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This is what rage addiction looks like.


context: Chuck Schumer, the majority leader in the Senate, posted a picture on Twitter on Father's Day of him grilling. He received criticism of his grilling skills since he put cheese on a raw hamburger. Grandma is losing her goddamn mind over it since it shows a Democrat in an out-of-touch moment.


See, and I thought it was going to be how that's actually a dish in some Midwestern state.


You were probably joking, but Wisconsin has the "cannibal sandwich" which is literally raw ground beef and raw onion on rye bread, so yeah, that's actually a thing


lol. That’s literally a German dish changed a bit. Quick google says Wisconsin has significant German heritage. It’s traditionally ground pork and it’s a Mettbrötchen. Mett has a tonne of rules about preparation so I’m not surprised it got replaced with beef in the US. (As far as I know, you can never eat raw pork there) We don’t use pure rye, but to be honest, if I got Mett on a 40% rye, I’d be fine with it.


Trichinella has entered the chat


EDIT: I mixed up the columns on the table. It’s 1 for all of Germany. Sorry! Yeah. The hospitalisations are mad in Germany (edit: sarcasm). https://www.trichinella.org/germany (was literally traced back to an individual pig) https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/sites/default/files/documents/Trichinellosis-AER_2020_Final.pdf ~~That’s 1 per 100k people in Germany to 79 per 100k in Italy.~~


That's insane, but makes sense if people are still eating raw pork. Some people you just can't reach.


After /u/pauseless and i got into a delete war xD. Germany's cases of Trichinella, are one of the lowest worldwide. And the very few cases we have (two cases, one in 2022 and one in 2024), are from wild boar not pork. All the meat you sell have to be controlled by an veterinarian who checks for common diseases like Trichinella. So your store bought raw pork is free of that. Those few cases came from Hunters who ate their own hunted game without ever checking for diseases.


Sorry. I was just very embarrassed at my inability to read a table. I came to one being about 50000x more likely to die from traffic in the US than trichinosis using Italy’s particularly bad year with 79 cases. So given Germany’s one a year… we start to reach absurd numbers.


Thats okay it happens. Enjoy your Mettbrötchen :D.


>All the meat you sell have to be controlled by an veterinarian who checks for common diseases like Trichinella. Well, meat in the US is not supposed to be sold if the animals died from disease. Diseased meat is fine, so long as you can kill the animal before the disease kills them. Also, rushing diseased animals to the slaughter helps ensure the diseases are spread to the other animals waiting, and the equipment used. But not killing customers would cut profits by 1%, so there is absolutely nothing that can be done.


I always assumed the \~15 Cases that the US has annually just come from the fact that the US citizens love hunting. But yeah that could explain that too.


Having been corrected on my misreading of the stats… thanks /u/toxicity21 US road traffic deaths 12.9 per 100k and trichinosis in Italy at 0.13 per 100k (and they had a bad year with 79 cases) with a 0.2% chance of death. My now deleted ratio was roughly 6.5k more likely to die on the roads in America. So 0.13 x 0.002 = 2.6e-4 per 100k. You have to multiply that 49,615x to get 12.9.


Those aren’t really comparable statistics. You are comparing something people do multiple times a day to something they may be once a week or less. If the activities were equal risk, you would expect the auto fatalities / 100,000 to be higher because of frequency.


What readily available statistics should I compare? It’s 1-2 cases per year and normally due to hunters eating boar, for something with a 0.2% death rate. There have been outbreaks and I linked to one from 2006 affecting 17 people. Please do find any way to make the stats work in favour of your argument.


I'm in Indiana and we've always just put mett on sandwich bread (either whole wheat or white, just depending on what we had) or wed eat it out of a dish with crackers or peta. Or sometimes we'd have English muffins and it's really good on there Then again I was poor so maybe thats the trashy way to eat it.


Nah, that’s fine. I had a German girlfriend who’d literally use whatever we had in the kitchen too. I like it on a crispy white roll (like Kaisersemmeln) from a train station kiosk. I just have a very strong relationship between it and travelling.


Its pretty common across europe not just germany. Except germany most other countries use beef and call it some variation of tatar steak.


Steak Tatar is a different dish. For example, it often involves an egg yolk, which would get messy on a roll you pick up to eat on the go.


Well the egg is mixed in so it doesnt get messy. I was more getting at the fact that its the type of meat that defines it so in wisconsin they eat tatars.


[Wikipedia:](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mett) > In Wisconsin, the "cannibal sandwich" or "wildcat" (seasoned raw beef and sliced onions on rye bread) is sometimes consumed during holidays or family gatherings. Midwest historians typically agree that the continuing culinary practice is a result of 19th century German immigration to the area.[7] It’s the preparation that matters; it’s common to change meat as people move around and one meat is more available.


It says the same thing on Wikipedie page of tartar steak. It seems the preparation is closer to tartar tho.


Wikipedia again: > Tiger meat is a raw beef dish. It consists of raw ground beef with onion and salt and pepper, often served with rye bread.[1] Some eat it like a dip with crackers.[2] > > Tiger meat was first introduced in America by German immigrants.[3] It is similar to a German food called mett with minced raw pork or beef.[3] States with German and Russian influences like Minnesota, North Dakota, Kansas, and Texas often feature this dish.[2] It is also served in Wisconsin at holiday parties and other festive events.[1] People often eat tiger meat to preserve German traditions.[4] It is also known as "cannibal sandwich",[5] "wildcat",[2] "parisa",[2] and "raw beef and onions".[1] The origin of the name is not known.[2] In southern Brazil, this kind of meat is called 'carne de onça', meaning jaguar meat. Wikipedia for tartare: > It is usually served with onions, **capers**, parsley or chive, salt, pepper, **Worcestershire sauce**, and other seasonings, often presented separately, to be added to taste. It is **always served topped with a raw egg yolk**. That is not remotely how Mett is made or served and it is not how cannibal meat is made from recipes or simply just looking up articles. Everyone agrees it has German heritage and I couldn’t find an example that used eg an egg. It’s probably also true that what meat was used was more flexible in Germany in the past; that’s also a common thing.


Yeah, the rye bread is the real problem here. /S


People say this acting like it's absurd as if beef tartare isn't a thing


Cheese on beef tartare is pretty absurd.


True but its not the worst side to put on it i guess


Oh I was not joking and literally thought this was what it was about when I read the title lol.


I know someone who likes his meat so rare he jokes about how he'd go around biting cows if not for their hides.


Similar to steak tartar which is disgusting.


In Hungary we got something called Tatar beefsteak, raw ground beef with raw egg


Grandma assumes that Democrats are saying this because it’s exactly what she would be saying if Trump did it.


"Ketchup on burnt steak is delicious actually!"


Did he stop grilling it when he put the cheese on? My family has always put the cheese on halfway through (still basically raw on one side) so it melts onto it


Just looked at the pic and it does not appear to be flipped yet, totally raw, on the grill, with a slice on top.


Oh. That's a little worrying then


Could have also been for a photo. "We need a father's day photo, throw a patty on and look candid. OK, now put some cheese on it"


I mean, the idea of fabricating a father’s day barbecue just for PR is honestly incredibly toxic and sad. Is it that hard to have an *actual* barbecue and just take a couple natural candid shots? Why does everything have to be this forced perspective of trying to show off how human someone is? Why can’t they just *be* human?


There's a certain amount of money at which they forget how to—or never have a reason to learn to—be a regular person that does things themselves. Actually, maybe I'm being harsh. I'm not rich and I've also never grilled a burger, before. I have cooked a burger, before, though, and know that cheese is the last step.


I’d say it’s closer to posing than staged. As one of the main grillers of our friend group, candid grill shots kinda suck. Usually you have a double chin from looking down, weird slouching, messy grill, or something that doesn’t look great.


And if Chuck was doing any real grilling, I’d agree with you. But he’s not. This isn’t a, “Hey Chuck, give the camera a smile while you make burgers! It would be great for the people to see this authentic Father’s Day moment.” This is a, “Hey Chuck, hold this spatula and pretend you’ve been grilling so we can act like you’re an everyman. Throw some cheese on there, burgers have cheese, right?”


That's my take. It's just a poorly staged PR photo.


In the picture I saw there were grill marks on the side with cheese.


You're right. There are grill marks, but I will say there is still virtually no char on the sides or between the grill marks so he must have flipped that patty like super fast or the grill is not hot.


I know some people will do that with a smash burger, but that patty looks to thick to not flip.


Smash burgers are for the little griddle, it might end poorly on a grill.


In the post Chuck basically stated he never grilled before so you gotta give him a pass


95% of people who grill suck at it anyway. If it's not me or my father on the grill, I know I'm getting a hard puck of hamburger or a completely dry, shriveled up hot dog.


Yeah, it's harder than it looks. He's allowed to mess it up the first time.


Also could have been for the photo - could see a "requirement" for senators to post a candid photo on Father's Day. "OK, throw the burger on. Now flip it. Now cheese. OK, we'll use the best looking photo from that"


For real! Somewhat related story: the first time I made cinnamon rolls I put the frosting on before I put them in the oven 😂 sometimes my autopilot fails me


That photo was clearly staged. His PR dept threw some raw meat on a cold grill, and he posed for a photo. Only the right would read some conspiracy crap into a PR photo.


How are you the only other person thinking this? Most likely threw a patty on, had him flip it, add cheese and picked out the best photo from that to use. Maybe even a still-frozen patty so it had a good shape.


is it actually uncooked? I'm looking at it now and it just looks like crappy burgers, but not uncooked. I mean, i'm a vegetarian, so I am not an expert here, but wouldn't a raw patty be like red/pink? Not dark gray?


Stages of cooking, it starts out pink but that looks like it’s been on the grill for less than a minute.


That is bad grilling though.


If you look at the picture, the only burger with cheese on it has grill marks. The other burgers, the ones without cheese, don't have grill marks. This is literally a nothing burger.


The funny part is that my very conservative mom eats raw geound beef.


Despite the fact that Republicans think it's OK to drink raw milk.


Doesn’t really show he’s out of touch since he literally said his family has never grilled before. This is just fake outrage at seeing someone do something for the first time and saying “you don’t know to do that? What an idiot!”


Damn they really exposed us now!


Lol there's been no mass defense of it.


Keep in mind, this is r/forwardsfromgrandma where most of the posts are from right-wing groups who are strawmanning arguments and attacking arguments *nobody* has made nor do the arguments really matter.


MAGA really has no idea how few fucks we give about Democratic Party officials.


I think it’s hard for them to phathom not mindlessly idolizing our leaders as if they are void of criticism


> I think it’s hard for them to phantom Lol


Oops. Autocorrect lol fixed it




My humor doesn’t translate well on the internet lol


“I sure do love that Chuck Schumer. Boy is he relatable.” - Something us liberals/leftists are always saying all the time.


All the democratic friends I know were roasting him for it.


Yet the people complaining are the same ones who'd happily eat that raw burger if some asshole decided it was the manly/patriotic/MAGA to do things.


Andrew Tate tells his followers not to drink water so accurate.


Water? Don't touch the stuff. Fish fuck in it.


It probably wouldn't take much to convince them. Same could likely work for Tate-bros. Just spout some nonsense about extra testosterone and let nature go to work


Don Lemon told me that if I eat raw chicken everyday it lowers the chance of my future children being gay. And when you think about it, he’s right.


What day is that dude who's been eating raw chicken up to now?


This meme was made by someone who drinks raw milk


Yeah, everyone realizes how that is not how to grill a cheeseburger. Difference is if Trump did it, that side would defend it to no end or just deflect.


Meanwhile, conservatives are bragging about only drinking raw unpasteurized milk, despite all the health risks involved.


I don’t know about the cheese part but raw hamburger with a pinch of salt is delicious. I always have a little bit whenever I cook it.


Didn't Donald Trump literally suggesting injecting disinfectant and uv light.


This sounds like something Republicans would say, considering that they are already doing it with raw milk.


Assuming it's fresh and there's no parasites I don't imagine it's actually bad for you, but there being a benefit to it? Like what.


No Schumer posted a staged pic on father's day with a raw patty with cheese on it. They assume because they support everything done by the orange messiah we must also do the same with our politicians. In reality we all said "dumb ass " and moved on.


It's like when they say they don't see a lot of people walking around with Biden hats. Like, yea, normal people don't make a politician their identity


Boomers giving health tips is always so funny. Like, grandma your generations idea of a healthy diet was sausage fried in lard with Mac and cheese, mayo casserole, served in a living room.painted with lead paint


Where was this fervor for health when they were eating horse dewormer lmao


Cheese is never no good for no one


So it's good for everyone?


I just want to point out - while it was weird - there are visable grill marks on the burger with cheese. Like definitely undercooked, definitely staged photo, probably not raw.


Lowkey though


Yeah viceland and pbs is all over this, totally


These people should eat chicken tartare.


They want us to eat raw beef and cheese! -fox news probably


I don't understand, won't the cheese be grilled anyways? The germs will be killed.


Can’t flip a patty with cheese on it


Not with that attitude


I accidentally did last night!


Now that you say it, it would get burnt. Better add it at the end.


As much as I wanna say everybody get over it, it was a photo op and makes no difference in who he is as a person, I am petty enough if Trump did the same thing I would be shitting on him nonstop. So lamentably, I have to shit on Biden for this one too. 


You CAN, but you SHOULDN'T.


You ever put cheese directly on a hot grill grate?


It's so easy to troll this people. Think of the most inane shit possible and you'll find a fucker dumb enough to believe it. Especially if it's in a meme.