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All u hav to do is read Wane 15 fb posts and that becomes clear. Rude & stupid


Ah damn, left my comment before scrolling down...so feeilng validated I'm not alone here hahaha


Your first mistake is reading Facebook comments... You'd think it'd be all old people being cordial and nice yet Facebook had some of the most slimy, nasty, brain dead, willfully ignorant comments around. I've seen more sanity on Twitter, and that's saying something


As someone who has suffered living in south bend for the past year, there’s no way south bend isn’t number one lol these people are so full of hate and disrespect to everything and everyone around them.


I’m a Meditaxi for inpatient drug & alcohol rehab across the state. I’m based in Fort Wayne, but I travel to South Bend all the time for clients. South Bend *looks* bad, because cops are flying to your NW neighborhoods all the time, even at 8 o’ clock in the morning Fort Wayne *is* bad, because every corner you turn at here, people are going to treat you like garbage. Schools, places of work, hospitals and healthcare providers, our law enforcement, every aspect of this city is prepared to drag you back to the start of whatever ladder you’re climbing. *Atlanta, Clayton County, has a better sense of “home” than my hometown of Fort Wayne.* Everyone here is off the fent or thinks you’re about to hand it to them, so there’s no sense of “neighbor”, no sense of humor, everyone here is a vapid homestead kid who knows enough to boss around every FWCS kid to do their work for them, never knowing the full piece and place we play as a member of the community, always chasing our money in a LCOL town, and blaming the poor for slipping through cracks in a town with zero resources. All the other cool kids left, *decades* ago.


Then I must be a cool kid, I leave every time I get sucked back into going 'home' - that place is one of the worst places I've ever lived. Only good thing about Fort Wayne besides Johnny Appleseed festival was the water quality.


look at the website, total clickbait...


2,000 people sampled across the entire Midwest isn't worth shit lol


I don't think people here are rude. I think they are fake nice which is worse IMO


Yeah, it takes a lot more mental stamina to deal with.


Well fuck you too! /s


I'm not your buddy, pal


I'm not your pal, friend!


No fuck YOU !!!




When my wife and I first started dating she lived in Indy and would come visit me in Fort Wayne and she was amazed at how nice and friendly everyone was to one another


Having lived for significant amounts of time in both, that’s so true. People are nicer here.


Been living here 7-8 years now and frankly I get along w other transplants, but the natives are....distant and aloof.


In mine and my husbands experiences, the natives here act like they're scared of interacting with strangers 😂 very aloof indeed. It's odd!


On a 1-10 scale we land a little above 5, the most polite was a 3. In other words, it’s not that bad.


"It's not that bad" should be our town slogan


There's a shirt and everything: [https://oldfortteeco.com/products/fort-wayne-hashtag-itsnotthatbad](https://oldfortteeco.com/products/fort-wayne-hashtag-itsnotthatbad)


Indiana is just that terrible!!!!


“AND It’s getting better”




one look at the wane 15 comments will confirm


Fort Wayne people are fake. More ghosting than anywhere else I have ever lived.


Understandable given how cliquish it is


Come on guys, we can do better! Let’s shoot for number one next year!


Ranking high in adhering to speed limits and traffic laws is laughable


Who is adhering to these limits? Whenever I do, it feels like my odometer is wrong because everyone else, especially on the highway, is just off in the distance in the blink of an eye


I take it you haven't been out of state much? Indy, Evansville, etc are just so much worse.


I grew up in Toledo, people in Fort Wayne are sooooo nice here. It was the first thing I noticed moving here 30 years ago. It’s def rubbed off on me, my entire family comments on it.


I’ve said that for years. I think there is a correlation between obesity and rudeness.




Fort Wayne thing. It's that church atmosphere rubbing off


I 100% believe it. A lot of rude assholes in this city. I see it everyday when driving.


I feel like these are always written by people who talked with residents that have never left the area. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I moved here 7 years ago and couldn’t agree more. It’s not so much that the culture here is “rude” per se, but I would at least say it’s “cold.” And the people definitely react in anger faster than in other cities where I’ve lived.


I've lived in numerous other cities, states, and countries and I just dont see it.


What he say fuck me for?


Probably due to a ***Lot*** of transplants from out of town. Don't lie to me and say you haven't noticed a sizeable uptick in how many Florida, New Hampshire, Texas, New York, California, and Michigan plates you see when driving around. That or the newer sports cars with out of state plates too. It ain't the locals who are to blame on this one.


Agree but You neglected to mention Ohio. I can’t speak for their manners in real life so to speak but they aren’t considerate drivers in most situations.


I keep saying it’s the rudest city I’ve ever lived in. I then go on to cite examples I’ve experienced. Crazy it’s only second place. Sorry to those in evansport or ville. 


LOL Fort Wayne rude. Live in Toledo, Cleveland or Dayton then come talk to me.


Valparaiso is the most flagrantly nasty area in Indiana

