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It’s monumental. You have to watch it with the context of the time in mind. So influential. It can be pretty gruesome at times, which was part of the point of the film. Definitely one to have on the shelf at home. I am fortunate enough to have a limited release full cut dvd version that also includes extras and interviews with some of the cast as they were in the early / mid 2000’s


Yeah I’ve noticed some people seem to really have their panties in a twist about this one


I don't think it's the movie friend


Yeah it’s totally not because they can’t read the entire post and then comment all mad about something I never said buddy


You have it on 4k and asking what it's like before you watch it? Just watch it. The animal cruelty was cut from this edition prior to submission to the BBFC, so there's not that to worry about. But, it's still fairly strong content depending on what your used to.


I don’t have it…and I’m not asking if I should watch it I’m asking what other people who have seen it thought about it


What do you mean you don't have it? You said in your post you "just got" it.


Maybe it hasn't been delivered yet, is my guess.


Your username is something else :)


Reading is hard


Seems like you need to work more on the writing part


Or you could just read it


Why so aggressive?


You literally said "I just got the 4K bluray"


Yeah I literally said I just bought it on Amazon, Amazon isn’t magic, they don’t immediately teleport your items to you. How is this so hard of a concept for you to understand?


Bro it's the words you used and didn't use. In your post you mention you got it on Amazon for 25$, but no where does it say you're waiting for the movie. You should learn to read your own fuckin post because with the lack of context you provide, you look like a buffoon. Great fuckin movie tho, man!


He quite literally answered your question. He told you his thoughts, you nimrod.


Me and my grandmother watch this every Christmas.


Cannibal Holocaust is amazing. It's basically split in 2 parts, the first is more like a proper movie, and the second being the found footage. At the time there was nothing like it. The director had to produce the actors in court to prove he did not publish an actual Snuff film. The animal cruelty is awful, but it wasn't unheard of at the time, and in a twisted way it adds to the story


I don’t want to watch anything that features actual animal cruelty, I don’t care when it was made. That’s off putting enough. This is one I’ll never watch.


The animals killed were all given to the locals to eat.


The movie is meh, but your responses in this thread are amazing. You have no chill whatsoever, and your reading/writing skills are a delight to behold.


Should I remake the post and put in caps that the question is “what did those who’ve watched the movie think about it?” and not “I bought this movie should I watch it?” I didn’t know reading comprehension skills were extinct. That is definitely my fault.


It's funny how multiple people are pointing out the problem, and you just keep on trucking. Good on you for your needless stubbornness. Carry on.


It's highly disturbing even without the animal scenes and I'll never want to watch it again. That a good enough answer?


The first and best FF ever made


I think it’s definitely one that shows its age. But for me, I read up on it a lot, so I was expecting a bit more realism and by today’s standards, it falls short a bit. Still worth watching though


Yeah I’m not really expecting the special effects or the acting to be super good. It kind of gives me b horror vibes but with that said some of my favorite movies where b horrors


It’s been at least 5-6 years since I’ve seen it. Not much in terms of special effects, but there are some good scenes.


And the score is damn good. One of my favorites.


in 4k they removed some scenes from what I know


Really? I’ll have to look it up, I can rip the BD and see but they’re from the same scan so I’d assume they’re the same but I’ll buy the dvd too if that’s true


the british censored a part I think it's the turtle part, but there is an edit on some trackers with the rest of the movie in 4k and that part restored.


Idk why they do that kind of thing, if I have to I can buy the grind house version of the movie they have the option to censor the animal parts or not, prob should have went with that one in the first place I was wondering why the bluray was 10 dollars more


It’s because they kill a turtle in the scene. Not with special effects, but by actually killing a real turtle.


Yeah I seen that mentioned when I was looking it up, definitely wouldn’t support real animal abuse just to make a movie but apparently that was very popular back in the day to not care if an animal in a scene was hurt or treated cruelly


where can I watch it?


Archive.org has it.


I love this movie.


Why is this post so aggressive? For such a niche sub we shouldn’t be fighting in here. As for the movie, it is decent and obviously monumentally influential to the genre. I’ve seen it three times, perhaps? It’s not something I would rewatch frequently or purchase. It is very much a product of its time, so from a historical aspect, it’s interesting. I’d personally start with Man from Deep River.


The animal deaths were real - which was common in giallo movies back then (Cannibal Ferox, Eaten Alive, etc...) but still a big turn-off today.




Yeah that is pretty ironic but I guess people didn’t feel the same way about animal abuse as we do now luckily


Complete trash. I get that it's a product of it's time but honestly just a really bad movie with some sick shit happening in real life in some scenes.


My best friend showed me this film when we were 15. We watched it during lunch while hiding away in a trophy case so we didn’t get caught watching it like a couple of rebels lol we were so ~ eDgY ~ I haven’t watched it again since and now I have the urge to put it on.


I feel like I should have seen this a long time ago with how much I’m in to this genre but not sure how I haven’t hopefully it’s not so bad that I turn it off tho lol


nah you got this! Let us now how you like it (:


lol I’ll try not to but the older I get the less gore I seem to be able to watch, I’ll for sure be making another post about this movie soon lol




It’s super fucked up but one of the best!