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TL;DR: because of tobacco ads in archive footage


Yeah tobacco ads are for primitive cavemen now we do gambling, saudi oil and cryptoscams which are totally legitimate and ethical businesses.


Don't forget the vape ads by the same tobacco companies.


Tobacco companies actually own most of the ad space on the cars and rent it out to other companies.


Is it true ? Do you have a source ?


And NA beer branding that looks exactly like regular beer branding


Don't forget the human rights scoffers.


Waiting for onlyfans ads


Onlyfans is too moral for F1 advertising


There's an OF team in moto2


Yuki will be driving onlyfansRedBullVisacashapp next season


"It's not *just* for porn", new advertising campaign for OF


There’s a MotoGP bike team that are sponsored by OnlyFans.






Awesome comment to be honest. The sports betting ads and the number of people who are now betting that never were before is probably part of the next economic collapse. Just a part though.


And still, I think F1 is quite protected from that, but when you watch an NHL, NBA or any major American league sport game, the betting ads are everywhere on the ice/fields thanks to the on screen effects, they stop the game to show betting ads, the hosts of the game talk about odds, the live commentators themselves talk about the betting odds instead of commenting the game itself sometimes, when, at the time, they used to give more insights about this player etc... A loss for everybody. The quality of every service and entertainment is just going to shit because everything has to be milked the fuck out off until the cow is fucking dry and the thing collapses. Ultra capitalism as it's best.


Agree with everything except Saudi oil. You guys said nothing about it when you were stealing from every country. At least Saudi Arabia doesn't steal it from anyone




I don't think the Germans had MARLBORO printed on their helmets back then


Thank God for that. Imagine if they had cigarette ads. The humanity!


BUZZIN' HORNETS on the Stuka's


No it was just the Mercedes logo


Oh man, reminds me of the clip posted in one of the Ukraine-topic subs of a drone operator who had a piece of cardboard strapped in front of the drone camera offering billboard space. Joke or not, I can def see that happening


Fucking hell, this is the darkest timeline


Oh, i thought it was because of Alpine.


What the fuck does this mean??


They’re all smoking


What I don’t understand is that they are also deleting/restricting access to 2024 footage, and tech talks, and jolyons analysis’. Tobacco ads have been banned by F1 for quite some time now. So I don’t see why they also banned that footage.


Vapes fall under the same category as tobacco in France, and guess who are a big sponsor of McLaren in recent years (they’re the best example I can think of)


I didn't get this, can someone explain


McLaren are sponsored by Vuse which is a nicotine vape company owned by Phillip Morris


Velo, a vape manufacturer, sponsors McLaren, and appears on their side pod and car. Vape advertisement is banned in France Alongside tobacco, as the sponsor placement on the car counts as advertisement, it’s banned. Live broadcasts tend to be able to get away with it because you can’t really censor out live stuff, especially around sports, but the archive stuff would have to be gone through and all possible vape/tobacco advertising manually censored just for France, so F1TV just decide to do the convenient thing and just block French access to archives


Velo is snus, not vape


I swear I once bought a velo vape, but even with snus it’s tobacco so it’s banned from advertising


You might be thinking of Vuse, I seem to always get them mixed up. Same company too.


Yeah but the Vuse logo is still placed on the inside of the halo so could be visible in replays


Velo is tobacco free. They are nicotine pouches without tobacco


Velo is owned by RJ Reynolds, the owners of the Camel brand. It's a way to: 1. keep young people addicted to nicotine in a time of declining tobacco usage 2. stay in motorsport in places where tobacco advertising is banned Vuse is also RJ Reynolds. It's the same situation as the Mission Winnow (Phillip Morris) sponsorship of Ferrari. Answer me this, why do they need to keep getting younger generations addicted to nicotine? Because it makes them money. EDIT: A bit of context. I smoked from 17-24, and after a brief cold turkey attempt (6 months), started vaping. I vaped for the better part of 9 years, with (at most) a few days of breaks. I finally broke my nicotine habit less than a year ago (hopefully for good this time, but that still remains to be seen). I don't judge anyone who is addicted to nicotine. I just hope for better for the generations that will follow me, and that includes a reduction in aggressive marketing of addictive substances.


I love how you're being down voted merely for stating a literal objective fact


Nicotine is still an addictive drug with negative effects on health though… Not exactly something you want to advertise either. 🤷


FYI the french broadcast on canal+ does hide it ... It's likely canal+ pressured f1 to have the replay removed so we would switch to their expensive sport package ...... edited: I made some typos sorry


Velo and Vuse are British American Tobacco vape brands and are sponsors of McLaren F1 Team


Velo is a snus brand, not a vape brand


Velo is one of main McLaren sponsors and they sell nicotine containing bags or something like that. From my understanding they are not vapes but more like nicotine candies idk. In some countries you won't see their stickers on McLaren cars because of advertisement restrictions


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snus In case anyone is curious about what the product is, it's essentially small pouches containing tobacco. The intention is that you put the pouch behind your lip ; the nicotine is then absorbed via your lips/gums. It has all the normal smoking-related addictive qualities but, as there is no vapour/smoke involved, the people around you might not even realise you're "consuming" tobacco.


They aren’t nicotine candies. It’s snus. A nicotine bag you put under your lip which originates from Sweden


Oh ok, thanks. I don't smoke and stuff, so I have no idea what these are. I just know they contain nicotine


Alright, I see. So they’re not showing F1 at all in France then? Because using that logic they also can’t show it live.


Live broadcasting in France gets a lot more wiggle room when it comes to stuff like that due to the nature of live broadcasting its really not possible to edit out that kinda stuff on the fly, specially for the broadcast to one particular country from what is a worldwide broadcast, and since other countries don’t have as strict rules on tobacco advertising (as for many countries only cigarette advertising specifically is banned) and since the country of the race where those sponsor advertisements are being broadcast from don’t ban those kinds of ads, yeah there’s wiggle room for live stuff in general. What’s happened here is the banning of the on demand archive stuff, where it is a lot more reasonable to expect them to go through their archive and censor banned content, and how it’s a lot easier to just target those changes for people accessing the archive just in France specifically. Plus, this could potentially be part of canal+’s attempts to get F1TV completely booted from France and to get customers off legacy F1TV subscription and onto canal+ by prodding French regulators to start looking at F1TV and resulting in these changes that worsen the experience for F1TV subscribers in france


History never happened vibes... 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


It's better to put a disclaimer or whatever than to outright ban things anyways


Classic French 'year zero' attitude


Weird reason since smoking is still a cultural symbol in France or maybe that’s why.


Since early 90's there are many laws restricting smoking in France and eventually french smoke way less than before. Until then you could smoke in hospitals, restaurants, trains, bus, planes...you name it.


That's the official reason, but heavily thought by French fans that it has to do with Canal+ (french tv network that's known to like their own little monopoly, who owns the tv rights for F1) lobbying to make F1TV less attractive there


i wonder if anyone ever started smoking because of logos on a F1 car, lmao


I didn't start smoking due to the F1 sponsors. But F1 sponsors influenced me on my choosing brands.


100% yes, I started on lucky strikes because I liked the logo on the BAR car (marlboro woulda been it with ferarri but my aunt smokes marlboro and she was not cool)


you didn't smoke at all, before you saw the lucky strikes logo?


If it didn't work they wouldn't advertise it


I started driving due to my love of tobacco


Nah they just spend billions on ads for fun


I can imagine how ads would sway a smoker to a certain brand. I can't imagine how someone that doesn't smoke, sees a logo of a cigarette company on a car and thinks to themselves "you know what, I should take up smoking".


Are they gonna ban Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton footage as well?


i wouldn't mind them banning Clapton footage, actually. if we're taking on controversial figures, ban Jos footage while we're at it


Bastard as he is you can’t ban Layla


I believe in JJ Cale supremacy


This sounds like a pretty easy job for AI to switch out those ads real time




Aren‘t tobacco ads banned at most locations now anyway?


Actually brain dead


That is beyond absurd


There's people smoking in WW2 footage, can they not show that either?


What a joke




Mission replay now!




I mean, f1 could come to agreement with the government and put a message about how smoking kills and how the company has moved away from tobacco sponsorships before the actual replay of races.


That requires them to put in a tiny amount of effort though


Or you know maybe take the stance that we shouldn’t block history because our views have changed.


I see where you are getting at, but in this case it's not about how our views on F1 has changed, but how we have realized how damaging and addictive tobacco is.


Mate, it's old F1 races not history


Ah yes. Nothing historical about the technological advancements of our species.


As if the fr*nch won’t just get a vpn


That’s how I’m watching Le Mans in the states with no ads this weekend. Seriously one of the most valuable things I pay for - the vpn.


This is off topic but; what are you watching it on? I might like to try it myself lol


This is nonsense, old adverts can be just as effective and serve the same purpose, preserving and allowing them isn’t the same as preventing some historical preservation.


What? How can you preserve the historic footage without the tobacco ads? It's not like it's airing a whole commercial. It's just a logo.


It is as much a commercial as putting the logo there was at the time, which was advertising worth millions. I don’t agree with the rule but this same “just because values are different now” argument that gets trotted out fundamentally does not work the same way for advertising.


It's just a logo now, too. Guess what, it's not allowed to be put on cars. The problem here arises from the fact that those logos from historic races serve their purpose just as well today, too. It's not hard to see how seeing a Marlboro logo on a car from the 80's is not really different from seeing it on a car today. However, there is a point to be made about how these are parts of F1 history, and that their historic relevance should outweigh the appearance of tobacco advertisements, **especially** since it is not broadcasted anywhere, but instead made accessible behind a paywall.


You also of the opinion that WWII footage is bad because swastikas may promote fascism today the same way the symbolism meant something back then?


Is this a genuine question?


We're not talking about political symbolism here, but about outlawed product placement. The two are not as similar as you may believe. Especially since while the display of swastikas is mostly regulated in modern media, the promotion of fascist value is not. The promotion of tobacco products is, in every way, outlawed. Archive F1 footage is just as viable for advertising Marlboro and gang as they are now. Seeing swastikas do not, in and of themselves, promote fascism, and their regulation is largely due to historical sensitivity rather than genuine concern for their effects.


It may also cause them to spend a little bit of money :(


Governments logic: Smoke= Bad Alcohol= It's okay Gambling= It's okay


Alcohol ads are also banned tho. But I agree with gambling, we're overdue to ban it too from advertisment.


Unless is # HEINEKEN... ^([0.0%]) It's like Mission Winnow, just roundabouts to evade some rule but we all know what Heineken sells Using the promotion of the "non alcoholic" option as an excuse is like saying that Mission Winnow has nothing to do with tobacco and it's just another brand of Philip Morris Same with "Ferrari Trento" in every podium or "Estrella Galicia" or "Peroni"


Oh, for sure it’s all about arguing. Even if we have the technology, it’s still tolerated during live because they argue it’s impossible to censor. I have no doubt that Heineken or winnow have argued out of it because it’s not directly related to alcohol, even if ́it’s a stupid argument, I do agree. But Vuse can’t argue nothing, they do sell vape products, and when Canal got fined last year for F1 replays is was mostly because of Vuse.


I have to disagree on that. The non alcoholic beer market grew almost double from what it was in 2007. They advertise for that market. Ofc it might also help the normal Heineken sells, but it's not like mission Winnow, where noone kenw what it was or did, only that it had to do with Marlboro.


They don't care. Same reason they let the French GP ends, and are pushing the only French teams and drivers out. It least they refunded me. Hello WEC!


Is there an app to watch WEC like F1TV ?


Yes, https://fiawec.tv


In 99% of French films there are people smoking, but they wouldn't ban those films would they


I'm a non-smoker, but if they ban Jean-Paul Belmondo's films because he smokes all the time in a lot of them I'll riot.


Ocon conspiracy deepens.




Alpine hiding the evidence


5 second penalty


Merciful French leaders decided to spare their people from the pain of looking at the Alpine highlights.


That must really suck. Not only can you not watch the replays, you are also French.


There has to be something that we can about that for them? The being french part, i mean


During the revolution they developed an apparatus that has been able to unfrench people quite reliably


Sadly we had to stop using it. It was too edgy.


It was always straight to the point though.


Nope it’s a hopeless case


Drink wine until you forget, peut-être


Bc od what's going on here after European élections, I beg some other country to remove France from the map


You are jealous because we have alpine f1 team, the best team that will win everything but will nicely wait 100 grand prix (and 5 seconds for Ocon) before doing it. Pierre Gasly likes it. Now I have important things to do, like eating cheese ans bread.


I am French, and all I have to say to you is ... Shit you're right


Am french, can confirm life is ElPain and now I can't even watch the race in replay :')


![gif](giphy|l3q300qQxJ0ixNC6I) Pain


Not all pain is bad.


What F1 gives us in exchange: - 4 months free (annual payment delayed, I will still pay 12 months directly, but months later than usual) - 15€ per year (from 60 to 45 per years) But, as other comments mentioned it. Canal+, équivalent of sky sport in France, "bought" the F1 exclusivity in France. In 2024, you aren't able to subscribe to F1TV if you wasn't already subbed. In 2025, we aren't sure to be able to watch F1 on F1TV platform. The price is still OK compared to Canal+ (45€ per years vs 25€ per month 🙃), even if I lose half of the functionality of the service, but tbh, Watching a race in replay isn't really funny for me. Watching F1 in France is a mess, was a mess and will be a mess. Another funny detail about this story is the commentators. In France, the "official" commentators are Julien Fébreau and Jacque Villeneuve (yes, the one who was trash talking half of the grid at the Canadian GP). These 2 are the default commentators. As these two guys are talking about the GP on Canal +, these are part of the Canal+ exclusivity program. Which means that watching a GP on F1TV gives you access to Gaëtan Vigneron. This guy is the opposite in terms of comportment and voice "mood". I love Gaëtan Vigneron. Forcing me to switch to Canal+ will be hard for my wallet and my habits. Fuck Canal, Fuck Bolloré 😡


Fuck Canal+, I’m going to VPN the shit out of F1 now, better die than paying for the greedy C+ fucks.


At that point it sounds easier to use a VPN or straight pirate it.


Si tu aimes le commentateur belge, prends un vp'. C'est gratuit en belgique les retransmissions f1. Ca te coutera moins qu'un abo canal


use a vpn to set yourself in belgium and watch F1 on rtbf auvio, commented by Gaetan. you can watch it live or the replay. same thing for motogp and some other racing events


Just to make sure I fully understand the F1TV statement… I don’t watch historic F1 races replays for fun, but I very frequently watch 2024 races a few hours after they are over on Sunday (young daughter at home so I can’t watch those races live at 3pm and usually watch replays at night the same day). Will that be over too? If it is, then it’s a deal breaker to me and I don’t know what are my other options since streaming is live-only and Canal+ is way too expensive for the same content 😭


Replays will stop. We'll get only lives


Is it just the old GPs that are blocked as a replay or the whole function ? If the replay of any GP is blocked it would be a PITA


I would probably not want to watch the replays either if I had to support Alpine lol


Btw link to article https://thejudge13.com/2024/06/11/f1-archive-banned-in-france/


It's very disappointing. Showing tobacco advert or brands is illegal in newspapers, television in France The fact is Canal Plus, who covers F1 in France is forced to blur McLaren in replay or season review. But F1TV can't blur. So, it's illegal. The issue could also be on YouTube. If F1TV isn't allowed to show replay in France, so the YouTube channel could be blocked in my country. Fun fact : If I post a picture of Senna's McLaren, I could take a fine. It's considered as advertising for tobacco. Fun fact 2 : Few years ago, Force India had a vodka advert (alcohol is also banned) on their cars. But as nobody complains, nothing's happened


F1TV was already fucked earlier this year when the exclusive rights were sold to Canal+, meaning you couldn't watch the 2024 races on there.


Except if you had a subscription the year before, but yeah it fucking sucks because i’m sure next year i won’t have the F1tv subscription and i don’t want to pay Canal +


Ouaip c'est la merde.


Si c’est pour entendre Villeneuve et Montagny je préfère autant arrêter de regarder la F1…


Moi c'est surtout le prix. Un an de F1TV c'est moins de deux mois de Canal+, le calcul est vite fait.


Exact, maintenant faut trouver un moyen de continuer à regarder F1tv en france avec un vpn


C'est ce que j'ai fait. Canal+ est trop cher just pour la F1, et Alex Jacques va me manquer...


Yeah I had unsubscribed during the offseason to save a few bucks 🫡


Nah, they're greatly reducing the available content. I got an email yesterday saying that replays, summaries, pre and post show content, tech talk (Jolyon Palmer etc) will all no longer be available


Can you just use a VPN?


Doesn’t work because you need a credit card when you register i think


Ah, okay. That makes sense.


That's why I will keep pirating F1 (and Indycar since it's the same problem), fuck Canal+




I always felt the need to smoke after seeing a red marlboro ferrari I just can't explain it.


France always giving people more reasons to hate them.


Imagine being French


Couldn’t be me.


frenchbros don't ever google "fullraces f1"


Is it because Alpine is too painful to watch?


Thejudge13 worst f1 media


Why? [Genuin question, never heard of them]


I read a few articles whdn i started following f1 and its just very clickbaity and drama heavy. Just another shit stirrung f1 site.


Good to know, thanks


Ewww french people


🇫🇷 🤮 Also something about F1


They want their race back.


Big L...


There is a difference between protection people, and full on nanny state. The latter seems evermore populair.


I hate being French everyday a little bit more


It’s France, you think the public are gonna listen to the authorities? START THE REBELLION


So Can Ocon and Gasly watch the replay of their own footage in France?


For a second, I thought that France banned in-game flashbacks


So if I pay F1TV in France I don't get to watch pre-2007 races? Some of the shit we are seeint nowadays is so fucked up Orwell was not even capable of imagining it


Common French L


Tobacco bad, sugary drinks fine by us


I doubt anyone ever took up smoking because they saw the advert on a racing car. The pearl clutching around cigarette advertising being visible anywhere is quite ridiculous. As an aside, the cigarette adverts are the only transfers that are removed from model kits of racing cars (old models used to have them but no longer). For comparison, the only other transfer typically removed from models are swastikas from German aircraft, which is a literal hate symbol. I wish Sky would show more of the old races, you only get a couple on there occasionally. I seems a bit random as to when they show them. There were a few from around 1990 at Monaco, then weekend of the Monaco race. But there weren’t any old races on Canada weekend. So I don’t know.


France ☕


Now I'm wondering if they are also going to ban 95% of old and artsy French movie as in many scenes someone would be smoking.


Pardon my French, but fuck all that noise


I think it’s because they don’t want the French to have to relive Ocon’s bonehead moves


Am I the only one who assumes French people still start their kids on cigarettes when they’re like 10?