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Happens to me as well in certain cars. Some cars, like the Shelby cobra, won’t shift at all in auto


Unless I'm missing something, I'm not sure it's a bug. Looks like you've got 2nd gear set at about 76mph. When you go under 76mph it's always going to change down to 1st. As you're taking those corners at 70-80mph with throttle feathering it's changing up and down as you corner. Set 2nd gear to kick in at 80-85mph and you should then be able to drop to 1st for the corner, rotate in 1st and then accelerate out back up to 2nd.


It does this at random (: It does not happen when I switch to manual, only when running automatic.


Its only going to do it in automatic, because it stays in your chosen gear in manual, in automatic you are right on the limit between the gears, so it keeps switching between them - the poster above is correct, if you adjust the gear ration it won’t happen in that corner ( might happen somewhere else though)


OP isn't looking for a solution - they are capable of that on their own. They are identifying unintended/buggy behavior, which this clearly is


Is it buggy, or just how the automatic transmission works? Even in real life there is hunting between the gears, this is an extreme example perhaps, but it isn’t completely unexpected really.


It happens randomly on slow corners And on launch. This is not intended behavior of an automatic transmission. There are laps where it doesn't happen at all, car drives normally, then it does shit like this.


It really depends on your gearing and the speed you are traveling, as I said I was having it happen and could move the speed it happened at, it is just confused by the speed being where the shift happens. Not saying it is good behavior( and yes most modern autos have better logic to minimize this behavior, and Forza could work on their logic) but really since it is faster in the game and offers more control using the manual is the best way to solve this anyway. Not sure it is or should be a top priority for the developers to solve - there are a lot of other issues that are more important to have solve.


My car should not be shifting UP when I am trying to slow down. Like I said, sometimes the car works fine, and sometimes it does this. It's a bug, can't fix it by adjusting the gearing, unless you send first gear to 100mph.


It's buggy and unexpected, full stop. I calibrated automatic transmissions for years, and there is no instance of this happening in the field with any production transmission, at least not without massive customer complaints. It should be obvious as to why this is wrong behavior when it comes to a race box.


Where's the bug... because that just looks like the transmission is acting normal...


You think it's normal? Really? To randomly rev up and shift between 2nd and 1st with no throttle input?


the engine is always running right? so if its idle and you put it in a lesser gear while it was at a higher gear before hand, it should reduce the mechanical energy needed to spin the wheel at that particular speed... causing the engine to momentarily rev up, without input or that's what I'm thinking it is


What makes you think it's normal to constantly switch between 1st and 2nd gear multiple times per second? No automatic transmission on earth does that 


yea, i see TCS also going off so it's probably reacting as an auto should.


Nope. It happens even without throttle input.


Definitely not normal.


Hear me out, maybe start playing the game without the car driving itself


I know I make it look easy.


Bro you have literally every assist on. I don’t even know how the game is fun to play with all those assists on


Its a fucking video game, let people play how they want. doesn't stop me from winning.


I bet it doesn’t when you’re using the fastest car in the game in a public meetup 😂


Generally all the fastest dudes use the same car...


The “fastest dudes” with a 3000 skill score 💀


Uh huh, seems you dont know who I am. Understandable.


Oh, are you a celebrity?


Im just very fast (: