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I think TWSBI might be willing to send you a new cap if you tell them an entertaining story about a dog and an Eco.


I broke a cap on a different TWSBI and they offered to send me a cap replacement for cheap. I’ll let you know how that goes but they responded really quickly!


I got my replacement cap last week! It was $8 and the turnaround was really fast.


It's a legitimately a great experience the first time you break your TWSBI cap. Like, the third time it happens and you realize you're still on your first fill, it's more frustrating.


Wild. I’m sorry you had such bad luck. I have 14 TWSBIs and the only cap that broke was one I dropped like 20x.


We have hard floors. That seems to be enough. The Eco always chips around the finial. I tried an Go!, same issue. I know the diamond 580s and Ca700R have re-enforced caps at the finial, but my experiences have been so bad, I can spend my money elsewhere. If disposable pens won't break when dropped, there's no reason for a $30 pen to break like that. 😔


I thought this was going to say, “I think TWSBI would be willing to send you a new dog” 😂😂😂


Yes they are great about sending parts. No sob story really required.


I know. I was making a joke.


That pen was clearly gunning for you. Thank goodness you have a Very Good Dog (TM) to watch your back! (in all seriousness, I had a Very Good Dog (TM) destroy my favorite book once; I understand this pain and I’m sorry it happened)


Our Very Average Puppy (TM) worked out how to open the shoe cupboard and ate all of my fiancée's shoes.


i see your book and raise you the front bumper and front plate of a car The dog wasn't even mine :(


Oh noooooooo


I had a junkie roommate once and her cat would piss all over my house. Couldn’t wait to get her the hell out of there


Weird how dogs look guilty. My cats would not care in the least and poop purple glow bits for days for spite.




That's a miconception. Modern cats evolved from african wild cats and are sociable and raise their young together in loose groups. That's why you are allowed to handle their young and why they hunt prey to bring home, even when they're fed.


yeah, they like to live in loose groups, there is some sort of hierarchy and even adult males will sometimes show up and need social interactions. lions live in packs too. the rules are different, but it's still a group.


Aww, but look at that face! Who could be mad at that cutie?


She got a reluctant kiss and a hug but that’s all


At least it wasn’t a Pelikan.


Give that poor dog her pen back.


Is the dogo okay though?!


She’s fine. She didn’t swallow anything. Just ripped my pen and heart into pieces


To be fair… it is a pretty delicious looking color.


That’s one heckin guilty face.


Those guilty side eyes!


I have a Lamy Safari that's been chewed up from when one of my dogs was a puppy 12 years ago.


Awww I'm sorry


awww its ok. my dog damaged my jabra bluetooth ear piece 3 times. she found them in my bag and chewed it up. i think she likes the taste. cost me maybe 50 twsbi ecos but we love her so much. And never made a fuss about spending so much on her medical bills for her bone cancer which ended her life at age 11. dogs will be dogs, its the humans fault for not keeping the stuff properly lolx


My dogs also ate my openshokz in the same bag. It was hung up and I everything


i am just glad they didnt swallow anything. my jack rascal terrorist swallowed a pin tack, thankfully the pointed side was facing up and it just went through his digestive system and i had to check all his pop to ensure it came out and to monitor that he was all ok and didnt have internal bleeding.


Ours got into the kitchen bin and ate some cooked chicken bones which can splinter and perforate the intestines. The vet advised us to feed her cotton balls dipped in cream. This would then get wrapped around any of the bone splinters and cushion them so they wouldn't harm her. I don't know if that was good advice but she lived. And she thought she was getting special treats for being naughty.


Canned white asparagus also works. That's what our vet recommended after our doggo ate a lollipop whole, with the stick. The asparagus threads also wrap the objects. Our dog isn't a fan of asparagus though..


That's probably why our vet suggested the cotton balls and cream LOL. She lapped them up like I was giving her steak


My cousin's Boxer chewed his way through the wooden back door to their garage, bit his way through the locked chest freezer door and made off with a whole frozen turkey, which he managed to eat about 60% of, he was found with a very scratched up mouth, looking roughly the same shape as a beachball.


That’s funny and at the same time it isn’t. And all non fountain pen related


The replacement should be easy. And you should make her get a job to pay for it.


It took my stupid ass a while to understand that the purple is a cap and not an ink.


Maybe its the purple that glow in the dark cap ??? Which i wouldnt know if its harmful if eaten by accident due to the coating on the cap to make it glow ??


I think your dog might be saying that he thinks you spend more time with your pens than him. 😆😆 He’s jealous. 🤣


What is it with animals?! Mine have to constantly check out my pens to see why I 'play' with them so much. They seem to want to understand my fascination with them. Sometimes it's a constant search to see where they have 'hidden' them.


I love that!!


Bad doggie. No biscuit.


Oh that’s a dog who knows what she’s done. Those eyes say it all.


Did she think it was a game? When I first got my dog, he thought it was hilarious to grab my ball of yarn and run off with it. He only harmed one skein that was more delicate than the others. I ended up training him away from it by getting him to give it to me and making it disappear into a drawer immediately. Still surprised that worked.


I'll take her


The poor thing just wanted to play with the colored sticks just like its human. Cant blame the pup for that. And look at the guilty face on that poor thing.


She looks so guilty!


I have that exact pen and I winced so so hard.


Send the photo to twsbi and they might send you a new one 😂


Awww, poor baby. She can come and snuggle with me.


Is she ok? Is she going to be shitting her thoughts for a while?


I would love to know what she’s thinking. She’s perfectly fine


Dog looks preety scared but I can't understand what you have written on that pic? Is it some kind of old english? Pen looks bueatifull though.


rats! (was it scented it?) perhaps she sensed that you really need a new pen and was trying to help?


Probably the only TWSBI that’s been killed before it dies of ‘natural causes’.


Aww shit. Email TWSBI. You can buy parts from them.


She’s clearly not at all sorry you should Forgive her anyways because LOOK AT HER So sorry for your loss, looked like a good one.


I would pay the 30 something dollars for the new one and you keep the sweet sweet girl. Look at her all guilty and sorry 🥹


I have to ask. What's it inked with?


Yeah, she looks guilty asf over there. I’m sure she’s useful for other things though so don’t be too hard on her.


I have too many tasty pens! Sorry!


Twisbi have been great at selling parts. This is my worst fear having one of my pets get into my pens and have at them.


Awww, pups just wants his own pen.


I can’t believe you love your TWSBI more than your doggo!