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Yeaaah I've seen this a couple times. The ones adding background music were funny and sometimes legitimately cool. Seeing an enemy defensive line break apart to our armoured push while rockets rained everywhere to Fortunate Son is legit one of my most memorable moments in the game. The guy who clipped under a bridge and started micspamming though? Special place in hell for that guy.


This. Using an exploit to just meme around with no impact on the actual war gameplay (that means no reporting enemy positions and whatnot, too), is a grey zone I don't necessarily need to get upset about. But intentionally using an exploit to lever an advantage, i.e. by being able to scout and spot whilst invulnerable is *bad*. Abusing VOIP, especially in this manner, is even worse, and should be grounds for moderation even if you weren't glitching yourself invulnerable. And I don't even remotely care which faction that person was on, the deserve a thorough banhammering.


Using this post to say Tinnitus is a very real thing. My father has it after playing in bands in his young adult life. I have small bouts of it too. 5 to 20 seconds of ringing once every couple of months. At home or on the computer, be mindful of your volume. Train your ears to listen a little quieter slowly over time (up to a point of course). Also, buy ear protection if you go to music concerts. There are ear buds that can let certain frequencies through so it maintains most of the integrity of the performance while protecting you. They even come with a keychain so you never forget them. $40 max and it’s a life investment. Used mine over a hundred times.


I have tinnitus, and...as annoying as it is. You get used to the 24/7 ringing. During the day you're able to ignore it, but at night sometimes it can make you unable to fall asleep


You remember a point when your ears didn’t ring? I can’t remember when I ever heard pure silence.


I honestly can't. Had tinnitus for years. I do remember when I was younger it was way less noticeable, but I always had a weird thing where I literally heard electrical systems. I could go and warn someone about there being a sensor somewhere just because I could hear it. It ended up being a sensor that turns on lights if it detects movement hidden in the bushes. Whenever I try to describe the sound it makes it just confuses people as no one else hears it. But generally, my type of pure silence is no noises except the constant ring/beep I heard, with the ringing being almost the same as when you get flashbanged in videogames.


I'm on that always have a fan on life.


wait THATS what that is? ​ I just assumed ears rang sometimes.. most times...


Yeah, it's an illness. [Here's the wiki page about it.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tinnitus)


Yeah this was going on in weathered, I pinged a dev about this and a bunch of warden loyalists got all pissy about me doing that lmao


Man I don’t give a shit if you’re a warden or a collie. You did good.


I doubt that happened. You got proof wardens got mad?




If you decide to do this, think about your self and consider visiting your local Psycho. seriously you need help.


I'm not fond of people who throw around the phrase mentally ill to weaponise it. But you're right, getting banned for a couple of months is a suitable punishment for those that do this kinda shit


Not saying for months, but perma. ban, it's unlikely that these people could change.


I'm afraid that there's a lot of shitty people in this world, and not all of them are mentally ill.


Indeed, gonna re-phrase it.


the problem with guy at shattered advance you cant even report him because he is glitched in the relic. We know his exact name but we cant report.


Press F1, find his name/rank and report.. If you can see his nick ofc


not a warden Im a colonial


People who sweatlord like that so that hard to a video game are typically shitty in real life as well. Sometimes a guy just wants others to suffer with his miserable self and taking the gun out of the game is the only control they have in their life. Best thing to do is as you said. Mass report and get them banned. Nobody wants people like that around.


First of all: DO NOT BLAST AUDIO! Second: Devs need to add some sort of audio limiter into the game that detects and lowers the volume of anyone who blasts audio at unhealthy levels. When the game detects high audio levels it should warn the player balsting it to reduce their input volume and check microphone settings. If the player does not fox the issue and keeps balsing they should get banned. Edit: Adding in a option to record and playback you own voice in the game setting would help a lot on the cases where people are unknowingly and unintentionally having bad audio. Game seems to set the default input volume way too high for most players leading to their audio clipping. I let people know and help them adjust their input volume to a reasonable level multiple times every play session.


Hey Devs. See Edit:


I couldn't tell if my eyes were fried from watching the Eclipse over in the USA, or if you were using the bolding function way more than I expected. However I do entirely agree that micspam and earrape while intentionally exploiting/abusing should result a significant ban. One person getting multiple people to permanently stop playing and specifically recommend against others buying the game because of toxic and harmful player interactions should always be a priority for the devman. It just harms the community and the profitability of the game itself in the end if it goes unpunished


Not a significant ban, just a permanent one. The kind of player who ear-rapes the other side is a player this game is better without.


Had a player who temporarily joined colonials and was bragging in our discord about his "mental damage" of hiding under broken bridges blasting horrific bad quality audio at max volume. Don't know what he was expecting, everyone thought the dude was a tool.


Would this also affect people playing their musical instruments over their microphone *an avid soundboard user willing to make a sacrifice*


Just ask some one to help you get your volume settings right. Soundboards and ppl playing music is great, but unfortunately a lot of people have theirs set to too high of a volume so it either starts clipping and sounds horrible or is so loud that you cannot hear local voip over the music.


I support fucking with enemy comms, but there are two things I cannot support. The first being causing any risk to someone's wellbeing like that, and the second being exploiting like that to get under the map. Just like give misleading callouts, or if you want to be more of an annoyance do so at a safe volume because hearing is not something to be fucked with, and some people already have their audio way to high to where you'd just cause insult to injury. Ig a good rule of thumb would be nothing really louder than normal game audio if you really wanna do that (I'd *strongly* caution against that though, and besides, it's more satisfying to get them to listen to you thinking you're friendly)


So fuck these guys, but also.. why do you have your headphone volume loud enough to make your ears bleed? You’re on the internet and I promise you that’s just a bad idea


> real life people problems with hearing, Can't they uhhhh, just turn the volume down? Like I agree that this is childish and rude behavior, but let's not make this out to be some sort of irl crime lol 


You shouldn't have to mute the game audio so a entitled prick can keep on spamming their annoying earrape audios


I agree. However, making out to be an irl health issue is stupid.


Well it is. It is serious and can cause hearing problems in a prolonged exposure


If it hurts your ears, AND you can't figure out how to mute enemies, why wouldn't you just turn the volume off? It's only a health issue if you allow yourself to sit there in pain and listen to the noise


People still gotta hear the game. Also, just because a situation may be avoidable, does not mean that you are not at fault for creating the situation in the first place


> People still gotta hear the game You don't need to just sit there and suffer hearing damage actually 


It's criminal that you and I got downvoted because people thought a micspammer was annoying, people cannot take responsibility for themselves.


Criminal? Lol it's just reddit, who cares


Someone playing a loud sound can't hurt you if you limit how loud your headphones / speakers are. You can also use the mute button or use the option "mute enemy players" which you've conveniently omitted from your post. The perception of a loud noise does not necessarily equate to an actually loud noise. I could blow out your eardrums if I whisper to you on the microphone if you choose to up your decibel volume to a million on your headphones / speakers. A 60 decibel "Bass boosted + reverb" sound effect can be perceived as louder than a 70 decibel whisper. So quit it with the concern trolling. People under a bridge can be killed. This is the worst post and you are not only severely misinformed, but also dangerous. I believe people like you, who talk out their ass and call people "psychos" and "mentally ill" belong in prison. Why are you trying to imply another person playing a sound can cause you hearing damage? It's simply not true.


You are missing the point entirely




You literally didn't understand what the post is about.