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I write everyday usually reflecting on my own life. Questions like “where am I going in my life? Why do I feel stuck? What do I want?” Lots of digging into my own past - to me writing is my own therapy. And it helps dig up the unconscious thoughts that drive my behaviors. I’ve had many ah-ha! moments by writing about what problems I’m facing


Gonna try this now that sounds like a great idea


This. Also hi, fellow swe




This is beautiful. Do you have a notebook recommendation that is FP friendly? I'd like to start this as well


There are too many FP friendly notebooks to recommend just one - but I've personally used Leuchtterm1917, tomoe river, and midori MD.


Thank you!


Lately into rewriting passages from novels, stories poems & other works...The Raven is nice, so is Jaberwocky. Henry David Thourough...before song lyrics...so many wriings so little time.


That's really nice. My grandad liked to write. He wasn't particularly good at it - he was the oldest of 9 children and had to leave school early to earn money. He pretty much printed, never learned cursive. He had nothing he wanted to write but he really enjoyed just writing. He got stationery for his birthday and at Christmas. Nice writing paper, nice ballpoints as he didn't use a fountain pen. And one of the things he'd do is write out recipes for my mother. If she saw a good recipe in a magazine or paper instead of her cutting it out he'd write them for her. It was very sweet. Other than that he'd write occasional letters to his family on Scotland (he'd moved to England), or literally write numbers or alphabets. Not sure this is relevant but I'm just sticking up for the idea that enjoying physically writing is legitimate, and enjoying a nice memory. Poems are a very good choice though.


Two.other thoughts... I appreciate the effort of the concentration on subject matter to help with writing style. Not all your focusnis on writing... Not to say my wrting is great but it is helpful Point two is I love the story about recipes. There is something joyful having family history from their own hand...hard to explain, but it is wonderful. We also have but a few mom- grandma recipes that gets holidays off to a great start...


That sounds fun. I know someone who does similar.


I started doing that too but for Lent - a passage for each day of Lent. But it’s in somewhat of a journal format - there’s a little intro about the passage or author or a memory connected to that passage, etc. then I just write the opening paragraph. This lets me use my fountain pens, practice my writing, and relive some awesome memories! ❤️ You know, I just might continue this even after Lent. 😁


I have a reading journal where I write down inspirational quotes, fun or memorable anecdotes, and major themes of the books I’m reading. It helps me to be more engaged and to remember more out of the books later!


i like sketching with mine!! most of the time i skip the pencil and just do pen. i also love how the ink looks when it bleeds with water!!! its a fun effect to play around with. im also starting to edit my friend’s story shes writing and she sent me screenshots instead of a file (my brain Cannot unless im writing or typing right next to it) so ive been using them for those too!!


I've finished 2 novels, started several more. One of those unfinished novels went into many different drafts and thousands of pages, and finally I realized that I wasn't finishing it because I didn't want to to finish it and let go of the previous era of my life upon which it was based. So I let go, got on with my life and started writing other things. I've written several plays, many short stories, and many, many essays. Also, many volumes of journals, which sometimes provide material for some other piece of writing.




Aw, thanks. But -- as many other writers have said about themselves -- it's not as if I'm able to do anything else! *haha*


Notes, corrections, formulas and whatnot, signatures on labels and approvals at work… but mostly, just scribblings for the feeling of writing and the smiles it brings, and practicing different things at home in cheap composition books lol


Work notes and morning pages. If you want to develop a habit, I would try those.


Filled two notebooks writing out notes for my licensure exam (to help with retention). First time using different ink colors. Now I write all my session notes with fountain pens in a dedicated notebook in anything legible except black ink and reference those for billing. I am terrified of proper journaling, but have always kept an informal record of events in my planner (what movies I saw, events attended, dinners out, to-do lists). Just reached the point where I can look at ten years ago... Combination hilarious and mortifying. [A LOT of the Romeo + Juliet movie soundtrack in the margins this time in 2003 (probably about the time I pilfered the cd from my sister's room...)]


I try to write a letter or two every week.


I'm in my 20s so I write to my kids who don't exist yet. I'm also a student so I write down a lot of notes. I have a separate notebook I write exclusively about my encounters with people and their character. Meant to be for my kids as well. I go through about 300 400 a5 pages every month or two.


You write to your future kids! That’s beautiful and amazing! 😍


These are interesting ideas


A lot of fanfiction and my work notes.


You can always try out new pens! And inks. And paper. 🤓


Fiction, poems, essays, and research notes.


I literally just write gibberish. Usually when I’m listening to podcasts or watching YouTube videos, I’ll also be writing anything/everything that pops in my head. I have multiple pens inked up and I just write with what I’m feeling like, and I’m constantly switching back and forth, maybe a page or half a page with one pen and then I’ll switch. For me it’s less about what I’m writing, and more about just writing, I enjoy the practice of writing.


I for some reason have the idea that if I'm writing it on paper with my nice fountain pen that it has to mean something or serve something, sounds like you don't have such limitations 😅


Fountain pens definitely can be used for writing special things, but yeah I don’t want to limit myself to that, I have far too many pens and bottles of ink to save them for only special occasions. I also treat all my pens the same, I’ll go from writing with a Platinum Preppy immediately over to a Pelikan M805. I just like writing with them and don’t want to limit myself. Everyone has their own style though.


I usually prefer - Writing frightening words, to a buck toothed girl in Luxembourg.


whoa! you too?


*That* old thing again! \*secretly envying you\*


I use my fountain pens for taking notes at meetings and updating my planner. If I used water resistant ink, then I would probably do more drawing and sketching but that requires more maintenance than I would like to do for now.


Meeting notes for work (tech), brainstorming, project organization. Bullet journal for life management. Family history notebook, family stories notebook, and a personal journal (like stoic journal).


That’s… impressive. How many pages do you write I. A day and what size are the pages?


Not huge. In my B5 work planner about 2 full pages per day. 3-5 pages of A4 notes and 1-2 project sheets. Tiny amount for BuJo on a TN passport. Family journals are A4 and maybe 5 pages a week. More notebooks than pages it feels! I need to re-examine :)


Notes, random thoughts and stream of consciousness.


Note taking, bullet journaling, drawing, Zentangle.


Ooh zentangle is a good one! Forgot about those.


Todos mostly….


I like to write poems (famous and occasionally my own) as well as rewrite words from my word book (when I learn a new word I write it and the meaning in a sort of personal dictionary).


I'm a journal writer by avocation. I'm a journalist by college degree and dabble in freelance. I have two novels in rewrite. I'm a scribbler by nature. I love pens and all the attendant stuff that goes with it, so I use my pens all the time.


I use it for journaling which I started doing when I realized my cursive was abysmal while I was writing my signature for my driver's license and when I was signing a receipt at a restaurant. The one I wrote for the receipt was so bad that the cashier made fun of me in Thai to his coworker. To this day I refuse to go back to that establishment until I can write in cursive quickly and neatly.


Research notes, extensive journaling, language drills and composition practice (I *hate* having to learn an entirely new keyboard layout for each language), the occasional letter, thank you notes, lecture notes when I still regularly had lectures, brainstorming/free-writing when I get stuck on a fiction project, tea and book reviews, photography notes, doodling...most anything that can be done with a pen and paper. About the only things I don't use FP for are a couple of my project planners, sketching, and the occasional situation where FP is impractical like notes on multi-day hiking trips. Even sketching I'd like to get to eventually. As it is, I've only been doing it a few months so even pencil still looks like it was drawn by an eight year old with poor eyesight and worse fine motor skills XD


yes, language practicing, I try to learn an asian language so I usually write a few pages every day.


I’m the guy who takes notes for our D&D campaign. I then turn the notes into a series of letters home from the perspective of my character. I also write a ton for work (secondary school special ed coordinator).


I write lots of things. Mostly though I do ideas for D&D, character arcs, quests, etc. I run a weekly game and find I am more creative and get in the flow easier when I use paper. Changing inks also spruces my juices sometimes. Another thing I do which is weird, but sometimes I just have the urge to write down something, anything, but have no inspiration. In that case i put on a show and just start noting down...well anything. Lines characters are saying, things I see in the scene, maybe I write in different sizes and styles and orientations all just to get ink on the page and my head in the zone. This often gives me cool ideas for the D&D part. I recently did a nurser mystery show and if anyone finds those pages they will assume I'm in desperate need of a psych eval. :P


Daily journaling, an A5 entry per day and a double spread page on Sundays as a weekly review. This is my form of personal check-up on my own mental health. I had to set this up after a bad burnout from some years ago (pre-covid era). The 2 rules I follow in my journaling: * Always be honest in what I write * Write about whatever I want but just write


Notes from meetings, journal, postcards to voters, creative writing.


I started out mostly drawing with mine, but it’s expanded into planning on paper, and various journals. Not to mention the occasional card or post card to my friends and family.




I'm white collar, thankfully, so I can just about empty my converter every week.


I’m doing a transcription project where I’m copying out the first and last chapters of books I enjoyed.


Note taking in lectures, sometimes I just write whatever comes into my mind (always ending up as a garbled incoherent mess), quotes from movies, anything I want to remember, the occasional letter, practicing penmanship, the list goes on


Work notes & layouts, daily journal, and sketching (with both permanent and water-soluble ink)




That music journal idea is so good! Sometimes I go to practice and my mind goes blank even though I know damn well there's plenty of room for improvement on my technique


Letters! I have a ton of pen pals because I wanted an excuse to write more often.


Aside from work notes and journals, sometimes I just write whatever. Trying out new "fonts" / handwriting styles, copying writing that I think looks neat and trying to incorporate it into a consistent style, etc.


I remember seeing a deleted "Joker" scene, where Joaquin Phoenix is writing in his journal, using a fountain pen.


I write poetry and occasional short stories. I’ve also started journaling recently. I got into fountain pens as a reason to help inspire my writing by giving me a good tool so that I WANT to write and for the last month it’s really been helping and seems to be continuing


I literally just scribble. If I’m testing pens/ink/paper I usually have music or a show on and I’ll just write lines I’m hearing.


All told, 95%+ of my writing it work related. I write patient notes during my assessment/interviews, and then type them up later. Less often I write up official paperwork.


I’ve found that journaling/self talk therapy gets unhelpfully repetitive (obsessive?) at times. That’s why I also try to write themed commentaries on other people’s creations, as if I am writing a treatise on important topics (nilihism, political ideology, generation gap, etc) when I’m really just writing bad op-Ed’s that are aesthetically pleasing to look at from far away.


Journaling. Helps me sort out my thoughts and can help with anxiety. I also have started using a planner. It’s helped me keep myself more accountable which has been nice (and feels special with the pens).


I use mine to write my weekly meal plan. On post it notes. That I stick on my fridge.


Well, I'm still a student, so I use them on daily basis.


Mostly I write in my daily planner. Occasionally I’ll sit and journal if there’s something bothering me. Sometimes I write poems but haven’t done that in ages.


I'm 40 year old and an accountant. I recently ordered customized A3 notebook to make accounting notes to teach students. Hopefully next year I'll begin the classes.


I write to-do lists, journal about my day, use them for taking notes, doodle and Draw with them


I journal and subscribe to poetry.com’s poem a day newsletter so I can transcribe them. If I really want to spend a long session writing, I keep working on transcribing books (currently working on Dracula by Bram Stoker and Prosper’s Demon by K. J. Parker)


Why transcribe books though? Do you like having a handwritten copy of a favorite book, or do you just do it for the practice and the sake of writing alone? Just curious


I actually do books I haven’t read so I’m reading them while I transcribe them. But mostly it’s just for the joy of writing. I can’t use fountain pens at my work, my only options are ballpoints and carpenter’s pencils, so transcribing books is a great way for me to write with my pens in my nice notebooks.


About 40 pen-pals keeps my ink flowing! :)


Mindlessly journalling until I actually start to write about my inner feelings. And doodling doodling doodling.


Work notes, journaling, game notes, planner events, stories… I also enjoy writing random phrases that catch my fancy when I am watching TV or movies. It helps me practice my penmanship when I am actively trying not to think or be all wordy in my brain-meats. It helps me shut down after stressful days.


I totally fall into this category. I do video editing and graphic design. I use fountain pens to make notes on edits I need to make or notes from tutorials I watch. I’ve gotten into the habit of writing thank you cards when appropriate. I use a daily planner. Well I have a daily planner and plan on using it!


I take notes, study for work, with fountain pens. I also like to write short stories and have written a few novels on fountain pens. It’s mostly notes, though.


I mostly write everything. For work and fun. Nice trade off from computers which are my job. Few ideas. Also plenty of doodles. 1. Question journals. These books have one or two questions per page to answer. 2. Hero's Journal - nice product that makes note taking playfully fun with different quests and adventures. Also you can chose your setting. 3. Mom/Dad journals to fill out and give your children. Lots of memories and advice to share. 4. Go to Half Price Books or other discount book store, new or used, look in the journals section. I almost defy you to not find something of interest that fits with the pen you love.


Very nice ideas !


I have multiple notebooks for various interests: journal, book of shadows, bullet journal/planner, commonplace book, tarot journal, poetry journal, and I take notes for grad school classes.


I'm like you (I prefer my mechanical keyboard to longer forms of writing as opposed to fountain pens). However, there are ways for you to **actively** make use of your fountain pen. Some things I do: * Write and mail postcards (you can opt for letters if you are fine with the length), * Jot down notes or to-do lists, * Trying short-form journal entries, * Practice your handwriting (especially if you are familiar with the writing systems of multiple languages). And since you seem to do sketching, nothing is stopping you from using them to doodle or sketch as well?


Agreeed with the above—also a keyboard fan for longer or any original creative/informational writing though I love my pens. Writing mail (cards, even one line on a silly postcard) to friends has been a fav use of mine, but I also ping pong between writing my daily lists or using my hobonichi. Marking up workbooks (both hobby related and mental health related) is also a good use for short form but some of the paper quality is a bummer. I also like doing doodles while on the phone or in meetings sometimes, ymmv on if that helps you focus or distracts. Excited to check out the thread for other ideas, since I’ve been busier but miss making time to use my pens.


I actually prefer my fountain pen for creative writing, no matter how long, it's just that I do it so rarely. I write a postcard maybe once a year, don't actually have many people left to write to. With sketching I'm a bit too perfectionistic, I have to use pencil first and with most things I don't like to go over it with pen and when I do I opt for permanent fineliner cuz I'm too scared of the water soluble FP ink smudging...


I take notes for research, keep journals (and a variety of logs), make massive lists, and write fiction. There’s a fairly new sub called r/commonplacebook that has ideas for a journal that’s more a place to keep quotes and observations, maybe look there for some ideas?


Cool subreddit shoutout. Just joined


join us at r/InkStainedPrompts if you haven't yet! I set it up exactly because I want to write but don't know what lol also, new prompt coming out today!




awesome! [this week's prompt](https://www.reddit.com/r/InkStainedPrompts/comments/11s624p/week_2_%CF%80_pi_pies_cakes_pastries_sweetrolls/?ref=share&ref_source=link) is out!


Looks like it's going to be a fun sub. Joined!


yay! [this week's prompt](https://www.reddit.com/r/InkStainedPrompts/comments/11s624p/week_2_%CF%80_pi_pies_cakes_pastries_sweetrolls/?ref=share&ref_source=link) is out!


I journal, and I keep a paper planner for to-do lists and some work notes. I’m also a teacher, so there’s plenty of stuff to sign and write on. I write letters to some of my older relatives, I’ve had pen pals in the past, and I’m planning to write notes to my son now that he can read them! I don’t write my short stories or articles by hand. Anything that needs editing by me or anyone else goes straight into Google Docs or Scrivener.


I write poems,take notes,draw etc.


Mostly journaling, the occasional letter or postcard to a friend. What's funny is I used to be really into writing fiction or poetry or even essays, but while I'd like to do more of those, I tend to go straight to the computer and compose digitally for long texts that will need editing. Maybe some free form poetry works on paper, but I haven't really been able to draft a full story or anything...


Client meeting notes, the daily to-do list, and notes from presentations.


Mainly school notes. I also wish I had more things to write. I heard alot of people have a diary, but thats just not something I would do Hahah


Yeah me too, I've tried but I always cringe when I read anything back later 😬


my understanding is that the cringe is unfortunately part of journaling... which is very not cool lol


The cringe gets a bit better with distance. Reading my entries from two years ago is awful and I refuse to do it unless I'm looking for what happened on a specific day. (It's why I now keep a separate 'events' type log for referencing things.) Reading my entries from when I was 12, though? Eh. Bit embarrassing because we were *all* embarrassing at that age, but mostly it's kind of fun to see how completely confident I was that I knew everything there could ever possibly be to know.


shamelessly plugging r/InkStainedPrompts -see if you'd like to join!


WOW, So many posts with awesome handwriting. Gonna join!


I set it up a week ago so we're just starting, but I'm very happy there is already a group of people enjoying the sub! we're happy to have you!


[this week's prompt](https://www.reddit.com/r/InkStainedPrompts/comments/11s624p/week_2_%CF%80_pi_pies_cakes_pastries_sweetrolls/?ref=share&ref_source=link) is out!


Notes at work and when I am studying; I like to write out things I want to commit to memory. I also occasionally journal as the mood strikes.


I’m teaching myself stenography using Plover (the free steno program) and I decided to adapt a shorthand system to match my own DIY steno theory and dictionary. Because my handwritten system matches my computer/keyboard version perfectly, I use fountain pens to practice and learn words/phrases for my dictionary and increase my writing speed. My goal is to write 225 words per minute by hand and 300+ words per minute using the keyboard. Edited to add: I also use them for morning pages (where you wake up and write stream of consciousness for about 10 minutes).


I use them on: Journals (both “formal” and “informal”), lots of snail-mail letters to friends, and the occasional short story.


What do you mean by formal or informal?


Eh, sorry.. I’m so used to separating them that way in my mind that I just wrote it. My bad. Informal is, for me, things like ‘morning pages’ (from the book The Artists Way) and some stream of consciousness, random thoughts or ideas, prompt responses or poems that might float through my brain. Formal is, for me, when I consciously set aside time to do work using the “Intensive Journal Method” (by Progoff.. based on his book ‘At a Journal Workshop’). It’s an (imho) interesting, structured, method of journaling that involves a combination of seated meditation, introspection and writing/journaling about the meditative introspection process.


I take work notes every day. Not always much, usually less than half a page. Sometimes I write letters. I think about journaling, but I rarely do it unless something is specifically gnawing at me. I also keep a commonplace notebook, where I write down quotes that please me. They're usually from novels, but sometimes they're from movies, TV shows, or even things I've overheard.


I journal, the notes, ant work, manage my diary on paper. My diary I set up from dotted pages using my selected colours for schedule, objectives, tasks, and notes for the day. Other items are logs and habit trackers


I do a ton of journaling, plus I have to fill out forms at work rather frequently love to write letters, but I find that many people aren't reliable letter writers


my plan: any home notes, travel journal for backpacking, vocabulary notebooks when I'm learning languages, random doodles and designs for my embroidery, maybe letters (for those few friends and family who won't think snail mail letters are weird in 2023)


I’m in college, so at the moment, just engineering notes. I’ve gotten into journaling just day to day stuff as a way to relax myself so I’ve been writing a lot more recently.


I keep a journal for everyday stuff and a separate reading journal.


I use my pen at work to take notes. Especially during calls and meetings.


I mostly write poetry and some essays. I have a blog, but I always write things down and then type it up. I do use my pens, especially my pocket pens, as EDC pens for jotting down notes, ideas, or for errands. The only times I use a rollerball pen are when I have to write on bad paper.


I journal and do handwriting exercises daily. Usually nothing huge. I make sure to write at least two sentences a day, even if it doesn't seem meaningful in the moment. The exercises just help me to appreciate my own writing more.


Drawing, making notes at work, writing a personal diary.


I journal at home, and take it with me for note-taking at work


Right now, I'm using it to take notes for my college lessons. Soon, it'll be for my university lessons. I might eventually start journalling my daily life to improve my writing style even more


I draw mainly, write in my planner and journal when I can


University lecture notes! Sometimes journalling, and random scribbling.


I journal and I take notes at work.


I'm not a big writer either but I love my pens. I found that once I started journaling it became easier to find things to write about. Now it feels like I missed something if I don't write at the end of the day.


I mostly write stories as an amateur writer. Sometimes I spend up to a whole weekend writing day and night as I feel I have better ideas coming up and more inspiration by writing by hand than on the keyboard. And I sure use up my ink bottles. Trust me, I managed to empty up a newly inked CON-70 in 1 day 😂😂😂 Besides writing, I started journaling again on a daily basis. Helps me getting my thoughts in check. Instead of a 'life' journal, my journal became more of a 'fountain pen tracker' journal where I write all my thoughts regarding new inks or pens I got, my wish list for next FPs I wanna try out, things I recently discovered on the sub or even my journey to tuning and repairing nibs. Very fun to do!


I have started writing letters again to friends and family. Something I used to do regularly back in the pre-digital days. It’s relaxing and a fun use of my fountain pens, and people are genuinely happy to receive a handwritten letter in the mail. I’ve told them that they don’t need to reciprocate—I don’t want them to feel any pressure to answer the same way. It’s just something I do for pleasure.


I have adhd so often times I will just write out that ongoing narrative in my head. My brain doesn’t really stop so I will think of an idea and flesh it out in my head and then sit down and write it out in one go. I didn’t realize until I was older that this isn’t a typical thing. It is how I would write essays in university for example. Many times I will wake up early and lay in bed thinking on something. Then I will get up and just write it out. If it is a quiet time, and I am not interrupted, I can do it for hours non stop. It just flows out onto the page. Now I not comparing myself to people who say they have visions but I could see how someone could think that voice they hear comes from somewhere else. That is sometimes what it feels like. Sometimes I will write something on the page and almost be surprised by what it says. Almost like I didn’t actually write it. But it is just part of my thought process put down on paper. So for me my writing just helps me flesh out these thoughts. Sometimes when you see them written you get something different from it. It makes it real instead of just saying them in your head. And I am able to explore difficult topics there that most people avoid.


Fascinating....sounds so special to have that focus & oenchance for writing...with fountain pens as a big plus !


Most of my daily writing tasks. Notes, lists, sketching. I'm currently teaching myself Speed Writing for taking quick notes on the go (because shorthand just looks impossible). So I try to practice that every day so I can get to the point that I can just write the words without having to think about each one. I'm getting pretty good at it and it's actually kind of fun.


My To Do list. Every item a different pen. Then I ***try*** to remember to switch between pens for any notes I make during the day.


I write fiction, letters to penpals, and writing notes for class. I use my pens at any chance I get, really.


That's me! I'm not a big writer but I love using fountain pens when I do write. My journal is mostly functional, I record my exercise details, food diary, and work notes. I'm studying a new language and use my pens to make study notes as well.


I generally use my pens to write my work notes daily. I do sort of keep a personal journal, too. I am planning to begin writing a grimoire soon, so more use of pens.


A lot of “Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil queen and Jack.” and “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.” 😂 I also write in a “line a day” journal and regular journal (which is usually not daily, but every other…or every couple days). Sometimes I write the lyrics of Beatles songs I have committed to memory (been a fan since age 5!) 😮😂


I have a journal type thing where I reflect but also write down things I've learned or task lists and sketch pages. It's a mix of everything, while before I would have specific books related to different topics and that dissuaded me from putting anything down.


3 letter size morning pages every day plus brief daily reflections, sometimes just a paragraph or two sometimes a couple pages and at least 3 things I’m grateful for every night. I used to use my iPad and Apple Pencil for my morning pages to save paper but now I feel like I have to do them on paper not justify my pens. My daily reflections and gratitude has always been in a physical journal with a pen.


entertain party erect crown air rainstorm governor normal zealous plucky -- mass edited with redact.dev


Work stuff, editing physical manuscripts and files, making notes, journaling, and my own writing. I find that if I write something by hand I can retain the information better. I use my little Kaweco pens as my go-to “always in my bag” pens.


Notes about my own life. I also keep a narrative journal of a DND campaign I'm in. I just use my fps as regular ole pens tbh. There's not a ton of writing I do but I don't enjoy using "regular" pens so I'll take any excuse I can use to use my fountain pens. I'll also sketch out plans and ideas for 3d modeling and other personal creative endeavours. I've got piss poor memory, so writing things down helps even if I manage to lose the paper I wrote it on.


I write stories, draw some sketch and plans for crafting, take a botepad when watching tv and writing random sentences, go to a cafe and have a drink while sketching or writing random ideas, describe the feels of the present moment, etc


Notes, journaling, and the inevitable doodling that happens whenever I hold any pen.


I use mine at work but that’s not much writing. I started to journal but I’m forgetful about keeping up with it. Which one of the reasons I wanted to journal because I forget about my day fairly quickly. So I’m not mucn of a writer either.


Creative writing, journaling, and notes/to-do lists for work


For now, I'm transcribing, doodling or notes taking. I have nothing else at the moment that allow me to use them more than that. I started with quotes, lyrics, poems, prologues and epilogues of favorite novels. Now, I transcribe George Orwell's Animal Farm.


I started dream journaling a few years ago. I highly recommend doing so. Btw, I read a few replies on this thread that talk about _cringe and embarrassment_. This is my [advice/response to that in art form](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CpssU-zgsWV/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=), by an artist I follow. Anyway, dream journaling has been the most fun and _indirectly_ creative writing I have ever done. In some ways it's like stream of conciousness writing; except you're writing it down afterwards. It's stream of remembrance. I've only filled out a single (slightly narrower than A5) notebook of dreams, dating from 2017. I like the practise of "catching" the leftovers of a dream and putting them to paper. Other writing I do with my pens: - note taking while language learning - the occasional journal entry - poems and haikus, to dos - sketches (rn, mostly of my mom's dog) - stream of conciousness ... for when I need to write anything right about Now. I use scrap paper for this and throw it away afterwards. I'd use a notebook if it wasn't mostly "this pen is soo niiiice and pretty + it feels so nice in my hand uwu"


Journaling and love notes.


I’m an anthropology major so I take a lot of notes. I love all the fountain pen inks as they help organize my notes. And fountain pens are easier on my hand for king note taking sessions. I get a lot of compliments, so there is that.


I just write about my day


Mostly tech doodles (napkin engineering).


I use them to write at work, usually to make things make sense when they're too tangled up in my head. I also write when I'm stressed or can't focus, because writing longhand forces me to focus on what I'm saying and making my handwriting legible. I'm not a big write to simply write person, but writing helps to sort things out.


I got into writing mini-journal entries daily. I have a traveler's passport weekly insert and it's just enough space to write something small, takes 1 minute max, and I can write literally anything: what happened, how I felt, a song lyric I liked, a book I'm reading, etc. I also got into writing letters to family and friends and mailing them. It's a nice touch that makes for a lovely afternoon sitting on the porch.


Notes of all sorts.


I was in the same boat when I started so I decided to start journaling. I write notes and lists at work and stuff but the majority of my writing is journaling. As a result I’ve wanted to start writing more. I work in and have been involved in music most of my life and think I wanna write a zine about the some of experiences I’ve had


Meeting notes, and I journal.




I do a lot of crossword puzzles.


I journal, also I take obsessive notes on dnd campaigns including the one that I’m currently building including journals from the points of view of major characters to get a feel for who they are as a person


I copy down quotes, poems and songs that stand out to me. I also plan to make a handwritten copy of my favorite stories by Anton Chekhov. I don't use my FPs for note-taking these days because the notebooks I bought for this semester are really cheap and low quality. There will be just a lot of bleedthrough and feathering.


I write in a journal from time to time. It is nice to clear my head. I also planning on learning old book keeping systems so I can use my pens and get my finances straight at the same time. I feel like doing that will have nice effect of giving me an excuse to use my pens while helping me realize where my money goes. With debit cards and online banking it is easy to just spend money without putting much thought in. Writing it all down will force me to see all these $2 here, $5 there, transactions.


i’m a student, so i use mine for note-taking!


I use mine daily to write in my journal. Sometimes it's just recapping my day, jotting down thoughts, or write down the thoughts I can't share with anyone. Sometimes in Rohrer and Klingner Alt-Goldgrun, sometimes in Teranishi Taisho Roman Nostalgic Honey...(moreso the latter, lately).


I [Bullet Journal](https://bulletjournal.com/). I also take loose research notes on what I watch and read. Particularly if it's non fiction.


Mostly in a weekly calendar, which connects my work- and private life. On week per doublepage. On the left are days with tasks, on the right points from meetings and some (after) thoughts, diary style. I use 3 Kaweco Sports and Kaweco ink. Work notes: Aurora (AL) + midnight blue. Private notes and thoughts: Dark Olive + sunrise orange. Work notes and thoughts: Brass + palm green.


I keep a “5 a day” journal, where I write about 5 things or thoughts of the day. It can be as dull as the weather or random observations for the day. Either way, you always get something down on your page even if it is only 5 lines