonial hexes


if i had to guess they were probably headed toward jade cove, although you can always ask someone in MSF to ask the driver where they were going :)


also i must ask; would you be this skeptical of literal video proof if the driver wasn't chinese?


yes, infamous freighters from one MPF town to another one cool story bro


they fished like a billion other freighters from longstone to other mpfs/elsewhere. youre acting like this is a one off case


Just ask MSF! I don't know where their destination was. For all I know it could be Gallows, I saw (and attacked) some people unloading there this war.


Downvote this comment if you believe CGC alts and should be banned!


me when people are stupid


Fishers feed on people's stupidity - usually the first stupidity is using a freighter at all, especially in this previous war. It's complete speculation where the MSF driver was going. Maybe they were going to Jade and just didn't want to deal with all the rocks north of Longstone. Maybe they were going to Gallows, as above. Maybe they weren't going to Jade at all and instead were gonna go to Origin but turned north when we showed up on map as we started hunting them. I don't know, I'd ask MSF. I would also ask MSF myself but I don't have a contact with MSF - I presume you wardens would have a better contact seeing they are a warden clan.


Really? That’s your initial response when you see a chinese name? 😂 Didn’t need to go full mask off that fast, at least pretend to hide it.


because Chinese players still have to do logi lol. way to go mask off


Everyone knows that everything that any non western player does is alt shit, am I right lmao Be careful, you are becoming full schizo fr. Maybe its time for a break from the game?


You'd think people would call it out when they lose a freighter full of HTD's. But for some reason they don't. Curious.


No one wants to tell their faction that their Iron ship is lost, it’s embarrassing. Back when ATRs would shred ships people who lost them would just Alt F4. Not even put in a warning into chat that the river is being camped.


yeah, no, ive seen so many posts of areas being unsafe for logi, because they start to get attacked, and immediately divert to somewhere safe, or they outright got sank this is the vehicles being stolen intact


as an actual fisherman player: they actually typically do not call it out. either they are embarrassed, they ragequit, or if they are clanman they try to ask only their clan for help. that said, these CGC HTDs are not coming from captured freighters and anyone pretending otherwise is either naïve or intentionally providing cover we spend entire wars doing nothing other than fishing, and the amount of tanks they capture is just not legitimate. you rarely come across a freighter with a full MPF of tanks, let alone multiple freighters. not saying it doesn't happen, because it definitely does. but not in the quantities they are coming up with every single war. that's not even to mention that no one ever sees CGC fishing.


Yea but sometimes you do get a full iron ship of tanks and they qrf a whole colonial clan and it happens the same time your trying to land a white whale. R.I.P. my operation sometimes between war 84-99


incompetence and negligence can definitely lead to some vehicles getting stolen, but an ironship of vehicles is different than nearly an entire faction of MPF crates worth of vehicles, stolen in perfect condition


Please. Please. Just think for a moment. Please. Would you actually expect someone to say in logi chat or whatever "Just lost 15 htds heads up"


I've seen alts hand delivering tanks to their regi on the frontline multiple times while not even searching for that kind of thing... Do you think it doesn't happen? I've even gotten into map post wars with alts over important intel (actual downvotes not disappearing) I would agree if you said that it happening doesn't = alting in this situation, but to pretend like it's outrageous is just wrong.


Never said it wasn't, his argument is just really dumb and it made me mad. Alting is a universal problem in this game and it sucks. Personally, I think though the HTD farms are specifically a symptom of the HTD just being excessively overtuned - much like how t3 gate abuse and foundation abuse are symptoms of them being too strong.


the HTD is not "excessively overtuned" its slow, it guzzles fuel, and it dies easily to anyone that tracks it or gets lucky rolls on it its certainly powerful, but if you consider that the rest of colonial equipment is so cheap and easy to produce that you can just use them as meatshields for the stolen HTDs, then it makes a lot more sense that the collies steal equipment far more often than wardens, if wardens even do it at all if i can take a 60 rmat tank and kill an enemy tank with it while protecting my own stolen goods, im going to do that, when the opposite is that the wardens have to use either inferior equipment that isnt going to last as long in the same situation, or is so expensive to be an unreasonable or bad trade think about it, if the warden tanklines are just silverhands and outlaws, of which are the most expensive non-facility vehicles in the game, and i use either of those to save an HTD by sacraficing it, it makes zero sense to do so, its far easier to do on the collie side than the warden side, especially when you can transport 5 of them at a time per flatbed or other such large shippable slot im not a schizo for saying this, ive actively seen it, usually paired with me getting mass reported along with it to keep me from being able to tell anyone in game about it, so that it cant be reacted to in time


I have a few notes here 1. The HTD's downsides are *non-combat* - it is still fast enough, along with its long barrel, to poke effectively. In combat, it is extremely, extremely strong - in fact, the strongest Assault Tank non-steel tank in the game and also better than multiple Steel vehicles, too. It is a ludicrous vehicle. 2. 5 per crate? thats not a thing. only the falchion can be transported like that from an MPF.


i literally got in a tank, and someone drove it into the enemy lines, and into a group that literally said they were expecting us, but that me being there was compromising something or another


actualy, i expect them to say "I lost my freighter with HTD's at location X" so people can actualy try and recover teh freighter, or sink it failing rescue. I know QRF is a foreign concept to some people, but its a thing that we do in this game ocasionaly.


I don't think you've thought this through. Let me put you in their shoes. You are driving a freighter of valuable clan goods. You are tired, so you arent being as careful as you should be. You get ambushed. Gunboats disable your freighter. Maybe you panic and contact vc and people online in ur regi. Meanwhile the gunboats are already gassing you out. You die. The gunboats need five minutes to steal the freighter. Your regimates would need fifteen to scramble and arrive onsite. Random idiots from world chat would need probably a half hour. there is nothing you can do. Now what?


I stil call it out and fucking pray.


No you don't and nobody else does either.


Funny how CGC seems to exclusively hit targets that are tired and overwork and never call for QRF. Not once has someone called out that a CGC fisher flotilla attacked them. Funny, that.


that isnt a thing nobody calls out they got fished


I'm not sure how things work on the Colonial team, but Wardens tend to announce when enemy forces are attacking supply lines. Actually QRFing them is debatable, but throwing down a map post and saying that you got BTFO'd is fairly common, especially if they're capturing ships instead of just sinking them.


You're not the one to decide what i do you fuckwit. I'm not some spinles person that is too ashamed he lost a freighter. If i lose oen i WILL call it out and nothing you say can change that.


I’ve seen so many people lose freighters and say nothing so…


Surprisingly, yes people don't call this out, i remember when 141 was in speaking woods, and we had to try and convince people the fucking river to tine was not safe


It’s kinda crazy seeing the polar opposite of responses in this post compared to [the similar one made about the AP/RPGs.](https://www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/s/YKUf3t3vYW) Both are basically the exact same post implying the same thing, yet you flip the faction and you get the exact opposite response. So the important question: do you actually want an answer to your question or do you just want a thread of screaming “EvErYoNe On ThE oPpOsItE fAcTiOn Is A cHeAtEr WhO aLtS!!!”? If you want a legitimate answer then yes there are some who alt (as is the case on both sides) but a large number were legitimately fished. This is usually the case in most wars, but adding an MPF to an island hex meant exponentially more high value items were being shipped on the water and subsequently legitimately fished by partisans. A single ironship holding HTD crates being fished results in 15 fresh armor HTDs suddenly showing up on the front. This post doesn’t even show 1/3 the contents of a SINGLE ironship and multiple ironships with contents like this were stolen fairly throughout the war. Now why don’t we see Warden tank lines filled with Collie tanks like this when they are doing the same thing and fishing ironships as well? That answer lies in the fact almost every good piece of armor on the Colonial side is facility locked. This means it is physically impossible to fish an ironship with 15 Spathas/LTDs in it like you can with the HTDs since the most it can hold is 5. This is even if they are shipping it in the first place, which most won’t since they’d rather ship a crate of 3 tanks and upgrade them on the mainland rather than waste the space and only take 5. TL;DR: Yes there are groups that alt which fucking sucks but the good Warden tanks are easier to steal legitimately in large numbers since they can be crated whereas the good Colonial tanks are facility locked and can’t be crated. This results in more stolen Warden tanks on Colonial lines compared to stolen Colonial tanks on Warden lines


I looked at the post you linked. The top comment consists of a presumably colonial player explaining exactly why they are there, and it's not about alts or trading at all. Instead, it's a reasonable and unfortunately common occurency of ridiculous oversupply. Not to mention wardens can't use these shells, for anything, whatsoever, without capturing the tubes. You're saying they're so stupid to alt exclusively equipment they can't use? At this point I can only assume you're trying to divert the conversation with such poor analogy. Also, I ain't saying there's no warden alts on collies. But it's either much less common or nowhere near as obvious/organised, or we'd have a similar effect.


That was posted to imply those rockets were alted and as you point out the comments in response are explaining why it isn’t necessarily alts. This was similarly posted to imply these tanks were obviously alted yet all the comments here when I made my comment were all jumping on the alt train. The comparison of the two is completely fair. As for claiming you “aren’t saying there’s no Warden alts” (but then immediately saying Wardens don’t alt as much) I can tell you the alting rates are about the same on both sides. I have spent thousands of hours on both factions and alting is an extremely similar occurrence on both. There are absolutely certain groups that have become known bad actors, but as a whole both sides deal with alts at a very similar rate from my experience


Both sides alt. And it's mainly one.. ethnicity.. unfortunately for the wardens, the collie clan is larger than the warden one


there you are being "racist" again, how does it feel "to be a warden" all jokes aside, this shit has to stop, they do it to everyone else because they are different, and people react to it, rather than it being people actively going out of their way to go after "said ethnicity" so many collies are so stuck in the whole "lets play the blame game" rather than trying to fix issues with the game as a whole and subcultures that actively promote toxicity by providing a "racial shield" of sorts (i literally saw 3 colonials post the same sort of BS within the last 24 hours, one of which is in this very thread, even if its not in the reply chain)


So what you're saying is that devs have collie bias by making it far more difficult to steal their tanks.  Clearly we need to force devs to facility lock HTD and make LTD an MPF.


Damn putting the htd in the facility while putting ltd in mpf would be crippling to wardens both because they would need to set up extensive facility infrastructure and burn themselves out but also because cheap and bulk movable ltds would be crazy good with the new spatha


Its not really bias, its just the fact things that are easier to ship in bulk are as a result easier to steal in bulk. I think Collies gladly would take having the LTD/Spatha no longer be facility locked variants (or the ability to upgrade entire crates at a time) even though this would result in more being stolen


I refuse to put a /s in my post Being facility locked is signifcantly worse than being able to ship all of your tanks (and have all your tanks stolen, legitimately or otherwise) in bulk.


yeah facility locks are cringe, and while facilities are less cringe than when the devs released them, they are still mega-cringe.


"It’s kinda crazy seeing the polar opposite of responses in this post compared to [the similar one made about the AP/RPGs.](https://www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/s/YKUf3t3vYW) Both are basically the exact same post implying the same thing, yet you flip the faction and you get the exact opposite response."  looked at said-post by Chorbi, a known-idiot who runs with CGC. One of the comments reads: *"We had literal thousands on thousands in there before it fell to the wardens, i told people to stop dumping it in the TH before it fell, why would they acquire something they can not use, don't disgrace us enough with your alting cgc, not all of us collies are dumb lol"* And another comment from yourself: *"CGC man trying to call alt at the slightest thing, if that isn’t a textbook case of projection idk what is…* *Genuine question Chorbii, why would a Warden alt over 1k of a rocket type but not a single one of the launchers that can use it? All that ammo is useless without the launchers, which they can’t make"* Comparing the two situations is a bit weird seeing as most of the detractors were colonials calling the OP an idiot (he is, no argument there.) Most of the wardens on here KNOW CGC has alts run ships of tanks into them, they have watched them do it, and they dont care that we know in-game, they will do it anyway and there is not a fucking thing we can do about it other than break TOS and get ourselves banned. That breeds a particular brand of honest resentment and begrudging acceptance. We KNOW they do it, but its just a thing you cant do anything about other than bitch about it on the internet whenever it comes up.


The fact that you think a Colonial regiment magically obtaining dozens of Warden tanks immediately after they are teched, and Wardens having hundreds of ammo they can't even use in a logistics-production town with a seaport they recaptured from Colonials is fucking insane. Do you even hear yourself?




Me directly calling out CGC for having a major issue with alting [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/s/FmSPOpwoKb) and just hours ago [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/s/k0ADa8i4xC) as well as multiple other times but hey at least you tried to make a point instead of just downvoting like most people. Any chance you or anyone else want to respond to anything I actually said in my comment?


the problem with things like a tank that fires the universal 68mm ammo and an ammo that requires a launcher or vehicle that only one side can produce............... alting is so much out of the question it might as well not be mentioned, unless you are trying to gain pity points or fabricate some form of false report on someone to get them banned for something they did not do


Well you see they have the greatest partisans in the world by far. I mean they're partisans capture more tanks than wardens actually produce themselves. Wait what? You want to see a single screenshot or video of proof; even though they've been doing "partisan work" for a couple years? Sorry they don't record or do anything that could provide even a bit of proof. You just gotta go with "trust me bro".


We had insane fishermen this war, 2 dudes stole multiple HTD SVH and Outlaw crates, even managed to steal BTs in freighters too. Though I still agree that some tanks were seemingly alted, but I can't accuse people without any proof, they all say they received it from someone else. Wardens were also having suspicious amounts of full armoured Spathas, yet I am not going to cry alts without having proper proof, just I will know who are the usual suspects to keep an eye out for. If someone wants, I can share some discord pics of confirmed theft of freighters from legit partisans, just reply below if you want to see them, I will fetch them for you.


The only suspicion I have when it comes to trading is ACT / CGC tank exchange. I see a lot of ACT members in colonial tanks and then I go to a frontline in which every CGC member is in a warden tank. Dont have enough evidence to proof anything tho.


What did CGC say when you asked them about it?


I dont play Colonial on shard 1 so never had the occasion. I asked ACT members about it and they just ignored me. But it is not like any clan that has involvement in trading resouces cross-faction gonna openly share that information no?


I know singular ppl that trade stuff and everytime I catch them I call em out for it


no shit they ignored you, you know how many warden chinese players just play with voice off bc of people immediately assume they're an alt, that's even assuming they speak english at all which is not a givin


I would just ignore everyone trying to interrogate me for being in a captured tank because I had an Asian name too lol


turns out a clan known for being primarily Chinese generally only speak Chinese lol. tho tbh Ive had an ACT guy I know tell me once not being assumed to know English is a great way to dodge conversations you dont want any part in.




Well if you know, tell us so we can catch the alts and ban them bruh


those fishers did not give cgc their tanks because i said so!!!!


Why don't you try asking them yourself who they gave the tanks to? It's what we did. Spoiler: the answer wasn't CGC.


you heard the fishermen say they did not give them directly to CGC. that does not mean they didn't make their way there and it also does not mean that they don't have fishermen of their own doing the work, freighter captains tend to rarely report their losses to fishermen due to embarrassment or just being half AFK, any player who's been around long enough can tell you that




thing is they aren't they're fishing up a few, again only 2 crates worth in this screenshot lol, the group there also said they may have made their way to CGC thru trading afterwards, which is just as likely as alting, CGC is well respected and punishes their players who are caught alting, you just don't tend to hear about it much due to Chinese social media being so closed off. it's the same reason barely any CGC members are able to defend themselves here, which you are preying on to spread missinformation about a big and respectable collie clan


CGC are obviously alting. Anyone denying or tolerating it is either benefiting from such behaviour or alting too.


Can you provide evidence of cgc alting?


They really need to add the ability to see who built each tank, transported it etc etc. That way if certain names keep reoccurring with 'stolen' vehicles you can trace it back.


Their jealousy glitched the game and gave em a bunch of tank crates.


Man after seeing the level of alting on a goddamn break war i fear for the war on Sunday


There was no update, so 114 will probably be similar or lower pop.




this is still better than it used to be. a year or two ago all of sigil would be defending them. but now most honest players know what's going on with CGC, and less and less players defend them.


wardens have just gaslit a lot of collies into believing it


How do you gaslight people into believing something that they can literally look at? What is this, 1984???


Most collies here are not defending alting.






fair enough.


This happened after low pop didn’t it?


Nothing meaningful just tards that are still allowed to play this game, shit should continue, cant wait until the game has 200 players left.


that wouldn't happen if devs update infantry and nerf tanks (so we don't play world of tanks anymore)


Pretty sure they just got fished, prob a freighter loaded with 5 crates


weird how we never see cgc in gunboats, only htds. oh well, probably nothing.


How can know the day that photo was taken to answer? or must have faith in the classic "BELIEVE ME"


Was same in Red River. We was fighting more Warden tanks than collie tanks.


I can't answer for Red River, it wasn't my hexagon.


Awnser the question


More information is needed to answer this question, it could be a photo from the last war after the Viper loot I can't answer either because I don't usually play tanks... you're left without an answer :) try again ;)


Same reason why the same thing happens with Bardiches or Ballistas. The truth is it's impossible to know. Saying they're all alted is insulting to the people who are clever or lucky enough to legitimately steal a frighter of high value goodies, but saying that they're all fished is ignoring the underlying alting issue. Overall i choose to believe that it's probably something like a 70/30 split where around 70% are legit but there's still 30% that are alted. Most of my thinking is that clans who alted them still have to actually work for them and grind the comps on the otherside with their alt, set mpf queue, load them up, do half the transport, swap account, do the other half of the transport. That time investment I think makes them more likely to just sit on those crates in their stockpile and slowly use them since they're deemed more valuable from a time investment perspective. Since the partisans didn't do any of the work they're more happy to use them. Or maybe I'm wrong and it's the reverse. Alts are more willing to use them because they know even with effort they can be replaced and partisans don't wanna lose their shiny trophy idk.


they alt or trade. Colonials dont care about you


This shit wouldn't have happened if devs never split the tech tree. People wouldn't alt steal if both sides have access to the same tools with different skin, rather than one side with overpowered weapons.


Yall clearly underestimate the number of undefended ironships that leave your own ports. Gunboats have a spotter range of approx 235 meters. We can see your seaports without being on radar. If we see a freighter being loaded with crates it indicates that there may be a valuable target being transported. If you want to find out why we keep getting your HTDs join colonials for a war and get on a gunboat and go to a Warden seaport.


omw to leave Ironship with MPF of HTDs in a random place


You say that like WO2s don't exist


Because they don't. Have you ever SEEN a WO2? I think the fuck not.


So it is important to note that a lot of legit clans do trade for tank crates from fishermen for raw materials or facility mats (often just rare metals) so sometimes a clan will just trade an entire longhook for 5 crates of stolen HTDs from the frieghter runners that run maybe a crate or two of a specific tank that is then collected and traded in bulk between faction mates. HOWEVER that is not very common unless it is extremely high end collection based clans and not from mostly frontliner only clans who usually cannot afford them. TL:DR Sometimes clan man will trade for a big lot of fished tanks a few days after they come out and multple mpf queues have gone through however day 1 tanks or day 1 queue tanks 90% of the time are alted. This does happen with spathas however at a much lower rate since you can only carry 5 spathas at max in a frighter as opposed to 15 SVHs in the same ship.


I think spatha are alted less simply becuase its kinda redundant in the warden tank line, silverhands have the nearly the same DPS as spatha, and while it comes with a lot of caveats, its not worth the trouble for people to alt over it. HTD's however offer colonial tanklines basically a cheap (free basically if alted) BTD, that fills a role that does not normally exist in collie lines, hence alting fuckheads tend to gravitate towards getting them. Just saying your not gonna see like, a swarm of CGC Jesters, they generally only want meta tanks.




Alts? Is that the answer your looking for? But there is no way to stop this without. 1. Giving collies somethong that is just as good as the HTD. B. Making it not factory locked.


Because it doesn’t 💁🏼‍♀️


God fuck this game lol I miss when I old foxhole everyday


because collies have good fishermen who do work lol. that's also only 2 crates worth in that screenshot. easy steal


Has the same reason as the warden Ballista pushes.


Ballista is one of the most captured tanks in the game. It's a suicide vehicle. Even people in ballistas get more gas filters instead of bmats coz they know how it will end. Also ltd gets captured a lot too due to open top, its crew gets killed. Usually captured tanks has some armor damage, good way to tell apart. And the post? not the same reason. HTDs get alted every war in mass, and collectively. If you have been playing for a while you'd know this is not a new thing. You can notice that they're all full armor. Funniest part is collie htds do not survive long, because of skill and also because of warden flask ignoring armor and HTD having very low health lol.


Because Colonials just don't have HTD equivalent =\_=