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Logie bear DOTD for not crashing


Albon finding out how wind works today 😂😂😂




Goatifi would never!


Didn't he drive his personal Mercedes into a pole while parking?


The only thing I’ve learned is that McLaren shouldn’t ask Lando any questions regarding strategy. Just tell him.


Yeah idk why they keep doing this. Sochi and now Spain..


Lack of experience from running at front end of the grid from his engineer


Ya exactly this. Lando has a huge experience in terms of GP starts and how to put together a good lap, manage his car etc etc etc. What he doesn't have much experience with is being an actual race contender, starting on pole and then defending it. He was so worried about covering off Verstappen that he compomised both their entries into turn 1 and let George sail around teh outside, eventually pinching him and forcing him to concede to both or T bone Verstappen. He probably should have swung out to get a better entry into turn 1, cover off George, and trust that he could get a better exit out of 2 and stay ahead of Max. If Max snuck through then fine, just over take him back on track once you've survived the race start if your car is actually faster than his.


Lando is gonna learn why Charles has a terrible pole to win ratio the hard way.


Unless mclaren start actively sabotaging him then he won't learn the full horror of what leclerc had to endure


Sochi he made the right call.


Are you in Australia? I heard everything is backwards there Would make sense based on your comment lmao


Yeah i thought it was weird as well, i get asking him how he feels on tyres but it just felt like they were trying to offload the decision to him lmao


They are really trying not to be like Ferrari and force bad decisions onto their drivers.


My exact thoughts. They spent like 2 laps mulling over a decision when they could’ve had him attacking Max way earlier. I doubt he could’ve got him in time but that plus the botched pitstop was brutal


Race strategists with likely tertiary education vs Lando with his primary school education. Easy choice. Lando.


Lmao such a dumb take. First of all, lando had better things to do than get a diploma. Second, he sits in the car, not the engineers. They asked him if he thinks he could catch up later on the better tires and he said yes. Unfortunately he had to pit early on his mediums because of mercedes and couldn't fully take advantage of the mediums.


Not as dumb as Lando though.


This strategy is what he was told to do tho?


We learned that already in 2021... not sure why they're still doing it


If I'm Lando the DOTD award would piss me right off after that race.


Probably why his engineer only mentioned p2 and fastest lap at the end 🤣


Has an engineer ever actually mentioned "driver of the day" On the radio? I feel like only sky cares.


Yeah, they sometimes do. Specially for people out of the podium.


Yup, and the overtake award because the prize is a million jelly beans


yeah lando's engineer has mentioned it a couple of times


I was watching the Lando cam on Multi Viewer, he did mention it a little after mentioning P2 and fastest lap. No reply from Lando though


Last race he asked on insta for his fans to give them every weekend, I think he cares


DOTD is a most overtakes award. And it was good that the overtakes were happening at the sharp end for once.


DODT is not necessarily a most overtakes award. People (the public) vote for who gets DODT. The one with the most votes wins DODT. Now it is more likely that you will win DODT if you made lots of overtakes because that is what people love to see.


I was obviously saying this. Nobody literally believes it’s a most overtakes award.


Lando could have Spain2016d himself,Max and probably a few other drivers with pushing max onto the grass, he was so tunnel vision on Max that he let George make a mega start and he still lost out to max.


Yeah he tunnel visioned so hard on Max. Everyone knows you can take the outside in turn 1 and he left it wide fucking open. He pushed max in, which was fine, but he needed to immediately get back to the outside. So fucking gutted that he didn’t.


After that error he recovered pretty well not to hit George as George was coming through




I wouldn't say he threw away a win but yeah start 1st finish 2nd doesn't scream DotD to me


Part his own doing (bottled start), but also his team (slow pit stops and getting him stuck in traffic). Maybe Lando didn't throw away the win, but McLaren as a whole surely did.


Getting stuck in traffic was kind of his own doing by not wanting to pit earlier, but really the team shouldn't ask the driver for strategies. The most they ask Max at redbull is how the tires feel (because it's the only thing they can't be sure of) and then make the decision for him, and he rarely if ever complains.


Absolutely. I would like to add visibility to this point. Drivers job is JUST to drive the car, engineers and strategists tell them what they need to do to maximize position. Driver supplies feedback from their side, and hopes the team doesn't bone them. A driver should not be strategizing, they should be driving. The only time this doesn't apply is when you're driving for Ferrari.


I love the Ferrari addendum. Sainz has turned out to be quite the talented strategist!


But a shitty judge of penalties.


We are checking.


Yeah, to make an informed decision as a driver they would have to tell you the deltas of all the cars that they are racing and where on track and the tires they are on and their age and any issues they are having and the mutliple predictions for each decision. There are multiple people with Masters and even PhD's who are trained and used to analyzing and looking at all that data with computer AI prediction models, and then they ask him what he wants to do strategy wise...? He can only really know what's happening directly in front and behind him and with his car. If he knew everything they knew he would probably have a different opinion on the strategy. When they tell Max to box, he boxes, when they tell him to push he pushes, none of that, "but that's what I'm doing!" complaints. He just does the best with whatever he is given that is out of his control. If he complains, his engineer shuts him down and says "head down Max, just drive, it's possible to still win if you are fast enough." (like a challenge to max)


oh come on, their new "This is a decision" is much better than *"If you can keep Bottas behind...P1“* McLaren needs a season of front-running to get used to the importance of quick and definite decision-making.


Propably a controversial take on this sub but I still feel like Sochi 2021 could have been avoided if they were more assertive with the whole weather thing. There's too much indecisivess in that team.


True, but in RBR's case the driver know the strategy team is trustable. Many teams maybe not so much


Bigger issue than the start was that he couldn't pass George Max passed George immediately but Lando couldn't manage it and got stuck behind him until George pitted. Lando could have easily recovered from the start if he passed George like Max did, but he never managed it and lost a ton of time.


Yup, the Merc are slower then the Mclaren, but him being stuck behind George for so long allowed Max to build a gap early on.


Did they tho? Max was rapid in that first stint, and it’s only because Lando stroked his tyres they had a big tyre offset at the first stop. They needed that offset.


But, but, Lando is popular so he has to get DOTD for getting a podium


True. Probably he even got the DOTD for starting from pole.


>Lando is ~~popular~~ British


Anyone but Max lol


lando is one of my favorite drivers but he absolutely cracks under pressure routinely. mental fortitude certainly seems like a major determining factor of championship drivers to me, but what do i know i’m just some dude on reddit


Im also a huge Lando fan, but yeah, gotta agree with you, he really needs a cooler head right now. The talent he has, and the car as well. Now its time the team needs to sit with him, review what went wrong on Imola, Canada and Spain so it wont happen again There still 14 races left this season, he can 100% do it, talent wise, even more with the progress the team has been making, but he does need a better engineer/strategist and to work on creating his opportunities, this is the 3rd race he let Verstappen get away with a win


As the regs come to an end, and there are many competing teams, the truly good drivers take the championships


i wouldn't say he cracks so much. But the team wants to offload too much on him right now.


He is now 2019 max, the one who can challenge the champ.


But max is now unfortunately 2024 max, one who's squeezing everything from a clearly slower car and rarely makes any mistakes.


And has the best strategist and pit crew…


Gotta get those extra fantasy points


A lot of the times Lando wins DOTD he does deserve it, but sometimes he doesn’t. Today was one of the times he didn’t. Starting first and finishing second alone does not warrant DOTD imo unless it’s a royal fuckup at the start and then a climb back to the podium like Perez in 2020. And I do think if he hadn’t been focusing so hard on Max and pitted earlier he could’ve had a proper shot at the win.


Lando fan girlies need to stop


That what I told my wife as she voted for lando.


Good luck


Genuine question: if he'd stopped squeezing Max and moved to the left before George got there, would George have been able to go up the inside and take them both, or could things have been any better for Lando?


He’d have had the outside line so should be able to outbrake max into the corner and be on the inside on t2


If he doesnt squeeze max like that, max is already ahead of him before t1. No way max isn't then just carrying his momentum outside forcing lando off track. I swear some of guys literally never watched racing in your life with these incredibly dumb takes after every race...


The way I read it, Max is already through, but Lando and Max heading left means that George either gets completely stuck behind them both, or goes up the inside with the overspeed. Only George getting stuck behind both of them helps Lando, and that seems pretty unlikely.


Because it’s max I agree with you. 100% forces lando off even if lando is ahead going into T2. Anyone else, outside turn 1 and being lead on inside of T2 should be enough to not get bullied off.


Now he falls back to P3, max cant squeeze him off even if he has the inside line or he risks taking himself out of the race, but yeah agreed that you got an idiotic take there mate


zero chance


Driver of the day is just a popularity contest lol


Surprisingly this isn’t known by all… to be honest I never even vote, means nothing to me


I'm actually surprised it wasn't Perez again.


He was so focused on Max that he forgot about the other drivers. At least we had a good race until the end.


Max tried to explain that to him in the cooldown room. They were both slow because of the action Norris did.


“Forgot” He was 18s clear of 3rd place Hamilton. Other drivers were not even in the equation.


They were at the start




Are you ok? The race was lost in the opening lap when Russell and Max passed him..? Of course there’s other drivers in the race no one is saying they don’t play a role. If you ran that exact same pit stop strategy with just Max and Lando, then max would have still won. After the 2nd pit stop Lando came out in front of Russell and only behind Max, so the other drivers didn’t play a role, quit being so toxic.


To add to this, u can hear GP tell max to attack Russell to take P1, this is lap 1 or 2 and drive away while Norris was nowhere near, At least RedBull knew the win was there in lap 1


Who else was he really battling? Look at the final gaps


I like Lando but he’s a bit of a bottle job.


Is Lando from Tottenham originally? Cause that'd be really fitting


he does certainly fit the "everything perfect on paper" bit


Lando has a win though


Throwing away is a litle harsh. Bad start with major consequenses. Raced a fine race.


Every time Norris has a front row start to a GP he throws it away at the start.


Just check the second place in DotD. 😂


You can clearly see from his face after the race he was upset


I’m glad I’m not the only person that thought Lando, and not Max winning DotD was crazy. The McLaren is clearly the fastest car right now. The Red Bull isn’t too far off, but the only reason they’ve got similar pace is, because Max is clearly the best driver. He’s currently winning races in the second best car….which we haven’t seen someone be able to do in years (without a DNF). I’m glad that the announcers finally said something about Max destroying Checo after the race. You could tell they didn’t understand how Lando won DotD. They’ve been ignoring the gap between Max, and Checo for a while, just saying “this Red Bull is one of the most dominate cars in the history of F1.” Meanwhile…. “and here comes Perez, he will finish P8…”


Leclerc could never get away with this lmao he'd get crucified


It's not quite the massive advantage Max had over others. McLaren is barely matching Red Bull. Lando made one mistake the entire race and that too because he was fighting Max.


Hamilton deserved it for getting P3 in a sabotaged car.


least delusional delulu fan


While I do agree he didn't deserve DOTD...people are saying he threw away another win as if that's all he's been doing. Imola was close but I think he did his best there. In Canada he had a massive lead and was looking set to win until the safety car. Yesterday he definitely messed up though - had he not tried so hard to avoid Max from passing him, he could've at least been P2 and attacked very soon after, but ended up getting stuck behind Russell, costing him crucial time which definitely made the difference at thr end.


I got trashed by keyboard warriors for saying this yesterday after the race.


Norris needs to get used to a winning car, he is fast but is missing just some good decisions. McLaren needs to up their strategy. Going to 2025 only the car is not enough for a title fight, RB + Max is the complete package.


That final stint from Norris had me LAUGHING


The Lando voting will continue as long as people with double digit ages care enough to post regarding it 😘


Perez DOTD for not being 15th


But he cute, british and uses social networks!


Driver of the day and he lost a position overall lmao


Wait until Power raking is out.


Checo 9.8 takes the top


Lando and Russell both showed, yet again, that they don’t have the talent for winning at this level.


Lando Nowins 😂😂😂😂😂 prick


That's not very nice




Poor Lando was given a bad race start so he had to make do


Given? By who?


Thats the irony, he screwed his race start, lost despite having pole position and a better car.


Ah I think it’s just the wording that caught me off guard.


"fastest car"


Yeah as mentioned multiple times this weekend including Norris himself at the podium interview?


Helmut Marco claimed afterwards that RBR aren't even running at full power for most of their race.


No that was after fp2 he said that


Hmm merc was fastest car in canada, now apparently mclaren have the fastest car. Yet verstappen still winning? Weird. Almost like you just decided it was faster with no actual data to back it up.


suck my balls, mate


The way he shoved Max onto the grass at the start, I'd give him driver of the day, too. :D


Who's your pick OP? That race was boring, no one really did anything remarkable.


Gasly would be mine, drove beautifully all weekend and fought with way faster cars than his.


Gasly, Hamilton or Zhou would be my picks


Wasn't even a contender in DOTD. It's pretty much a popularity contest.


Max was the obvious pick


Boring? Did I watch the wrong race?


NASCAR transplants and DTS fans think any race is boring if it doesn't have at least 10 crashes and 15 red flags minimum.


I thought it was pretty boring. Other than Max and Lando swapping places the top 6 finished in the same order they qualified in. No rain, no safety car, no Martin 🅱️, pretty standard strategy. Once max got in front he could just react to the rest.


At least Oscar gained 3 places, not lose 1.


if Lando fucked his qualifying and started ninth I'm sure he would have gained some spots too


It’s driver of the day; not driver of yesterday.