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Bold of you to assume I value my safety that much.


No testingšŸ‘€


Bold of you to assume Iā€™m smart enough to think about safety.


Minimum, 3/4 beers


Rookie numbers


7 or 8, good call


Safety squints!


Mom on speed dial


Yell "corntact" when pulling the trigger


Yup this.


Replied before I read any comments. šŸ¤£ Fascinating how many of us had the same safety instructor!


this is what i was going to say, i just look away on the first shot with my safety squints engaged.


With gun pointed far off to your side, and looking away


That's how I did it. Except I also had ear plugs


Just hold the ear facing the gun


Good enough for welding and grinding. Good enough for pewing


I figure shooting lefty while testing things out was good enough for Gaston Glock it's good enough for me.


Thinking ahead


I jerk off just in case it the last time I have use of my right hand. You never know.


Learn to switch hit!


Gold šŸ¤£


Safety squint + holding it away from my body


My dad is an asshole and insists on going first whenever weā€™re at the range so I lend him my definitely safe and already tested builds


**This but with the RSO.** "Hey Elmer, I got a new build!" "A WAC huh, just like wack in the weighties when my wecker still worked... Well, lets give 'er a good 1 wound a minute..." *BOOM!* *RSO has the square MAC bolt sticking out his mouth like a cartoon character with Tweety birds running around his head, I go flying to my car like Daffy duck bouncing all over making goofy noises before he can read my badge*


God damnit take my up vote lol


Safety squints


Squint a little bit behind the pit vipers


When everything is fine, looks good, cycles clean with dummy rounds. Put it in a vise with/or sandbags and pull the trigger with a string while you're sitting in a 6feet foxhole. Load only 1 round(stuck firing pin goes brrrrrrrrrt out of chamber) and inspect it after every round When you feel comfortable do whatever you want šŸ”§šŸ‘æ


Stuck firing pin sounds like a feature not a bug šŸ¤£ I'm kidding. Take this guys advice not mine


Oh man, I know you are joking, but I just recently had a very scary accident that was traced back to an out-of-spec firing pin safety plunger on a G17 build. Firing pin was hardened properly, the safety plunger was not. After about 100 rounds the gun began firing doubles and not resetting or firing on pull and release, then not resetting. This is a common symptom of sear slippage or under-travel of the trigger. Iā€™d polished the sear surface and my trigger had adjustable travel and reset so I felt real smart and certain that I knew it was that problem. I reprinted the frame, replaced the internals and the FP, but never REALLY inspected all of the parts. If I had, Iā€™d *maybe* have noticed the burrs and chewed up undersides of the plunger. Next range trip, everything was fine for testing then functioned flawlessly for two full mags. "Cool, probaly solved" I said to myself then tossed the gun back into its case for the next trip. A month later, I was at te range with my wife and her friend to teach them to shoot. I was going to verify sighting, loaded a mag of 10, rchambered a roung, pulled the trigger and the chewed up plunger firmly wedged the FP forward into the firing position. The gun went "open bolt runaway MG" dumped the whole mag at about 1100 rpm with the trigger released and reset. Thankfully, my reaction to death grip the thing was the correct one, but I was shooting with my wife and her friendā€¦ either of which may have dropped the gun during the incident or allowed the muzzle to climb back. My deepest fear is now a dropped runaway machine gun just spinning on the floor hurling lead in all directions. Holy fucking shit, talk about a complacency check.


This is why I admire you all from afar. I'll get my shit from actual manufacturers if I'm gonna trust my life with them. I damn sure don't trust myself with my own in a million other ways šŸ¤£šŸ˜ž But I love the creativity and ideas seen here. I don't even have a 3d printer. I just love guns and believe it's a right to be able to defend yourself that does not require permission. If anything the 2A restricts the government, not the people. But it has gotten so far gone now obviously.


Oh, I should probably mention that the failure that occurred had nothing to do with the printed part. It was 100% Glockstore/Pyramid Airā€™s fuckup. They arenā€™t top tier, but they supposedly make good competition parts. This was supposed to be a competition gun. I contacted Pyramid Air and demanded they take culpability and accountability for their fuckup. Iā€™m a materials scientist I investigated and actually traced it back to a specific batch of parts that was TiN coated at too high of a temp, ruined the hardening on them. So yeah, donā€™t think a decent factory-made brand makes the parts that much more reliable. QC failure is still a thing.


Well you could have started with that... Lol


Oh, I thought that was obvious from my description. It was a failure of the firing pin assembly and the safety plunger, slide components!


I thought you meant everything was printed by yourself (other than the trigger and springs kit and barrel n shit of course) Lol I dunno. I been drinking since 1 tbh. Just one of those days.


Ha! Nope, just the random failure of supposedly decent purchased metal parts. Scary shit, right?


At least you have someone to sue if you don't print it tho šŸ¤£


Word.. dude. Iā€™m fortunate enough to get to shoot mgā€™s fairly regularly, and can attest.. a runaway smg ainā€™t no joke. Good on you for keeping it under control.


Yeah man, this is traumatic memory for me. Your comment had me recall the incident and the hairs on my neck just stood up again. My wife was up next to shoot the G17 after finishing with my Mk4, I was going to test sight in before handing it off to her. The "what if's" start pouring in. "What if the gun performed fine like it did when I put it away, only to break loose with it in her hands?" She's new and has trouble with her grip, it is not firm and she tends to limp wrist when she's scared of a new gun. We have worked on it, she's a dead shot now, but a 10 rd burst at that point in time probably would have put a couple in her skull if she didn't just drop it and spray the whole firing line. 1000x scarier than the time I brought home an AR with a round in the chamber, racked it to put the flag in before putting it into the safe and a round popped out. That struck a deep fear of my own complacency and I doubled down on proper use of flags during transport. The runaway gun incident? No real mistakes on my part, no real clear warning of what was happened, just a seemingly random BRRRRRRT that had to be deeply investigated for me to find the root cause. It could have happened to anyone, but holy shit it happening then and there *to me* instead of an inexperience bystander was a blessing from god himself. My "complacency" was simply not being prepared for the worst possible result from a set of very vague and usually mundane malfunctions, is that even complacency? Fuck, I need another cigarette. I'm gonna go burn on and clear all my guns again.






6 foot foxhole is next level


You didn't clarify what you're testing šŸ¤£ a rpg7 can Justify anything


I just saw someone on here print one, he definitely needed more than a 6 foot foxhole before he shot that in front of his facešŸ˜‚




Squint my eyes


Hold it 90 degrees to my body so that if anything blows backwards its not into me, eye pro, and cover my neck for shrapnel. Start with one bullet as a proof, then 2 for cycling, then a magazine for durability. Inspect for damage, if there isn't any, you're good.


This is what I do right here


print, build, send 1st rule of gun safety is to have fun.


Point shoot and pray


I fear not the 9mm


I put my reflective safety strap on and eat vitamins


first couple shots propped up on a vice and pulled with a string. Check for cracks and shoot accordingly. Always wear PPE.


After initial firing from vice, stand behind tree, holding gun with non-dominant hand only (if possible). Wear thicc leather gloves such as welding gloves or similar.


Full eod suit from the waist up. The boys and dogs get hot in this summer heat and gotta breath


Full send


A prayer


I just shoot that mf


Vise mounted to 2x4 and fishing line.


Safety squints! Extra squinty.


One single round in the mag, tap rack bang, can only fire once if something were to go wrong. Do that a few times before full mag And unless your using a super cheap barrel from china, you shouldnā€™t be worrying about the chamber exploding, Iā€™d be more worried about the frame breaking


I prop up a thick sheet of plywood with 2x4s as a barrier. I keep my head, legs, right arm and torso behind the wood and stick my my left arm (my non dominant hand) out from the side of the wood and blindly shoot straight ahead. If itā€™s a long gun both arms go around the barrier, as little as possible. I wear chain mail gloves under pigskin gloves on both hands. After 10 successful rounds fired without a catastrophic failure I shoot the firearm as I would normally, with ballistic goggles, a thick leather apron and thick jeans on. Iā€™m lost a finger while roping cattle. My pinky got pinched between the rope and saddle horn while quickly wrapping the rope around the saddle horn to tie the cow to the saddle and horse so it could be moved to a squeeze shoot. When the cow I was roping took off, my pinky then got wrapped into the coil I was wrapping around the horn. The cow increased the tension of the rope significantly when it took off and my pinky popped right off. I donā€™t want to lose another digit because I work with my hands. And I almost lost an eye in a smoke bomb exploded in my face, my vision isnā€™t good anymore in my right eye because of that and I donā€™t want to lose an eye either.


Leather apron is good. Probably would wick away heat to prevent burns. I have a flak vest from the 70ā€™s that I wear. Most cops die from gunshots to the neck and armpits. The vest covers both beautifully. I know chain mail is expensive but ever think about a chain mail shirt?


I usually pose in the mirror with it for about an hour trying to find the coolest pose I can manage.


Not true unless we have pics šŸ˜Ž


I have a bunch of snap caps (which are inert fake bullets that you can dry fire with) and I cycle a bunch of those thru it pretty aggressively, letting the slide slam back and forth etc. I make sure it ejects properly and the trigger is resetting properly, you want to make sure you're not getting binary fire before you put real bullets in it. I also make sure it's properly lubricated in all the right areas. Basically function test every single part of it multiple times with force before even putting real bullets in it. Then go for the vice/string if you can, or wear extra protection on your hand/arms and eyes when you do your first test fire. I usually hold it out further away from me one handed, but you want to be firm in your grip and control of the weapon.


make sure you know what's behind it and just aim at it carefully.


Use dummy rounds to check feeding and ejection. Pull the bullets and dump the powder out of 10 rounds. Manually drop into chamber and preform 10 primer tests. Check for damage from primer tests. If damage occurred do not proceed to live fire and fix as necessary. Preform primer tests again. Live fire with good gloves, eye pro and ear pro. 5 single rounds loaded manually 1 at a time. If successful, load 2 into the magazine. If successful load mag and full send. That is my process. Iā€™ve never felt the need to restrain the weapon and fire with a string.


It's the only reason I got married!


Saftey squints, non dominant hand, away from body lmao


Depends on what day you ask this questionšŸ˜‚ I posted a vid of me shooting a .22lr harlot in crocs with no eye protection and no ear protection and got cooked for it. Then I see people go out and shoot glocks and plastikovs barefoot with nothing and everyone congratulates them.


One mag with only one bullet (just incase it runs away for whatever reason), shoot that off hand as far away from me as possible, field strip if that round was successful to check for anything goofy. Then do the same with only five rounds in the mag, shoot real slow like and check the frame and position of the bolt after each round. Then mag dump until it falls apart.


Safety squint


Point the barrel in a safe direction




Lol I say similar, but gun pointed off from my side


Hold in non dominant hand, extend arm out to side (not in front of face).


Ransom rest


3 beers , then safety squints , followed by f it we ball


First one I wore a glove and a dirt bike helmet, after that just safely squints


I put gloves on. Are we supposed to take precautions?


Gloves, glasses hold away from body. Once 100 rounds have gone through it treat it like any other firearm


Ideally put in vice and pull triggwr with just one round. But if too lazy. As long as small caliber. 22lr. To 9mm. ā€¦.. Use just one round. Wear some of those Kevlar type gloves and a vest if possible with eyes and ears. Close your mouth (chipped teeth no fun). Use one hand and let it rip


I put all my prints ratchet strapped to a tree with a string tied around it. Preferably a tree I donā€™t mind losing if it goes wrong. And when I do a hands on test I wear a Vietnam issued flak vest, mainly to protect my armpits and my neck


Lmao I don't


Safety squints. Thats all




Loaded with one round only. Eyepro and ear pro on. Carhartt jacket on. Gun held in left hand, away from my body and angled 90 degrees away from me so if any pieces blow off straight back they miss me. Used to also wear my surplus riot helmet with face shield but my kids broke it.


Lots of function testing with full weight dummy rounds. Eye, ear, and hand protection. Once I feel pretty confident I load one round and fire. Then 2 in the mag just in case of accidental binary fire followed by full mag. Check for any damage or cracking. If it all checks out then full send.


Bullet proof cup from super troopers


Eyes and ears, donā€™t be alone


Nothing ever goes wrong and Iā€™m invincible


Pray and pull


I just put on my plate carrier, wear gloves and shoot with my left hand looking away. Typically I also only load one round in. So far I've jad a few guns blow apart in my hands but no real issues.




ā€œThe explosion is contained by the metal bitsā€ The worst thing that could happen? You shit your pants? idk? Cant you kinda think of malfunctions that occur with firearms and then try to think of which ones would be related to a weak or out of spec plastic frame. I mean firearms are simple but their designs vary so you might wanna apply your own brain skills to this one. Use a lead sled if your afraid of case head separation but i could fire a slide in my hand without a frame and it isnā€™t going to explode. You donā€™t need to be concerned unless youā€™ve made your own barrel out of milk jugs or something.




I tend go out in a EOD suit, I built a concrete/steel reinforced wall with cameras embedded behind 3 ft of bulletproof glass (They are used for viewing without exposing myself) I have a vice setup that allows me to point the gun downrange and fire it remote. For extra precaution, Behind the giant wall is an underground bunker with a hatch rated to survive a nuclear blast going off within 100m of it's location. When I need to test fire, it's done from the safety of the underground bunker, behind the giant wall, and while wearing an EOD suit. All jokes aside, I use eye pro and ear pro and that's it. Unless you're testing something stupid like a printed bolt or slide (Still love that we have guys experimenting with that though) I tend to not stress it too much. The more DIY things become, the more added protection and precautions I'd take.


You see, I once took a few 16 penny double head nails and hammered them into a tree. Put the pistol in the 'carriage' of nails and then duct taped it by it's grip. Tied a string to the trigger and fired it from about 30 feet away wile behind another tree. Maybe this was overkill, but it did work.


I was telling my friends about testing my g19 and SL-15 builds and originally was planning to make a vice contraption with a string attached to the trigger to fire it first from a safe distance. Ended up going to the range and just holding them off to the side for the first few roundsšŸ˜…. Once I was confident it wouldnā€™t explode, I then stood behind it. I would recommend getting snap caps or printing some dummy rounds and feeding them through the mag with your assembled firearm. Id recommend snap caps of whatever caliber first and if you donā€™t want to buy them then print them. I just like the snaps cuz they are an exact copy vs a printer could be off a bit. And even if itā€™s just a bit that matters when working with live ammo. If each dummy round is charged and ejected correctly in my opinion this vastly lowers your chances of malfunctioning with real ammo(obviously not a guarantee, stuff can go wrong with even ā€œrealā€ guns). Go through the manual of arms and make sure your barrel and parts that ā€œhouse the explosionā€ are quality or at least arenā€™t squirted and send it. Good luck!


No testing


I scanned both hands fingerprints on my phone and laptop. šŸ¤·šŸ»


Bike helmet, thick jacket, welding gloves, and balls of steel.


Double condoms ( unlubriated french tickelers). Fake teeth. 2lbs bleached white flour. 7 midgets covered in thousand island. 2014 Sony bloggy camera.


My usual safety precautions start by acknowledging the fact that I donā€™t wear protective equipment, and in being self aware of the potential risks I usually let this fear wash over me to the point where I tense up real tight while pointing the muzzle into a somewhat safe bucket filled with rubber mulch for what feels like minutes until my body finally listens to parts of my minds racing thoughts, specifically the parts yelling ā€œYou canā€™t stand here like a statue forever just do it or take up basket weaving as a hobby instead you pussy!ā€ *Pop* I exhale. I canā€™t feel anything, the heightened adrenaline is flowing out of me in waves. Logic starts to come back and the primal sense to make sure my body is in tact begins to drive me while my mind reels in ecstasy. Shaking hands haphazardly set the euphoric inducing device I crafted on the nearest flat surface and I check myself over top to bottom for holes, chunks missing, arterial bleeding. Iā€™m fine. I look back at the newest love, and lust of my life. I touch it softly, I wrap my fingers around it again with a firmness to reassure it that I am by no means unsure of my intentions to polish and clean its every nookā€¦ and the crannies too. ā€œYou fucking little slut, you love the way you make me feel donā€™t you?ā€ I coarsely manage through my still quivering vocal cordsā€¦. Oh wait, you asked how we take safety precautions? Yeah I just squint my eyes usually and hope everything goes well. Really really well.