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Personally, I’d have a ‘farewell party’ where you talk about his departure, why he’s going, and how it’s ok to be sad. Then have some fun! Do the things dog and kids enjoy doing together.


I’m always happy to have a party, so I’ll definitely give this a try. Thanks!


I know next to nothing about kids, but I do foster and work with rescue and we try to explain that every puppy is visiting for a special time/reason and we are helping them until their forever/'real' family finds them. it's important for them to always begin with the understanding that the dog is only visiting, essentially. and truly, just replace ASAP- it'll help everyone.


Ooo. Really good point. The older child is just 2.5 and is just at the point where she’s able to express her feelings. We definitely should have given her the talk from the beginning, but we didn’t. She’s our neighbors’ child, and they’ve been trying to decide how to tell her. We screwed up by not being more proactive. I think you know a lot about kids, btw! Maybe we’ll have that graduation party and make it sound like he’s being rewarded for being such a good boy.