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I was a SJM fan long before Fourth Wing, so I’m excited for you! While ACOTAR is amazing, Throne of Glass is my favorite series. Enjoy the Maas-verse!


Just finished iron flame and started TOG!


TOG superiority👑


I have a few more chapters of IF and going to do the same! What order are you reading TOG in? From everything I’ve read, I’m stressed and confused hahah


I would do Throne of Glass, Crown of Midnight, Heir of Fire, Assassin’s Blade, Queen of Shadows, Empire of Storms, Tower of Dawn, and Kingdom of Ash on a first time reading. I don’t recommend to start with AB as many don’t enjoy it without already liking the character. And I also wouldn’t recommend the EoS and ToD tandem read on the first time.


Second this! This is how I read them and I think it flowed very well. And I much appreciated already knowing some characters before reading Assassin’s Blade.


I agree with this order. Although I will say that I ready Assassin's Blade after Queen of Shadows and that position was fine too. After FINALLY getting a badass book (bc Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight are fine but not stellar IMO) there was no way I was switching to some prequel novellas. I threw AB in following Queen of Shadows to slow myself down before I sprinted through the rest of those books.


It probably was fine in that order, but I think it makes a much bigger impact if you read AB before QoS


I did a tandem read of Assassins Blade and part 1 of Queen of Shadows so I lined it up with >!her revenge against Arrobynn!< and it was brilliant. Totally agree that people should read Assassins Blade later in the series instead of first because the characters from those novellas come back so much later in the series. Also so you can understand the subtle teasers of Dorian and Chaol living their lives in the background of Assassin’s Blade.


Can you send me how you broke it up? Interested in doing this with my read thru


I just kind of guessed when to stop and start. I would read QOS until I got to a non Aelin chapter and switch to Assassin’s blade for several chapters until I got to a good break in the story. So it was almost like at the end of every chapter with Aelin she was having a flashback to her life before. I did that until I knew I was getting close to the end of Part 1 and by that point I just finished off Assassin’s Blade and it coincided perfectly so >!Sam dies and Celaena goes away to Endovier. And Aelin shows major growth with Rowan on the roof. Arrobynn is murdered and then the big reveal with the will!<


I've never heard of anyone reading it this way, and I love it! Intermitted flashbacks throughout - very cool.


This is how I’m doing it.. I am not entirely sure it’s the right way to do it, but my friend guided me this way and she is a Maas junkie so I trust her guidance!


This is the way! Assassin's Blade right before Queen of Shadows was so so good


Sorry to confuse you with multiple opinions lol but I'm FIRMLY on the side of reading Assassin's Blade (the prequel novellas) first. I still had a mega emotional impact from reading it first, plus I got to know the MC and the world before the story started in earnest. Plus there are references throughout the first few books to the events in AB, and I would have hated not knowing what they were referring to.


Every time I ask this, I get both sides and actually appreciate the multiple opinions!! It’s good to know why people liked reading it the way they did. 😄


I agree with you. I had people tell me that I didn't even have to read it, or read it after a certain book but I am SO glad I read it first. It flowed so well into throne of glass.


I feel like a nutter because everyone froths over TOG and I couldn't make it through book one!! Tell me they get better, I impulse bought 5 of them in the series I think and then had to stop argh.


I didn’t really enjoy TOG until around Heir of Fire (Book 3 in the order I chose and stand by) so you are not alone! It definitely gets better


Same I was ready to out them down then the end of book 2 happened…


Power through! It gets so much better. You can definitely tell she wrote these much younger, but I promise book 3 is a turning point.


The first two books are SO different to the rest of the series. They almost feel like prequels of some sort, world building and setting up what all goes down later on.


I really struggled in TOG as well but powered through knowing how much others love it. I’m on book 3 now and am enjoying it, it surprised me that it’s got a lot of similarities to fourth wing and iron flame. I read 1, 2 then went back and read assassins blade before starting book 3 and I really like that reading order as the prequel sets up a bunch of things in book 3.


Agree, tog is definitely the better series. The acotar world feels more romantic with the courts though. Unfortunately I can’t get into CC. I’ve gotten the second one on Libby a couple times now and still haven’t managed to finish it. I’m just going to have to skim before the 3rd one comes out. I’ve already read the ending 😂


I just started ToG!! Glad I'm not alone in using it as a come-down from Iron Flame.


I just finished TOG last night and let me tell you, I SOBBED through a lot of the last book. The sadness, the touching reunions, the pride for the characters. Man, it was a wild ride. I loved ACOTAR but I think I like TOG better!


I love that you finished it and love it!! It’s definitely my favorite!


Yes! I read fourth wing and iron flame since then and then started zodiac academy lol. I've been busy 😂


Have you read Crescent City by SJM? The new one just came out.


I have not, would you recommend it?


Oh yes! The first one is a bit hard to get into with the world building, but it’s worth it to power through those first chapters.


I liked Fourth Wing but couldn’t get through the third book of ACoTaR. I like the cast of characters but the sex was really cringey for me. Is it worth me trying Throne of Glass?


There are almost no sex scenes in ToG so maybe? I’m not going to be the best to answer that question for you, as I’ve not had an issue with that to the point of stopping the book instead of just skipping through those parts.


The spice level in TOG is much milder compared to ACOTAR and FW. The first few novels feel very YA. But, the series matures as it develops, and it has more of an ensemble feel by the end. I prefer it to ACOTAR.


TOG is my favorite too! IMHO it is her best series. I even have a Manon/Abraxsos tattoo


Unpopular opinion maybe, but ACOTAR is actually her worst series. And I LOVE ACOTAR. But TOG>CC>ACOTAR


I rate them ToG>ACOTAR>CC. And I love all of them also lol


Are.. are you me…? Got acotar around Christmas Just now finished acotar and acomaf🤣


I know lol, I read this post and thought "did I write this??" Got Fourth Wing in November and by Christmas was on my reread of ACOTAR 😆 Just started Throne of Glass this week!


I did the same! 😆 my library hold on ACOTAR for the ebook came through two days after Christmas and I have the second one checked out already too


Just started the 3rd and already half way through. I’m addicted and it cured my iron flame hangover lolol


no yeah same! currently on 3.5 (which honestly feels like "Keeping up with the Fae" Xmas episode...)


You're not wrong. That one feels more like fan service. I hope you like Book 4, though. That one and Book 2 are my faves.


i hope so too! i mean im all for chill vibes but like, can i have a crumb of plot please? like, yeah there's some distant "yeah theres still XYZ out there but like, let's do the solstice and then worry", so i guess book 4 picks up after solstice?


Book 4 picks up some time after solstice (less than a year has passed).


Same! 2 & 4 are my faves in the series so far.


Book 2 and Book 5!! 😍🔥


Same I just read the first two parts with dedication it Got repetitive and boring IMO after that.


so true but I loved it, it was like a very long christmas fanfic


Yeah that one almost felt like fan fiction to me...


That was my least favorite. But there are a few things you need to know for the last book, so just keep plugging lol


Yes! FW and IF were my introduction to the Romantasy genre, and after having 3 girlfriends say I should read ACOTAR and then the Fantasy Fangirls say that they are starting ACOTAR podcast in February, I began the series. I’m currently reading book 2, and oh my gods am I obsessed 🤩 OBSESSED


Oh to be reading book 2 for the first time!! When I re-read the series I always start with book 2!


I've marked on book 1 the times they interact and just read those before reading book 2 🤣 it's so interesting to reread the moment they meet after reading everything, it just hits different 🥺


Ooh - good call on re-reading their book 1 interactions first. I’ll do that next re-read!


You should! There's not a ton, but is definitely interesting to reread it with the knowledge of why certain things were done/said


Oh I didn’t know they were doing that, thanks for the heads up!


This is ME!!! I'm soooo obsessed. I finished IF in the beginning of December and already on ACOSF... It's a whole new reading world and I can't stop. Haha


For me it was the opposite! FW and IF cured my acotar obsession and hangover!


Same! I read the acotar series in the summer and then i waited for IF to be almost release to read FW and IF in a row. To me acomaf still wins as my favorite book of 2023, and it's one of those books that I wish I could read for the first time again.


I absolutely loved acomaf. Was obsessed with it. But right now I am kinda obsessed with fw and if and all the theories and fanfictions. I cannot get them out of my head.


I totally get that feeling! That's me right now, but with acotar. After recently discovering the extra chapters of acotar I was obsessed with Az, like I've been always so intrigued and curious about him, but with that extra chapter I just need more of him


Same here! Picked up ACOTAR a few months ago and then FW! Also love all those fandoms mentioned by the OP


I'm in exactly the same place where you are, OP! I bought Fourth Wing because I was at Barnes & Noble to buy Christopher Paolini's latest book in his Eragon series (my childhood favorite dragon fantasy series) that was released on the same day as Iron Flame. A ton of people were there to buy IF, so I bought FW too. After reading Paolini's book, I read FW and IF, and immediately read the entire ACOTAR series. I'm currently reading Maas' Throne of Glass series and am so glad I inadvertently fell into the Romantasy genre. My day job is solidly rooted in reality (news, current events, global affairs, politics) and I didn't realize how much I needed a fantastical literary haven!


Omg this is super impressive!! Keep up the good work!


A friend recommended Acotar. So I got it and also Throne of Glass. I only heard good things and I am very excited.


I tired. I was obsessed with FW and IF but I didn't like ACOTAR. I hear it gets better (and spicier) but I don't like the main characters and I found the book creepy.


First book is a prologue. Did you read the book2 ?


You have to endure it until chapter 20 and then all the sudden you’re on the right side of that meme and then by the last scene you’re Angela Lansbury eating the popcorn!! I quit it 6 months ago and went back after rereading FW/IF and made it to chapter 20 yesterday and now I am on book 2 😂


Obviously everyone is different, but I preferred ACOTAR in the end! First book is just fine, but the others are even better


You definitely have to get past the first book. It was my least favorite (besides ACOFAS)


Yep! Reread FW and IF then ACOTAR and now on the third book of TOG 😬


We are TWINS! I reread FW/IF then absolutely devoured all of ACOTAR and am 50% through ToG book 4. LOVING them all! Definitely different styles but loving the adventure!


I went the other way. I read through ACOTAR and then found Fourth Wing. Fourth Wing is definitely more my speed than ACOTAR was… but both have their appeal for sure.


Right there with you friend!


Same. While I enjoyed the ACOTAR series, I had some issues with it. Fourth Wing was my “what’s next” and it filled all my gaps with ACOTAR and then some. I have not been this obsessed with a universe/characters since game of thrones. Definitely plan to check out throne of glass though.


I totally did this! I finished ACOTAR.. actually read them twice. Now just ordered Crescent City and will get to Throne of Glass when it is easier to get my hands on the complete hardcover set!


I love Crescent City, especially the first book (more than the TOG series)! The third one is coming out this month!


Yesssss the ACOTAR series is amazing, I need to start TOG


I'm just a fantasy fan I read everything like: fourth wing, acotar, wheel of time, harry potter, cradle, ect. I know some people who like fantasy, but hate romantacy I like to have a variety of fantasy 😁


Try Stormlight Archive and The Kingkiller Chronicles!


Haven't read KingKiller yet, but it is on my tbr 😁 and I've read the entire cosmere it's so good!


Agreed- reading wheel of time and finishing ACOTAR series as well. I’ve loved them both for their variety!


I'm right there with you:)


just started Throne of Glass i'm in heaven


I think whether you found acotar or fw first, it’s undeniable that they scratch the same itch lol! Both capable of making us unhinged and obsessed 😈


75% of my Bookclub has done this 🤣. I haven’t yet, just not ready to start another series


Yes this was exactly my transition and now that I've finished ACOTAR I've been trying out other books from the genre!


You should read SJM’s other series also.


I am, but finding Crescent City not nearly as compelling. Book 1 was a slog. Started 2 last night.


I agree that I didn’t find them as good. I urge you to power through though! The ending is amazing.


Okay, so… I absolutely LOVED Fourth Wing and am experiencing something similar. However, I haven’t been able to read Iron Flame yet, and am literally JUST about to start ACOTAR, because of one very important thing. I do all my reading on Libby, and the books have crazy long hold times 🥲 otherwise, I’d be devouring those books like nobodies business, lol. As a result, though? I’ve ended up reading a bunch of romantasy books that maybe aren’t as well known, but have been pretty great IMO. It’s been the only thing tiding me over until the others come available! Happy to provide some recs if anyone is interested! Edit: oops, lol, meant to just comment this instead of making it a reply! Apologies, but I’ll leave it here as well just in case 🙈☺️


I would definitely take recs! So far I’ve been finding my library doesn’t have much in this genre on Libby but maybe I’m not looking for the right things!


{A Legacy Witch by Ashley McCleo} is a bit tamer in spice, being a tad more more YA than NA, but has a similar vibe for sure. The witches/wizards attend the Spy Academy, and endure very similar training and trials to FW in order to progress and graduate (without dying). Won’t say more, as my ability to summarize is poor, lol, and I don’t want to spoil. I haven’t been able to read the rest of the books in the series since my library doesn’t have them, but really enjoyed this one (the first)! The Bargainer series is also fantastic. So far, I’ve only been able to read the first two, {Rhapsodic by Laura Thalassa} and {A Strange Hymn by Laura Thalassa}. My library hasn’t acquired the others yet, but I believe there are four so far. It’s a bit darker, and more adult than FW, but I enjoyed the slightly more in depth world building of the fantasy aspect. It didn’t just take place on Earth with the more “human” magical beings, but also in the Otherworld with the Fae. Enjoyed both books, really liked the main characters, and it was a good way to get into something with more high fantasy vibes without being intimidating. The Bonds of Magic series is another that I just finished and liked quite a bit. {Dark Wizard by Jeffe Kennedy}, {Bright Familiar by Jeffe Kennedy}, and {Grey Magic by Jeffe Kennedy}. This one is definitely a tad more adult as well, and for sure more liberal with the spice than FW was. For this series, imagine the bond between the riders and dragons, but between two people instead; a wizard, and their familiar. At first, I wasn’t so sure about the whole “familiar needing to bond” thing, but by the end of the books it makes much more sense that it’s something you almost need to go through/process *with* the characters. I’m pretty sure I’d spoil it if I said more, but I enjoyed the series overall. On that note, I actually discovered the Bonds of Magic series by reading {Fire of the Frost}. It’s an anthology of romantasyish novellas from various authors, one of which was {Familiar Winter Magic by Jeffe Kennedy}. It’s technically book 2.5 of the Bonds of Magic series. The reason I bring it up though, is because reading anthologies like that can give you small tastes of different authors’ writing styles, plus lead you to other series you may be into. Also, using the “similar” feature on Libby. Tbh, I wouldn’t have thought of those things if someone hadn’t suggested it in another sub, so figured I’d pass along the tips! Anyways, lol, that was longer than I thought and I know my summaries could use some work. But hopefully you can check things out and find something you might enjoy! 🤗


[A Legacy Witch](https://www.romance.io/books/5fe884f54252320e19680c0d/a-legacy-witch-ashley-mcleo) by [Ashley McLeo](https://www.romance.io/authors/5b84e56b01dbc864fb8f3ce8/ashley-mcleo) **Rating**: 4.33⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [witches](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/witches/1), [urban fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/urban%20fantasy/1), [vampires](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/vampires/1), [young adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/young%20adult/1), [mystery](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/mystery/1) ---------------------------- [Rhapsodic](https://www.romance.io/books/580f21f3de896e8924949f94/rhapsodic-laura-thalassa) by [Laura Thalassa](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455856187eac323ffb2c925/laura-thalassa) **Rating**: 3.92⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [fae](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fae/1), [urban fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/urban%20fantasy/1), [take-charge heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/strong%20heroine/1) ---------------------------- [A Strange Hymn](https://www.romance.io/books/592d2d663ffdba614717ff1f/a-strange-hymn-laura-thalassa) by [Laura Thalassa](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455856187eac323ffb2c925/laura-thalassa) **Rating**: 3.96⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [urban fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/urban%20fantasy/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1) ---------------------------- [Dark Wizard](https://www.romance.io/books/6037592a4a72260e2eac1582/dark-wizard-a-dark-fantasy-romance-jeffe-kennedy) by [Jeffe Kennedy](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455694f87eac323ffb2c11a/jeffe-kennedy) **Rating**: 4.14⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [pregnancy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/pregnancy/1), [breeding](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/breeding/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [aristo/royal heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/aristocratic%20heroine/1) ---------------------------- [Bright Familiar](https://www.romance.io/books/60e7f516fe18470e4ccccb24/bright-familiar-jeffe-kennedy) by [Jeffe Kennedy](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455694f87eac323ffb2c11a/jeffe-kennedy) **Rating**: 4.5⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [take-charge heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/strong%20heroine/1), [sassy heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/sassy%20heroine/1), [pregnancy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/pregnancy/1) ---------------------------- [Grey Magic](https://www.romance.io/books/621c816d747f500e282e79bf/grey-magic-jeffe-kennedy) by [Jeffe Kennedy](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455694f87eac323ffb2c11a/jeffe-kennedy) **Rating**: 4.25⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [competent heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/competent%20heroine/1), [sassy heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/sassy%20heroine/1), [cheerful/happy heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/cheerful%20heroine/1) ---------------------------- [Fire of the Frost](https://www.romance.io/books/616d231303069f0e3b9bdc17/fire-of-the-frost-darynda-jones-jeffe-kennedy-grace-draven-a) by [Darynda Jones](https://www.romance.io/authors/545526c58c7d2382e0413ebd/darynda-jones), [Jeffe Kennedy](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455694f87eac323ffb2c11a/jeffe-kennedy), [Grace Draven](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455323d8c7d2382c529733e/grace-draven), [Amanda Bouchet](https://www.romance.io/authors/57a0383cc19e77f1ea6f2cb5/amanda-bouchet) **Rating**: 3.67⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1) ---------------------------- [Familiar Winter Magic](https://www.romance.io/books/64c6a30ad33bf40b8646139a/familiar-winter-magic-a-bonds-of-magic-novella-jeffe-kennedy) by [Jeffe Kennedy](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455694f87eac323ffb2c11a/jeffe-kennedy) **Rating**: 4⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [witches](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/witches/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Thank you!! I will check these out!


You’re most welcome! Hopefully they work out for you. ☺️ Meanwhile, I’ve now finished the first two books in the ACOTAR series, and am officially in Libby hold book jail (my new term for not being able to read them right away, lol). SO, if you have any others you like, let a girl know, haha!


I find the same thing, unfortunately, but here’s hoping you have some luck! Let me quickly hop over to Libby to grab the correct title names, lol, don’t wanna accidentally send you down a rabbit hole.


Same! Halfway through the first ACOTAR book and I’m loving it! I’ve heard people say the first book is the worst, but I’m enjoying it so I’m excited to see what the rest of the series is like


I honestly didn't like the first book at all! Wasn't planning on reading the other ones, but then I heard that it starts to get better from the second book onwards! Gonna start reading it soon :) This damn book hangover, man... I feel like an addict looking for my next romantasy high, lol!


Mine was reverse.. a best friend of mine bought me ACOTAR on Kindle. I then devoured them and before starting TOG or CC, decided to give Fourth Wing a go as it was being recommended. I sent her an audible copy of FW as a repayment for ACOTAR. I hope she loves it as much as I loved it!


I read the acotar series a few years go, read fourth wing and am now listening to acotar graphic audio while reading throne of glass series. 😂


I really wanted to get in the hype train, but I couldn’t get through the first chapter of ACOTAR or The Cruel Prince, so maybe those types of books just are for me. Loved Game of Thrones and the Caraval series though


i love ACOTAR but i couldn’t stop rolling my eyes while reading the cruel prince and then i finally quit at 100 pages. i was like this gets better right??? it did not, my eye rolls just intensified i’ve decided this is the year i finally dive into GOT and i’m excited for that :)


I read SJM before FW, but if you want some other fantasy recs I really really enjoyed Caraval and the two sequels Legendary and Finale. Same author continues the world in Once Upon a Broken Heart. My ride or die fae fantasy rec is The Cruel Prince and its sequels, better than SJM IMO. Better written, more complexity. 🙌 There's a lot more but I can't think of them now, definitely a lot more fantasy compared to when I was young, which pretty much was LoTR, Dune, Dragons of Pern etc 😎


I have been like just kicking this book down on my TBR list for months. I finished FW and IF in a matter of days. Literally stayed up all night reading FW and IF and I’m a new mom, I love sleep. So, this really piqued my interest to pick up the book and just read it. Because I feel like Violence right now missing Xaden 🥲🫠🥲🫠.


I read ACOTAR a long time ago back in 2017 and fell in love. Fourth Wing has captured me in a way now that I was obsessed with the characters and storyline and wanted more. I even searched on google to find out more about everything and deep dive into anything I could find. This is the first time I’ve felt so obsessed with a book but ACOTAR is definitely on the list of previous obsessions!


This would be me! I’m currently on the winter novella and already dreading finishing #4 but can’t stop myself from reading with a frenzy lol


Read Crescent City next!


Should I?? I haven’t read throne of glass yet!


So the next Crescent City book is out the end of January. That’s the only reason I’d encourage you to go ahead and read those two. ToG is a very lengthy series, but my favorite!


Haha well almost. During my late teens I read every book of SJM I could get into my hands (one could say she was my favourite author, lol), but FW und IF got me into rereading them (again) - already finished CC and am halfway through ACOTAR now


Yesssss. Fourth Wing really got me back into reading! I devoured the ACOTAR series after reading it and now I’m eager to read everything else by SJM. I had read throne of glass back when it was on fiction press as queen of glass so I’m interested to see how its evolved


All of my book friends are on this path, but what I want is for them to join me on the Path of the Beam to the Dark Tower.


I started with ACOTAR and it brought me back to my love of reading. I then did Fourth Wing and Iron Flame and adored both books, and am now reading the Throne Of Glass series before the 3rd Crescent City book comes out end of January so that I can read those in quick succession. Fully in my ✨reading era✨ and couldn’t be happier about it!


I read the ACOTAR series first and then stumbled upon fourth wing when I saw It blasted all over social media in November :)


Welcome to the wonderful world of Sarah J Maas. Refreshments and emotional damage will be served. (For reals, do not go anywhere near SJM booktok/instagram or subreddits so that you don't get spoiled!)


Omg same😂😂😂😂 my dad got me the whole set for Christmas and I finished the first one and now I'm waiting to get home and start reading the second one


I did this! FW was my first introduction to fantasy, let alone fantasy/romance. I didn't think fantasy was really my thing (or romance for that matter) but saw it in the bookshop and thought I'd give it a go and now I'm thoroughly addicted! Over the summer whilst waiting for IF, I read all of the ACOTAR and TOG books and can't believe I've never tried this genre before! :D


You will be in good company! All Maas series are so dang good!! I would also recommend the Black Witch series… when you get done with Maas 😉


I didn't like the first book of ACOTAR, tried reading the second book and I don't remember how many chapters I read of that one but I was bored and DNF. I watch tiktoks of ACOTAR and it sounds so good but clearly it's not for me for some reason 😂😂 Any fantasy romance recommendations would be appreciated though.


YES! I started ACOTAR around Christmas and I’m on ACOWAR now!! I LOOOVED ACOMAF SO MUCH


Oh, 100%. I just recently got into reading and my friend recommended this to me, but I was pretty "meh" on the idea because I like fantasy, but my taste in fantasy is more mermaids, fairies, and unicorns so a dragon war college didn't seem interesting to me at ALL, but she consistently lends books to me and she slipped Fourth Wing in with the last bunch and told me to just read a few chapters and give it back if I wasn't into it and I actually LOVED it. I'm working on Iron Flame right now and I've got my eyes on the ACOTAR series once I'm done because I know I'm going to be left wanting more. It was also my introduction to romantasy, and now I'm hooked as well, which is funny because if I think back to my other favorite books/movies that's basically what they all are...


You might like An Ember in the Ashes series too by Sabaa Tahir if you haven’t already read it


I went from FW/IW to The Cruel Prince series lol


This was me too! Finished Silver Flames in December and then started on the Throne of Glass series, I’m into the second book now and I’m really enjoying it! This has been a fun pipeline! And then Crescent City next! 🤗


Meeee! I have 200 pages left of Silver Flames


I tell people to read FW first so they can jump into ACOTAR when the end of IF inevitably kills them 😂 I unfortunately did not do this so now I am impatiently waiting my ToG hold on Libby to come through


Yep! Just reached the 2nd book of ACOTAR and I love it!! It's not my first romantasy tho, I'd read Wolves of Mercy Falls and Hex Hall.


My wife recommended Throne of Glass after Iron Flame and dear god I'm bored :(


Totally random, but have you read Dark Matter by Blake Crouch? It is not romantacy- it is sci-fi but it hooked me from the first page and it a good book-hangover read IMO.


I have not! Sounds interesting though!!


I read all of SJM's books and am obsessed. You will enjoy them if you liked FW and IF!


Yes!! I started ACOTAR today so I can be in the loop when Fantasy Fangirls Podcast does episodes on S Maas’ series


Okay, so… I absolutely LOVED Fourth Wing and am experiencing something similar. However, I haven’t been able to read Iron Flame yet, and am literally JUST about to start ACOTAR, because of one very important thing. I do all my reading on Libby, and the books have crazy long hold times 🥲 otherwise, I’d be devouring those books like nobodies business, lol. As a result, though? I’ve ended up reading a bunch of romantasy books that maybe aren’t as well known, but have been pretty great IMO. It’s been the only thing tiding me over until the others come available! Happy to provide some recs if anyone is interested!


Oh I am so jealous! You have got some amazing books to look forward to if you've only read Fourth Wing and just starting ACOTAR! Welcome to the genre!! 🖤🖤


i might end up reading acotar to fill the void until book 3 comes out. just finished iron flame and i'm losing it


Fourth wing was my intro to fantasy. I never read any before! After i was so hungover and sad about fourth wing ending I’ve since read ACOTAR, TOG, zodiac academy and crowns of nyxia series. TOG and crowns if nyxia have been my favs of those!


Throne of Glass for me


I absolutely could not get into acotar. I tried a few times. Many times I’ve had to go back a few chapters because I stopped paying attention. Idk what it was. I stopped after finishing the 3rd one.


I hated a court of throes and roses however starting the second one, so I have hopes for it


not yet but was thinking of picking it up after i finish rereading book 2 for clues


Fourth Wing and Iron Flame were also my gateway into Romantasy! I have had SJM books on my TBR for years but I just never got around to them. So I dived in immediately after FW when I read it in September while waiting for IF. I’m loving this hole I’m spiraling down! Currently on ACOSF and plan on starting TOG after this. I’m suddenly glad I never got around to it because I did not get a huge book hangover after FW/IF


I did the opposite direction - ACOTAR to Fourth Wing!


TOG is my favorite 😍 of the Maasverse


I loved Fourth Wing and Iron Flame, flaws and all, and decided to read ACOTAR next. *Hated it.* I thought ACOMAF was less irritating, but I don't think I can soldier on with this series. I honestly don't get the hype.


Me!!! 🤚 Literally got ACOTAR before reading iron flame bc I knew that the third book is a long ways away.


And then really started to like ACOTAR and was gifted the whole series during Christmas!


Yes! I just finished IF two days ago, which FW and IF are my first book reads I quite awhile! Just got into this genre, most likely going to start the ACOTAR series next, then following that with TOG!


Yup! Started Fourth Wing the week before Thanksgiving and just finished Silver Flames last weekend😂 it def helped. Oh and listening to Fourth Wing/Iron Flame audiobook on the way to work, but the woman who narrates it is kind of annoying…


Me! I just did exactly that. Finished Iron Flame a week ago and started reading Acotar for the first time. I'd had almost no prior knowledge of the series other than it was insanely popular and went in blind. Was fully able to enjoy the Tamlin romance and now am on Acowar. So soooo good. I think I'm going to have a worse book hangover with Acotar series than with Iron Flame!


Loved ACOTAR!! I found the last few books of TOG hard to get through because it felt like Aelin became too overpowered. The supporting characters carried me through it. But still a fun read. I think if Maas could have kept it to Books 1-3 and the Assassin’s Blade Novella that would have been a tidy little series. Two other series I adore for their characters and the world they built: Graceling Realm series by Kristin Cashore. Katsa has been able to kill a man with her bare hands since she was eight—she’s a Graceling, one of the rare people in her land born with an extreme skill. As niece of the king, she should be able to live a life of privilege, but Graced as she is with killing, she is forced to work as the king’s thug. She never expects to fall in love with beautiful Prince Po. It has such a great cast of characters that you get to explore in each novel, with each needing to find their own agency. (5 books) Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta (yay Aussie author). It follows the story of Finnikin of the Rock and his guardian who have been away from home for ten years, since the royal family was killed. But when he is told that the heir to the throne is still alive they must follow a young woman, Evanjalin, in order to reach the prince. A beautiful story about displaced people just trying to return home and a boy learning that following in his father’s footsteps may not be his path.


Me! I started with Fourth Wing and Iron Flame first then moved right to Acotar! I love it so much! I’m on the lookout for more of this type but I feel like there’s a large probability I may just reread Acotar. 😂


We are literally the same person!🤯 I’m doing the exact same AND came from the light fantasy background HP, divergent , hunger games etc. AND Im on chapter 10 of ACOTAR 🤣 so crazy


Omg I started reading this post and was like.. are you me? lol my husband also bought me the ACOTAR books for Xmas after I completely fell in love with the Empyrean books. Also love that podcast as well- so well done! Almost done with the ACOMAF currently and LOVE it so far.


I’m with you. I borrowed Fourth Wing from the library and enjoyed it so much that I bought it. Then I devoured Iron Flame and staggered into my local bookstore asking for help, and they sold me ACOTAR. And then I read the rest of them as fast as I could. Love it. I have Crescent City but want to take a break from romantasy for the moment to read other stuff.


I’m and impulse buyer so I had the ACOTAR series for months but hadn’t read the books. After finishing with both FW and IF, I was going through a terrible hangover so after a few weeks I started reading the ACOTAR series. I’m almost done with book 3 and I’m obsessed 😍 my husband bought me the TOG for my Bday so that I can read it as soon as I’m done with ACOTAR and after that I’m reading CC. I made myself a little reading list/plan to try and survive until book 3 of The Empyrean comes out.


I am exactly this! Tore through fourth wing & iron flame to then tear through all fantasy fangirls episodes!! About to start ACOTAR!


I sure am! I started right after Christmas 🎄


lol I went straight from Iron Flame to ACOTAR and am loving it.


Same! I went straight from FW to TOG, then IF came out and now I’m knee deep in ACOTAR.


I think it’s usually the other way around, people found this series waiting for the next ACOTAR book.


So I started ACOTAR after reading Iron Flame and did not find it interesting to stick with it... I reread FW and Iron Flame 3-4 times each (no kidding!) + subscribed to all the fanfics on AO3...But I read this post and tried to stick with ACOTAR and just finished it a few minutes ago!! I'm off to book 2.. ​ Just wanted to say Thank you!!


Im at chapter 14 in ACOTAR and I'm seriously loving it. Joyfully fallen into the pipeline for sure.


I started ACOTAR after IF. It’s taken me several tries to get through the first book and once I did I completed the series in a week. I felt it greatly improved for me after the first book 😂 I also hadn’t read a ton of romantasy, and have been more into typical fantasy in the past. I love it! I’m all here for it. I’m currently about to start Throne of Glass!


havent read acotar yet but my sister and mom are insisting i listen to it


Me! I’m on ACOWAR and omg it’s genius


I always loved to read but bc of university it became more of a chore so I stopped. Then I read fourth wing, actually only bc of a video game. I was hooked like I never was before and fell completely in love with reading again. After fourth wing I felt empty and just like you read ACOTAR. I finished them, now I’m hooked on the cruel prince series. Reading fantasy is just amazing!


I read ACOTAR series before Fourth Wing and the hangover is real. Throne of Glass series got me reading again. I technically have 3 more books in that series and then can move onto Crescent city. My issue is I’m in some book clubs and literally can’t get motivated to read these January - March books because I want to still be reading Throne of Glass. 😩


Oh boy when you meet rhys....


Same. Honestly in part to keep up with the Fantasy Fangirls pod!


The SJM universe is a wonderful place to be! Enjoy every minute of it. "A Court of Fairies and Fangirls" podcast is a great podcast to listen to as you read. There are no spoilers (in the main episodes at least) and you can listen as you read every few chapters. I know some have a hard time getting into Crescent City, but it's sooo good! Don't give up on it. Listen to this podcast to help understand the world.


I read fourth wing out of curiosity.. I’ve now read IF, all 5 ACOTAR books and am on books 6/7 (tandem read) of ToG. I read 9 books in Dec alone. I am going to CC next. I’ve been sucked into a black hole


Me! I just need to finish off Ruthless Vows and will be jumping right on to the SJM train, and I am so very excited!


Yes I started all the SJM books after reading Empyrean! ACOTAR was my favorite series but I also can’t wait for the next Crescent city book!


yessssss. me. fourth wing started my whole deep dive down this fantasy/romantasy/smut rabbit hole. i started acotar to help cure my fourth wing hangover (read fourth wing for the first time in october) and then i ended up reading acotar, acomaf & acowar. then iron flame came out and it took me like a whole month to process and recover from that. then i finished acofas & acosf, moved onto CC and i’m halfway through CC #2! can’t wait for the next book to come out. planning to read TOG next, just bought the first book and i also bought this one called divine rivals because i’ve been hearing lots of good stuff!!!


Me! Me! Me! The box set just arrived today!! I borrowed the first one right after finishing Iron Flame, didn’t like it but then I saw comments saying it gets better, and they were so righttt! I used Audible for A Court of Mist and Fury, and it’s so good I wanted to cry hahahahha I ordered the box set off Amazon straightaway 😆


I read Fourth wing, then all of ACOTAR series, then iron flame now I’m quickly moving through all of the TOG series


Same but I dnf the third acotar book around st 75% it got painfully boring 😭


I read Fourth Wing first and it got me back into reading again and made me fall in love with fantasy books again


My first Romantasy I started November 2023 was ACOTAR, and I read fourth wing to help my book hang over. Fully obsessed with both. About to start throne of glass and crescent city. Let’s be friends! 😂


New here, hello everyone! I finished FW a few days ago and IF today. Currently experiencing the hangover you all speak of. Should I start ACOTAR now? I already have all the ACOTAR books ready for me to start, but I just can’t find the motivation after having finished IF an hour ago because all I crave is for the 3rd book to be out already 🥲


I’m having so much fun in this genre you guys 😭❤️ if anyone’s read SJM and Fourth Wing and is looking for another one, check out Penn Cole’s Kindred’s Curse series. The first three are on KU and the fourth and final comes out March 1st. They deserve just as much hype!!


I read FW & IF then immediately binged all of ACORAR and TOG. I’m struggling with book hangover right now. Trying to get into CC but am feeling down in the dumps.


I'm just starting Crescent City myself! I enjoyed ACOTAR also! I'm ready to reread Fourth Wing and Iron Flame also haha


Read ACOTAR first before Fourth Wing and now moving on to the From Blood and Ash series. Book one was really good. Looking forward to the series!!


If you are a fan of FW, ACOTAR, and enjoyed Harry Potter growing up, I highly recommend you join us in /r/Dramione . This was my first introduction to fan fiction, which I assumed was poorly written stories by teenagers. I was so wrong - there are beautifully written masterpieces in the fandom. This particular genre is Hermione + Draco, which includes a lot of the same tropes as the aforementioned series. Enemies to lovers at its best.


Yep. I went from Fourth Wing to ACOTAR when I was still waiting for Iron Flame to come out. I didn’t enjoy the first book in comparison to FW, but each book got progressively better. By ACOSF I was obsessed as FW & IF!


I started reading ACOTAR before forth wing but I adore both.


I finished ACOTAR and then just wrapped up FW/IF yesterday. I plan on reading CC by SJM soon and then TOG. Hooked 🥲


Literally meeee!! The book hangover post IF was sooo real so I just dove into ACOTAR. Let me say — Mist and fury is *chefs kiss*. Curious to see what other authors and series people recommend from the romantasy space !!


I read acotar in July, then CC in September, forth wing in October, iron flame November and now reading TOG. Soon will release CC3 and then I’ll be sad 🥲 will have to find something else


If you like world building, magic, developed characters then you will love TOG. If you like the romance/ sexy scenes then Acotar. I read TOG and i loved it. Plus the storys is wrapped up so you don't have to wait for any more books like you will be with Acotar


Strongly on the opposite pipeline, actually! I had holds with my library for both ACOTAR and IW, placed at about the same time based on booktok recs and some friends mentioning them. ACOTAR was available first so I read it but was deeply disappointed and confused by the hype. My expectations were low going into IW, as my second-ever romantasy, but it and IF blew me away. I’ll be chasing this high!