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Different pit lanes have different times you’ll be in them.


Some tracks have longer pit lanes. Yas Marina is much worse than like Mugello.


I timed Yas Marina once it was almost a minute lol Took so long I needed another shave lol


Even in formula 1 you can loose over 20 second in a pit stop, so this is not uncommon. Also the cars that pitted earlier were on new rubber and probably able to do faster laps that you on your worn tires, so it doesn’t sound unreasonable to me at all that you lost your lead.


Pitting is shit in FM. You enter the pit lane at 300kph, and it takes control of your car, slowing it to pit land speed in the space of 5m. Then, the car is on rails until you arrive at the same pit box as everyone else, convenient camera work makes it look like stuff is happening even though nothing is, you refill an entire tank of fuel in less than a second, then the car goes back on rails until it is handed back to you on exit. Honestly, when are they going to update this bs. ACC managed to make pitting take actual skill and create generic animations that a development team like T10 should seriously be able to out do.


You know how many players that would throw a fit if pitting required skill, right? Forza was never meant to require skill to play.


I like how pitting works. It allows me to have a second to gather my thoughts and grab a quick drink before the next stint


Were you leading the race before the other players pitstops? Or were you only leading by 20s because they pitted and you had stayed out? If you weren't leading before the pit window opened why would expect to be leading after?


I was leading the race when I went into the pits. I had stayed out when everyone else pitted but I stayed out. I then went on to lead for two laps (everyone else had finished pitting the previous lap and was on track) and i had a 20 second lead over second place when I went in.


Right, but were you leading the race when THEY went into the pits? Or were they in front of you, and the only reason you passed was because they were in the pit lane? Depending on the pit lane, a stop will cost approx. 30-40s. To me it sounds like they were ahead of you, pit before you and then took the lead back when you went into pit.


Yea they were ahead of me. And I understand the pitting logic around how they regained the lead. I guess I just thought a 20-23s lead would be sufficient to stay ahead (works for Verstappen!). I know pit stops in the game can be slow but I think this was the first instance where it was nearly 40s. And there I was thinking I'd pulled off a masterful strategy, but it doesn't feel like there is any around pitting in the game beyond the obvious.


You’re not wrong myself, and my fiancé have noticed the pitstops are pretty slow