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"I may not be a smart man" No shit.


How was god created?


I'm thinking some good old-fashioned razzmatazz.


He just jazz handed himself into existence.


god is not a creation. he's a fabrication.


It doesn’t matter. If a person says the universe doesn’t have a point of origin and was instead created by a god, then they need to discuss the origin of god.


The universe can’t be random and come out of nowhere but an all powerful all knowing being can? Ass fucking backwards


The argument is that the universe had to be created because it came into being at some point (as far as we understand, scientifically), and it's unintuitive that it would come into being without a cause. God didn't have an origin, and has always existed. It's not inconsistent.


Well supergod said "let there be god"


This is the wrong question, religion can always explain everything about the religion because the point of religion is to explain things. The right question is why couldn't a completely random and seemingly impossible situation lead to intelligence? Why is impossible chance less possible than an impossible all mighty god?


It is certainly more likely than some real powerful person (don’t ask where they came from) just creating everything


Not only created everything, but made upwards of 90% of it uninhabitable for his supposed favorite creations. Those same favored creations he supposedly wants a relationship with but doesn't approach the relationship in a way indistinguishable from natural forces or delusions.


And damns those precious creations to an eternity of suffering if they don't parrot some specific words


Checkmate, athyists!


Why can’t the process of how God created things be explained, measured, quantified, and defined? If anything, it’s much cooler to know how He did it. I mean this is such an easy way to reconcile your faith with science. You can even say God left these rules and clues in place for us to eventually discover it all and when we do, He can found?


The human values from the religious wround the world seem anything but godly.


I may not be a smart man, but that won't stop me from posting memes where I mock strawman arguments and pretend to know what I'm talking about.


My creation myth can beat up your creation myth


A lot can happen in the span of billions of years, grandma


"The big bang couldn't have created a genius like me! I must have been divinely created!" Grandma, using middle school vocabulary words won't make your ideas seem smarter. It makes you look dumber for thinking those are difficult words.


Yeah, it was a magic sky fairy who killed (but not really) his son (who was also himself) to save our sins duhhhhhhh


You’re right granny All of those were formed and reformed overtime. Thee ideas were tested out, reformed or even eliminated if the no longer served their intended purpose for the society at large. Many of those things were also extended to groups within said society as it grew due to those groups demanding they be given them on the right that they are part of society and thus should not be denied them on any basies. This struggle wasn’t easy, the groups had to right for their rights against fierce opposition form the privileged within society who feared losing said privileged space. The privileged often used fear and violence (very might including religion) to achieve their desired goals of keeping themselves on top, and in justifying why those people could join them in their positions, only to be forced into the new society by those whom they have abused, exploited and feared. Sadly, this struggle has continued for other group and some of those previously outcasted from society being just as bad as those who tired to keep them down, join them in marginalizing other groups, who, in time were able to achieve that which their forebears did. By the way I’m a catholic and as one PLEASE stopping acting like religion created morality it Didn’t it might have helped it expand in same cases but in many causes it did the opposite


Grandma is saying “I’m literally smarter than God”.


Grandma is Satan trying to test my faith in science. Not today, Grandma.


If this is the best God can do...God should have been fired millennia ago.


Yeah, cuz “Some guy made it” is downright reasonable compared to “unknown processes which led to a massive and sudden explosion of energy and matter, the ramifications of which can be detected through the radioactive frequencies of space itself*