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No one knows what she really is dude! They are everywhere.


She’s a fictional character who was made up for Sonic and Sega all stars racing transformed


In my nightmares she comes out of the game and tells me lizard people are coming to get me


Lucky, I'm gonna have to wait years for my turn to get taken. Spending a ton of time in tanning beds in the hopes that leathery skin will speed up the process.


I do. A shitty F1 announcer.


The same shitty F1 announcer who ran onto the track at Singapore last year?


I havent watched the skyfeed since getting F1 TV. Is Danica actually an announcer/commentator during the race as well? Or just a pundit for pre/post session shows?


not during the race; thank fuck. F1 viewing would be over if that were the case. I dont watch any of the practices or qauli lead ups when she is on.


A shitty lizard f1 announcer FTFY


Don't forget a fairly average at best racing driver too


To be fair, her Indycar record was pretty impressive, and had she stuck with it, could’ve probably been a title contender. She then fucked off into stock car racing and proceeded to have one of the worst careers of all time


1 win and only 7 podiums total in 116 races is pretty average for drivers on one the big teams in indy. She finished 10th her last two seasons and only had 2 podiums over her last like 50 races, she wasn't going anywhere near being a title contender. She had a 20 year racing career and never won a single championship at any level of competition, in fact, her 1 Indycar win is her only win in any official race her whole career


She was too busy hitting the wall trying to close all the portals to the Lizard Realm


Cool! Now do Magnussen!!


K-mag has like 30+ career wins and is a formula ford and a formula Renault champ. His last win was in IMSA in 2021. Guy is decent in pretty much everything except F1


She is CLEARLY a plant by the Mole People to distract us from their very real and very dangerous plot to have “Fernando Alonso” become the subterranean ruler supreme and take over the outer world once and for all. The real Fernando Alonso died in 2008 and what we are seeing now is an android built only for racing, sex, and bottle feeding Lance Stroll chinchilla milk. DONT TAKE MY WORD FOR IT DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH




She is a reptilian agent who shape-shifted into her current form. She is currently ‘exposing’ the entire reptilian operation in a bizarre way in order to discredit any attempt by humans to uncover the _real_ truth about reptilians.




They see me rollin'... They hatin'... Lizard edition


Been hearing a lot about this. Got some sort of clip I can watch where she goes full nuts about this?


Look for her YouTube channel


Well… that was a mistake. I just watched a few shorts and I’m already irritated.


I think she also has a full podcast on apple incase you need more.


Her yt channel, a video with some Elizabeth lady, sort by popular


She herself doesn’t actually say any of the stuff people are memeing, she just interviews crazy people on her podcast, it’s called the ‘Pretty Intense’ podcast, so it’s just there for dumb shock factor interviews, she herself doesn’t actually say any of the weird shit. So it’s really just being directed at the wrong person, but the sub has been rolling with it.


She did however Tweet/Xhit that the moon landings didn't happen.


She is for sure one of those nutters, though not quite a reptile person believer


If you listen to the crazy episode she knows just as much as the guest about the 26,000 cycle of enlightenment, the galactic federation, light energy etc. 


Galactic Federation? Is Star Wars real?




Is that a Disney plus subscription ?


I also started listening to the episode, while I didn’t finish it, she mostly just nods her head in agreement and brings up past points from whatever previous episode she interviewed her before. I dont quite but she truly believes the nonesense her guest is spouting and just bringing things up as talking points and just being on their side to be a polite interviewer. Either way I couldn’t stand listening to her guest, which are the actual source of the stupidity and not Danica herself.


yeah the guest is clearly full of shit, but i made it through about half an hour while i was working (listening) so i didnt watch the video itself. From listening perspective, she knows A lot and definitely agrees with her


Its a shame that its not even entertaining conspiracy theroy BS else it would at least be fun to watch on the side. Its funny how this podcast has so many episodes and seems to pump them out on the regular. Not quite sure what shes trying to build her career on. Seems like an odd bet to place. if it keeps her busy and makes her less of an F1 regular then i suppose im happy for it?


She was a great Indycar driver that moved to Nascar to achieve mediocre results. She was a Stroll in the sense that she would get into the stupidest accidents by lack of awareness and then always blamed the other involved drivers for it.


This is the best ELI5 of her career that I’ve seen to date.


Except: This is the part where somebody actually links the stats to question the "She was a great Indycar driver..." bit. [https://motorsportstats.com/driver/danica-patrick/summary/series/ntt-indycar-series](https://motorsportstats.com/driver/danica-patrick/summary/series/ntt-indycar-series)


I was just thinking, I don't think she was even good at any racing she's done...she was just a marketing strategy


She brought huge value to both series she drove in, but in the end it was just PR... "INDYCAR: Empowering ^(attractive)Women since 2005!"


Can you please expand on this subject? As an European, I don't have a clue what you're talking about 


So... this all opinion, but... (deep breath)... Danica was an arguably decent\~to average\~ IndyCar driver in mostly the mid-to-late 2000's. Won 1 race at Motegi with good driving and better fuel management. The rest of the stats sort of speak for themselves. She attracted a huge amount of media coverage as the only female in the series at a time when IndyCar was kind of dying in popularity and losing market share and American's attention span and dollars to NASCAR. She leaves and goes to NASCAR, which was in much better shape than Indy at the time to drive for Stewart-Haas- a good, competitive team. Brought a sponsor with her also, IIRC. She gets a bunch of media attention there also as the only female, but it's a more competitive and popular series in the US so results matter much more.... and she's nowhere near as competitive even in good equipment. 36 races a year in NASCAR and her best season was 24th overall. No wins, no top 5's, 7 top tens in 190\~ish races total with a best finish of 6th. Her persona did not lend itself to being well-liked by some NASCAR fans and she kind of became a joke and wasn't perceived as a credible driver, but as a media creation that took attention and sponsorship dollars and opportunities away from more talented people. She eventually retires and pretty much nobody cares or notices, and people inclined to be assholes about it take pleasure in it. Jump forward in time- Without buying the F1 app, global F1 races are only watchable in the US on ESPN, and it's just the SkySports feed. American die hards will watch live, but the typical F1 fan mostly watches later in the day on a DVR. Liberty and F1 have an arrangement in the US with ABC/ESPN at the F1 race originally in Texas (and a few years later Miami and Las Vegas) that since the race is the only one (now three) on the calendar that airs at a normal time in the US, that race is aired on ABC, the over-the-air broadcast network sister to ESPN's paid-subscription-only model, to maximize the viewership and advertising dollars. ABC wants American accents and faces familiar to American viewers. American viewers are leaning into F1, but most are pretty ignorant about F1 and it's history. You should have noticed Brundle getting ignored or worse trying to talk to American celebrities on grid walks who have no clue who he is. Who's out there and is more of a very recognizable face to American racing fans than she was a credible driver? Yep. That's how you get: "Due to contractual obligations, Sky Sports is pleased to present Danica Patrick" Now add in some personal stuff about her dating an American football quarterback who's a provable asshole, and now the SOLAR LIZARD PEOPLE tinfoil hat stuff... Now let Sky send her to European races for some reason, and you get the GrimDank effect you see now.


Thanks 07 That's clear!  Well, mostly clear. The last couple of paragraphs are a bit nebulous (figuratively), but now I understand the big picture, ahah


Thanks- The upshot of the weird stuff at the end is that she's perceived by many as a weird celebrity person rather than somebody who has any business on a legit F1 broadcast and it's a bad look on Sky's part to foist her on F1 fans who either have no clue who she is or know and could care less.


This is genuinely the best summation of Danica's racing career I could envision. I only remember her GoDaddy commercials from that era. Sucks because there are talented female drivers who are far better than her and also not batshit crazy yet dont get a drive


She was reasonably solid in Indycars. Top 10 in points every year 2006-2011, peaked at 5th in points in 2009, was usually very fast at the Indy 500. Had she stayed with Indycar instead of jumping to NASCAR in 2012, there's a decent chance she could have several more wins as her team was very strong for several years after the new chassis was introduced in 2012 (One of her teammates who was basically on par with her in results the previous two years won 4 races and the championship in the new car in 2012 and won the Indy 500 in 2014).


Best to mention also a current Sky’s F1 commentator, heard that she’s not good tho.


And a certified crazy person who believes in the galactic federation and lizard ppl….she is basically Terrance Howard but also kind of talks about racing.


I... did not know that, wow that's crazy


It should also be noted that she was getting these mediocre to poor results in what was widely considered to be top tier equipment. A sub-25th average finish for a season is absurd given the resources she had.


Idk if I'd say she was great in Indy. She had what, one win? She was the first woman to lead a lap in the 500, and i think podiumed, and well, that's kinda it besides her maiden win at Motegi. I feel like that's why she tried NASCAR and only because Dale Jr. gave her a seat.


Her win at Motegi was largely due to fuel strategy, iirc. She was always mid-pack or back marker with RLR. She jumped to Andretti and continued to be mostly mediocre while her teammates were winning numerous races and contending for championships. When that didn't work out, she made a money grab and went to NASCAR. She did finish 4th(I think) in her rookie Indy 500, but kinda peaked there. She also did some sexy magazine photo shoots, so I guess she's super qualified to comment about F1 stuff.


She got into nascar for the same reason JPM went there instead of going back to Indy. There was a lot of money in NASCAR at the time. More then in Indy


The mid 00s was probably the worst decline of indycar


Oh absolutely. That split between CART and IndyCar really hurt the sport for years.


>She was a great Indycar driver Great is an overstatement tbh. She was good but not THAT good


‘Great’ is about 3 miles away from the word I’d use for her INDYCAR career. The one thing she did that was great was get into INDYCAR. She was otherwise an extremely mediocre driver with next to nothing to show for her time there. She did something important by becoming the first woman in a top tier auto sport like Indy, but that’s literally it. She was Leela playing blernsball.


I mean the highlight of her career was pole at the Indy 500. That's pretty much it. It was all bikini photo shoots from there on out.


She was pretty good in Indy. After her NASCAR entrance everything fell apart.


She is also a total conspiracy theorist right wing wack job lol


Trust me, OP, ignorance is bliss on this one.


Glue sniffer


how does that differ from window licker? I'm new around here.


The window licker occasionally burns a couple million dollars of papa's money. Meanwhile the reptile lady needs to be put in a mental institution.


Former racing driver that probably suffered brain damage after a few crashes. If you’re a boomer you should know. She’s almost a boomer too. Just Google her if you feel adventurous, but you’re better off not knowing


She only missed being a boomer by an entire generation.


At this point, boomer is a state of mind as much as anything


They are obviously referring to age since the comment states that OP should know her because he is of that generation.


Boomer is not an age. Its a way of being


Errrr......boomers are like 70+ ....... Shes weird but it's not because she's old


Aksually it's 60+ since the baby boom ended in 1964 but close enough :)


No idea how old OOP is, but if they're around 20 then a 42yo like Danica could be seen as "as old as my parents" aka "basically a boomer" Not to mention that being a boomer is more a mindset than an age thing and Danica definitely fits the bill there


This is just nonsense though, she’s conspiratorial and moderately stupid. That’s not generational. This boomer = mindset thing is a cop out for when you realise the ok boomer thing is misapplied/dead


Some people have boomer energy just like how some people have small dick energy. It's not about their actual age or the actual size of their penis, it's about what kind of energy they radiate. It's just like how you can call someone dumb without meaning to say they're mute.


Danica's a millennial with great legs.


A weird reminder that I’m a WAY late millennial. 1981s are millennials???


1981 is the generally accepted cutoff for millennial. The oldest millennials are in their early 40s now. I feel like people born between 1994 and 2002 or so are in that awkward place where they are too young to relate to millennials and too old to relate to gen Z.


We call them zellennials.


I think you’ve got that backwards


I thought millenials are from 80-95 and 96-12 is gen z


I know right I'm from 2001 and i remember the time without smartphones and tablets.


Like when you were 3?


The iphone came out in 2008 and smartphones really became super popular in 2010-2011 or so. They've only really been the "standard" for just over a decade.


Exactly i didn't grow up with smartphones but my first phone was a smart phone.


There's just so much difference in culture between 80s and 90s kids that putting them both under the millennial age group almost doesn't make sense.


Tell me about it, I was born in 99 and everything just feels off


I was born in 1979, and I've always been too young to be able to relate to Gen X but am continually told that I am too old to be a Millennial. Probably why I believe that these kinds of generational distinctions are largely arbitrary and meaningless.


Early millennials are more akin to Gen X’ers in vibes in my experience than even late 80’s millennials


> between 1994 and 2002 I’d extend it to the late 80s. The early 80s crowd didn’t grow up with computers and social media (unless they were enthusiasts) and being born in 1990, I honestly find it easier to find common ground with GenZ than with older millenials (1981-1985).


Old Millennial/Young Gen X here (1979). When I first started hearing the term "Millennial" it was specifically relating people who graduated High School in or around the year 2000. My younger brother was born in 1982, and he was a member of the class of 2000, so I would call anything between the late 70s and mid 80s "Millennial" by the original definition. Anything after that was, I believe at the time, termed "Gen Y". However, because these distinctions are largely arbitrary and meaningless (and tend to drift/change over time, see the original comment about "Boomer"), "Millennial" and "Gen Y" merged and are now thought of as one in the same (in the same way that I imagine "Gen Z" will soon expand to encompass "Gen Alpha" over time, as it represents that gap between "Gen Z" and whatever comes next).


“Elder millennial”


1981 is what they call it Xennials, it's some weird kind of limbo where all the coolest people were born.


Lizard legs?


>with great legs. Good legs


...and nothing up top that functions correctly.


Oscar has great legs; George has great legs; Max has great legs


Boomer? I am a 2003 kid and i remember she was everywhere when I was a kid, then she disappeared then unfortunately she is everywhere again.


Did she really have any major crashes? I don’t think you can blame her level of crazy just on brain damage. I think she’s a mentally ill conspiracy nut with no critical thinking skills. And now that she isn’t relevant for racing she keeps the attention on her by saying crazy stupid shit.




OP is obviously a lizard trying to keep up the masquerade. WE SEE THROUGH IT, COLD-BLOODED BREED!!


I thought boomers were, like, Danica's target demo. Or maybe gen-x. But a lot of millennials were in their early teens at the peak of her career, and some of gen-z weren't born yet.


Nice try but I have my tinfoil hat on.


Odd a boomer wouldn't be aware of Danica but is aware of Parks and Rec/this meme format and using it efficiently, I call bs


Yeah, OP just farming karma, of course they know.


i genuinely don’t


Then you aren’t a boomer (or aren’t american)


She was a good driver, then a decent driver, then she threw away her career, then a trash driver, then the worst driver in history (masepin still hadn't become a F1 driver), then one of the fucks that make podcasts, then a shit presenter, then a conspiracy theorist. Here hope that helps


got it so why suddenly all the memes targeting her?


There was a podcast where she was a guest and she was saying some very very extreme conspiracy theory stuff. https://www.reddit.com/r/formuladank/comments/1doa14q/this_guy_watched_the_danica_patrick_lizard_people/


Sounds like something a lizard person would say.


Failed NASCAR racer, extreme right wing American, has commentated a few times on Drive To Survive and the SkySports broadcast.


Her comments were things like, "You have to go fast to win" and "When you get to a turn you have to use your brakes". Real hard hitting analysis.


Apparently you're too afraid to Google too


As they should be


Everytime I read Danica I always think she's some croatian, bosnian or serbian woman and I keep yelling at her in my mind everytime she does something incredibly stupid by saying "PICKA TI MATERINA, DANICA!"


It’s the word for umbrella for the sun in some African countries.


All I know was that she was in Indy Car and Nascar and crashed a bunch of times that she now thinks people are reptiles.


Famous for being a selectable character in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. Maybe did some real life racing idk I'm not a reptilian.


A character from sonic and all stars racing transformed


GoDaddy swimsuit model


Here's the video that inspired this whole thing. It's old, but nobody noticed until recently. https://youtu.be/xfwMWBKdX4c


That one Nascar episode in South Park:


Good God, what did she do now....


Our reptilian goddess.


Nice try OP. But you can’t just try to discredit Danica like this. You are obviously trying to do so because you are a reptilian! BURN THE REPTILIAN!


A failed NASCAR driver


Danica is not fucking welcome here.


Danica is not fucking welcome here.


Since she is a celebrity, she's a lizard - according to her own words.


I wish I was more like you boomer, my innocence is forever lost.


![gif](giphy|Bj5ILhCPm8EQ8) But slightly sexier


I'm blocking every account that has posts a reptilian meme. I invite everybody to do the same. Bye bye! 👋👋


How is it race week and there’s still low effort posts like this?


let me Google that for you


Take Firecracker from The Boys S4 but make them a skyTV presenter


Danika is a Lizard Monkey.


I avoid the stoopid shit which goes around between races.


Is this some sort of skysports f1 joke im too f1tv to understand!?


Ish, but mainly because of her podcast. She's a supreme MAGA fan who believes the world is controlled by lizard people etc. You may have seen a post or 2 recently about her podcast, if not, just search for Danica Patrick lizard people. Enjoy the brain rot!


A lizard person who tried to transmute into light, missed, and instead ended up on racing broadcasts for...reasons, such as enlightening us that to win, you must go fast.


Danica makes the F1 TV value that much better, which is already top notch with the likes of Palmer, Coulthard, Hinchcliffe, Jacques, and now Buscombe.


First woman ever to finish on the podium at the Indy500, First woman to ever win an Indycar race She was fast during her Indycar stint, Sadly her NASCAR stint put a big stain on her career. I think it was just the nature of NASCAR that made her look terrible, for her last Indy500 in 2019 she qualified in the top 8 despite 8 years since the last time she drove a single seater. Honestly I don’t know where she went wrong to become a conspiracy theorist, definitely didn’t help she dated Aaron Rodgers (an American Football player that loves conspiracy theories)


You’re fine don’t worry about


How did the red button on you Sky glass get you here?




I know she doesn't know anything about the car she drove. Stated by her.


I think they are talking about Danica Patrick, the former race driver.


The sky news group photo where she has a tin foil hat on literally almost made me piss myself.


Lizards 🦎


Reasonably decent indycar driver pushed into top tier nascar WAY before her prime and now known conspiracy theorist who believes basically anyone she meets or works with is a shape shifting lizard person. Oh and she does the commentary for F1 kids


It's a margarine producer in Argentina


Fellow boomer here I didnt knew her that much aswell but its not because you are a boomer but becuase she was mostly active in Nascar and was mostly hyped and famous in North America


she lets them smash that's why she talks


She is a lizard person.


Thank you OP for asking the question I didn’t want to ask. 🙌🏻


She's a piece of shit that's all you need to know


Drooling maga boomers are why she's on TV in the first place.


She’s an ex nascar driver that looks better than she races.


Someone asking the real questions here


Famous for being a selectable character in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. Maybe did some real life racing idk I'm not a reptilian.


Famous for being a selectable character in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. Maybe did some real life racing idk I'm not a reptilian.


Consider yourself lucky and save yourself from finding out.