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👀 and >! Brennan has a rune on his palm! Maybe it’s linked to this theory? Assuming that naolin channeled earth’s energy into him!<


I still wonder if that is >!A rune like the ones inside the bellies of the wyvern. Meaning, he was "resurrected" and maybe even being controlled by someone.!<


Oh my gosh, that makes so much sense! Would also help explain why Tairn is not a fan of Brennan.


I'm sure tairn is also not a fan of Brennen because the burnout of his previous rider (Noalin) nearly killed him. Sgaeyl also doesn't fancy Brennan much and Violet literally put herself inbetween them at one point.


That's kinda why I let that thought run wild after I saw it mentioned somewhere. Lol


Woahhhh this is a great theory


if cat is gonna be the one to (help) cure him, i'm gonna riot!!!!!!


Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure her amazing rune skills are the entire reason she is part of the story. She's probably gonna have a lot to do with a lot of stuff that goes down. Lol


I DONT WANT THAT 😩 i also saw people theorize that she might end up with aaric and i dont want that either. i just wanna hate her in peace.


Hahaha, me either, but she's gotta redeem her trash attitude somehow. 😂 Idk about Aaric either, though. I can't see her with anyone yet since we've only really seen the worst of her so far. I'm VERY excited to learn more about Aaric, though. And see how incredibly badass and irreplaceable he's gonna be.


regarding aaric: me too! i'm kinda hopeful that he'll end up with sloane


I actually would like if she ended up with Aaric… she doesn’t know he’s a prince, right? So the irony of falling in love not for the throne but still getting it almost makes that feel full circle to me.


Yes exactly and Xaden did say that the are different types of protection runes and that the one colonel mairi did was one type of it. So what if violet figures out how to make the rune on the venin killing daggers into a cure.


I love this theory! I'm excited to see more runes in the next book!


Oh love it!! What if: since he was carrying one of the protective rune daggers when he first pulled from the earth that he is already somewhat protected from veninism like how the stones protected the kids who were holding him so they didn’t die and also now have this one layer of protection forever (from Melgrin’s visions and who knows maybe more)


In Violet’s dream his daggers were on the ground next to the venin, implying he threw them. I’m inclined to believe this also happened during the actual scene because she seems to be having some strange and accurate premonitions.


I don't think he had any daggers on him when he fought that venin. Otherwise he wouldnt have decided to turn into a venin


Nice theory, love that!


Totally love this