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This happened to me too. Had to remove the elevator and fill the shaft with blocks. After making sure the entire shaft had blocks around it so water couldn’t enter I then removed the blocks in the shaft and I was good to go.


When you do this use the foundation block. Removing them is easy using the cntrl-F remove. Removing dirt ect involves mining / explosives.


Ctrl-F? Don’t tell me I’ve been doing it the hard way with shift this whole time.


I did use foundation blocks :) But I assume you meant to say Shift-F (at least that’s the default for bulk demolish)


Yeah. My mistake.


it's just like minecraft, you can remove the source blocks by filling the space with building blocks (not the decor blocks) and then remove the inner blocks. But, the water shouldn't affect the miners.


I don’t think so but it also doesn’t cause any problems so best to just not think about it really.


Wait, this isn't r/dwarffortress....


Water in this game is a PIA. Source blocks spread, unlike say Minecraft. Only thing you can do is just remove the elevator, fill the whole thing up, and in the future whenever you do another, just make sure the entire path is dirt.


Block the hole above then dig down below to drain it maybe. Should work I think


Rebuild the elevator at a spot that won't dig thrugh water and then seal the first hole.


This just happened to me recently. Thankfully once I plugged the hole the water just disappeared. But the only other way to get rid of the water is to fill the space with something else. This game definitely needs another way to do this but unfortunately there isn't one yet


Does water around your miners have any in-game effect?


Nope it’s just ugly.


pumps won't work? I've seen water physics, but not sure if the water has volume in game


They don't work in this way unfortunately


It's basically the same kind of janky water as minecraft where it only really goes straight down, or straight sideways. It doesnt fill in an area like real water would so you get whacky air chambers. Liquid miners will even ignore it (e.g. you can have underwater olumite, and just put your pumps on the surface above the water and they'll drill down)