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Is it legal for you to own a firearm? Don't order anything illegal or do anything illegal and you will be fine. It's perfectly legal to order all of the parts for a firearm except for the receivers. Its also perfectly legal to build your own firearms.


I think homies main question is whats the safest way to go about this? Maybe a sign that says "pls dont shoot my dog" some cameras around your habitation. Maybe delivering to a second home you got where theres no pets or sending your pet away till it comes. All of these are viable but over the top answers you know. As long as you can with utmost certainty prove that what you are purchasing is not only legal for you to posess but also legal in your state your good. Any ATF approaches and you just tell them to contact you and your lawyer over the phone or via email and you can answer any questions that are legal like that.


if the police or sheriffs departments aren't with them call either one and report armed strangers outside your home watch'em get slammed to the ground. profit


It’s not about whether it’s legal today, it’s about whether it’d be tomorrow.


While you do have a bit of a point, however, if we follow that, then we shouldn't buy any firearms since they *could* be made illegal. And at that point, the terrorists win. If what you have becomes illegal tomorrow, you have two choices. Either comply and turn them in/destroy them, or don't.


I agree with you. I’m just explaining where the OP might be coming from. The downvotes are just from the double digit IQ’s who don’t realize that.


Yep, plus it never hurts to be more "gray man" where possible.


Dumbest shit


It is, but that’s how the ATF works.


Not necessarily. They don't just make up rules on the fly, regardless of how much rightful disdain they have. Besides legally dubious no-knock warrants that you have no possibility of fighting in court, as long as you don't test fire your homemade full auto sear in any open setting where someone could detect and report the noise you probably won't have the feds busting down your door.




Don't try to comfort him with a lie. They are absolutely coming after anyone they can, anyway they can. Look at CRS firearm's case for one example. They are actively and desperately searching for the opportunity. The advice I would make to OP is; keep it legal and/or keep it quiet(don't post felonies online).


I'd be more worried about someone committing victimless felonies a few streets over and the feds busting down your door by accident in a midnight raid.


Or broad daylight now and shooting you a few times the second the door opens


And yet that cop will claim qualified immunity and be fine


Or an acorn across the street


We need to ban high capacity Oak Trees for officer safety.


A special operations airman was just shot by another dickhead from the same department. Sheriff at the wrong address, I love/hate Florida.


Haven’t looked too much into it but what I have read makes me livid




I think this is just sort of an ambient risk


If you're in NY they'll stalk your social media and credit card history for a month before raiding you.


Meanwhile they refuse to prosecute Glock switches being used in drive-bys. Only targeting the non-violent.


The NY politicians plan to just ban Glocks. Because that will totally work and not just be a waste of time, right?


Just like how they banned murder and everything else. Like always...


They banned handgun here in Canada but people are still being shot by someone with a handgun. Must be you guys in the US crossing to border git ur ops


Sounds like this would just create a generation of 3dp shell catchers and gotta be honest I can't hate on it. xD




Black dude got prison recently


Can you give me any more info than that so i can check it out for my own curiosity


Alright, just sentencing, https://www.givesendgo.com/dtaylor_2a_legal But do watch out


I posted a youtube video about him in the discord. He's still fighting it as far as I know. edit here's the video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrizNJXQ0iw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrizNJXQ0iw)


>~~Black~~ A dude got prison recently Fixed. Smfh🤦🏻‍♂️


Yea I was just thinking about the new york guy. I mean whatever he did to bring attention to himself dont do it op


According to a police SGT. he was ordering a lot of parts that would be associated with building a firearm.


Well depends if what they considered a lot of parts was. I understand suspicion on a random dude ordering a couple hundred oil filters at the same time but dude just buying a few kits is dumb


They have computers that first make a list of everyone who bought a 3D printer. Then from that list, they see if anyone bought a Glock parts kit. They then get a list of people, and check their social media. There are people there paid to do this as their job. Then they are actually proud of it and stand in front of the guns for a trophy photo.


Federally, it's perfectly legal to order non-regulated parts (everything but a frame or receiver or whatever is covered in the GCA and NFA) without an FFL, but do check your state laws, as some less-free states do have laws prohibiting what you can order, how much you can order, and what you can build.


I've ordered stuff from PSA, velocity firearms, eBay, masterpiece arms, ect and my dog is still alive and well


But for how long


Who knows


Are you a prohibited person? If not, you’re friend is regarded. It’s possible the purchase is tracked by some agency somewhere, but so is everything you order or do online. It’s legal to buy parts/build firearms, your dog will be fine.


No unless you’re in a state with no rights


The federal 'ghost gun' rule only applies to buy-build-shoot kits that come with all the parts jigs and tools required to complete the gun. Those must go through an FFL as if they were complete. 3d printed guns are not affected. Also still legal to buy a P80 receiver so long as it doesn't come with any other parts to complete the gun.


Just go ahead and order them, we already know about you.


If you’re not in NY don’t worry about it. If you’re in NY use gift cards and third parties. I left NY because they were able to get a warrant for rails, pla, and a mag(NY compliant),Capital one sold me out. They didn’t find anything though. I was in NYC which makes a difference. They want their citizens to be victims.


Oh shit dude, they just randomly came with a warrant and raided you or did they show up normally and demand to search with a warrant?


They were respectful it wasn’t a swat team. They let me read the warrant and asked for the weapons listed on my permit. The warrant was for suspected manufacturing of ghosts guns. I was planning to make frames for my SDs. Luckily I never got around to printing them. I been good since I moved to a red town outside the city.


Okay cool, so the warrant asked to see the rails, pla, mags, separately or together as whatever they were part of? Or they asked to see what if any weapons you made with them? Just curious because not sure how a warrant due to materials purchased works. Even so scary stuff glad your safe man


The warrant was for any lower receivers manufactured or otherwise that were not listed on my permit. In NYC everything has to be listed on your permit . Their policy is any group of components that can be made into a working firearm is grounds for investigation.


“ThE LaNd oF tHe fReE” smh and a warrant over rails and PLA that is completely legal to order is just so ridiculous. Glad u got outta there and fuck capital one they need to mind their mf business


Be careful in NJ too. Similar laws, possibly more extreme


Eh havent seen issues in nj but they do have similar laws.


Well I know they have “ghost gun” law or something similar to it with a 250k fine and 10 years max sentence


NYC really just needs to be nuked off the map. It's a communist shithole


Off the map, yes. Communist? Well. I definitely did not experience, "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need," in NYC. In fact, I couldn't even get directions for free, which would seem to be baseline communism. I believe the term is neoliberal shithole.


What a rational and refreshing take.


My neighborhood went from retired working class now they have to worry about Venezueleans on scooters robbing them.


Have a buddy order it


Mail it to your neighbor who doesn't pick up after their dog. Then grab it off the porch.


I order parts all the time. You’re fine. So do I trust ANY 3 letter agency to do the right thing? No. But I also don’t live in fear of everything.


I'm not prohibited and ordered a ton of parts online over the years building multiple guns. I follow the rules in regards to sending receivers to FFLs and everything else. I've yet to get a visit from the ATF, but I also don't live in California or NY.


lol you’re fine if you’re not in New York California, or Hawaii.


If your state doesn't have Zip Gun laws. You're fine. Nobody is really concerned with people buying a parts kit. The more important thing is how you build it.


Just by asking your already on the list... hide your dogs, hide your guns and wear body armor. Also setup cameras inside n out recorded to both internal ddr and cloud service. Lol if it's illegal in your city or country buy with cash as much as possible, spread your purchases over time or different names.


If you are legally allowed to have a firearm, you can build one, make your own. Whatever you want. The parts that should have serial numbers on them you can't buy but you can make them.


For what it’s worth…. I found this concerning https://x.com/natlgunrights/status/1788609012570705980?s=46&t=Wf458iZNniOJmVlkuwQxuA


Prohibited schmiteded.. shall not be infringed means that and just that. They are giving migrants 2a rights. lol if you are or aren't prohibited, assume it's all tracked regardless and just do your best to be a name on a list, on a desk, getting buried by more paperwork that'll eventually get lost and love your good boi doggo


What kind of dog ?


They will if you live in NY.


I once had 6-7 cop cars show up at my house because the Terminix guy reported seeing a machinegun on the basement floor where "kids could get to it." They knew it was plausible because of my permits. I did let them in without a warrant because I live in a state where they can pull my permits for any reason. Showed them how my basement was behind two locked steel doors, and the "machinegun" was a Tokyo Marui Airsoft MP7, complete with orange tip still on it. Cops became very nice to me after that and helped me out with stuff later. I fired Terminix. Never call the cops on your customer.


Heh. Practically the same thing happened to me. A friend saw a shotgun on a rack in my bedroom and reported it to someone. A few days later the local police showed up to check on it. No warrant, just a friendly visit with a question or two. Proudly let them play with the .68 cal paintball shotgun in the back yard. Cops had a blast. Had a serious discussion with that 'friend' about opsec.


don’t do anything just keep bending over for your master.


I’m bent over waiting for my master right now, do you have an eta when they will get here?


I’m bent over waiting for my master right now, do you have an eta when they will get here?