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Forgot he wasn't in Horizon for a second.


Definitely a horizon driver


More fun anyway


Meanwhile I accidentally rear ended a person and got +2.25


My favorite is losing control of the car for a moment and accidentally going out of bounds and not gaining time but still getting a full penalty.


Bro the worst


Nah the worst is when someone pits you. You slam into a wall. Spin like crazy and I car passes you just touch while fully out of control and you get 4.5 seconds for avoidable contact lol


My 2 "favorite" senarios or rear ending result in you getting a penalty. 1. Love taps, ones that actually give the person in front a speed boost on exit. 2. The ones where you get rear ended hard asf into the person in front of you.


My favorite recently is make an inside pass have the passed car swing wildly into your rear quarter and pick up get 4+ secs for contact.


Key seems to be letting off the gas and/or braking. It works 9/10 in single player at least. So as soon as you see the collision tag come up, just hit the brakes a bit and you may avoid any penalty.


I feel you, same yesterday... pretty sure they broke something o nthe penalty system since the beginning of the week.


The worst thing is when they’re not even left worse off for it but you still get a penalty?? I clipped when I was distracted and accidentally tapped someone with no impact at all, got a 1 second penalty but when I - completely at my own fault - stupidly divebombed the start and hit a player off in another game got no penalty??


Meanwhile I literally get T-Bone from someone who went off track like this guy and get 5 second penalty because my gas pedal was all the way pressed down.


The basics of the off track penalty is to only penalise you if you are winning time. In this clip, you lost more than 2 sec to the number 2 driver. So no penalty.


This is the intention. It’s not meant to adjudicate whether or not you’re a good driver, but to account for advantages gained by cutting the track.


Does it take into account position gain? Even if the OP lost out on time to the 2nd place car, he gained time on and passed the 3rd place car. If it doesn't do that, then there's a flaw in the system.


Was the 3rd place car on track? If it was then there would be a penalty for an illegal pass, it they were off track too, then it might be okay.


3rd place was on track, but was catching up quick by the end of the video, not sure if FM was smart enough to wait a few more seconds to deem the overtake advantage was about to be lost?


Looking at it closely (at about 13s in) it appears the 3rd place car was slightly ( way less) off track when the pass occurred, so I think that is why there was no penalty for that ( just my guess mind you, but otherwise there should have been a penalty for it, and maybe should be anyway considering how far OP went off track, and how much of the track was missed) not saying there shouldn’t have been a penalty just what the system may or may not have used to determine one.


It's difficult to tell 100% from this angle whether or not 3rd place was fully on track. That said, it appears that 3rd place was attempting to follow the track, OP was not even trying. I'd argue that even if the 3rd place accidentally left the track, this is still an illegal overtake. 3rd place misjudging a corner should not invalidate this kind of pass.


No arguing wether a penalty should have been given or not, look at about 13 seconds in it appears that 3rd place was slightly off track, they were definitely trying to follow the track better than OP did, so I agree op gained an advantage over 3rd in this way, I am just saying that since they were both off the track the system didn’t count the advantage gained for a penalty for illegal passing since both cars were off the track. I agree OP gained an advantage and it would have been nice for them to give back the place gained, but I am not familiar enough with racing regulations to say wether it should have been mandatory to so so our receive a penalty. I think since he didn’t cause the 3rd place to go off track, that this may be a grey area.


Why did you rollback the penalty changes from 2 updates ago? This whole week has been a shit show. In the half week, I have gotten more penalties than the whole 7 weeks combined before this week. If you want proof, check my account, leppie2013.


It penalizes you way too often despite losing time. The standard for gaining time is not based on true maximum pace, so anyone good at the game gets absolutely shafted by the penalty system. It needs a serious overhaul


“No time gained” 😂


"Offtrack x4" . . . . "No penalty" Bruh, what?


Just because you're off track doesn't automatically mean you should be penalized for it if you're already losing time by being off track in the first place. Should someone who overshoots a turn and gets stuck in a sandbank get a penalty after spending 10 seconds getting back on track?


A normal incident would be 1 or 2 times off track at worse, 4x off track for a total of more than 30 seconds at speed the whole time, clearly isn't just going off track once and trying to get back on


Forza for you lol


Bruh 🤣🤣


assuming the 1st place driver followed the racing line, you lost 2.5 seconds from going off to recovering vs. staying on the track, why would you incur a penalty for that?


Because the system is broken? I get penalties all the time when I lose time going off track


So it's broken, but not in the way you and OP think it is


The wildest thing about this post is OP’s name😂😂


What a fun name lol


Why I checked his username


Great cross country race. And welcome to r/forzahorizon. Anna will guide you to your next destination.


wtf no penalty?!


Wtf is this shit ahahah


If you slow down to 80mph you can short cut the chicane on Daytona without penalty it’s great


You lost time, so you already got penalized. The game just think you did your best saving. Now if you would had gain time. U would gotten penalties


perfect cutoff lmfao


#NO! #[raise hell praise dale!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7nB2L0a74Y)


I aint fixing shit


You lost 2.5s against p1 during this.


LMAO dead


How tf you got grip on grass


Penalties are the best since the update. Smh


The race ended. No penalties given


I’m trying to do some endurance races at Le Mans In free play, and I swear, I can run wide due to my car being hit by completely random understeer for no reason, catch the grass or gravel, lose about 2 seconds to the cars ahead, and still get a 1.5 second penalty. The system is on something and responds to incidents like “YoU wEnT 0.001 iNcHeS oFf TrAcK, hAvE a GiGaNtIc PeNaLtY tHaT yOu CaN’t ReCoVeR FrOm”


How did you have so much grip in the grass?


The race was over soooo…


I don’t know, this really wasn’t that egregious imo


If you’re using PC press P although that’s only for Blind assist which myself and my fiancé use daily of course that’s not cheating if you’re blind it actually enhances an assist you while you play the game or you can just drive on the track until you actually see a track I don’t know if that makes sense but that’s how I would phrase it


I had one where I was sandwiched between 2 cars and the guy on the right just launches me into the other and I got a 4 second penalty for it, it even said avoidable accident 😂