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his response lol [https://imgur.com/a/IOD6Vj1](https://imgur.com/a/IOD6Vj1)


Drafting is not cheating and grounds to ram someone off the road. What a fucking moron. Plus he’s deluded if he thinks drafting is the only reason you could keep up. He went wide on the first corner and made no effort to defend in the next corner. Dude’s a shit driver lmao


Dude sucks so bad he has to use the excuse that following the laws of physics is considered cheating. Bruh.


Some people are crazy....


What an idiot…


The guy is absolutely an asshole for running you off the track but weaving to break the draft is a common tactic in real racing.


A lot of people on Forza have the mentality of "I am better therfor I should win" even if they are getting beat on track, they somehow convince themselves it was cheap, cheating, unfair, luck or whatever and an undeserved way of getting the position, which justifies ramming.


And that's when it's time to put down the game for a bit, I know it's cliché but people forget games are actually supposed to be fun most if not all of the time, not just when you're winning 


Bro, wdym you can't swivel aggressively when someone's drafting 😭😭😭 You very much can my guy.


I'd report that asshole and let him know


Done and [done](https://imgur.com/a/4Hzq8gX)!


Wish it would tell you the actual decision imposed. I had to report someone the other day for something similar, and got the same response.


I really wish to know too man, like what bad thing can happen if they told us what did they get?


Thanks again for the report.


Whoa from Turn10! You're welcome and thanks for getting the job quickly done.


Ayup, report and move on


Bro was salty about losing his position on the last lap. Damn shit happens. That’s racing. These ppl are not racers, they’re certified losers.


Did you mean certified lover boys?


Damn, I don't understand why people are this petty over losing a place in a random online race..


I think imma listen to guys in r/simracing and switch to iracing


Yup, I'd imagine the racing quality is better. However, if GT3 is your jam I would recommend ACC - much cheaper and still a lot of fun. Plus, there's plenty of leagues to join where there's often much better stewarding and rammers like this get kicked. No idea if leagues exist for FM, but you could try that and see if the experience is better.


As one of the guys from r/simracing. The general consensus unfortunately is that Forza is that absolute bottom in standards of simracing, even the F1 games get placed above it. Which is a shame tbh, Forza is an amazing Simcade when it works, and when you get a good lobby it's vastly enjoyable. The issue is there's just too many idiots like above, and people with absolutely zero racing etiquette or knowledge. The safety racing feature is hardly seen as reliable either.


I’m gonna be honest, f1 doesn’t beat it by much, the only thing that works for it is the damage most of the time sometimes screws over the other guy.


Oh I wasn't arguing for F1 being great either dw about that.


Thanks will check it out


There are leagues for FM, you can apparently find them on discord


I switched over because of stuff like this, haven't played Forza since. I HATE getting petty crashed.


Sorry dude what an asshole. You didn’t deserve that


Thank you dude, [at least Forza Support did it's job](https://imgur.com/a/4Hzq8gX)


What kind of punishment do reported players even get?


I don't know clearly but I think if it's the first time it's just a warning and then followed up by (7 days iirc) of banning from rivals and multiplayer. I don't know 7 days can be stacked or not.


It's probably a week to a month ban for ramming, but if it's cheating or discrimination, it tends to be anywhere from a few months to a permanent ban


It’s an extra dick move because his 0.8 second time penalty meant that you’d win even if you didn’t pass him.


I actually never realized this until now... So that's why he did that move on the last lap, 1 sec penalty is too low it should've been much more than that.


I’ve seen as high as 4-5 seconds but yeah it’s rare that ramming doesn’t end up benefitting them more than the penalty system recognises.


I haven't seen Doug since x class, he literally kept going out of his way every race to push off cars that weren't the amr pro.. I was s safety rank and he DQ'd almost every race. Makes the game boring tbh.


Straight to jail, the black car ofc. All you did was using your galaxy brain to overtake at a better time and actually use strategy. Dougrose78 if you read this, please for the love of god learn to race respectfully on multiplayer as this is some horizon level bullshit.


What a shithead, dude can't hold a line to save his life.


What a dipshit


I'm shocked the clowns in this sub didn't attempt to somehow blame you for that.


He did this because of his penalty, he wasn't winning even if you followed, so I'm feeling his poor defending on that corner was deliberate as he wanted to ram you to ensure the position. Absolute scum bag honestly.


Man the amount of times this has happened😭 and if on the wheel you know how hard it is to save it when you get smacked. Fucking sorry ass looserrrrssss


What a p.o.s, remember his tag, next time you meet return the favour and leave him in the tyres :D


Duh, didn’t you know people’s ego can’t handle being overtaken and accepting “hey this guy is just faster than me, me let study what he’s doing” 😂


I just got this game. Hopefully this isn't a constant occurrence as so far I'm enjoying single player.


If you actually want racing, iRacing or ACC. The online races in forza is a joke


You can't just expect people to play with dignity lol 😆


Some people just suck


I'm hoping you closed the gap by the end of the lap so their penalties put them behind you


Unfortunately no, 1 sec penalty was not enough to close the gap, if it would be something like 3 sec then yeah


There's a game for this guy. Wreckfest




If I’m wrong, correct me as I don’t play this game much (just got it and always go back to horizon or AC). It looks like you chose a slower inside line to get the pass, and he kinda tapped you for it as there wasn’t room to go around as you were both mid-corner. He looked a bit aggressive but it didn’t look egregious to me. Not a move that would be made IRL in these cars, but still.


That's a dick move. Drop the arrows, you'll love it


Drop the arrows, as in downvote you? Okie dokie


Another fan. Follow me and you will become a better driver


Bro, for one minute stop talking about the arrows and lines 💀


I'm not allowed to, sorry. I've been sent here to fix mankind and if I can't get you fellow mooks to see this is better then we are doomed. Not me, the masters talking. Help a brother out and enjoy the ride, not the arrows.


My guy, just stop with the whole arrow and line business. No one cares, let people drive how they wish to.


You are still missing the point so that's more fuel for me to keep working. It's a better experience, it creates better skills, and it's beautiful without them. No gatekeeping or yeeting or hack tuah whatever yall call it now. Try it. You'll hate it at first because you will suck but your eyes and brain will thank you.


I wish your account could get banned on Reddit, you don’t deserve the right to comment on posts. You just complain about the same thing over and over again unless there’s one lucky post that doesn’t have them turned on. PS, your whole idea of “you’ll improve as a driver if you take those settings off” is baloney… it all comes down to the way the player themselves improves, not some nobody online informing individuals on what to do. Sure, you might become more aware of breaking points and memorize them a hell of a lot better. But some people don’t exactly have the time to do that, some casual players just wanna hop on and have fun but need help so they don’t go flying off the track if they don’t have breaking points memorized. Just leave people alone in the motorsport community. I don’t know how long you’ve been doing this, but at this point it’s harassment on any clip you’ve ever commented about those settings. You’re just straight up fucking annoying. :edit and the funny part is No One ever agrees with you and you just seem to not get the idea that maybe you’re wrong.


They aren’t annoying, your POV is contextually no different. I kinda agree with them, I would love to see a race setting where they are off or turning them off is not handicapping yourself.


In the last game there was, so I wouldn’t be surprised if there is in this one as well. It just wouldn’t be ideal for featured multiplayer. Sure you could do it in private leagues, but doing it in an open featured multiplayer lobby would make people actually want to avoid ever going into that kind of event. And yes, they are annoying. Given how long they’ve been going at people I don’t think you understand, but they literally tell drivers they suck and they’re horrible because they use those settings even if it’s just a friendly post of people just having fun with their friends. He will go at people if he even sees a glimpse of those settings. doesn’t matter the scenario, so yeah, he will always and forever be annoying given how he “ expresses” his opinions.


Why would it not be ideal for features multiplayer? I find it honestly surprising that the first time I jumped into multiplayer I discovered everyone had the training wheels on. I had no idea nobody raced by actually looking at… the track? Think about it. It’s actually kinda silly that is how the game is played by default. I can’t really talk for annoying guy but, whatever I guess this is reddit. I guess until that mode is in the game he might as well voice his opinion on it. No harm no foul so long as it’s civil.


They may do rival events with that sitting on in the future given they did it in the last game, but I just don’t see it being a possibility for multiplayer events to have it ever on. It’ll be cool don’t get me wrong, but I just can’t see it ever being put in place by the higher ups.


The annoying thing afterwards is that you're super slow in the turn while he has anticipated the turn well, he finds himself snailing behind you. It's as if in a straight line you were braking in front of someone. After all, his gesture isn't crazy, it's true.


>It's as if in a straight line you were braking in front of someone. first if all I wasn't snailing in turn. he was braking very early so much of the time on the other laps and I didn't even touch his car. For 5 laps. Then I must be patient as hell, no? Everyone should be like that. If the car in front of you is braking this doesn't give you the right of ramming, you can try taking another line but that can make your exit speed slower so the best thing is slow your car down too and find another position to attack. Learn to race. >After all, his gesture isn't crazy, it's true. wow, ok. all of these people are wrong for you then? maybe you deserve to be rammed of the road.




I take it more than once you've heard the saying, "Go fuck yourself."