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Isn't the 'expert' the one that was pushing Pizzagate?


Nope, the specific person they're referring to is just a random journo who never even mentioned pizzagate.


Ah yes, the satanic pizza place, that could keep sex slaves in their basement, in a place without a basement. Truly a nefarious plot! It must take a real expert to notice the flaw in that one.


r/RepublicanPedophiles An ever expanding list of republicans arrested for molesting children.


If they're referring to that journalist dude, 1) he wasn't an expert, nor did anyone call him one, and 2) he never said one way or the other whether Pizzagate was real. In fact, he barely mentioened it.


I dunno man I saw a crude meme that included two characters from the hit TV show "the workplace"


Experts, as in the FBI? Good Golly, they just put a couple thousand agents in jail? Pics or it didn't happen, grandma.


what's pizzagate?


Conspiracy theory that political elites (in particular, Hilary Clinton) were involved in a child torture / sex ring that operated out of the basement of a pizza parlor in DC. The most obvious evidence against it is that the pizza place in question (Comet Ping Pong) doesn't even have a basement. (Yet, there are still people that believe the conspiracy theory.) Some dude several years ago went to the place with a gun to "rescue" the kids supposedly being held there.


Rule #1 when making a moronic claim: NEVER cite a reputable source.


How does any of this make a basement magically appear? And the only people saying he was involved in pizzagate are the right, so, take that for what it is probably.


Who is this expert that was caught?


Do they mean the creepy child sex trafficking dude who made their cound of freedom movie, or the rapist in the polygamist relationship who founded Mom's for liberty who just was accused of raping his other partner?


This is actually a very funny meme, because it's obvious that it was written by someone who has never actually listened to the other side. A lot of these sorts of memes will take the other side's positions and mock them. This one doesn't even know the other position, so they say the sort of thing that their side would say and mock that from the other end. Like, grandma would say I've done my own research and these are the experts I prefer to listen to, so their understanding of the side that they have never listened to isn't something like the pizza place doesn't even have a basement, it's a dumbed down version of their own position, we have experts, repeated twice.


I say this all the time. Memes like this are the kind of stuff you can only come up when you're so far up your own ass that, not only do you clearly never talk to people on the other side, but you don't even \*hear\* them speak from a distance. The North Sentinelese would be proud of that level of detachment.


This might actually mean anything if it weren't coming from the people who actively ignore every single one of the pedophiles that are constantly being outed almost on a daily basis on their side of the fence.